Idaho Girl *Logan McKay Love...

By AussieToretto

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An Idaho girl moved from Idaho when she was 6 months to Australia. Now she's back in her hometown and she cau... More

Idaho Girl *Logan Mckay Love Story*
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16 Pt I
Chapter 16 Pt II
Chapter 16 Pt III

Chapter 6

1.7K 20 1
By AussieToretto


I woke up and I felt my pillow move. Pillows don’t move unless you moved them yourself. I looked up and saw a sleeping Logan. He had one arms wrapped around me and the other under his head, his head was turned towards the window. I slowly got out of his arms and walked into the bathroom, I took my hair down and put it up in a milk braid and I brushed my teeth. I looked over and saw Logan.

“Logan, can I talk with you?” I asked him as he walked into the bathroom.

“Sure, what’s up?” He asked me, I sat on the counter.

“I was wondering if you would move in with me. I wanna move out of that house away from her but I can’t live on my own before of the anxiety and panic attacks” I told him.

“I would love to move in with you, but we’d talk to my mum after lunch” Logan told me. I smiled slightly at him and rested my forehead on his shoulder. I got off the counter and walked into the room, I grabbed fresh clothes and got changed. I walked down the stairs and make a bowl of fruit, I lean against the counter. I saw a tired Brock came down the stairs, he doesn’t wake up until like 8 and it’s 7.

“Becky” I heard Brock call my name.

“Yeah” I said.

“I had a bad dream” Brock told me. I picked him and I let him rest his head on my shoulder.

“It’s okay, I’m here” I told him. I walked over to the lounge and grabbed a blanket and wrapped it around myself and sat on the recliner. I turned the TV on and put the volume on low, I looked down at Brock and saw him asleep. I kissed his forehead and started watching cartoons. I heard footsteps walk into the kitchen, I looked over and Shay.

“Hey, why is Brock down here?” Shay asked me.

“He had a nightmare” I told him, Shay nodded his head.

“Do you wanna come on a bike rid with Logan, Casey, Ron and I?” Shay asked me.

“I promised the girls that I’d spend the day with her while the parents do whatever they wants” I told him.

“Aww that’s nice of you” Shay told me and sat the other recliner.

“Hey you guys need time to yourselves, and I don’t mind” I told him, I felt Brock move around. I saw him open his eyes.

“Hey buddy” Shay said. Brock moved from my lap to Shay, then Cooper came over and sat on my lap. I wrapped my arms around him and he rested his head on my shoulder.

“Where’s Carlie and Steve?” I asked Shay.

“Still asleep” Shay told me. I nodded my head. Around 9 everyone started coming down. Logan was already down stairs.

“There’s Cooper, I was wondering where he was” Carlie told me.

“Alright, come on you. We’re training” Shay smacked Logan’s foot. Logan moaned and got up off the lounge.

“We’ll talk with here after alright?” Logan asked me. I nodded my head and he walked off, Cooper got off my lap and walked over to Carlie. I got up.

“Brailee, Avia and Emmi. Come with me” I told them. I walked up to Logan’s room and took my camera out.

“Do you think I should make YouTube videos?” I asked them.

“Yes” They said.

“Alright, let’s make a YouTube Video” I told them. I got my phone and tweeted.

@BeckyJonesIsMe send in your question to get to know me more at #BeckyMore

Then the questions came flying in, my god. I picked out 25 questions, I then set the camera up on Logan’s tripod. I started messing around with my phone and I started looking up finger monkeys, don’t know why but I like them. I looked up.

“Is it recording?” I asked Brailee.

“Yeah” She told me.

“Hey guys it’s Becky Jones. I’ve had a lot of my blog readers tell me I should start a YouTube Channel, so here I am starting a YouTube Channel. Today I’m going to do something non-original and that’s the 15 questions tag. I’ve got my lovely helpers how are going to read out the questions for me. So we have The one and only Brailee Butler, then we have Avia Butler aka Princesstard and then we have Emmi Butler aka Babytard. So ladies I gave you 5 questions, and we start with Brailee then Princesstard and then Babytard” I told them.

“Alright number 1: What is your favourite drink?” Brailee asked me.

“I would have to say Arizona tea blueberry flavour” I said.

“Number 2: Do you have any pets?” Princesstard asked me.

“No, I want to get a Great Dane or some big dog” I said.

“Name 3 things close to you” Babytard told me.

“Brailee, Avia and Emmi. I said them because I love them” I said.

“4: What’s the weather like right now? What this isn’t getting to know you question, oh well” Brailee said.

“The weather is cold, that’s why I’m wrapped in a blanket” I said.

“5: Have you even had a crash while driving?” Princesstard asked me.

“I have been lucky and not had one while I was driving, but I have been in one while I was in the back seat” I said.

“6: What time did you wake up this morning?” Babytard asked.

“7 in the morning, only because I went to bed early last night”

“7: What does your last text say?”

“I was to Logan and said ‘Can you please pick up some Arizona tea if you can?’”

“8: What book do recommend on audible?” Avia.

“People recommend newer books now-a-days, so I’m going to recommend a book that I have recently read and that is Divergent. It is really good” I said.

“9: What is the last movie watched?” Emmi

“I watched Riddick with Logan last night” I smiled.

“10: Have you even been to a different country?” Brailee asked me.

“Actually yes I have, I’m originally from here but moved to Australia when I was only 6 months old, but moved back here 2 weeks ago” I said.

“11: Do you like sushi?” Avia asked me.

“No offence to Asians or people how love sushi. I don’t eat any sea foods, it makes me feel sick” I said.

“12: How many siblings do you have?” Emmi asked me.

“I have 7 siblings, all biological” I said.

“13: Do you have a desktop or laptop?” Brailee asked me.

“I have both. I have a MacBook Pro and a iMac” I said

“14: How old will you be on your next birthday?”

“I will be 19 on my next birthday” I said.

“15: Do you want to get married in the near future?”

“Yes I do” I said.

“Alright that’s all for this video…” Logan walked in.

“Your filming?” Logan asked me.

“Yeah, anyways that’s all for this video. Check out caseylavere, the Shaytards and Logan’s channels and subscribe, links will be in the description and so will there social media stuff as well as mine. Give this a thumbs up and I’ll see you guys sometime later” I said. Logan stopped recording.

“Since when did you start YouTube?” Logan asked me.

“Just then. My blog fans told me to start a YouTube Channel” I told him. I grabbed my camera and computer and we walked down the stairs. I sat on the lounge and started editing while using my beats. They’re noise cancelation so that’s good. Logan put a movie on for the kids, Logan helped me edit the video. After about half an hour I’ve finished editing. Logan is picking out a thumbnail which was of Avia, Emmi, Brailee and I, then he started uploading it.

“I’ve just going to put it in with Shay while he’s editing” Logan told me.

“Thanks” I opened the fridge and started making lunch. I finished everything, Logan’s washing the utensils that I used and the adults walked in.

“Who make lunch?” Laurie asked.

“Becky did, I just cut up the cucumbers” Logan said.

“It’s only 316 calories with the cucumbers without it’s 220 calories” I told them.

“Wow, you know your calories” Casey told me.

“Not really. There’s 6 mini cucumbers there which is 96 calories, and the Grilled Chicken and Cheese is 220 calories. I found a website ages ago when I made this for my brothers that had the calories and all that… plus it’s yummy, healthy and I made Logan do the dishes” I told them.

“Laurie… can we keep her?” Carl asked Laurie. Everyone laughed.

“Come on kids, lunch time. If your still hungry afterwards there’s fruit salad in the fridge from when I was up this morning” I told them.

“Kayli, can we keep her?” Casey asked Kayli. I smiled and we started eating, I looked at Logan and he nodded his head. After we eaten, Colette got all the kids the fruit salad.

“Mum, can we speak with you privately?” Logan asked his mum.

“Sure sweetie, what’s wrong?” Laurie asked Logan.

“Nothings wrong Laurie. It’s just I was talking with Logan this morning and I asked him if he wants to move in with me since I’m moving out of my old house. I know that Logan is going to Idaho State in a couple of months” I told her.

“She can’t really live alone considering the panic and anxiety attacks that happens when she’s stressed and….” Laurie cut him off.

“It’s fine, and I understand. I know you were going to move out to live in the dorms there. But I think it’s great that you’ll be living in a house near there, and it’s to also help someone” Laurie told us. We looked at her.

“I approve” Laurie told us. I gave her a hug and then Logan did. We walked into the living room, I went to check on the upload and it’s uploaded. I tweeted out that I have a video up. I shut my computer down and I just got to remember it’s there.

Now it’s time to tell dad the news, oh man.

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