Dear Artina || Keith Powers

By DionnaAmbrosia

8.7K 583 566

"Dear Artina #28, I think you're lovely, lucky, and lavishing- pursed smile and all. I'm too shy... More

Love Letter #1
Love Letter #2
Love Letter #3
Love Letter #4
Love Letter #5
Love Letter #6
Love Letter #8
Love Letter #9
Love Letter #10
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Love Letter #7

746 50 20
By DionnaAmbrosia

Two weeks...

Israel would text her and even call her line just to talk to her, but soon stopped because he felt like he was getting played.

It was now a Wednesday and Israel was late coming to school. He has been so exhausted from working his job and focusing on school that his body was wearing out on him. He walked into the building with a mustard yellow oversized hoodie and black jeans with white Nikes.

He received a pass and went to go to his second period class which is Physics. When his hand touched the knob to go into the classroom, he stopped when he heard heels coming from down the hall.

And there she was walking with pink heels and pink high waisted pants. She had on a white corset and a pink blazer. The outfit she had on made him lick his lips.

But he sighed and walked in to give his teacher his pass and sit down.

Her face was in complete worry hoping Brandon wasn't still following her. She needed to leave the school for once without him on her trail so that she can get a new phone.

When she went home later that night from Israel's house, Brandon was waiting for her at her apartment. He took her phone and threw it on the concrete.

"What the hell, Brandon!" She pushed him against the brick wall.

Brandon slapped her to the ground, "Why haven't you answered your phone, bitch?" He took her keys and opened the door.

Grabbing her by the back of her new dress, he dragged her inside. He tossed her against the living room couch and closed the door behind him.

"I've been calling you and texting you-- shit, I even had Mauna and Fran looking for your fat ass!" He punched her in the jaw as she tried to stand up, "Where have you been?!"

Artina hurried to go to her emergency phone to call 911, but she found the cord disconnected and cut. Her eyes looked down the hall and saw suitcases.

"You trying to run away from me, Tina?" He snatched her by her shoulder, "Because you know I'm never leaving and you can't get rid of me if you wanted to."

Lifting her head up, Brandon saw three hickies right in the center of her neck causing him to blackout immediately.

After 20 minutes of being beating down his girlfriend, he left the complex and locked her inside. She sobbed on her bed knowing that she couldn't leave her own place without him taking her. She was only to go to school, work, and go out with him.

And the worst part about the entire situation, she had to stay away from Israel. She had this desire or craving to just talk to him and be next to him again. But she had watchers and listeners in the school that Brandon knew.

So her initiative was to cut class, get an Uber and leave the school without Brandon catching her.

Just so she could get in contact with Israel again.

Artina rushed to leave the school through the gym doors and the Uber she ordered was there waiting with a minute left to spare. She held her damaged phone in her hand and she hoped to get a new one.

"What's up with you, man?" Israel's friend Ty asked him after he told him the assignment.

Israel shrugged as he copied down the notes from the whiteboard, "Nothing."

"You sure? Because you've been sour for about two weeks." Ty mentioned as he took Israel's pen to keep him from ignoring him, "Something is wrong with you."

"I'm just tired, bruh." Israel groaned as he rubbed his face, "I wouldn't have came to school if I knew I was going to be asked questions."

"But I'm worried. Your brother and mom is worried. Shoot, some of these teachers are too."

Israel rolled his eyes, "Why?"

"Nigga, you look dead."

He kissed his teeth and took his pen back, "Whatever."

"And yeah... how was it?"

Israel paused with his note taking and looked at his friend with a side eye, "How was... what?"

Ty danced his eyebrows and Israel frowned as he thought about it. He seemed to forget about that and only thought about only her in general. He pushed everything about Artina in the back of his mind after trying to get in contact.

But after seeing her today by avoiding to see her for about a week, every feeling came back. Every chill, thrill, and will spiked him.


That's an understatement, he scratched his forehead.

When second period ended, it was time to transition to another class. He talked to Ty as they made their way through traffic in the hallways.

Ty said he'll finish talking to him in lunch and Israel went to the last hallway near the parking lot.

Being tugged down the hallway to a storage closet, he was shoved inside and he heard the door close. The person turned the light on and they both stood in dim lighting.

Israel went to walk past her, but she stopped him with her hands against his chest, "Israel, let me explain."

His eyes examined her facial features and some parts of her face were darker than usual. He noticed it through the makeup, especially that scared above her left eye.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't have my phone for two weeks and-"

"You could've came to my house."

Artina felt embarrassed, "The way I was looking, I couldn't." She mumbled, "But I should have... you know, to see you and let you know."

"Let me know what?"

"That I couldn't go anywhere without Brandon there to watch me."

Israel's face was in an angered frown as he put two and two together. The bruises and Brandon-- something inside him became triggered. His fingers tapped the strap of his backpack as he glared at her.

"Israel." She pressed her palms against his warm cheeks as her fingers caressed his skin, "Say something."

"I mean what do you want me to say?" He said to her, "What I want to say is leave his ass, but you can't even do that."

"You know I can't."

"Then stay with his crazy ass." He grasped her wrists to move her hands from him.

"Israel, I've been trying but it's complicated!"

He sighed knowing that it was. He saw his own mother go through it with his father, so seeing somebody he had deep feelings for go through it hurts him.

"I got a new phone today." She spoke, "I'll be able to text and call you."

"Okay." He was still in his own world about how to approach Brandon, but he didn't want to go back to his old ways, "Alright."

"What's wrong, baby?" She kissed the corner of his lips.

Israel's heart began to hammer his chest as he stayed quiet. With his cheeks tingling and her arms wrapping around his torso, she gazed up at him.

"Nothing's wrong, just tired." He assured her.

His right hand held her face and slightly squeezed her cheeks to kiss her, "I missed you." She stated.

"I missed you too."

"Can I come over after school today?" Artina inquired as she placed the side of her head on his shoulder.


"But you would have to pick me up from my job."

Israel looked down at her, "For what?"

"Brandon thinks I'm going to work."

. . .

Laying upside down on the couch, the two talked about all the things they did during the past couple of weeks. It was refreshing and stress seemed to be knocked off their shoulders.

It was chill.

Artina hit Israel on his shoulder as he nibbled on the inside of her neck. She giggled, "What are you trying to do?"

"Be on you."

"You have family here though."

"My brother was home last time, hope you know that."

Artina's eyes widened as she gasped covering her mouth, "Boy stop playing! Are you serious?"

Israel laughed as he nodded as he got up from the couch, "I think our cookies are done."

Artina squealed as she got off the leather. She followed Israel to the kitchen as she saw him take the tray out the oven. She oohed and got a gallon of milk out the fridge. She turned around only for her to be lifted up to be placed on the marble counter.

She gave him a bashful smile as he leaned forward to put his hands beside her expanded thighs.

Her hand fiddled with the top of the milk, "Yes?"

He shook his head as his lips curved into a smirk, "Just love looking at you that's all."

Her words seemed to get stuck in her throat as she watched him walk away to get a plate of cookies. Israel took down a glass cup and grabbed the gallon from Artina. He poured it to almost fill it up and asked her to hold it.

Holding the plate in his hand, he dipped the double chocolate chunk in the milk and told her to open her mouth.

"Wait what?"

"Open up, baby."

Artina raised an eyebrow as she bit into it, "Ooh!" She chewed as she covered her mouth, "And this is your own recipe?"

He nodded as he took a bite, "Yes ma'am."

"It's so moist." She looked away from him, "That sounded weird coming from me." She shivered.

For the rest of the afternoon, she watched movies and hung out with Israel's siblings. She wanted to wait for their mom to come home, but she needed to hurry back to CVS before Brandon spots her.

"No." Israel said.

"Excuse me? What you mean by no?" Artina said.

"I meant what I said."

Artina scoffed, "You're going to get me in trouble, Israel." Sitting in the car next to him, her paranoia began to get the best of her, "Take me to my job, please."

"I want to talk to him."

They waited at Artina's apartment complex as she kept begging him to leave.

Seeing a car pull up to the parking space beside them, Brandon got out his car and Israel got out his.

. . .

I moved into my dorm yesterday! I'm currently at my aunt's house writing this and now I have to update on my other account as well as I have time lol.

Anyways! What do you think is going to happen next? Stay tuned!

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