RWBY x Destiny Volume 3 ( The...

By CrimsonHunter-7567

11.2K 189 350

Is been one year for the guardians, they've been on Remnant, enjoying there new home and friends. But...somet... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16

Chapter 11

463 9 10
By CrimsonHunter-7567

Kai's POV

After the incident, I was instructed to bring Yang to our dorm room. I stood in the room next to the Ironwood, with my team and Soul sitting on their beds.

Ironwood: I'm sorry. But you've left us with no choice.

Yang: But he attacked me!

Ironwood: Video footage and millions of viewers say otherwise.

Soul: Fuck you!

Weiss: But Yang would never do that!

Ruby: Yeah!

Ironwood: You all seem like good students, and the staff here at Beacon are fully aware that you would never lash out the way you did... under normal circumstances. What I believe and hope this to be is nothing more than the result of stress and adrenaline. When you're out on the battlefield, your judgment can become clouded in an instant. Sometimes you see things that simply aren't there. Even after the fight is past...

Yang: But I wasn't-

Ironwood: *angrily stern* That's ENOUGH!

The room falls silent, he goes on.

Ironwood: The sad truth is, whether it was an accident or an assault, it doesn't matter. The world saw you attack an innocent student. They've already drawn their own conclusions. And it's my job to inform you that... you are disqualified.

Soul: I believe her.

Ironwood: What?

Soul: I said I believe her, that Mercury try to attacked her.

Ironwood: Look I know you trying to defend your girlfriend-

Soul: Is not because she my girlfriend, is because she's friends, that probably something you don't understand.

Ironwood: Even still. The world saw her attack a student.

Kai: Maybe is the other way around.

Ironwood: Kai you can't-

Kai: What? Say the truth, listen to everything you say, because your my boss? Did you really think I become your little Sherriff, you think you can fucking boss me around? Think again you thick headed bastard.

I walked to his face, telling him one thing.

Kai: I think is best if you leave, before I shove my leg down your into your metal ass and send it to the fucking junkyard.

The room went silent, everybody shocked they I talked to the general.

Ironwood: *sigh*

Ironwood turned around, left the room. I stay behind, only to be with my friends.

Yang: You guys believe me... right?

Ruby: Duh!

Wiess: You're hotheaded, but not ruthless.

Soul: I know you won't hurt innocent people.

Yang: Blake?

Blake: ...I want to believe you.

Ruby: Huh?

Kai: What?

Soul: Blake?

Wiess's that supposed to mean?

Yang: *tears forming* Blake...?

Weiss: How can you say something like that? Yang would never lie to us!

Blake: I had someone very dear to me change. It wasn't in an instant, it was gradual - little choices that began to pile up. He told me not to worry. At first they were accidents, then it was self-defense. Before long, even I began to think he was right.This is all just... very familiar. But you're not him. And you've never done anything like this before. So... I want to trust you. I will trust you. But first, I need you to look me in the eyes and tell me that he attacked you. I need you to promise me that you regret having to do what you did.

Yang: I saw him attack me, so I attacked back.

Blake: *sigh in relief* Okay. Thank you.

Yang: I think I'm gonna rest up.

Blake: We'll get out of your hair.

We walked outside the room, where I was closing the door, pausing only for a second to see Yang slump forward before shutting it completely. Ruby joins Weiss and Blake in the middle of the hallway.

Soul: Think I should stay.

Kai: Ok.

Weiss: *sigh* This is a mess...

We hear the sound of an opening door, seen Jaune peeks out of Team JNPR's room, with his team peering around the edge in concern.

Blake: She's doing the best she can.

Ruby: I heard Mercury and his team rushed back to Haven to be with his family. So, until they land, no one can really question him about what happened.

Ren: If there's anything we can do, please don't hesitate to ask.

Ruby: All right then. If that's the case... Pyrrha?

Pyrrha: Hm?

Ruby: You be sure to win one for Beacon, okay?

Weiss: It's what Yang would want.

Soul: Yeah.

Pyrrha turns her head away before coming back with her attempt at a confident look.

Pyrrha: I'll... do my best.

Ruby: *excitedly* I'll be sure to watch tonight in case you're picked!

I noticed Pyrrha's smile dips down into worry as she looks away.

Blake: Sorry but, I think I've had enough fighting for one year.

Weiss: *nodding* Ditto. Coffee?

Blake: *smiling* Tea.

The team went walk down the hall, but I went the other direction. I was heading to my ship, to investigate the incident.

Kai: Ghost tell Rebecca to download the film of the fight, to check any thing strange in the film.

Ghost: Got it.

(Time Skip)

Soul's POV

Yang, still in the dorm sitting on Blake's bed, looks out the window at the members of JNPR walking in the courtyard outside, Nora marching alongside Ren with Jaune and Pyrrha in the back, all of them looking happy to be with each other.

Soul: Yang you know I believe you.

Yang: Yeah.

She was really down and sad. Then felt something behind me, I turn around seeing a man leaning against the door, arms crossed and a small smile on his face.

???: Hey there, firecracker.

Yang: Hey, Qrow.

Soul: Your uncle?

Qrow: Yep.

Soul: The one got his ass kick by my brother?

Qrow: I let the kid win.

Soul: That's not what I heard.

He went back to Yang.

Qrow: So, why'd you do it?

Yang: ...You know why.

Qrow: All I know is that you attacked a helpless kid. So either you're lying or you're crazy.

Yang: I'm not lying.

Qrow: Crazy, got it.

Yang: Who knows? Maybe I am.

Qrow: And here I thought your dark-haired friend was the emo one.

Soul: She's kind of like emo.

Yang: I saw my mom.

I looked at Qrow's sudden stop and shocked reaction from the corner of her eye.

Yang: I-I was in a lot of trouble. Took a pretty hard hit. But when I came to, the person attacking me was gone. And I thought I saw... her. Her sword, like the one in you and dad's old picture.

Qrow: You're not crazy, Yang. That was your mom, all right. Let me guess - she didn't say a word, did she?

Soul: I also met her.

They both looked at me with a shocked reaction.

Yang: You did?!

Qrow: Hm. That surprising.

Soul: It was back in he train, I thought it was someone who was gonna hurt her, I went attack her.

Yang: So what happened?

Soul: She fought good and stabbed me in the heart with her sword.

Qrow: And how are you alive?

Soul: My Semblance is resurrection.

Qrow: Good to know.

Soul: Then she says to me, she likes me. I told her I don't, then I headbutted her cracking her mask. Then she went opens a portal an leaves.

Qrow: I don't see my sister very often, but she does try to keep in touch... whenever it suits her.

Yang: *shaking her head* Wait. You mean you talk to her? That was real?

Qrow: Yeah, she found me. Had a tip from my most recent assignment and wanted me to give you a message.

Yang: Why didn't you tell me sooner!?

Qrow: I was tryin' to wait for the right time, and this sure ain't it. But I guess you deserve to know. She wanted me to tell you that she saved you once, but you shouldn't expect that kindness again.

Soul: Wow, mother of the year.

Qrow: I know, but Raven's got an interesting way of looking at the world that I don't particularly agree with. And she's dangerous. But you're a tough egg, kiddo. Shouldn't let this tournament thing get'cha down. You had a slip-up, sometimes bad things just happen. I say it's time you move on.

Yang: Move on to what?

Qrow: Well... Raven let some info slip before she took off. If you ever wanna track her down, I think I might be able to help.

He glances back at Yang, she looks at him with her full attention. I had a bad feeling about this.

Star's POV

I was walking with Ruby at the cliffside docking bays down the main alleyway and under the floating Amity Colosseum. We see Velvet and Jackson, she was snapping photos, we walk to them from behind as she continues taking pictures with her camera until she notices us behind her.

Velvet: Star, Ruby, how you going?

Jackson: Hey guys.

Star: Hi, Velvet! What're you up to?

Velvet: Oh, you know. Just working on my photography. Do you wanna see?

She offers her camera to us, looking extremely delighted. We both immediately notices that Velvet didn't even get all of Sun in her picture, cutting out his head and feet.

Ruby: That's... better.

Star: Is... good.

Velvet: *concern* I'm... sorry about your sister. Is she doing okay?

Ruby: Yeah, she's fine, heh. Thanks.

Jackson: I know Yang, she wouldn't do such things like that.

Velvet: I think it's just awful what people are saying about her. Yang's such a nice person.

Ruby: Well, I'm glad someone thinks so.

Star: She's sometime a bitch, but she's nice most of the time.

Jackson: Most people don't know what it's like on the battlefield. I mean, even experienced fighters can get scared and start seeing things. If it happened to Coco, it can happen to anyone.

Ruby: Coco?

Star: Well I'm a experience fighter, I don't get scared and I see things every time.

I'm seeing a ghost with human eye, bird wing flying hovering over Jackson. I can see the fourth wall.

Star: *breaking the 4th wall* Hey guys I hope you enjoy that I found out about the fourth wall. And we're going to see a lot of shit going happening. * going back to Jackson like everything is normal*

Jackson: That explain of your mental problem.

Velvet: Yeah. She swore she saw Yatsu with her in the forest during the fight with Emerald and Mercury, but he never even made it out of the geyser fields. Stress-induced hallucinations, apparently.

Star: Yeah...

I turn my head away in thought, only to look back at Velvet after a quick flash startles me.

Velvet: Oh! Sorry.

(Time Skip)

Back in the Colosseum, people are back in the stands cheering and ready for entertainment as Ruby and I descended down the steps to an open seat. Despite everything that's happened, Ruby was smiling widely, I looking around at the assembled crowds... until her stupefied eyes see a familiar, glaring on the other side of the arena.

Star: What the fuck?!

Ruby: What is it?

Star: Emerald.

Ruby: Emerald's... here?

Star: Just look.

I put my hand over Ruby head, showing the direction where she is, as Ruby sees her, Emerald leans forward to glare at us, who suddenly gets up with a worried expression and runs towards the exit tunnel. Ruby and I got up from our seat, and we both made our way to the maintence office. As we walked down a long hallway.

Oobleck: All right, it's now time to begin the randomization process for our next fight!

We stopped in our tracks as Mercury stepped out of a closet.

Ruby: Mercury?

Star: You?

Ruby: What are you doing?

The we hear when Port says the other opponent.

Port: And her opponent will be... Pyrrha Nikos from Beacon!

Ruby: No...

Mercury: Ooh, polarity versus metal. That could be bad.

I pull my bow and arrow, and Ruby reaches for her Crescent Rose, but she didn't had it.

Star: Really Ruby? You just had to leave. *sigh* here use my combat knife.

I toss her my knife she catches it.

Ruby: Really a knife, why not one of your weapons.

Star: Your broke my Monte Carlos!

Ruby: ...I see your point.

Then out of nowhere Mercury charges at us, in top speed. I pushed Ruby out of the way, and use arm to blocked the kick. When he kicked me, he broke a bone of arm, but I grabbed him by the leg, spin around a throw him far away. But went shoots his leg gauntlet on mid air, hitting me in the shoulder, but I felt some type of paralyzes from that shot. I couldn't move my left arm, Mercury smirks at me.

Star: *sigh* your going to die.

To be continued....

Hey guys I hope you enjoy this story, soon is gonna get good.

Guardian out.....

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