You Wouldn't Understand[Revised and Edited]

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This is where things get a little crazier, so be warned. I don't own Phantom of the Opera, or its characters.
It had been one month since the incident, so things are a little weirder. Mae, Balder, and Brenden found out about the assassin situation. So they stayed close to me, and for good reason, father did want me dead. But the only 'alone time' I had was on stage during rehearsals, shows, and in my room. Which I wouldn't call solitude. But Hannibal has ended, and Mia would be Prima Donna again. That would mean I would have to go back to the ballet dormitories, which means my visits with Erik are to become few and far between. Unless I found a different way.

It was after the final show after everyone left and went to sleep, I was still awake, hoping to see Erik. I heard the mirror slide open, and Erik steps out on the ground. 

"Did you wait for me?" He asked as I sat up on the bed. "Yes, and no," he sat down and listened intently.

"I've been thinking, if I go to the dormitories again, then I can't see you," he slightly chuckled at that. 

"That my friend is why I came," he stood up as I got out of the covers. And we walked through the tunnels. 

"I have a few options for you," Erik said after we reached the lair. 

"First you could stay here and stay at the ballet dormitories, and I could show you a different route to get here, or you could stay with me, and pretend you're staying at a motel," Erik explained. I took both into account, even though my heart went for the second option, I decided that it was better if I choose the first option. 

"I've given this some thought, and I'm gonna say that I'll go with the first option," I said, Erik wanted to say something, but I continued. 

"Please realize that I'm not choosing to stay with you because I don't like you as a person, but because this is the logically best choice, people will get suspicious if I say that I started at a hotel," I started panting after I said my arguing statement. He smiled and chuckled, 

"it's alright I understand, you wouldn't want to expose yourself to a lie you can't control," I sighed in relief, then I hugged him. "Thank you for understanding," I hugged him tighter.

"Might as well show you the alternate route," he ushered me to tunnels coming from the Louis-Phillipe room, after over a bizillion turns we reached the end of the tunnel. He pressed a loose brick on the wall, which opened up to the chapel. The wall quickly closed behind us, and we were surrounded by the many paintings on the chapel walls. I turned to look at Erik, he motioned over to the wall, noticing that a piece was loose, I pushed on it, to reveal the tunnel. 

"I want you to practice the route a few times, so you don't get lost," I nodded and proceeded.
__________________________________________A few months later_________
It's been a few months since Mia got promoted back to Prima Donna. And I'll admit, it was nice to see all of my friends again, like Meg and Christine. And I got a chance to meet other ballet girls, like Geneive and Megan and Valerie. But what I like best of all is my interactions with Erik. We get to write music and just hang out as friends would. I helped write some songs from Don Juan and got a chance to better my voice. It was amazing on how Erik managed to help me to my full potential.

But one day, both our lives would change forever. It was after the twentieth rehearsal of our next opera Il Muto, I went to the ballet dormitories a half hour before the others since they had to practice more. I opened the door to find the room completely empty, or so I thought. 

"Bravi, Bravi, Bravissimi," a voice said. I know what you're thinking 'oooooh Erik is spying on his little friend' ok first, I'm not little, I am 5 foot 7, and second that wasn't Erik. After the months of us hanging out together, I can easily determine whether it was his voice or not. And it wasn't his voice. In fact, it was someone I never wished to see again.

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