Wowderful world ☆ [Wow (A.C.E...

By Nanami_yuchan

2.3K 115 40

"In a world where nothing looks normal, yet everything seems familiar. Sehyoon finds a magical box that bring... More

[Chapter 1]
[Chapter 2]
[Chapter 3]
[Chapter 4]
[Chapter 5]
[Chapter 6]
[Chapter 7]
[Chapter 8]
[Chapter 9]
[Chapter 10]
[Chapter 11]
[Chapter 12]
[Chapter 13]
[Chapter 14]


278 10 2
By Nanami_yuchan

Five boys, named Jun, Donghun, Sehyoon, Byeongkwan and Chan, all live together in an apartment. Coincidence brought them together two years ago and they've gotten very close. Sehyoon is the quiet one, the wallflower. Although lately he's been getting more confident and speaks more than usual. Something he can't miss though is his weekly walk. Their apartment is close to the park, where Sehyoon takes a walk every Saturday afternoon.

But because it was so busy today, he can only have a walk in the evening. The sun is already setting. It's getting cooler but not cold. Sehyoon breathes in the evening summer breeze. He's thinking of random things, as always. He doesn't notice that it's getting dark, when a blue butterfly catches his eye. It came from the trees. He goes into the tiny forest, following the butterfly. It has gotten dark. In a small opening of the forest he finds a brightly shining box. The butterfly has disappeared. What could this be? It looks beautiful. He picks it up, when suddenly beautiful blue butterflies come fluttering out of the box. It's as if they are glowing.
"Waaah," he smiles, admiring the butterflies. He takes a look inside the box and sees a miniature forest. But it doesn't look like a normal forest. The trees and plants are different, but still similar. He admires it for a long time, when he suddenly spots something inside the forest. It looked like a village. He leans in to take a closer look. There really seems to be something there, he almost puts his head inside the box. All of a sudden it feels as if everything turns upside down and he flips around, ending up in an unfamiliar forest. It is also night. Sehyoon has no idea what happened. He looks around, the trees, the plants, it looks just like from the box. Suddenly a kaleidoscope of blue butterflies comes fluttering around him. Like the ones from before, their wings shine bluely. It's a spectacular view. Sehyoon is bewildered and absolutely fascinated by this phenomenon. As he is looking up at the swarm he is turning around. The butterflies start fluttering away, until only one is left. Without thinking, Sehyoon stretches out his arm, reaching for the butterfly. To his surprise it lands on his finger. He lowers his arm to take a closer look. It's stunningly beautiful. For some reason he feels as if it's staring right at him. Suddenly he starts to feel dizzy and his eyesight gets blurry. A vision of a beautiful girl in a blue dress, kissing him, flashes before him. He jumps up awake, startled. What was that? Was I dreaming?
He lightly touches his lips. Then scratches his head and looks around. His eyes widen, seeing the box on the grass next to him. He stands up, still shocked. I have to tell the guys...
"Stay here, don't move," he commands the box, as if it would listen.

He runs out of the park, to the apartment. Once he's inside, he starts shaking Donghun to wake him up.
SY: "Wake up, wake up!!! I have to show you something!" While doing this, he wakes the others.
DH: "What's going on?" He groans.
SY: "I have to show you something!"
DH: "Don't be so loud! And can't this wait till tomorrow?"
SY: "NO!" The guys start getting out of their beds. Jun grabs Sehyoon by the shoulders.
J: "Calm down and tell us what's going on," Jun says calmly. Sehyoon breathes out and answers:
SY: "There's this box I found in the park. But it's not just a normal box, it shines and contains a magical world."
CH: "So you found a box with a new world in it?" Chan asks, curious.
SY: "Yes." Jun sighs.
J: "Look, it was probably just a dream. Go back to bed and let us sleep."
SY: "But it's real! It wasn't a dream!"
BK: "Now that I think of it, it's true that Sehyoon didn't come back from his walk yet when we went to sleep," Byeongkwan remarks. It gets quiet.
DH: "Wait, so you've been in the park this whole time?!"
SY: "Yeah, because I found that box. I swear I'm not lying. Just follow me and you'll see that it's true." Jun sighs again.
J: "Will you let us sleep, if we come with you?" Jun asks.
SY: "I swear."

They all put on a coat and follow him to the park. Once Sehyoon starts going into the tiny forest, the four of them give each other a questioning look. Chan goes after Sehyoon and the rest follows. They get to the small opening in between the trees and there is indeed the box Sehyoon talked about. Shining just as brightly as before, the guys are all surprised. Sehyoon picks it up and a smile appears on his face.
SY: "See? I told you it's real." He shows them the box so they can look inside. "If you look closely, you can see the magical world I discovered." Suddenly a huge swarm of blue glowing butterflies comes out of the box and the world turns upside down again.

Now all five of the boys have ended up in the magical world.

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