Ghost in Gotham

By LittleNightling

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Welcome to my (a bit pathetic) attempt to make a Danny Phantom Crossover with Batman! I've always wanted to... More

Chapter 0
Chapter 1: Gotham
Chapter 2: Ghosty
Christmas Special! Pt-1
Christmas Special Pt-2
Chapter 3: Nightmare
Chapter 4: Almost Caught
Your Choice! (END)
Chapter 5: Penn?
Chapter Six: Party
Chapter 7: Well Look Who It Is
Chapter 8: A Bit of a Mess
Chapter 9: Wait...
Chapter 10: Simply Cliche
Chapter 11: Such a Hoot!
Chapter 12: But a Start
Chapter 13: Security
Later On
Chapter 14: A Sudden Change
Chapter 15: Ghosts & Ghouls Galore!
Chapter 16: A Little Before
Chapter 17: Why?
Sorry I was Tagged!
Chapter 18: Drop It
Chapter 19: Peru
Chapter 20: The Headphones
Chapter 21: What was That?
Chapter 22: Realization
Chapter 24: The Paper Street Party
Chapter 25: Finally!
Chapter 26: BOOM!!!
Chapter 27: Dumb Dipstick
Chapter 28: He Found Out
The Second Christmas Special P-1
Chapter 28: Sudden Turn
Chapter 29: Aftershock
Chapter 30: A Very Formal Party
Chapter 31: Ending This
(Actual) Chapter 31: That's Enough
Chapter 32: It's the Bat
Chapter 33: The End Is Nye
Chapter Whatever Just Know this is The Third to Last
Second to Last
Yeah its Final

Chapter 23: Zebra

4.6K 191 49
By LittleNightling

So my mom decided to surprise us with a five day vacation to Disney World to celebrate going back to school last week, so I didn't really have any time to work on my story.

I've also just realized why my story seems so casual and such, my favorite genre in books turned out to be contemporary, which I didn't realize 'til a few days ago.

Danny's POV

It's already the day of the party. The last few days haven't been the smoothest. I refuse to look Ember in the eye because of the incident. I'll continue doing so 'til she apologizes, which she is yet to do. For the past few days I've been leaving Spooky at Aster's, a person who Spooky seemingly taken a like too. He lived a little off of Gotham. about 50 minute walk from home, about half an hour by bus, 35 if I rent a bike, and 0 if he comes over to pick her up. I've had to get ready for work early considering the long distance, but I didn't complain. I needed distance from Ember anyway.

Oddly enough, I haven't seen any packages for electronic devices as often as I use too. Lately, it's only been small easy stuff like toy robots and laser pointers. Maybe I've just reached a dry spot, but I really do need the extra income that this side job gets!

Not to mention the late nights I've pulled to still participate in my online school. I need to study all of those scientific formulas (Which looks like gibberish half the time) and all that quantum mechanics theories. But it does help me sleep at night, seeing how working my self to half-death was one of the only ways to avoid problems during night.

From what I've learned from Aster, the party started around 8pm and was supposedly ending at 12 midnight. The whole judging the costume thing would be 3 anonymous judges who would be revealed at 11 and choose who's the winner. At least, I think that's how it was. Aster's the informative I have here, so any information can suddenly turn up false.  Also that people drink a lot of booze.

I checked the time in the clinic while scrubbing down the floor, which had a small pool of semi-fresh blood (some teenager tried to do some cool knife trick with the scalpel). 6:50pm. It was just a little over my shift, so I best be leaving soon. Only got an hour to get my costume ready.

I place the bloody scrub back with the cleaning supplies and place it in the corner. I do a bit of stretching since I was hunched back for so long.

"See ya later, Doc!" I waved as I left the store, the bell above ringing.

"Farewell, Danny!" I faintly heard him reply in the background. He was such a nice guy. I was a godfather to his future adopted child, which still boggled my  mind a bit, and he  gave some lollipops! Blue cotton candy and green apple.

*Time Skip*

I was sitting in my living room, just playing a game on my phone for a minute. If I remember correctly, Ember was hogging the bathroom preparing her costume.  Though we don't talk face to face anymore, I do know her a bit well. Well enough for me to know she likes adding details

Aster was actually gonna come over and drop off Spook- FUDGE! I immediately freeze up and loo up from my phone, eyes wide. I'd just realized I don't have anyone to take care of my own flipping bird! I'm the most terrible bird owner in the world! I'm leaving my owl just to go to some party.

What do I do? I can't just leave Spooky in here. I don't want to leave her in her cage for 4 hours, that'd be cruel! I actually really want to go to that party, seeing how I've already bought the costumes and it'd be such a pain to waste it, and I didn't even consider Spooky! I must be the the worst person on this earth!

I got up from my seat and started to pace back and forth, looking down at the ground while doing so. It helped me think.

'Maybe I can bring her? No... someone could take her! Leaving her at home alone is downright irresponsible. Leave her at someone's place? No, I don't have any other friends than Aster. Oh my, oh my oh my-' I stopped at my tracks and every thought was cut off by the familiar ringing of the doorbell. I make my way to the front door, opening it. As expected, it was Aster with Spooky on his shoulder. Unexpectedly, there was a girl next to him.

The girl looked older than Aster, maybe by a year or two. She had brown hair put into a high ponytail, and had chocolate-brown eyes. She wore an unbuttoned flannel jacket with a Lion King graphic T-shirt underneath, along with a pair of black leggings. Aster just wore a gray-blue striped shirt and a pair of jeans.

"Hey Aster! Thanks again for caring for Spooky." Spooky immediately flew into the house, presumably to go to one of the many  perches scattered throughout the place, but my eyes kept glancing at the female who was currently looking down at her phone.

"So..." I started. "Who's this... girl... you." I tried to be careful with my words, but some just spluttered out, and I had to work with I said. A smile glistened on Aster's face.

"This", gesturing to the female, "Is my older sister, Jezebel. Ya can just call her Zebby or even Zebra."

"Under no circumstance, will I ever allow anyone to call me a zebra." Jezebel cut in, looking up from her phone.

"Jeez sis, it's just a joke!" Aster laughed while Zebby just rolled her eyes, looking back down at her phone. I felt my heart clench as my I try to suppress all of my memories with Jazz from flooding my mind.

"Why is she here?" I ask, trying not to sound rude. I really wanted to distract my mind from

"She was our ride. As much as I love walking, I don't want to walk all the way to the party when we could just drive." He explained, which sounded quite logical. I peaked towards Jezebel, who has retreated back to her phone.

I eventually invited them both inside, both questioning on the ripped green couch, which I ignored, instead offering them a plate of pasta that I made last night. Fettuccine Alfredo if I remember correctly. Aster eagerly agreed, while Jez politely refused, well not that politely. As I was heating up a plate of pasta, I faintly heard the sound of the bathroom door creaking.

After a few seconds, Ember (with her disguise ring on so she had black hair) appeared in the hallway before the living room wearing her costume.

She had her hair up in a nice ponytail tied up by a rather massive red ribbon, and wore a dress that looks like it belonged to a little girl. Pink, frilly, and nice blue ribbon around the waste. She had a nice pair of black flats and long white stockings. She held a giant pair of baby blue, plastic play scissor on her hand.

The sides of her mouth had black lines going down. She had bright red lipstick and light brown dots around her cheeks resembling freckles. Circles were on almost every joint she had.

"Oh, didn't expect company."


<Bat Facts>

There is another version of Batman where Bruce Wayne dies and his father becomes Batman and his mother becomes the Joker

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