unexpected » camren texts

By derp-pxtato

61.1K 1.3K 719

DISCONTINUED - IM SORRY :( what will happen when camila cabello receives an unexpected text message from laur... More

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2.8K 64 6
By derp-pxtato

Camila had been sitting in her car for about half an hour, too frightened to step out of the vehicle. She stared at the apartment complex that Lauren was supposedly in at the moment, anxiety taking over her entire body as each minute passed by. She finally took the deepest breath she could take and reluctantly opened the car door, her heart beating so fast as if she ran a marathon.

She took the elevator to the third floor, and soon Camila was standing in front of Lauren's door. She sort of hoped that Dinah texted her the wrong address. Then she wouldn't have to face the older brunette. But she knew that wasn't very likely.

She had to admit that she was feeling a little excited. If this was actually Lauren's apartment, it would be the first time that they ever met.

Camila closed her eyes for a brief moment. Her hands were shaking as she knocked nervously on the door. There was shuffling on the other side before the door swung open, revealing the green-eyed girl.

Lauren was completely and utterly bewildered at Camila's unannounced and unexpected arrival. She blinked once, then she blinked twice.

"Camz? What? How? I—," but the younger girl couldn't contain it anymore. She threw her arms around the older one's neck, sobbing quietly into her shoulder. Lauren instantly reacted by placing her arms around her waist, letting her cry and not caring if her salty tears were staining her shirt. She lifted a hand up and started stroking her unbelievably soft and silky dark brown hair.

"Shh, it's okay. Let it all out, I'm right here," she repeatedly whispered in a soothing tone, her heart breaking as the other girl sniffled and cried in her arms.

Once Camila's sobbing subsided, they pulled away from each other, and Lauren stared directly into the teary dark brown eyes that stared into her emerald green ones.

"I-I fucked everything up, Lauren. Dinah t-told me what your address was, and I-I wanted to apologize. I know it seems l-like all I'm doing is apologizing, but that's b-because I keep making mistakes. I-I promise I'll stop screwing things u-up. I fucking hate fighting with y-you. I'm such an idiot. Please f-forgive me, Lolo," the smaller girl stuttered, wiping her eyes with the back of her hand and pleadingly gazed at the other brunette.

Realizing that they were still standing in the doorway, Lauren silently motioned for Camila to enter and closed the door behind them. Afterwards, she immediately pulled her into a tight embrace once again as a form of forgiveness, letting her know that everything was alright between them.

Camila's pulse was beating so incredibly quick that she thought it was going to burst out of her chest at some point. She was in Lauren's arms, the person she just had to fall in love with. She could have fallen for anyone, but it had to be her. Not that she was complaining, though. The brown-eyed girl felt safe, like nothing could ever hurt her, which was something she hadn't felt in a long time. She felt protected with the green-eyed girl's arms around her, holding her firmly.

"I completely forgive you, Camila. You haven't screwed things up. If anything, I was the one who was screwing things up. I was angry at you for no reason when you were just concerned about something I should be concerned about too, perhaps even more. I really don't want any more complications between the both of us. Let's move on from this, okay?" Lauren told her softly, tucking a strand of her loose hair behind her ear.

She simply nodded and smiled at the sweet gesture, and in that moment, it was almost instinctive to lean forward and kiss Lauren's lips. But she knew it was definitely wrong, no matter how right it seemed to her, especially after everything that had happened.

Camila sighed and stepped back a few steps. "Can I stay with you for a little?"

"Of course, but I'd rather not stay here. Where do you want to go?" Lauren asked.

"Anywhere," she answered, flashing a dazzling smile that caused Lauren's heart to flutter.

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