10 things Tj Kippen was NOT (...

By holldollgirl

4K 155 84

Tj Kippen's thoughts about his life, after he meets a boy at the park. More

Tj Kippen is NOT Gay
Tj Kippen is NOT a Jerk
Tj Kippen is NOT That Brave
Tj Kippen is NOT Sure
Tj Kippen is NOT Cheesy
Tj Kippen is NOT Okay
Tj Kippen is NOT Delusional
Tj Kippen is NOT Strong

Tj Kippen is NOT Some Sappy Loser

547 23 14
By holldollgirl

It had been nearly a week since I met Cyrus. I hadn't seen him since but I couldn't get him or our conversation off my mind. The whole idea of him filled my brain when I was supposed to be paying attention in class. Thankfully, I'd suffered enough for the heavens to bless me with lunch. I mean sure the cafeteria is loud, but it's easier to think there than during Mr. Smith's endless rants about the French Revolution.

Maybe I should talk to Cyrus, to see how things have been. I mean I would but, he's all the way over on the other side of the lunch room with his friends. Even from far away he's stunning. Though I will admit this happy, colorful boy is nothing like he was at our first meeting. He looked over to me for a split second but resumed his conversation with some short haired girl. I must've scared him? I mean I am practically staring at him. I turned my gaze away from him. Meanwhile, I'm stuck hear listening to basketball manwhore number 7 tally up his 'score.'

Something about Cyrus makes him so nice to look at. Maybe it's his soft brown hair and how it matches his eyes perfectly. Or could it be his lightly tanned skin and freckles. He is honestly, perfect looking? It sounds really cheesy, but everything about him just worked.

Part of me wanted to leave this torture table and sit with him, but I just can't. The captain can't leave his team. It's social ruin to leave a popular table. It's almost impossible to get a seat there but if you get up, it'll never be yours again. Plus it would be mean to intrude. I mean he's known those friends longer than he's known me. Actually he barely knows me at all.

Look at me, TJ Kippen, worrying about not being mean to someone I just met and know practically nothing about.

I'll talk to him after lunch. Somewhere we won't get caught. If my team saw me talking to a non-popular person I think they'd actually explode. It's sort of an unspoken rule that the jocks stick together and ONLY talk to the jocks.

I guess I technically already broke that rule when I talked to Cyrus at the swings but, its a stupid rule anyway. The guys always say the exception is if it's an unpopular hot girl, but there never were any. Honestly everyone is this school is a sexist, racist, homophobic asshole.

Here I go attacking them when they're all I'd ever wanted be, respected and obeyed. Popularity is a drug, once you get it you can't stop. It's an irrational need to be noticed in the halls or known by everyone. It sounds stupid but these popular assholes are the only thing keeping me at the top, without them I'd be worthless. I have nothing except popularity and if I have to be awful to keep that way then so be it.

Lunch ended faster than I thought I would. I tried to find Cyrus in the crowds of people, but I couldn't see him at all. I spotted one of his friends however and was about to run over to her, but a hand grabbed my sleeve.

"C'mon TJ. We're helping Tommy ask out Alisha remember?" It was Alex.

"What?" Normally I wasn't one to forget these things.

"We discussed it all lunch, or were you too busy staring at that curl-haired girl?"


I felt a confused look wash over my face.

"You don't think we noticed you looking at her the whole time? You practically had your eyes glued to her,"

None of that cleared up anything.

"It doesn't matter we have to help Tom!"

He dragged me down the hall at a crazy speed. I turned my head slightly to see if Cyrus was still there, but he wasn't so I turned my head back.

By the time we got to Tommy, Alisha had already rejected him and he was already talking about some other girl. It's honestly disgusting how fast these guys go from girl to girl. I never really understood why it mattered? They never seemed to keep their girlfriends for longer than a week. Why don't they just find someone they have an actual connection with?

I mean I've never been in a relationship but I would never go from girl to girl. Or person to person in general.

If I was in a relationship, I'd spend all my time with the person I love. I'd give them everything they ever wanted because it's what they deserve. They'd be in my mind 24/7 and I would always walk with them in the hallway, with their hand in mine. We'd look so stupid, but neither of us would mind it. They would give the best hugs. I could honestly hold him for hours.


We'll pretend I didn't say that.

Tj Kippen is not gay and he is definitely not some sappy loser.




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