The Baker and The Billionaire

By CountVustafa

192K 9.1K 2.8K

Harry Styles owns a small bakery. Harry hates big business and big CEOs. A big company wants to buy Harry's b... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
The Epilogue

Chapter 27

5.4K 262 253
By CountVustafa





The night was strangely cold and empty in London. The bustling night life seems to quite down. No one was walking in the street, no cars passing by, just plain silence. It was just the two of them on the curb. Both heads tilted up starring at the beautiful night sky. The stars shining bright like diamonds. 

Harry can't seem to tear away from the blonde sitting beside him. Niall was starring up in the skies, he has a smile on his face. He looks so happy and calm. 

"You don't have to you know..." muttered Harry as he pulled out his lower lip at the man beside him. 

Niall tilted his head cutely in confusion. 

Gah! How can someone be ridiculously adorable...

"The 36 messages and the voice messages. You don't have do that" trailed Harry. 

Niall chuckled and leaned his head on the lad's upper arm . Niall could feels Harry's body rising up and down as he inhaled and exhaled. He loves being near Harry. He was so warm and kind that it radiates off him. 

"Well, you were already gone. I had to do something" chirped Niall. 

Harry laughed and looked at his palms. Niall felt weightless beside him. 

"Yeah but seriously, all those messages. You sound desperate..." joked Harry. 

Niall giggled, it was an inside joke between them. "Desperately in love with you Harry. Always have and always will should be honoured!" 

Harry laughed at the blonde's remark. His heart seems to flutter everytime he hears Niall mentioning he loves him. Like they send him into overdrive. 

Niall placed his hand on top of Harry's own. His soft fingers caressing Harry's. Electricity passing through their bodies as their skin touched. It has been a long time since they touched without someone or something interrupting them. 

Harry smiled as Niall interwined their fingers together. The intimacy of it all sent shivers down Harry's spine. 

"Well, your dad. He called me like 20 times, and my phone haven't stop ringing since" murmured Harry. 

Niall chuckled. He then wrapped his arms around the curly lad's waist. He pressed his forehead on Harry's forearm. 

"My dad is really sorry you know. He loves me a lot. And he loves you too. He was just doing that to protect you, you know" whispered Niall as he pressed his head harder onto the man's arm. 

"Do me a favour and forgive him..."

Harry batted his eyelashes a few times. He could not believe Bobby did what he did. It was cruel and cold. But it made him question more about his life, his wants and needs. It actually helped him a lot.  

They sat in comfortable silence as they watch the stars up in the skies. Even in the night you can see dark fluffy clouds floating idly by. It was always something that bothered Harry, like why are there clouds at night?

"You remember when I first saw met you?" said Harry softly. 

"You were the most beautiful person I'v ever laid my eyes on"  he confessed. "And from that moment, I honestly wanted to be with you". 

Niall cracked a laugh and snuggled closer to Harry's arm. He felt sad knowing those moments are now far away. How he wished he could relieve those innocent 'firsts' again with him. 

"All I remembered, you were the lamest guy I've ever met. Who in the right mind introduces themselves as 'Harry Potter'? Only you bub!" said Niall as he poked Harry's ribs. 

Harry chuckled. Gosh, he's so bloody lame. 

"And those knock, knock jokes...they were rubbish!" he added. Harry frowned at the little leprechaun beside him, insulting his great knock, knock jokes. 

"Hey! I thought you love my knock, knock jokes!" Harry poked Niall's ribs.

Niall chuckled, "Fine, I love them."

"Knock, knock!" 

"Who's there?" 


"Cynthia who?" 

"Cynthia you've been away I miss you..." 

Niall felt his heart shatter a million tiny pieces. Harry gazed at him sadly with his gorgeous green eyes. They are now full of life. Niall loves that he can see everything through those eyes. Every emotion. Every feeling. 

The business man stood up from where he was seating and moved between Harry's legs. He tucked himself between the lad's long slender legs. They seem endless to him. Harry wrapped his arms around Niall's waist and pull him closer to his body. He dosen't want any distance between them anymore. He rests his chin on Niall's head, the blonde's fluffy blonde hair tickling his nose. 

"When I first saw you, I thought you were the prettiest man ever" whispered Niall. 

All Harry replied was a humm. He closed his eyes, inhaling the vanilla and honey scent of Niall's hair. Something that always made him really happy. 

"I wanted to play with your hair so much" he added, earning a chuckle from Harry. 

Harry wrapped his arms tighter around Niall, now moving his chin from the top of his head to his shoulder. His lips were trailing down near Niall's ear. 

"We never made love Niall" Harry muttered dissapointingly. 

"Every time we wanted to make love, someone interrupts us. It's frustrating you know" he whisperes huskily in his lover's ear. 

Niall shuddered as Harry did that. His deep voice always turns him on. Harry felt Niall's shudder. 

"I think we made good process. I love our little Eskimo kisses, the cuddles. You're a great cuddler you know" commented Niall. 

"I know that."

Niall took this opportunity to steal a kiss on Harry's lips. A soft peck on those pouty lips of his. 


Niall giggled as he saw the faint red colour appearing across Harry's face. He takes a good look at Harry's face and draws his finger across those beautiful features. Ghosting over his lips, those eyes, his strong jaw... 

Harry was enjoying Niall's finger trailing over his face. Niall then rose from his spot and wrapped his arms Harry's neck. 

"You remember on our first date when we watched that Frozen movie?" said Niall. 

Harry nodded, "You were afraid of the big ice monster killing Anna and Kristoff that you threw popcorn all over me. How can I forget." 

Niall chuckled. He really did enjoyed Frozen very, very much. In fact, he brought an Olaf sweatshirt for Harry not long after their date. 

"I knew then I wanted to be with you forever and ever" trailed Niall. 

Harry shot him a smile. The first time since his trip in Ireland that he shows anyone those infamous dimples of his. Only Niall has that ability to make him smile senseless. Niall giggled and returned back to the middle of his arms. Harry loved how he is always a tease...

"How are Louis, Liam and Zayn? How are they doing" asked Niall looking at the empty road beneath him. 

Harry noticed the sadness escape in his voice and wrapped his arms tighter around Niall. 

"I'm meeting Louis' twins tomorrow. Still can't believe he's a dad. Liam said he's constantly napping everywhere in the store. One time he actually caught him falling asleep while talking to a customer on the phone." 

Niall laughed loudly. Harry loves hearing Niall's laugh. It was charming and adorable. He swears there would be world peace if everyone hears Niall's laugh. 

"Liam is still getting used to being a husband. Him and Sophia are trying for a baby now." 

Niall sighed. Harry starred questionably at the blonde. "I wish we can have a baby together..." trailed Niall sadly. 

Harry noticed the cracked tone in his voice, and pulled his lover closer to his body. "Hey, no tears remember" he whispered. 

Niall nodded and shook away those fresh tears away from his eyes. No tears. 

"Now, tell me about Zayn" asked Niall. 

"Well, he is the same as he always is. Handsome and R&B. By the way, I'm not going to his wedding" murmured Harry. 

Niall frowned at his confession and playfully smacked him on his stomach. "Why the hell not!" he asked. 

"I dunno. People asking questions. You know how nervous I get when people put me in the spotlight" he explained. 

Niall smiled and leaned his head on Harry's chest. Hearing the beat of his heart, thumping loudly. 

"Go to the wedding for me Harry" whispered Niall sadly. 

Harry tried his best to hold back tears from his eyes. No tears, he reminded himself. No tears. 

"Tell Zayn, that I miss him. I love him. Tell Pierre to love Zayn and take care of him" said Niall in his chest.

Harry pulled the lad closer to his chest. He missed having Niall with him. 

"You remember the day when I first told you I love you?"  

Harry nodded. 

 "How can I forget. We went on a date. You brought Micheal's. Then it started pouring and you didn't want to leave the food. So we ended up getting soaked under the rain..." 

"Then you said you love me" 

Niall smiled and sends a peck on Harry's cheek. 

"When we first broke up, I missed you so bloody much. I felt so horrible for leaving you. It wasn't anyone's fault. It was all a mistake, neither of us knew, we didn't lie to each other." 

"We were just crazy fools in love. We were so in love with each other that nothing else mattered." 

Harry nodded and touched the spot where Niall kissed him. 

"Kiss me again" he whispered. 

Niall giggled and plastered another kiss on the other cheek, earning a blush and a smile on Harry's cheek. The blonde returned back between Harry's legs and took his hands in his, intertwining their fingers together. Niall kissed Harry's long fingers. They made his hands looks so small compared to his. 

"Tell me about us Harry" asked Niall. 

Harry cocked his eyebrow at the blonde man in his arms. "What do mean?" 

"Tell me, what were your dreams about us. About the future, about anything" said Niall as he stared blankly at the empty sky. 

Harry took a deep breath and exhaled. 

"We are two hopeless romantics, who had fallen crazy in love with each other. Crazier and crazier. You were my life." 

"Everyday before I go to bed, I wished that we have a family together. Maybe five or six kids. Blue eyes, or green curly or blonde hair. Calling us Dadda." 

"Celebrating first birthdays, first fathers day, first wedding anniversaries, first Christmases together..." 

Harry tried his best to hold back his tears but it was impossible. Before he knew it, hot tears were streaming down his cheeks. He tries his best to choke back a cry but failing miserably. Niall turned his head and kissed those tears, but they continued to fall. 

Niall shot him a soft smile, and held Harry's face in his hands. 

"Baby no tears, remember" he whispered. 

Harry nodded. 

"Come on, continue..." 

"Waking up one day and taking the kids to pre-school. Then hating them for growing up so fast. Sooner or later our little bundle of joys would go to primary school, then secondary school, then before we know it they'll be away living on their own." 

"Maybe some day, a couple of cute fat grand kids running around the house. My hair going grey and yours too. We spend the night tucking in our grand kids and telling them silly bed time stories of their parents. Tucking them in and kissing them goodnight." 

Harry could not continue anymore. This was painful and heartbreaking. The worst pain he ever felt in his heart. Like every pain he'd ever experienced in his life pulled together and hitting him in the face. 

"That's a wonderful dream Harry" whispered Niall to the curly lad. 

Niall then leaned in and brushed his nose over Harry's. "Well my dream for us, is..." 

"You're happy. You live this great life surrounded by people that you love and loves you back. Going with the gang to reunion concerts of One Direction and 5SOS. Telling your kids how amazing they were." 

Before he knew it tears were falling over his face again. Harry knew wiping those tears away were useless, they would keep on falling irregardless. 

"I can't be happy Niall. Not without you gone." 

The blonde shook his head and pointed his tongue out to the curly lad in front of him. 

"I'm not gone Harry. Just temporarily unavailable" he joked. 

Harry can't help himself but escape a chuckle between his sobs. He rode his hand up Niall's waist and cupped his face in his hands. Harry takes a good look at the face he'd fallen deeply in love with. 

Those blue eyes he loved so much. That cute button nose. Those lips. That smile. 

His heart tightened in his chest and he let out another heart aching sob. 

"Why did you take the flight..." asked Harry between his cries. 

Niall cocked his head, and shot him a soft smile.

"Love makes you do crazy things. You know that Harry" whispered Niall as he took Harry's hands in his and give soft kisses on each one. 

Harry could no longer hold on his cries. He was all out sobbing like a madman now. Tears were falling down uncontrollably down his cheeks. His nose were runny and he made no attempts to hold back. 

"Why did you have to die in the plane crash!" 

Niall finally leaned in and took the crying lad in his arms. Harry cried louder in his lover's chest. Niall could feel his shirt soaking with Harry's tears. It was heartbreaking. For a while Niall rocked Harry until he stopped crying, muttering soft and loving words to his ears. 

Dark clouds had gathered above the city. The air was cold and it would soon be getting colder. In the distance a man with curly hair was sitting in the curb, his cheeks stained with tears. A wooden box containing random stuff placed beside him. 

"You remember that photo?" said Niall pointing towards the picture frame in the box. 

It was a framed picture of himself wearing his favourite white Adidas hoodie, his red snapback and he was showing his tongue at him. He told Harry countless times to remove the silly picture, but the lad resisted and said he looked cute, and framed it and put it in his kitchen. 

"How can I not. We spend the night together at my apartment. We woke up and you tried to make pancakes-"

"You scolding me, not to get eggshells in the batter." 

"Hey! I am a baker. We do get particular about things." Harry and Niall chuckled at the same time. Even after death they still loved annoying each other. 

"We went to the amusement park. And you wanted to ride the rollarcoster. But when we reached the ride it was under maintenance. You were so disappointed, like a child..." 

"I brought you ice-cream and you jumped on my back and you got a piggy ride all the way to the car." 

Niall smiled at the end of the story. It was the perfect day. 

"I was so happy" whispered Niall. 

Harry nodded. "Me too." 

Suddenly a loud clap of thunder roared across the skies. Harry felt tiny drops of rain falling over his head. 

"I love you Harry" Niall whispered. 

Harry knew it was time. This will be his last time talking and seeing the man he loves so much. At first he thought he must be hallucinating when he saw the man standing on the same spot he first met him. Looking confused and lost , exactly like he did when he first laid eyes on him. But this was no hallucination. This was real. Too real. He could feel Niall's warmth in his skin. 

"I love you too" 

Niall leaned in and captured Harry's lips in his own. Harry closed his eyes, feeling the warmth of Niall's lips on his. Those lips he loved so much. He was going to miss them. The rain began pouring heavily as their kissed. Claps of thunder continue roaring. It was just them in the street. 

The kiss lasted a while until Harry felt the warmth of Niall's lips fade away. He opened his eyes. He was alone in the street. It was just him in the pouring rain. Tears began to pour again. Luckily for him the rain washed away his tears. 

Harry choked. I love you Niall...






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