The 9th Servamp (RE-EDITING)

By notyourangelthough

5.1K 110 17

Thought that there were only 8 Servamps? Well think again, there's 9! WHAT?! Yep. Kaida Kelly is your ordi... More

OC Information
Chapter 1: Crystal
Chapter 2: Later
Chapter 4: Lawless
Chapter 5: Subclass
Chapter 6: Not YOU Again!!!
Chapter 7: Arrow
Chapter 8: Miku Miku?
Chapter 9: Crystal's Orgin
Chapter 10: Bad Ass
Chapter 11: Final Battle
Chapter 12: Aftermath
Sakuya x Kaida OS
Belkia x Kaida OS
Kuro x Kaida OS
Misono X Kaida OS
Lily X Kaida OS
Mahiru X Kaida OS
Lawless X Kaida OS

Chapter 3: Team

377 9 1
By notyourangelthough


The video is a Servamp AMV that I liked to the song Honey I'm Good.

Watch the video if you want to.

Enjoy the chapter!


Third person POV

"Wakie, wakie Kaida. Time to get ready for school," said Crystal. She was in her mistress room trying to wake her up.

"Ugh. Ten more hours."

Yesterday worn out the poor girl.

"Ten more hours?! No! GET UP!!!" Crystal snatched the covers off Kaida and pushed her off the bed.


"OW! Crystal, you little bratty dragon!" Kaida glared up at her smirking Servamp. "Should've gotten up the first time. Oh and you might want to hurry up, you'll be late for school," said Crystal turning into her dragon form and laying on the bed.

"Crap!! Why didn't you say nothing?!" Kaida dashed into the bathroom.

Bruh. I did

Crystal went to go watch some tv while eating some food while Kaida got ready.

Crystal was watching a show the humans called Spongebob when Kaida came running past trying to put on her shirt correctly.

Kaida ran into the kitchen, grabbed an apple then went back to where Crystal was.

"Come on let's go!" she said and picked up Crystal before dashing out the door after putting on her shoes and backpack.

"I hope I'm not late!" Kaida dogded any and everyone as she ran past to school.

"I don't think you are. But it would be your fault if so."

"Be quiet!"

Kaida made it to school, luckily, on time with Crystal. She went to her class and opened the door. She looked inside to see all her friends sitting together.

Crystal hid in Kaida book bag and then Kaida came in and walked over to them.

"Hey guys!" said Kaida sitting down smiling. "Oh hey Kaida, it's nice to see you," said Koyuki waving.

Oh yeah. Forgot to say she made new friends.

"Hey Kaida," greeted her other friends. "Still living life on edge?" asked Ryusei.

"You know it!" said Kaida. "Have you tried to live simply?" asked Mahiru. "Nah bro. Living simply is boring. I don't know how you do that bro but that's you and I'm me," said Kaida.

Koyuki chuckled. "That's Kaida for you," he said. "Where's Hana and Akari?" Kaida asked. "They're not coming till later. Said they had to do something," responded Mahiru.

Kaida nodded and class started.

-Time Skip-

It was lunch now at Kaida's school and Mahiru had took out his little cat named Kuro and everyone liked him and fed him.

"Here Kuro, have some of this!"

"Try this also!"

"He's so cute!" 

Maybe I should let Crystal out.

"Mahiru? Since when did you have a cat?" asked Kaida. She pet Kuro.

"Um... not too long ago," he responded.

"Really? I have a new pet too! Her name's Crystal," Kaida took Crystal out and set her on the table.

Crystal did a little roar and everyone now cooed over Kuro and Crystal.

"A DRAGON?!!!"


"You have a pet too?"

"She's so cute too!"

"How about you try some food also Crystal!"

"I wanna pet her!"

Crystal went over to Kuro and sniffed him while Kuro did the same.

I can't help but get the feeling she/he's not a normal cat/dragon. Kuro and Crystal thought at once.

Crystal licked Kuro.

"Awww!! I think they like each other," Kaida said and fed Crystal some of her food.

"So, how long did you have Crystal?" Mahiru asked. "About two weeks," said Kaida.

Two weeks? Isn't that when Hugh's subclass heard rumors about another Servamp? Mahiru thought

Mahiru looked at Kaida suspiciously.

"What? Something wrong?" Kaida tilted her head. "Just thinking simply," said Mahiru. Kaida smiled. "Ok!"

Mahiru looked back at Kuro being spoiled by the class girls.

I wonder if Kaida and Crystal is the new Servamp and Eve. If they are, who's side are they on? I should let the others know.

All of a sudden....


There was a breeze before Crystal was snatched up and now being hugged and snuggled to death by no one other than Akari.

"Hey Akari and Hana," Mahiru greeted their friends. Kaida watched her Servamp try to get out of Akari's grip.

Stupid human! Let me go! Crystal thought

Akari smiled at her friends while Hana waved. "Hey," they said and sat down. The friends began talking and Akari put Crystal back on the desk next to Kuro and they got to play around. Even though, it seemed like Kuro wanted to be left alone. 

-Time Skip Again-

Mahiru's POV

I went out the school building and walked to the Hot Springs to tell everyone about Kaida and Crystal. Kuro rested on my head.

"Hey Kuro? Did you get a strong or suspicious vibe from Kaida and Crystal?"

"I did actually but it'll be too tiresome to think of it."

I sighed.

If Kuro got a strong or suspicious or vibe from them.... something's up.

I made it to the Hot Springs and gathered everyone up. We now sat around the table with all the Servamps in their vampire form.

"What's wrong Shirota? Why did you gather us?" asked Misono. "I gathered you all to tell you guys something. I might know who the other Eve is," I looked at all of them.

"Really?! Then why didn't you bring them?!" demanded Misono. "Now, now Misono, calm down," said Lily.

"I didn't want to jump to conclusions. The newest Eve might be my new friend Kaida. She came to school today and showed us her pet dragon, who I think is her Servamp, named Crystal. She said that she just got Crystal two weeks ago but isn't that when Hugh's subclass heard rumors about another Servamp and Eve?"

"Hmm. That's correct. My subclass didn't say what gender though."

"Still, Kuro and I had got a strong and suspicious vibe from them and it's not every day you see a pet dragon."

"I'm convinced. I think you should go get your friend so we can question her," Misono said folding his arms.

"What if it's not her?" asked Tetsu. "Lily here can just wipe her memory if that's the case," Misono said. "Go get this friend of yours Mahiru."

I stood. "Let's go Kuro!"

"What a pain."

I left and went to Kaida's house.

Kaida's POV

I was lazing on the couch in more comfortable clothes watching tv while petting Crystal in her dragon form.

Knock. Knock.

"Huh? Who could that be?"

I put Crystal on the couch then got up and went to the door.

"Hey Kaida! It's Mahiru and Kuro!"

Mahiru and Kuro? Why?

I opened the door.

"Hey you two. What's up?" I asked. "I want to introduce you to some of my other friends. Coming?" he asked.

"Sure! Meeting new people is cool! Come on Crystal!" I said. Crystal came up to me and jumped onto my shoulder while I put on my shoes.

After that, we both left following Mahiru and Kuro. On the way there, Mahiru had told me a bit about his friends.

We came up to a Hot Springs Resort and went in to where everyone was and sat down.

"Hey guys, this is my friend Kaida and her dragon, Crystal," said Mahiru. I smiled. "Hello," I said.

Everyone introduced themselves.

"Now Kaida dear, what I'm about to say may or may not confuse you, but please answer truthfully, " started Hugh.

I nodded.

"Are you or are you not a Eve and your dragon a Servamp?" he ended.

I began to sweat.

How did he know?! Should I lie? Can I trust them?

I looked down. "Yes," I looked back up positively. "I am an Eve and my dragon is the Servamp Of Hope that I named Crystal."

It was silent.

I gulped.

"That's great!" said Mahiru. "What?" I questioned. Mahiru explained everything and who was what Servamp. Crystal was now in her vampire form too.

"It's pretty confusing to know that there is a 9th Servamp, it was hard to believe there was 8, now there's 9," said Misono.

"My creator never really let any of my siblings know that I existed. I only knew that they existed," said Crystal.

"I don't get why he would do that," said Tetsu.

"Mr. Crazy had said that it was because I was so powerful," said Crystal.

"Mr. Crazy?" questioned everyone.

"Yeah. That Tsubaki dude or whatever. He had talked to us then attacked me they other day, but I'm fine!"

"This is why we need to stay together and work as a team. So, what do you say Kaida and Crystal? Team up with us. Let's take Tsubaki down together!" said Mahiru.

Crystal and I looked at each other then nodded.

"Count us in!"


Crystal POV

I was in the Hot Springs enjoying it.

So relaxed...

"Hey Crystal, hope I'm not intruding," said someone. I looked to see my Eve. "No, you're not. Get in, it's real nice," I said. She got in and came closer to me.

"So, what do you think of the other Servamps, well your siblings?"

"I'm not necessarily sure at the moment. I mean we just met after all these years and they're just knowing about having a younger sister. It's kinda sad."

Kaida pet my head.

"It's okay Crystal, you'll warm up to them and they'll warm up to you. If you need anything, just tell me," said Kaida.

She smiled and I looked at her.

You're so nice Kaida. It kinda scares me a bit because I'm scared others will take advantage of you. But I want you to know... I love you. I really do.

"Okay," I sunk into the water some.

"You know your hair color is really pretty Crystal. I know I said it before but still," she said.

"Thanks," I said playing with my hair.

"So, what do you think of everyone?" I asked. "I think they're nice. I really like them but I think Kuro's my favorite," replied Kaida.

I raised a brow.

"Really? That lazy cat?"

"Just like his sister."



I then smirked. "Or it could be you like him more than that~" I teased and she blushed.

"No I dont!"

"Yes you do!"

"No!" she splashed me and I splashed her back.


We now had a splash war while laughing. We finally got done and got out. We put on some different clothes and met up with everyone.

"Hey guys!"

"Hey yo- Crystal your hair!" said Mahiru. That made everyone look at me and I tried to cover it with my hands, blushing.

Crap! I forgot to cover it!

"Don't be embarrassed or ashamed Crystal. It's really pretty and I think it fits you," complimented Lily.

"Definitely not something you see every day," said Hugh flying around me in his bat form. He turned back into a vampire and landed in Tetsu lap. "I like it!"

"Thanks guys," I said.

Mahiru began talking to everyone about the next move on Mr. Crazy. I spotted Kuro and went over to him. I laid on him and he looked at me.

"What are you doing?" he asked

"Laying on my brother. What? You no like me?" I asked.

"I can't face you right now," he sighed.

I smiled a bit and finally paid attention to what the others were saying.


Weird but also a bit interesting.

Kaida and Crystal have finally met the gang!

It'll get better so stay tuned.

Hope you liked it.

I do try!


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Love you guys,


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