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They were having another convention, and it honestly saddened Thea to spend such time away from her little ones.

"And now calling to the stage, my beautiful Thea Padalecki!" Rob introduced her to the stage.

She walked onto the stage dressed in a white button up with the sleeves rolled to her elbows, and the shirt itself was tucked into black skinny jeans, a blue tie was fastened around her neck, and she wore black pumps that moved her height from five foot eight to five foot ten.

"Hello, hello." She smiled as she waved to the crowd.

"Channeling your inner Castiel?" Rob asked his best friend.

"You know it, God." She winked at him, making the #benelecki shippers go wild.

"Well, I'll leave you with Alex, Misha, and Rich, bye everyone." Rob said as he started to leave.

"How is everyone?" Thea asked the crowd, she got screams in response, "why do you guys scream instead of just saying 'I'm good'?" She asked everyone.

"Because screaming is a sign of affection, like how you did in bed five years ago," Misha smiles innocently at the female Jared.

"How about we get some questions started?" Thea asked the crowd, and they screamed again, completely ignoring Misha.

The first question came from a small female who wore a Castiel cosplay outfit. "I was wondering what's something funny that happened recently."

"I got one!" Richard yelled abruptly.

"No, I want to tell the story! You always get to tell them!" Thea whined.

"Fine, go ahead, whiny." Richard sighed dramatically.

"Yay!" She clapped, reminding her of Elliot from Young and Hungry, "so I was having a conversation with Richard here about names. I was like how do you get Bob from Robert, and he was like how do you get Billy from William. So the next thing I asked, which I only asked because he neared the name, was how do you get Dick from Richard. He was amazing and said "by asking nicely", and of course I laughed really hard because dude, he just said by asking nicely. Then, I told him about this kid I knew in grade school named Richard Hunter, and he said, "so he was Dick Hunter?" And it's also funny because he's gay now." She explains the story to the crowd, who all erupt with laughter.

The panel went on, stories exchanged, questions about other actors, eventually the panel ended and she had her photo ops. After that, she had a panel with Sebastian Roché.

"Now, coming up is an odd pair that requested to be together, though we don't know why. The first person will impregnate everyone in the room, I kid you not," the crowd laughed at Richard's introduction.

"We aren't kidding, he will do that!" Rob teases the crowd, "but it's okay, we have a favorite here to control him, right Rich?"

"Not too sure about that, Sebastian tends to bring a different side of Thea, so this may get weird," Richard explains to everyone, "ladies and gentlemen, I give you Thea Padalecki and Sebastian Roché!"

As the two walk in with Thea being carried in Seb's arms as he carried her bridal style. She waved to the crowd with her hand imitating a queen's wave. She wiggles out of his arms and dance to the music that Louden Swain was playing. Sebastian asks how the crowd is doing, which was replied with screams.

"Believe it or not, I requested this to happen. Don't ask why, I was too drunk to remember!" She jokes as the music dies down.

"Don't be like that, darling," Sebastian turned to the crowd as his arm snakes around her shoulders, "don't worry, she actually loves me." He assures the crowd.

sister, sister | 𝗷𝗲𝗻𝘀𝗲𝗻 𝗮𝗰𝗸𝗹𝗲𝘀 [discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now