Different Stars ( A × N )✓- V...

By _mahwish_

8K 759 107

Have you ever imagined our favorite show in a different way completely? What if things happened differently?w... More

background story
Apologies And Good News!!!


1.3K 131 15
By _mahwish_

Neil is getting irritated, terrible irritated at that and also very annoyed.

Well, the reason is very simple. He has been waiting for Juhee in the cafe for the last 20 mins.
They were supposed to meet to talk about some things, some important things but she is late, as always.

Julhi is his girlfriend, well, that's what you call what people who are in a relationship with, has been for almost 4 months now.

With the amount of time they had spent together both before and after they started seeing each other, Neil thought, it would have sink into Juhis head of how much he values punctuality. He really values his time and people that don't, irritate him.

In the past 4 months that he has been in a relationship with her, there have been many times, many, where he has asked himself why is he even in this relationship, but then he remembers that his mother likes her, she is nice, and she is a good person. And That's good enough for him. that should be all the reasons for him to still be in in the relationship.

He likes Juhi, he does but he doesn't love her. Not at all. And he doesn't think he would love her one day, maybe greatly attached, maybe best friend bi5 not the love of his life.
Mail merge to here by accident literally and by coincidence. It was on wednesday morning he was coming from his medium with the commissioner about a case he has been handling when he hit her mistakenly by his car.
It wasn't really his fault. He is a careful driver.

Just like everyday, He was driving carefully and attentively, as he had always done, when the bike and front of the car in front of his car suddenly lost control and stopped in the middle of the road.

Due to it happening so suddenly, the car in front of Neil's car in an attempt to escape from being his, just started to reverse the car without really looking at where he was going hence hitting Neil's car and Neil's car hit Juhi that was just crossing the street behind him.
Everything happened so quickly that it took Neil some moments before he could fully comprehend what had really happened.

Both concerned and angry, Neil got down from his car. He is angry at the person on the bike and concerned about the person he hit with his car.
As a police officer, Neil knows when a person is driving recklessly and the person on the bike was driving so, that is the reason he lost control of the bike.

As soon as he got down, he checked on the person and found that it was a girl and she was already unconscious. Her head and legs were bleeding also. Seeing all this, Neil got more concerned and guilty about hitting her despite the fact that he knows it wasn't really his fault.

He called is junior and friend, DD, and coincidentally, he was at the same location too.

As soon as DD spotted him, he came to him and Neil told him to file a case on the bike driver and he would meet him at the police station. DD asked him " are you not also coming along?", to which hr gave him the reply "no, i am talking her to the hospital".

DD then suggested going to the hospital in place of him but Neil insisted. He felt responsible for the lady being in her condition, so he will prefer it better to know that he has done all he could for her.

With that, Neil collected the car keys with juhi and left to the hospital with an unconscious Juhi.


Its short, i know but i have been busy.
Please vote and comment and i would see if i can update another one.
Thank You.

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