The 9th Servamp (RE-EDITING)

By notyourangelthough

5.1K 110 17

Thought that there were only 8 Servamps? Well think again, there's 9! WHAT?! Yep. Kaida Kelly is your ordi... More

OC Information
Chapter 1: Crystal
Chapter 3: Team
Chapter 4: Lawless
Chapter 5: Subclass
Chapter 6: Not YOU Again!!!
Chapter 7: Arrow
Chapter 8: Miku Miku?
Chapter 9: Crystal's Orgin
Chapter 10: Bad Ass
Chapter 11: Final Battle
Chapter 12: Aftermath
Sakuya x Kaida OS
Belkia x Kaida OS
Kuro x Kaida OS
Misono X Kaida OS
Lily X Kaida OS
Mahiru X Kaida OS
Lawless X Kaida OS

Chapter 2: Later

389 10 3
By notyourangelthough


The video is just a Servamp ASMV to the song Crossfire that I liked.

Watch the video if you want.

Enjoyg the chapter!



Third person POV

A figure ran through the woods very fast jumping, dodging, etc.

"Have you guys heard the rumor?" asked Misono. Him and his friends were having a meeting at the Hot Springs.

The said figure jumped up and grabbed onto a branch. They swung theirself over the broken down tree in front of them.

"Rumor? What rumor?" asked Mahiru.

"The rumor of another Servamp and Eve," said Tetsu.

The figure landed and began to run again taking notice of the animal chasing them.

"No way! I didn't even know," said Mahiru.

"It is true though. My subclasses have told me they have seen another Servamp out there," said Hugh.

The figure jumped over a ditch only to have the said animal that was chasing them follow them.

"We have to find them and get them on our side before Tsubaki does," said Misono.

"What a pain..."

The figure landed and so did the animal. The figure dodged the animal attacks for the first couple of times until the animal tackled the figure and the animal roared at the figure.

"Atta girl Crystal!" said the figure.

Who was this figure and animal?

They were the Servamp Of Hope, Crystal, and her Eve, Kaida.

Kaida pet Crystal, got up then dashed off with Crystal following.

Kaida's POV

I'm Kaida Kelly. Age 15. I like the twists and turns in life so, that's why I was surprised to see a mythical creature like a dragon two weeks ago and I took it in. I thought it was a regular dragon but boy was I wrong! This dragon turned out to be the Servamp Of Hope that goes by the name I gave her, Crystal. I've had Crystal for a few weeks now and let me say... these weeks have been epic! Crystal and I have gotten super close and now our bond is stronger than ever before even if she's a little lazy, bossy, or sarcastic sometimes.

I have also learned a lot about being a really good Eve and about Servamps also. I have also got a lead. A vine like whip that is super cool and powerful in battle. We have practiced a lot just in case we run into any trouble. I wouldn't be worried though, we would kick ass! We're just that amazing and powerful.

Life is just so good right now.

"This is amazing!!!" I said as Crystal and I ran by the water and did some tricks. We ran through the woods out to the town and I looked around trying to spot two people.

Who? My friends Hana and Akari.

"There! Crystal, let's go," I said. She roared in agreement and we ran into an alley way. Crystal jumped inside my backpack.

I put it on then dusted myself off. I then walked out the alley spotting my friends. I smirked recognizing their backs were turned.

Time to have some fun!

"BOO!!!" I said.

Akari screamed a bit and Hana jumped while I laughed.

"HAHAHA! You should've seen your faces!" I said cracking up. "What the heck dude?!" Akari glared. "Typical Kaida," said Hana.

I stopped laughing and looked at them.

"Sorry you two but it's good to see ya," I smiled. "Same to you but why were you gone for two days?" questioned Hana. I started to get nervous.

No, I have not told them anything about being an Eve or Servamps. Heck, they don't even know Crystal exist.

I need to think of something!

"Well....?" said Akari.

I took Crystal out my bag. "I know this is crazy but I found this dragon and decided to take it in. I have been away cause I've been taking care of her," I half lied. Crystal looked at me and glared while my look I gave her said sorry.

"NO WAY!!!!"


"Cool right?" I asked and they nodded. "She's really cute though!" said Akari. She snatched Crystal from me and began coddling her. "I still can't believe this. It's amazing," commented Hana petting Crystal.

"Aw, aren't you just the cutest, sweetest, cuddliest, most harmless little dragon ever!" cooed Akari. I saw Crystal smirk.

I raised a brow.

Harmless? Ha! If you only knew.

"Roar!" *insert cute tilt of the head*

"MY HEARTU!!!" exclaimed Akari and Hana just sweat-dropped.

I sighed and got Crystal back. "That's enough. Look, are we gonna go to karaoke or not?" I asked. Crystal climbed back into my bag. "Right. Let's go!" Akari said happily.

I smiled and followed her with Hana.

-Time Skip-

Karaoke was fun. Turns out Hana knew Korean and sung some Kpop songs, Akari was rapping to some songs but failed horribly, which made us laugh, I have a nice voice and Crystal was actually up with us and Akari played with her.

"That was fun, right Crystal?" I skipped home with my Servamp resting on my shoulders. "It actually was. Your red haired friend also has a lot of energy," said Crystal.

"Yeah. That's Akari for ya!" I said.

All of a sudden, it started to rain. I stopped walking and held my hand out. "Rain? While there aren't any clouds?" I questioned. Everything around us turned red.

What the?!

"So, the rumors about it being another Servamp and Eve are true," said a voice. I looked ahead to see a black hair, red eyed boy wearing a kimono in front of us.

"Hello Kaida Kelly and Servamp Of Hope," he said creepily. "How do you know who we are?! Who are you? Answer me!" I said.

This dude give me the creeps but I'm not backing down without a fight

"HAHAHAHAHA!! Not interesting at all," he said bored. We both looked at him weirdly. "You seriously don't know me?" he asked. "Nah dude, we just said we didn't just for the fun of it," smart mouthed Crystal.

"Careful. He's crazy," I whispered to her. "Pathetic. Well, I guess I can't blame you since you never really knew now did you... sister or better known as ----- you know you're not ---- and what about —-," he said.


"Crystal, you know this guy? Who's -----? And what's ——?" I asked. I looked to Crystal to see her growling and ready to attack. She also looked like she remembered something. "Not really unless he's one of the people that my creator talked about," stated Crystal.

"That's right. I am one of the 8 other Servamps that our creator talked about. The others are Sleepy Ash of Sloth, Old Child of Pride, Doubt Doubt of Envy, The Mother of Wrath, Lawless of Greed, World End of Gluttony, All of Love of Lust, and of course me, Who is Coming of Mechanoly. I'm Tsubaki," he said.

"That's a lot of people and you're supposed to be related?" I asked. "I guess, I never really knew my siblings like that. I just knew they existed," said Crystal. "That's still a lot of Servamps, is all your siblings dragons?" I asked.


There was a chuckle heard from Tsubaki before he jumped and transformed into a black and white fox and landed on my other shoulder. "She's right, this is what I can turn into," he said.

Tsubaki tackled Crystal off of me and bit at her making her growl and kick back. "Hey! Stop it!!" I pushed Tsubaki off Crystal and he just laughed and transformed back into a vampire.

"Why would you attack your little sister?!" I asked. Crystal growled and I held her back from attacking the guy.

"Talk like that isn't interesting at all. Let's just say I'm on a mission and I have this hate for all my Servamp siblings so, I will be starting a war. Our creator made you the strongest out of all of us little dragon, let's see if that's actually true," he said.

Everything went back to normal.

Crystal looked like she was mentally debating something. How does he know about----- and ——?

"Um... what the heck was that about?!" I asked. "I don't know but next time I see him, he's dead!" declared Crystal a tick mark growing after she shook her head.

"You okay? He didn't hurt you, did he?" I asked. "Just a few scratches, I'll be fine. A vampire like him could never truly hurt one like me," said Crystal cockily. I sighed then picked her up and began our walk back home like we were doing earlier.

"You might be right but what about that war he was talking about? Also, what about your siblings? Do they have Eves too? Where are they now? What is —-?And who is -----? Ugh! I'm so confused!!!!"

Crystal kinda flinched at my last two questions. What's wrong?

"I wish I could explain but I barely know. All I know is the fact I have 8 other Servamp siblings and I'm the only other girl," sulked Crystal. "Wow, I can't believe it's only two girls," I said.

I looked up at the sky.

"Hopefully nothing goes wrong," I said.

"Agreed. Trying to catch him would be too tiring," said Crystal.


We made it home and I opened the door. "Maybe we should try to contact your other siblings," I suggested. "I'm not so sure let's just try not to think of it that much," said Crystal.

I put Crystal down and she transformed into a vampire.

"Let us rest for now," she said.

"Good idea," I said.


I can't believe I finally got to see you again. We'll be together again soon.


Seems like some drama gonna start!

Good. I love drama in a story.

Wait. So who is ----? And what is —-? What did Crystal remember? Why did she flinch at Kaida's questions? Why didn't she meet any of her Servamp siblings?

Wanna find out? Keep reading!

Hope you liked it.

I do try!


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Love you guys,


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