I Hear Your Fears- POTO Fanfi...

By TheLonelyThespian

3.1K 40 74

After her sister lands a gig in Paris. Raina Akuma Indra adventures through the world renowned Opera Populair... More

How it all started[Revised and Edited]
The Opera Populaire[Revised and Edited]
A Rooftop Meeting[Revised and Edited]
Hannibal[Revised and Edited]
Night of the Performance[Revised and Edited]
You Wouldn't Understand[Revised and Edited]
You Are Not Alone[Revised and Edited]
Truth or Dare[Revised and Edited]
Il Muto[Revised and Edited]
Valerie[Revised and Edited]
Masquerade[Revised and Edited]
Madame Giry's Tale[Revised and Edited]
The Rehearsal[Revised and Edited]
Leave the Past Behind[Revised and Edited]
You Are Not Alone: Part 2[Revised and Edited]
Don Juan Triumphs[Revised and Edited]
The Confrontation[Revised and Edited]
We're Safe[Revised and Edited]
A Moonlit Date[Revised and Edited]
Dress Shopping[Revised and Edited]
Les Cloches de Mariage Sonnent[Revised and Edited]
The Heir of the Phantom of the Opera[Revised and Edited]
Revelation about the Baby[Revised and Edited]
I Think It's Time[Revised and Edited]
Epilogue[Revised and Edited]
A/N: Final Farewell
A/N: Soundtrack

The Phantom's Lair[Revised and Edited]

152 3 5
By TheLonelyThespian

Hello everyone, hope your day is alright. Quick warning, by the time this comes out, I will be in school. But I have a couple of periods where I can write. So the chapters will be slower, but faster than just having to write on the weekends. Anyways enjoy this chapter.
The catacombs were dark and dingy, but it wasn't as creepy as people say, probably cause Erik is with me. We walked through small passageways with candelabras held by hands, even with the light of the candles, Erik held a torch to guide us through. He kept a strong grip on my hand as we walked through the tunnels like he was protecting me. Protecting me from what? I pondered this as we met a black stallion near the entrance of the next tunnel. I walked up to it and held out my hand to stroke it. It leaned it's muzzle in my hand as I petted it. I've never gotten a chance to do this, since my parents never let me touch any of the horses, thinking I would infect them with some disease.

"Do you like him?" He asked smiling, I nodded.

"What's his name," I asked as Erik brought over and sat me upon him. 

"His name is Caesar," he smiled as he grabbed the lead. 

"Are there more?" I asked he rolled his eyes. 

"Do you ask this many questions?" He asked as he looked up at me, and I smirked. 

"This is new to me, so I am naturally curious," he sighed as we turned a corner. 

"There is only one more, a mare named Raven," he said.

We pulled to a stop by a lake, like the surface so glassy, some could think it's a mirror, there is only one place like this. He got me off Caesar and into a small gondola, he grabbed a long pole and started to row. We were silent as we went down the stream, I spent that time facing around in the beauty of this place. And the beauty continues to grow.

The curtain opened to his home, I gasped in awe at its beauty. I saw candelabras lighting up every part of the main room, there were painting on the walls, a bunch of papers on the floor, either drawings or sheet music. But the most magnificent thing I saw was an organ in the corner of the room. And with so many candles on the organ, at first glance, one might have thought that it was part of the wall.

Erik got out of the boat and took off his cloak and threw it on the floor. It rather annoying how messy he keeps this place, maybe that is cause I was a maid before I came here. But from past experience, I know that important things are in places you are often. So I guess that would be the organ or a desk if he had one. He extended his hand to me, and I gladly took it.

The first place that I went to was the organ, I brushed my hand over the ivory keys. I turned back to look at him, he smiled and walked up next to me. 

"I see you've taken interest in music," he said as he looked at the sheet music. 

"Let's just say music is what kept me sane in England," he scoffed as I started looking at the music. Then I noticed many sheets of music labeled Don Juan, I picked up the music to look at it, but Erik stopped me. 

"It isn't finished" I nodded, but I was still curious. 

"Can I see it please?" I asked, he looked at me, I generally wouldn't do that, cause I didn't want to make anyone uncomfortable. But sometimes curiosity overrides anything else. He looked down on me, probably to make me uncomfortable, and it worked. I backed away praying that he wouldn't hurt me, I slipped on something and out dropped my journal. Erik seemed to notice and strode over to my journal.
_____________________________________________Erik's POV____________

I walked over to grab the journal that Raina somehow brought, she started moving to get it first, but I got it first. I looked at her face before I opened it, she seemed uneasy and scared. I don't understand, was this her diary? I had to make sure, so I opened it. What I found was shocking.

She wrote music, not like any kind of crap anyone here would haphazardly spit out, but real music, like what I would compose. I looked back up top see her in the same position but more tensed. 

"Did you write this?" I asked, she seemed to tense more, but nodded. I smiled, 

"how did you learn to do it?" She looked down, but she silently sang:
Mysteries and melodies,
Play inside my mind.
Fairy tales and fantasies
Silently unwind.

What did she mean? Did she hear the music too? I walked over to her, and sat down with her, even though still towering over her, I got to her level. 

"Let me be possibly the first to say that this talent of yours is amazing," she looked up and I smiled. She leaned into me, I embraced her, basically knowing what we want with our body language.

I pulled away and looked down at her. 

"Perhaps you could help me with something,"  she gave me a confused look but I continued.

"When I said that the song wasn't finished, I meant it," I said guiltily, she nodded. 

"What I propose, is that you can help me with it. If you want to that is," she nodded and walked over to the table. I guessed she agreed.
____________________________________________Raina POV_____________
Erik came over and grabbed the sheet music and sat it on top of the others on the organ.

"Ready?" He asked  I nodded as he started the introduction. And his singing was that of an angel:
You have come here
In pursuit of your deepest urge
In pursuit of that wish which till now has been silent
I have brought you
That our passions may fuse and merge
In your mind, you've already succumbed to me
Dropped all defenses completely succumbed to me
Now you are here with me, no second thoughts you've decided
Right now I was thinking about how he needed help, I saw that the second chorus was pretty much nonexistent, therefore making the song unfinished. So I should frame the next verse as a response to the first.
Past the Point No Return,
No backward glances;
Our games of make-believe,
Are at an end.
Past all thought of if or when,
No use resisting;
Abandon thought and let the dream descend.
What raging fire shall flood the soul?
What rich desire unlocks its door?
What sweet seduction lies before us?
Past the Point of No Return,
The final threshold;
What warm unspoken secrets
Will we learn?
Beyond the point of no return?
The melodies in my mind were echoing what Erik was playing, it was rather weird, but I had to stop my thoughts as the next verse came.
You have brought me
To that moment where words run dry
To that moment where speech disappears into silence
I have come here hardly knowing the reason why
In my mind, I've already imagined
Our bodies entwining defenseless and silent
Now I am here with you know second thoughts I've decided
Now I had to improvise, but the melodies already figured it out for me.
Past the Point of No Return,
No going back now;
Our passion play has now at last begun.
Past all thought of right or wrong,
One final question?
How long should we two wait before was one?
When will the blood begin to race?
The sleeping bud burst into bloom?
When will the flames, at last, consume us?
By now, Erik had stopped playing, he got up from the bench as we continued to sing.
Past the Point of No Return,
The final threshold;
The bridge is crossed so stand and watch it burn.
We've Passed the Point of No Return.
By then we were standing next to each other, soaking up each others presence. Then the trance was broken and we finished writing the song.

"You should probably head back up, they might be looking for you," Erik said, even though I didn't want to go, I nodded. I grabbed my journal and went down to the gondola. 

"I'll visit again, will you be at the next show?" I asked as we got to the mirror. 

"You know I will," I smiled and hugged him then I stepped through.
__________________________________________Unknown POV____________
I stood at the fireplace looking at the picture on the mantel. At last, I thought, the curse on our family is lifted. Yes, I sent someone to kill Raina, but for good reason. Her cursed face would be forever ridden on this earth, she has already corrupted Mae and her cousins, but now the corruption will cease.

But to my dismay, one of my workers came in. 

"Sir I just received word from the Opera Populaire," he said panting, probably cause he ran here.

"Well tell me," I growled back. He gulped and said nervously, 

"they found Adam unconscious in the Prima Donna room, Raina's body wasn't found," he said nervously. 

"Did he hide the body?" I snarled, he cowered but said. 

"The body wasn't found and there was no blood, she's missing, but not dead," I walked up to him, and kneeled down. 

"Thank you for telling me, do not worry, your brother will get what he deserves," he eyes widen, pleading not to kill him. 

"Let me ask you one thing, WHO saved her?" I yelled  I grabbed the pistol off the wall. 

"Pp-People say th-that it w-w-was the Phantom of the-the Opera," he stuttered. I nodded, and smiled like the maniac I was, and shot him, right between the ribs. I walked over to his dying body, picked it up, and threw him out the window, into the water where I keep my piranhas from my adventures in South America. And turned back to the fireplace. 

"So, you have escaped my reach this time, but soon, all your pathetic scrambling will be for nothing," I vowed as I threw her picture into the fireplace. Watched the frame and her cursed being burn in the depths of hell.
Hello everyone, I hoped you enjoyed this chapter. If you guys are true POTO fans, then you should know the songs I put in this chapter. But if you don't it's Point of No Return from Phantom of the Opera, and Arrival of the Trio from Love Never Dies. Also, as a send-off, I want to leave you with two questions. First, who was the person in the unknown pov? And second, what does Akuma mean? And where is its place of origin? Ok, that was three questions, but leave your answers in the comments. Please vote, comment your opinion on the book, and follow if you want to. I'll see you in the next chapter.

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