Waiting; Bradley Simpson

By bwsforyou

247K 4.3K 780

A delayed train can lead to a whole load of feelings. More

'not allowed to treat a pretty girl'
'can i kiss you'
'love being in your company'
'will you be wearing anything out of that bag'
'you've been a bad girl'
'brad i hope you wrapped that friend of yours'
'he seems cool'
'merry christmas beautiful'
'will i get to see you in it'
'who's this bradley fella'
'its harder than you think'
'test out the products in that box'
'ive only sucked him off'
'whats wrong'
'brad leave me alone'
'did he make you feel better'
'what are we'
'id rather not hear about your sex life'
'i love you'
'truth or dare'
'so deeply in love with each other'
'cheeky fucker taking my seat'
'we could already tell by his pants'
'if you do i'll suck it'
'say hi to mummy and daddy'
'well well, look who we have here'
'theres room'
'i said get the fuck out'
'it will all work out'
'honey im home'
'thats all you babe'
'the amount of boners he gets when youre around'
'for godness sake bradley put on some clothes'
'the only thing that will boost my cockiness is you baby'
'and do you do like the stuff to make babies'
'my whole bunk was shaking'
'enjoy the conceiving process the most'
'we actually have something to tell you'
'give your lady a kiss'
'stop walking around naked its not good for my hormones'
'i just want you to love me again'
'makes me feel useless'
'over the moon'
'if i was ten my sperm wouldn't have fertilised your egg'
'sleep on the sofa'
'you were the right one for her'
'have this feeling'
'one more big push'
'shes so cute'
'you are absolutely beautiful'
'go and treat yourself'
'stop talking and kiss me'
'slap banging stuff'
'look amazing'
Epilogue - The Last Time
THANK YOU- wattys


3.3K 70 6
By bwsforyou

It was Thomas. What was he doing here?

'Why are you here.' My voice was shaking. 'I'm here to get back what's mine.' He smirked.

My grip on Brad's hand tightened. He could obviously tell I didn't want this man here.

I looked up the hall to see my mum and dad looking terrified along with Nicola and Dan.

'I think you should leave.' Brad spoke sternly. 'Who the fuck are you huh?' Thomas spat at Brad.

I could sense Brad getting angrier from beside me. 'I am Eloise's fucking boyfriend if you must know.' He said through gritted teeth.

'Well that's got to change hasn't it.' Thomas smirked. 'You see the thing is Eloise is still in love with me.' He continued. 'You better watch it lover boy, you'll be dead if you-'

I decided it was time for me to speak up. 'Thomas you are a fucking physico. How dare you come to my family home and threaten my family and my boyfriend. There is no way on earth I could be in love with someone who physically and mentally abused me! You should be locked up!' I shouted at him, tears spilling from my eyes.

I hadn't told Brad about Thomas abusing me. It hadn't came up in conversation so I thought it was best I left it.

'You are one sick cunt. I think you should leave.' Brad spat at him. I could see my dad and Dan trying to make their way down but both my mum and Nicola stopping them.

Brad's POV
This Thomas one wasn't for leaving. I couldn't believe what I heard. He abused El. He abused her physically and mentally.

'You are one sick cunt. I think you should leave.' I spat at him. Within a second his fist connected with my face and he kicked me in the stomach, sending me flying.

Suddenly everything went black.

Eloise's POV
'Brad.' I screamed as I rushed to his side. He hit his head and was unconscious.

My dad and Dan ran to hold Thomas down as Nicola called the ambulance and my mum rang the police.

'Brad baby please listen to me. Brad don't leave me. I love you so much. Just listen to me come on baby listen to me.' I spoke through the tears falling down my face.

He lay unconscious on my parents hall floor. His eyes shut. He was still just about breathing. He wasn't moving. He wasn't responding.

My mum and Nicola had joined me on the floor beside Brad trying to get him to wake up.

Soon enough the ambulance and police arrived. The police dragged Thomas from the house as another officer took statements from my dad and Dan.

The paramedics worked with Brad and I stood shaking, my mum and Nicola holding me up. I didn't speak. I can't believe that dickhead done that to the man I love. I hope he rots in prison.

The paramedics wheeled Brad into the back of the ambulance as me and my mum closely followed. We both went with him in the back.

I sat the closes I could to him. Reaching for his hand and tracing patterns on it. I couldn't stop the tears. I relied on him so much. He was my sunshine. The only thing keeping me sane. This is all my fault.

We arrived at the hospital and they rushed to bring Brad in. Me and my mum sat in the waiting room. I rang Brad's mum trying to explain what happened which only ended with my bursting into tears again.

My mum then had to take over and tell Anne Marie to keep calm and explained what had happened.

This is going to be a painfully long night.


An hour and a half later we're still waiting to hear something from the doctors.

We sat in the waiting room. Me and my parents along with Brad's parents. Nicola and Dan stayed at home seeing as there was 5 of us already.

Both me and Anne Marie sat, tears falling from our eyes, even some tears falling from my mums. My family had grew to love Brad. He was apart of our family.

I could tell Derek was keeping his tears in, trying to be strong for his son.

Suddenly a male doctors approached us. 'You are the family of Bradley Simpson?' He asked.

We all nodded eagerly. 'Well I've got good and bad news. The good news is he is stable and should be okay. The bad news is he is still unconscious.' We nodded and thanked the doctor.

'Am d-do you know we'll b-be able to see hi-im?' I asked croaking. 'I think you should be able to go in shortly. I'll go in and check then send somebody for you.' He said smiling. 'Okay thank you.'


Half an hour later a nurse approached us. 'Family of Bradley Simpson?' She asked. 'We are.' Derek said. 'Okay well if you would like to follow me to see him, he's still unconscious.' We followed the nurse, my legs were shaking.

We entered the room. The sound of his heart rate monitor instantly calmed me knowing he was okay. Anne Marie and Derek rushed over to him.

Me and my parent stood back letting them have some time with their son. Anne Marie turned around. 'Eloise.' She said, motioning for me to come over.

'Ah-am could you give us a minute, please?' I asked them. They all nodded and left me in the room alone with Brad.

I went over and took a seat beside his bed. 'Brad.' I cried. 'I want to say that I love you. I love you so fucking much. I don't know what I'd do if I lost you. Fuck I need you.' I stopped as tears fell dramatically from my eyes.

'I'm so sorry. This is all my fault. But hey I'm getting some peace now. You're not torturing me for hugs or kisses.' I giggled trying to brighten up. 'Although right in this moment, that's all I want. I promise you'll never have to see that dickhead again. You're always so quick to protect me. Yet I couldn't protect you.' I sobbed.

Both our parents entered again before Brad's heart rate monitor made a loud, long beep. His heart rate was flat. My dad ran to grab a doctor before we were ushered out of the room as doctors and nurses piled in.

Sometimes a loved one belonging to the person in the coma talking to them helps waken them up.

Although this isn't always the case.

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