By TomatoKlutz

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« The Best Thing I ever did was that I met you. » « The Best Thing I never did was that I never left you and... More

[~ Childhood Adventures |1| Puberty ~]
[~ Childhood Adventures |2| Introductions ~]
{~ Childhood Adventures |3| Grandma! ~}
{Chapter 1|Memory Lane}
{Chapter 2|Welcome Back!}
{Chapter 3|Small Talk}
{Chapter 4|Camping and Gifts!}
{Chapter 5|Planning Detectives}
{Chapter 6|Good Way To Start A Day}
{Chapter 7|Bunch of Meanies}
{Chapter 8|Them Dorks}
{Chapter 9|Cuts}
{Chapter 10|Another Two}
{Chapter 11|Le Manga Store}
{Chapter 12|Matt is High (kind of)}
{Chapter 13|Matt is still a baby}
{Chapter 14|Grandma's Call}
{Chapter 15| Magic Gummy Bears}
{Chapter 16|Literal Babies}
{Chapter 17|Mine!}
{Chapter 18|Teasing}
{Chapter 19|Sorry}
{Chapter 20|The day Tord finally made you say yes}
{Chapter 21|Movies Night}
{Chapter 16+|Not suitable for pure fans}
{Chapter 22|Yanny-Laurel}
{Chapter 24|Hospitals}
{Chapter 25|His Journal}
[~Birthday 8/15~]
{Chapter 26|Playful}
{Chapter 27|Text Messages}
{Chapter 28|Realization}
[~ Birthday 9/6 ~]
{Chapter 29|Last Place}
{Chapter 30|Orphanage PT. 1}
{Chapter 31|Thoughts}
{Chapter 32|The Orphanage PT.2}
{Chapter 33|Peck}
{Chapter 34|The Orphanage PT. 3}
[~ Birthday 10/28 ~]
{Chapter 35|a boy}
{Chapter 36|importance}
{Chapter 37|why}
{Chapter 38|dontgo}
{Chapter 39|firstthenafter}
{Chapter 40|HOSPITALS}
{Chapter 41|stupidity}
{Chapter 42|texts}
{Chapter 43|ding}
[~ happy ̶h̶o̶l̶i̶d̶a̶y̶s̶ ~]
[~ The Other Half Of Me ~]
{Chapter 44|A Visit}
{Chapter 45|Aiden}
{Chapter 46|Edd Angers Mama Ringo}
{Chapter 47|Acceptance}
{Chapter 48|Comfort}
[~ Birthday 6/27 ~]
{Chapter 49|Shots}
{Chapter 50|Love-sick}
{Chapter 51|Cookies!}
{Chapter 52|allsoulsday}
{Chapter 53|vulnerable}
{Chapter 54|Parents}
[~Happy Holidays!~]
{Chapter 55|Eavesdrop}
{Chapter 56|Decisions}
{Chapter 57|Arguments}
{Chapter 58|Traits}
{Chapter 59|Questions}
{Chapter 60|Meet}
{Chapter 61|Confusion}
{Chapter 62|Past}
{Chapter 63|Aimapoleia}

{Chapter 23|Unknown}

1.9K 61 75
By TomatoKlutz

I searched on google images "dark eddsworld pics" and I got the picture above and found it so interesting =O= the picture has nothing to do with the chapter, I just wanted to add it in. Man, I love dark shit :DDD search for more of those, cause I tell you, you find some good gore and stuff in there.

Coming into the school, you're of course, greeted by the crowded hallways, people putting or getting things from their lockers, some already heading to class, some were just talking there with their friends.
It was normal.

Edd and Ell decided to go class early, which was always their schedule for the last 3 weeks, and you walking with Matt to your lockers (as your lockers were literally beside each other) to get your books and notebooks.

Suddenly, you both hear a yelp from the middle of the hallway, you both turn to see Matilda on the ground, seemingly to pick up books that she had dropped, and people ignored her as if she wasn't there.

Which kind of confused you.
'Isn't she one of the big 3 or something? Doesn't she have a full army of fan-boys there for her?'

Feeling kind of irritated by the crowd's reaction, you went to go and help Matilda, but you see Matt getting way ahead of you.

'Ooooo, this is gonna be interesting.'

You thought, mentally getting your imaginary popcorn ready.

"Ah...A-are..are you o-okay?" Matt stutters a bit, kneeling down.

Your grin grew wide.

"Yep! Just some accidents happen from time to time. Old students here would know I'm a klutz anyways..." She says as she collects her books, with Matt already helping.
Matt stands up and reached out his hand for her to grab.

Matilda just looks at it, but escapes out of her trance and hesitantly reaches out for his hand.
Matt gently pulls her off the ground and hands her the notebooks.
"Thank you...no one really comes to help whenever I...you know. Thanks again!" Matilda lets go and rushes off to wherever she was heading.

Matt walks back to you, "I am never washing this hand ever again."
He looked so red that he almost looked like he belonged in a tomato farm.

You giggle, "Welp, you can check that off the list! Good job, Matt. Now, the next step is having a full conversation with her. Whenever she's free...or whenever you accidentally be alone together then maybe we can escalate that step into-HMMPHH!"

Matt covers your mouth with his hand. "Stop! Do you want my face to overheat?!" He says.

You smile, "Well, I guess not. But that's a real improvement rather than just staring at her from a distance like a creep."
Matt groans.

You both walk into class, as usual, people were at their normal tables, talking with their friends, gossiping about whatever they could.

"(Y/N)!" Patryck calls you, his voice sounding concerned.
You wave at him and go sit at your normal table, right behind him.
"Sup, Pat. What's the matter?" You ask, noticing his concerned face right away.

"You didn't see?" He asks.
You raise an eyebrow, "I...don't know what you mean?"
He facepalms, "Of course, I erased it." He said as if telling himself off.

Your confusion grew.

"Earlier, I had noticed some...really inappropriate and insulting words written on your table and a note next to it...it really sickened me and so I took a picture for evidence erased it on your table. And...I still have the note." He says and carefully hands you the note from his pocket.

You take it from his hands and read it thoroughly,

"So, (Y/N), the past few weeks have been peaceful, haven't they? Enjoy it while it lasts ;)"

"What the heck..." You mutter.
It was only a few words scribbled messily onto the paper but it was enough to make the hair on your neck stand tall.

"P-Pat...can you...can you show me the pictures?" You ask.

Patryck hesitates before giving you his phone.


It was normal insulting words.
It wouldn't affect you very much, but you instantly notice how the first letters go together to form the word, "DIE"
You felt sick.

"We have to tell the teachers. This is...this is a form of harassment!" You said to Patryck. He nods in agreement, and stands up to come with you.
"No--stay here. I know the way." You stop him.
"But-" He tries to reason with you.
"No, Pat. It's okay, just stay here." You said and Patryck nodded.
As you were about to walk to the faculty office, you felt a buzz in your pocket, a message.

Again, it was from an unknown number.

Unknown : That wouldn't be very wise now, would it, (Y/N)?

Your eyes widen.

You scan the classroom and hallway, looking for someone who looked like they were using a phone, or any device.
Failed at seeing anyone, you ignore the text message and walk straight towards the faculty.
Once again, you feel a buzz, you pull out your phone again, frustrated.

Unknown : One more step and Matty gets it :)

It then goes on and shows a picture of Matt, writing something down on his notebook. It seemed as if the person taking the picture was just outside of your classrom, and you had just left.

Panicked and pissed were what you are right now.

(Y/N) : What are you gonna do to him if I do?!

Unknown : Hm. And why would I tell you that?

(Y/N) : If you lay a finger on him, I won't fucking hesitate in kicking your ass!

Unknown : One. More. Step.

You were about to smash your phone into pieces at how this guy was making you irritated on purpose.
Defeated, you walk back to the classroom, your lock screen suddenly lights up at the notification,

Unknown : Good girl.

You start running back.
Matt was still there, on his desk.
You let out a sigh of relief and walk up to him.

He looks up at you, "Oh! Hey (Y/--"
You pull him into a hug.

You let go, "Ha, sorry. You suddenly looked like a teddy bear to me."
You said and walk back to your table.

Matt gave you a concerned look but went back to what he was writing.

"What happened? Did you tell the teachers?" Patryck asks you.
You shook your head a 'no'.
"Why? Did something stop you?" He asks again.
"Pat...nothing stopped me. I...changed my mind. It isn't a big deal anyway." You reply.

Patryck narrowed his eyebrows, "(Y/N), you just said earlier that it was a form of harassment! We have evidence!" He says to you.
You stay silent.
"Fine, if you can't do it, I'll do it myself." He says and stands up and walks towards the hallway.

Your phone screen lights up again,

Unknown : Stop him.

"Pat! Come on, it isn't a big deal! W..we'll report it if it does something inappropriate again, okay?" You said, grabbing his arm.
He looks at you again.
"Fine..." He gives in, "But if it does something again, I won't hesitate in turning the evidence in. Even if you try to stop me."

You exhale, as if you were holding breath this whole time.


It was almost lunch time, you were just about done preparing your stuff for the second period.
Once you were done, your phone buzzed again.

Unknown : Check on Edd.

You let out a shaky breath.

(Y/N) : Where is he?

Unknown : Boy's restroom, second floor.

You didn't even ask further questions as you went running for the second floor.
You stop at the entrances of the boy's restroom, pondering whether you should go in or not.


Unknown : Go in. There's no one there.

You hesitate. Should you really trust this person? They literally threatened you to do something to one of your best friends just this morning.

'I don't have a choice.'

You opened the door carefully.



Unknown : Stall 2.

You immediately went to stall 2, somehow, it was unlocked.
You open the door gently, and once you did...
All the air was taken out of you.


"Ell!" You scream for her name. She was in the class of Tori, Tamara, and Matilda, visiting them as much as she could was always her schedule now.
You reach the classroom, "Ell!" You scream again. She doesn't respond.

Ell was talking with them, but was also surrounded with a bunch of students.

"Ell!" You won't stop until she finally looks at you.
You see as you get attention from the other students as they turn to look at you weirdly.
Whispering to each other like, "Who's she?" Or "How does she know Ell?" Like you can't hear their whispers and how they immediately forget about what happened on the first day.

Anger and frustration was growing inside you,
"ELL!" You call out again. She wouldn't look at you.
You didn't care if you were making a scene, you just wanted her attention. Was her popularity more important? Did she just leave all the memories you shared together in the dirt? Did she care more about her reputation? Anger had pushed out tears from your eyes, but you're not backing down.

"ELL!" Your voice had cracked.

"(Y/N)?!" You hear Tom's voice echoing out and rushing towards you.
"What happened?! Why are you crying?!" He asks you, worried filled his eyes.

"He-...Edd! E-Edd he's...we need to h-help him!" Words were hard to breath out now.

"Edd? What happened to Edd?!" Tom is clearly panicked.

"S-seizure! He's having a seizure!"

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