The Royal Romance Book 1

By ZimmerGurl

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Love awaits in the royal court of Cordonia. Travel to the beautiful kingdom of Cordonia with the Crown Prince... More

Chapter 1: Once Upon A Time
Chapter 2 : Welcome to Cordonia
Chapter 3: Reunited
Chapter 4: Save The Last Dance
Chapter 5: Off to the Races
Chapter 6: Queen of Hearts
Chapter 7: Fire and Ice
Chapter 8: A Waltz to Remember
Chapter 9: Race to the Finish
Chapter 11: The Apple of His Eye
Chapter 12: As Sweet As Apple Pie
Chapter 13: Hunting for Love
Chapter 14: Fair Game
Chapter 15: The Brothers Beaumont
Chapter 16: The Beaumont Bash
Chapter 17: Lady In Waiting
Chapter 18: To Be A Princess
Chapter 19: Long Live The King

Chapter 10: Beach Party

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By ZimmerGurl

After the Regatta, Hana, Maxwell, and I walk along the docks...

"Ready for the beach extravaganza?" Maxwell pumps his fists in excitement.

"I... think so? Why? Is there something I should have prepped? Will the press be there?"

"Nope! It's just a fun party on one of the most gorgeous private beaches in the area!"

"That sounds amazing! And the water's so unbelievably beautiful." Hana gazes out to the water. "I can't wait to get out of this dress and into a bikini!"

"I knew I was forgetting something. Riley, you didn't happen to bring a swimsuit, did you? Never mind, we can buy one on the way..."

"Okay! Hana, why don't you go on ahead? We'll see you at the beach!"

"See you!"

I quickly duck into a boutique to try on a swimsuit...

"Looks like they only have one..."

"Let's see it..."

He holds up a white bikini with a blue bohemian cover up. I try it on and it fits like a glove.

"That... looks good on you."


"Now, we better get you to this fancy beach party before we miss all the fun!"

"Let's go!"

A little while later, I arrive at the beach with Maxwell!

"Alright, where's Liam at?"

"Looks like he's tied up with the Queen and Madeleine right now."

"Should I try to make a move?"

"Better to bide your time. You'll likely get only one shot at spending time with him today. Better do it when Queen Regina's not around. In the meantime, we might as well eat!"

Maxwell and I make our way to the beach buffet. I linger by the table when Hana approaches.

"Have you tried the appetizers?"

"What are they?"

"Some kind of avant-garde, gourmet seafood thing..."

"They seem a little... fishy. Literally."

"It's a bit high-end, but we should give it a try."

"I'm a fan of adventurous tastes."

Maxwell, Hana, and I try the appetizer.

"Well, it tastes like caviar... and very expensive caviar, at that!" Hana holds up her pinky and laughs.

"Kind of like a fresh, salty sea Jell-O." I squish it between my fingers and examine it.

Over by the picnic area, Drake stands by a table loaded with food. He waves me over.
"I hope you all came hungry because real food has arrived."

"There's so much of it." Maxwell's eyes light up.

"Is this a barbeque?" Hana asks, eyes wide with excitement.

"Oh, yes. Classic Americana. You've got your pulled pork, chicken kebabs, brisket, ribs, vegetables, and sauces unique to regions around the world. And you can't forget the classic sloppy joe."

"A... what?" Hana tilts her head and scrunches her nose as if in disgust.

"Seasoned ground beef with onions, tomato sauce, and whatever else you feel like throwing in there."

Maxwell leans on Drake with a sigh, "You had me at 'no fish'"

"It looks messy but... intriguing"

"Drake..." I smile up at him, "I love sloppy joes! They were basically all I ate through middle school."

"Thank you, Summers. Somebody else around here can appreciate a simple dish."

"It does seem a little strange to have such casual food here."

"Liam thought Summers would appreciate it. A little taste of home."

"This was his idea?" I find myself uncontrollably smiling and filled with glee. I glance over to where he is standing and want to run over and hug him. Instead, I shake my head and smile at him.

"Mostly. From a purely selfish angle, I'm not exactly a caviar and oysters kind of guy, so..."

"Got it."

"Anyways, let's dig in. I love a good barbeque. Reminds me of cookouts on the lawn or summers with my family..."

"Aww, Drake, that's actually kind of sweet..."

"It is not. Now, would you rather talk or eat?"

"Let's eat! I'm starving!"

"Sweet relief." Maxwell digs into the buffet.

"Well, I can give it a try." Hana says as she hesitantly grabs a plate.

The group digs into the barbeque assortment.

" does one eat a 'sloppy joe'? Utensils or hands?"

"It's your choice." Drake piles a variety of everything onto his plate.

"There's no protocol? How are you supposed to elegantly eat at social gatherings?"

"It's a sloppy joe Hana. There's not going to be anything elegant about this."

"Oh my..." Hana looks down at her sandwich with frustration.

"You just have to stop caring what everyone thinks, Hana. Like this." Maxwell devours the food on his plate and smiles at her.

"I think my parents would murder me if they saw me doing that." Hana delicately uses a fork and knife to take a bite, "Oh, this is delicious."

"Mmm, rich, tangy, sweet... and soooo good!" Maxwell lets out a satisfied sigh.

"I accept tokens of appreciation in cash, check, or credit."

My eyes linger at Hana as she smiles at me, her lips covered in barbeque sauce.


"You, uh... you're looking pretty saucy there, Hana..."

Her hands fly to her face, accidentally smearing more sauce over her cheek.


"Hana... Don't worry. Barbeque sauce is a good look for you." I laugh and then hand her a napkin.

"This may not be quite as embarrassing as the time I accidentally applied blush instead of powder to half my face."

Hana politely dabs her mouth and chuckles.

Maxwell pats her on the back and gives her a reassuring smile, "Hey, according to Drake, getting messy is half the point!"


"Well, Maxwell, it looks like a sauce container exploded on you, so mission accomplished." I look him up and down and find that there is sauce all over his face with some spread to his shirt and pants.

Maxwell continues eating, undaunted by his sauce-smeared face, and we all enjoy the barbeque as time drifts by...

A little while later...

Everyone sits around the table, the barbeque plate nearly empty.

"Again. That was soooo good..." Maxwell holds his stomach fully satisfied.

"I'll have to ask the chefs back home to add barbeque chicken to the rotation." Han smiles and gives her face one last wipe.

"I don't know about you guys, but I'm ready to enjoy the water." Drake gets up and starts to head toward the beach.

Maxwell follows him with a blanket in tow, "I'm ready to stretch out like a beached whale."

"Suit yourself. You coming with me, Summers? Hana?"

"Hang on, we need to put on sunscreen before we go!" Hana shouts as she rummages through her bag for the sunscreen.

"Do we really?" Drake calls back with an annoyed tone.

"I would love some sunscreen, Hana." I eye Drake and smile back at Hana.

"Luckily, I brought enough for everyone."

Hana pulls off her dress to reveal a bikini underneath. Reluctantly, Drake hangs back and takes his shirt off.

Drake pours some sunscreen onto his hands, pats some on his face, and tosses me the bottle, "Thanks. That's good enough for me. I'll see you down by the water."

"Alright... Han, you need any help?"

"Yes, please! Can you help me reach my back?"

"You rub my back, I'll rub yours."

Hana turns her back to me. Starting from the shoulders, I rub sunscreen down her back.

"Thanks for the help."

"I'd be a bad friend if I let the sun burn you."

"I don't want to be a bad friend either. Turn around. It's your turn."

I face away from Hana and feel the cool sunscreen rubbed into my back.

"Your swimsuit is really pretty. You look great in it, Riley."


"Alright, you're all set."

"Let's find our wayward Drake."

Hana and I walk to the sea and find Drake already splashing around in the water. He walks out to greet us.
"Come in! The water's great."

"I don't see why he should have all the fun. Riley, I'm going in! you coming?"

"Let's do this!"

Drake runs in. Hana and I follow him into the water.

"It's colder than I thought." Hana begins to shiver.

"You just need to adjust. Here, let me help." Drake splashes Hana, the water crashing into her face.

"Pfffttbbb. That was a cheap shot."

Hana returns the fire, splashing Drake with a wave of water.

"Now we're talking."
Drake splashes water in my direction, but it falls short.

"He's declaring war." Hana says as she moves towards me.

"It was a warning shot."

I wind up, then launch as big a splash as I can at Drake.

"Ahhhhhh ~cough~cough"

"Get him!" Hana yells, and soon we're bombarding Drake from two sides.

"Okay... I get it."

"Don't mess with these water cannons, Drake."

"While we're having competitions, let's race, Summers."

"You're a glutton for punishment today."

"We'll see how scary you are without Hana helping you out."

"Alright. You're on."

"I'll be the judge!" Hana calls out in a cheery disposition.

"We'll swim to the far end of the beach and back to these rocks."


Drake and I line up near the rocks.

"Ready, set... channel your inner mermaid!" Hana waves her hands to begin.

A flurry of splashes erupts as Drake and I take off. He swims out to an early lead. I put more strength into my fluid swimming motions. Reaching the far end of the beach, I swim close enough that Drake's feet are within reach. I ignore him and swim onward. As I turn to swim back to the rocks, I see that Drake maintains a short lead. As I'm closing toward the finish line, my muscles begin to burn from swimming so far. I grit my teeth and push through the burn. The finish line is almost within reach...Drake's pace slows down... and I'm able to overtake him!

"Riley wins!"

"Yes!" I splash around in celebration and float in the water allowing my muscles to relax.

"I thought I had it." Drake pounds his fist to the water and sighs.

"Riley, in celebration of your victory, I want to give you something."

"Is it a treasure chest?" I smile at Hana, excited to see what she could have gotten in the last few seconds that she knew I won.

"You'll have to wait and see."

Hana dives below the surface. Through the clear water, I can see her swim to the bottom of the shallows. She resurfaces. Holding out her hand, she shows you a brightly colored seashell.



"How did you find this?"

"I saw it sitting there at the bottom while you were racing. They're quite common in the area."

"It's so pretty."

"How come I don't get anything Hana?" Drake looks at the shell a little jealous and I hold it closer to me in case he tries to steal it.

"Should've swam faster." I chuckle and nudge his chest.

Hana quickly dives down and resurfaces. She hands Drake a sand dollar.

"For you, Drake."

"What am I supposed to do with this?"

"You should wear it as a hat." I place it on his head and Hana and I can't control our laughter.

"That's stupid. This thing is stupid."

"Your loss. It would've made a great hat... like a cute sand beret."

"Whatever you say, Summers."
Drake lets the sand dollar drift back down to the seafloor.

"I'm starting to feel cold, so I think it's time for some sunbathing." Hana begins to get out of the water.

"Yeah. I'm feeling pretty done here myself." Drake shakes the water out of his hair and climbs out of the water as well.

"It was nice to get in the water for a bit though." I brush my hands against the water and sigh.

I swim ashore, my wet hair glistening in the sun. Maxwell waits for me on the beach, and I sit in the sand next to him.

"Maxwell, You seem a little overdressed for the beach." I stare at him, still in a dress shirt and pants with his nice black leather shoes still tied onto his feet.


"Don't you want to kick off your shoes?"

"Hm... I guess that's a thing to do at the beach, isn't it?"
Maxwell takes off his leather shoes and socks and wiggles his toes in the sand.
"Now this is feeling more like a party. Are you having a good time?"

"It's nice to relax on the beach. I don't even remember the last time I was on a vacation... It's nice..."

"Yeah... I hate to burst your bubble, but I see a great opportunity for you. Look over there..."
By the appetizers, I see Penelope dabbing at her eyes with a handkerchief.
"Looks like she's having a bad day.

"Yeah, poor Penelope..." I look at her with a worried glance. I really do hope she is okay. This time is very stressful and we all have to remember that.

"This could be your big chance to get her on your side! Remember, competitors or not, you're going to need the court to think well of you if you're going to be the next queen. So get over there and charm her!"

I leave Maxwell by the water and head over to where Penelope is standing.

"Hello, Penelope."

"Oh, it's you." Penelope sniffles and turns her face away from me.

"Penelope, is that any way to greet a friend?"

"We're not friends.... are we?"

"Perhaps not technically, but I'd like to be friends. It seems like you're having a difficult time today."

"I suppose it's obvious, isn't it. I got terribly seasick from the Regatta, and now, I'll be stuck here on this beach in the sun for hours... My advisors said I only needed to look pretty at the balls and flirt with the Prince. But it hasn't gone that way at all. Between you, Olivia, and Madeleine... I don't have any chance at all. What's the point of even staying here?"

"Penelope... There's more to this than just the Prince."

"Huh? Like what?"

"Like forming friendships and bonds with the other women here..."

"I don't know..."

"Even though we're competing now, it won't always be that way. One of us will marry the Prince, and then it's over... We should at least try to get something more out of it, don't you think?"

"That sounds right.... but I--"
Suddenly, Penelope's eyes go wide and she drops her plate of appetizers!
"Eek! Oh my goodness, help! Something is attacking me!"

Looking down, I see a sand crab has latched a claw onto Penelope's foot!

"Come here, little guy..." I gently detach the crab and fling him toward the ocean.

"Riley, that was...Amazing! You saved me!"

"Hey, you just survived being attacked by a vicious sand crab. Maybe you're tougher than you think."

"Maybe." She smiles and then almost immediately frowns again, "But I'm not gong to win the Prince's heart. I'm going to leave here a failure."

"Hardly. You can still use your time here to your best advantage."

"And what's that?"

"By making allies. Help me get the court to see me favorably, and when I'm queen, I'll remember that you were there for me."

"I suppose I could put in a good word for you here and there." She smiles and gives me a reassuring nod.

"Thank you!"

Penelope walks away and I bask in my success. I'm about to rejoin Maxwell when I bump into Liam!

"Riley, there you are."

"Looking for me?"

"Yeah. I brought you a drink... It's hot out, so I thought you'd like something refreshing..."

I examine the cup and see he brought me mint lemonade. I take a sip and let the drink refresh me.

"Mmmm, perfect. Tart and sugary."

"Just like you."

"I'm 'tart'?"

"In a way. You certainly have an interesting wat of letting your opinions be known."

"Uh-huh. Not hearing the compliment yet."

"...And you're incredibly sweet?"

"Aww, thanks...Now, I can't believe you'd come all the way to see me just to give me a drink."

"What if I did? It's all part of the royal service..."

"Oh really? What other services can I expect from the Crown Prince of Cordonia?"

"Well... to be honest, I was looking for you because I wanted to take you somewhere... I know of a special place called the Forgotten Falls... it's a short hike from here, but it's gorgeous."

"Is it the next stop today?"

"Well, not for everyone. I used to go there as a kid. It's a really special place to me. I don't want to share it with just anyone. But it would mean a lot to me to share it with you. I'd like to go there with you now if you're up for it..."

"Not to mention that it'd be some time... alone together."

"Well, yes, there's that too..."

"Liam... I'd love to go to the Forgotten Falls with you."

"I'm glad you said that!"

I place my drink down, and he takes my hand, leading me past the beach and through some brush...

After a short climb.... Prince Liam and I arrive at a gorgeous waterfall!

"Here we are... The Forgotten Falls. Do you like it?"

"It's amazing!" I glance at the sparkling blue water and the way the sunlight catches the flow all the way down to the small pool of water at the bottom.

"I knew you'd love it as much as I do. There's a legend about how this waterfall came to be. It's said that hundreds of years ago, there were two lovers from warring clans. They were forbidden from being together, but they would meet here, at this hidden cove, and make their plans to run away together. When the day came for them to leave, they vowed to meet here at dawn. When dawn came, the woman waited and waited, but her lover never appeared. They say that he was caught by her people and killed. But she never had the heart to leave this spot. So she knelt on the cliffs and wept, and her tears became the waterfall, until that's all that was left of her."

"That's a sad story."

"Tell me, Riley, what would you have done if you were the woman in the story?"

"If I were the woman in the story, I would've... never let anyone hurt my love in the first place!"

"Heh. you know what? I believe you. You're one of the fiercest people I've ever met, Riley."


"There's one silver lining to this story..."


"It's said that if two lovers climb to the top of the waterfall and jump in together, they'll get the blessing of the waterfall."

"Is this your way of telling me we're going to jump in?"

As I watch, Prince Liam pulls off his shirt and drops it on the ground.
Shall we? It seems like you're already dressed for the occasion. Now, we climb!"

"Up the cliff face?!" I ask, a little worried because I'm not the most coordinated person.

"There's not exactly an elevator way out here. Are you up for it?"

"You want me to climb way up there? I can make it... if you help me!"

"I'll be with you every step of the way."
Liam leads me over to the cliff and boosts me up.
"Do you have a good grip?"

"Yes, I think so!"

With Liam's help, the two of us make it to the top.

"We did it!"

"I'm glad you trusted me to get you up here."

"I'm starting to think I can trust you with anything." I take his hands in mine and we gaze into each other.

"Ready to jump?"

I peer over the edge of the waterfall looking at how high we have climbed.

"I didn't realize how high up we are!"

"It's better if you don't think about that right now. Hold my hand."

I put my hand in his and he holds me close.

"I think some would call this a leap of faith. On three? One..Two..Three!"

Liam and I jump! The exhilarating fall takes my breath away! Then we hit the cool, clear water and I kick my way to the surface.

"That was..."

"Amazing!" I smile and look up at the beautiful waterfall we are swimming under.

The two of us float in the water for a moment. Liam reaches out and brushed his hand against mine.

"Riley, Thank you."

"For what?"

"For coming here with me. For actually getting to know me. For.. For caring about me, Riley. I've never had anyone in my life like you. And now that I have you... I never want to lose you."

Pulling Liam close, I press my lips to his. My hand moves to his chest...


"You can't say all those romantic things to me and not expect to get kissed."

"Fair enough. I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy it... it's just..."

"Just what?"

"I don't know what's going to happen... but the last thing I want is for you to get hurt."

"Liam... it's sweet of you to worry about me. I know it means that you care about me."

"I do care, Riley. More than you know... and definitely more than I should."

He looks down at me, taking my hand in his, his gaze intent... I can feel my heart start to race.


I pull his head down to mine, and we share a heated kiss as his arms bring me flush against him. He lowers me down on the sand, and I can suddenly feel him all around me, his mouth moving down the curve of my neck...



I run my fingers through his hair, bringing him close, enjoying the weight and warmth of him. Breathlessly, we pull apart, his forehead touching mine, his eyes dark with desire... and something else...

"We haven't known each other very long, but every moment I spend with you, I can't help but feel...Riley, I think.... I'm in lo--"

Suddenly, movement explodes from the bushes next to us. I see a startled bird shoot off as a fox chases it.

"Er... you were saying?"

"Never mind. It was nothing."
He shakes his head and gives me a regretful look.
"I suppose we should head back."

"Yeah. We've been gone long enough that people will be starting to look for us..."

"No matter how much time we have together, Riley, it's never enough, is it?"

"Not by a long shot."

Back on the beach, just after the sun has set...

"I had a good time, Riley... I find myself reluctant to leave you."

"Maybe we can just take a little while longer..."

I take his hand, smiling up at him... when suddenly I hear Liam's name being called.

"Liam?" I pull my hand away quickly as King Constantine approaches us.

"Father. You're on the beach!"

"I have been known to leave the palace to grace our shores from time to time..."

"I just mean we rarely get the honor of your presence at the beach party after the Regatta."

"You have me there, but today, I thought it might be warranted. I'm sure you heard my announcement earlier about my, ah, retirement."

"I did."

"I feel I owe you an explanation. Lady Riley, please pardon us, but I'd like to have a moment alone with my son."

"Of course, Your Highness."

"I'll find you later, Lady Riley." Liam smiles and nods at me.

I curtsy hurriedly and walk away... The King had such worry in his eyes. I only hope everything is okay.

A little while later, I join up with Maxwell again, climbing into a limo with him and Bertrand.

"Look who finally made it." Maxwell gives me a wink and a shove.

"I'm sure my absence was absolutely heart-wrenching for you." Bertrand says as he never once looks up from his paperwork.

"Aren't you sad you missed out Bertrand?"

"Roasting in the sun while watching little boats go by is hardly what I'd consider stimulating. In fact, I wouldn't even be here right now if I thought Maxwell could handle this on his own." He looks up and gives Maxwell a disappointed, angered stare.

"I can handle it... probably..."

"Between forgetting to teach her the Cordonian Waltz and not warning her that she'd need swim attire, I'm starting to wonder if I can trust you with even the simplest tasks!"

"How'd you know about the swimsuit thing?" Maxwell sinks down in his chair like a sad puppy.

"I have my ways. And I'll be keeping a closer eye on Riley, even if it means neglecting our estate. So clear your calendars... we need to prepare for the next event."

"Can't we at least take tonight off? It's been a long day... we all deserve some rest!"

"You can rest when Riley is crowned Queen of Cordonia... and from where we're standing, that's not going to be anytime soon."

"Right, sorry. What I meant was tonight I want to stay up all night to train and prepare Riley for the next event!" Maxwell says sarcastically, but Bertrand nods in agreement.

"I'm glad we're in agreement. Now... Lady Riley, we'll be preparing you for... the Apple Blossom Festival!'

"Great! ... What is that?" I quizically look between the two of them and listen closely.

"It's kind of what it sounds like. I hope you like apples... because this festival's got a lot of them!"

~What will happen at Cordonia's Apple Blossom Festival? Find out in the next chapter!~

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