PrettyMuch imagines

By laurenmara8

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Imagines about the boys of prettymuch ๐Ÿ’ซ More

Prank with the BEANZ
Award show with PrettyMuch
Pretty Brunch
Movie Day with Brandon
Lip Sync Battle
Overprotective Dad
"Im always here for you"
Beach Day with Austin
"How do I look?"
Ice Skating
Loosing A Bet
Not My Arms Challenge
Amusement Park
Wisdom Teeth
Boyfriend Does My Makeup
Target Run
Summer Days

Family Gathering

809 6 0
By laurenmara8

*Nick's POV*

"Bro just do it" I hear Zion say

"Yeah, don't be afraid. Its Lauren, she's gonna say yes, why would she say no?" Emily says

Im in Zion and Emily's room, nervous as hell because I'm gonna ask Lauren if she wants to come with me to North Carolina... to meet my whole family. Every summer theres a tradition in my family where we go to a beach house we have in North Carolina. My whole family, even extended family and friends are gonna be there.

"Bro I feel like my stomach is in my ass" I say

"well you don't look to good either" Zion says

"jee thanks dingus" I laugh back

"Bro I told you how I feel about you calling me a dingus!!" Zion yells back

"Oh good god not this conversation again" Emily interrupts

"Listen Nick. You're gonna get your ass up and you're gonna walk into that room and ask Lauren. Now or else" Emily says sternly

"Okay. Okay I got this" I say

"YESS THATS MY DINGUS" Zion cheers as I glare at him while walking out of the room

"You got this bro" I say to myself

I open the door to see Lauren concentrated on whatever she was doing on her phone. I walk over to our bed and kiss her to get her attention.

"Hi babyyyyy" She says

"I need to ask you something" I say jumping right to it

"yeah sure whats on your mind" She says sitting up

"Okay so. You know how every summer I go to North Carolina?" I ask

"Yeah" She nods

"Welllll I was wondering, since we're together, if you would wanna come with me? And you could meet my family and stuff" I say nervously

Lauren sits there for a second before answering which made me nervous.

"Nick seriously! I would love to oh my god!" She says as she pulls me in for a hug

"Oh god good cause our flight is already booked" I laugh

"Im so excited!! When do we leave?" She asks

"Tomorrow our flight is at 12" I say

"PERFECTT!!!" AHhhhh im so excited baby" She says hugging me again

"Im so happy" I say kissing her as we get ready for bed

*Lauren's POV*

I wake up to Nick kissing me all over my face.

"Babyyy. Get up. we gotta start packing!" Nick says as he drags me out of bed

Im not gonna lie, I woke up this morning with butterflies in my stomach. I'm gonna meet Nick's whole family... no pressure!! He's Italian and so am I so I know he probably has a whole bunch of family members. We've been dating for about 4 months and of course I've met his mom and brothers, but thats all. I didn't want to show I was nervous too much because I didn't want nick to know, even though he probably can tell.

"Baby can u pass me the suitcase" Nick asks

"Yeah here you go. Uh nick?" I ask

"Yeah baby?" He says as I walk into our closet

"How long are we staying for?" I laugh

"A week, so pack enough stuff" He says

I gather a whole bunch of outfits. I knew to dress in shorts and stuff but I brought a few cute summer dresses just incase. I walk out of the closet to see nick buried in a pile of clothes. I laugh but quickly go over to help him out.

"Babe why the hell do you need all those shoes" I ask him

"You never know! I need options! Plus what if I loose a pair, which I would never let happen but still!!!" He says

"You're worse than me you know that" I laugh helping him out of the pile of clothes

We finally finish packing and I check the time. Its 10:30 about so I hop in the shower really quick as Nick follows me in, typical. We get out of the shower and I get dressed in a cute maxi dress. I decided I would leave my hair natural and I put on a very small amount of makeup. I walk out to see nick in pink shorts, a floral button up shirt, and a huge straw hat.

"Aw hell nah. you are not leaving the house like that" I laugh

"Woah woah woah, who cares about me look at you. Wowwww. Gimme a spin, gimme a spin" Nick says recording me

"Stopppp" I laugh

"no but seriously get out of that outfit" I say laughing

" But I'm digging it tho" Nick says

"Okay fine but change those shorts, there way too short." I say as he goes to change

"I never thought I would be telling my boyfriend to change his shorts because there too short" I laugh as he cracks up

"Okay im ready, lets go baby" he says as he takes our bags

"Nick do you need help" I ask as he's literally carrying 5 bags of luggage (yes we pack a lot)

"Nope" He says

"Jeez dude lemme grab a bag or two ur goddamn arm is gonna fall off" Zion says helping nick load the car up

Me and Nick say bye to the boys while Emily and Zion wait in the car since they were driving us to the airport. We get to the airport and Zion pulls over so we have a minute to say goodbye.

"Bye bae, im gonna miss you." I say hugging Emily

"Im gonna miss you too. But have an amazing time!" She says hugging back

"Best friendddd" I say hugging Zion

"Be safe, don't get hurt, don't drink, if you go swimming don't drown, if you go in the ocean be careful of sharks, and call us when you get there" Zion blurts out

"Anything else?" Nick laughs

"yeah take care of my best friend ya dingus" Zion says hugging nick

"I will dingus" Nick says back

"GROUP HUGGG" Zion yells

We say bye to them as we walk into the airport and wait by our terminal. I hate flying with a passion so I was super nervous. To calm me down I rested my head on nicks shoulder as we just talked and waited for our flight. Our flight finally got called and we were off.

*Nick's POV*

We finally landed safely in North Carolina and now I was getting super excited. I called my Mom cause she was gonna pick us up from the airport.

"Ma! I'm here where are you?" I say

"I'm in a gray car honey!" She says back

"Jee thanks, its not like there aren't 20 gray cars out front or anything" I Laugh

I felt a tap on my shoulder and I turn around to see my brother Rob standing there.

"YOOO ROB. HOW ARE YA BUDDY!" I say hugging him

"Lauren! So good to see you!" Rob says hugging Lauren

"You too!" Lauren says back

"Here let me take ur bags. Mom is right up here" Rob says helping us

"Jeez Nick what the fuck did you pack" Rob says laughing

"He packed like 40 pairs of shoes" Lauren says

"What else is new!" Rob said

My mom got out of the car and I ran over to her. I haven't seen my mom in a long time so it was so good to see her. Lauren and her hugged as rob and I loaded up the car

"Lauren! You look so cute. Come on kids get in, get in" My mom says as we all pile in the car

It wasn't a long drive to the beach house, it was maybe half an hour but it went fast because we were all talking, getting caught up. We finally arrived at the beach house and my cousin Allie was sitting on the porch with my brother Chris

"Well look who decided to join us!!" Allie said running up to hug me

"Whatsup looser" I say hugging her back

"Allie, this is my girlfriend Lauren. Lauren this is my looser cousin Allie!" I say

"So nice to meet you Lauren! Nick hasn't stopped talking about you" She says

"Awww, its so nice to meet you too!" Lauren says hugging Allie

"Chris! Whatsup buddy" I say hugging my other brother

"LAURENNNNN!!!" Chris says hugging Lauren

"HEY CHRIS" Lauren says laughing

They all help us in the beach house and we finally get settled in our room.

"So how do you like the house?" I ask Lauren

"Its... so beautiful!" Lauren says heading out to our balcony

All the rooms had an amazing view of the beach. Man did I miss this place. After me and Lauren unpacked. We headed outside where more of my family was. Lauren met my aunt and uncle and my other cousins. Tomorrow the rest of my family was coming but for now we just sat outside and talked while taking in everything. We were pretty tired so we said goodnight to everyone and went to bed.

*Lauren's POV*

"Awwww look at them" I hear a voice say

"There so cute omg my heart" I hear another voice

"What are you guys doing" I hear nick say

"We were about to wake you guys but yall are too cute" Chris says as I now wake up

"Good morning baby" Nick says kissing me

"Good morning. Morning guys!" I say to nick then to Chris and Allie

"Morning! Mom's making breakfast so whenever you guys wanna come down!" Chris says

"Okay we'll be down in a few" Nick says

Nick gets up and I follow as we get ready for the day. Nick said we were going to the beach so I got in my bikini and put shorts and a shirt over me. Nick was done getting ready and so was I so we headed downstairs.

"Hey guys goodmorning!" Debby says

"Goodmorning!" We both say

I asked Debby if she needed any help but she said no so I went to sit down with Nick. We cuddled up on the couch as we look over to see Chris staring at us.

"Dude what are you doing" Nick laughs

"Sorry you guys are just too cute I can't help it!" Chris answers as me and Nick laugh

Debby was done making breakfast and since it was so nice out we ate outside. Once we were done Allie, Chris, Nick and I went to the beach. The beach was literally in there backyard so it was like a 5 minute walk. Nick and Chris Brought some chairs and me and Allie brought a cooler with some drinks and food in it. Me and Nick weren't 21 so we couldn't drink but Allie and Chris insisted we drink, so we did. Nick and Chris didn't want to lay out so they sat in the chairs but me and Allie laid out a towel. Allie was really really nice and I got along with her so well that it felt like we knew each other for years.

"who wants to feel the water?" Nick asks

"Not me" Chris says

"Baby?" Nick says holding out his hand

"Ughhhh I guess but only up to my feet. Remember what Zion said, there are sharks out there" I Said taking nicks hand as he just giggled

We went up to the water and it was super cold. But nick being nick jumped right in. Me being me stayed back since I hated the ocean. I have a fear of open water so I never go swimming in the ocean.

"Baby come on its so nice once ur in!!" Nick yells

"No its Okay I don't wanna die" I say as Allie walks up to feel the water

"OO damn how the hell is he in?" Allie asks jumping back since the water was freezing

"I have no clue" I laugh back

Chris yells for us so we both look back to see what he wants. As soon as I turn my back nick grabs my waist and drags me in the ocean. At this point I'm laughing but screaming at the same time.


"NO NO ITS FINE I WONT LET ANYTHING HAPPEN TO YOU" Nick says still holding my waist so I would go anywhere

"You trust me?" Nick asks

I just nod as he lets go of my waist. He grabs my hand as we walk deeper into the ocean. A huge wave come so nick grabs me as we both go underwater.


"No it wasn't actually." I laugh back

Since nick knew my fear of the ocean every time a wave would come he would grab me so nothing Would happen to me. He's so cute god. We stayed in the water for a little while and then we headed back up to Allie and Chris to dry off. Me and Allie tanned for a little bit and then we headed back to the house since more of nicks family was coming. Everyone that I met so far is so sweet and they are all so loving and they remind me all of nick.

"how was the beach?" Debby asks

"Soooo nice" I say

"I'm so glad you could join us Lauren, you and nick make an amazing couple and you really make him so happy" Debby says

"Aww. I'm so glad that nick asked me to come! He really makes me so happy." I say as Debby hugs me

I head upstairs to go shower and get dressed. Nick showers as I get ready and Allie comes in.

"Lauren?" Allie asks

"Yeah?" I say coming out of the bathroom

"Could you help me with my makeup." She asks

"Yeah of course!" I say

Allie sits down as I do her makeup. Me and her just start talking and she asks me about myself and we just get to know more about each other.

"Well look at you two" Nick says coming out of the bathroom

"You got a keeper! I feel like she's my long lost sister!" Allie says hugging me

I laugh as Allie heads back downstairs. Nick sits on the bed as I joined.

"I'm so happy you're here" Nick says

"Me too" I say back

"Im excited for you to meet everyone else!" Nick says

"Im nervous Nick!" I finally say

"Why babe?" Nick questions

"What if they don't like me?" I ask

"Babe are you serious. They are gonna freaking love you. My mom loves you, my brothers love you, my aunt, uncle, and cousin love you. And the rest of my family will. I mean how can they not love you, you're amazing. Don't worry just stick by me and ill introduce you to everyone" Nick says calming me

"Thank you baby. I love you" I say kissing him

"I Love you more" Nick says

We head downstairs and there must be about 40+ people in the house. Nick starts at one corner and we work our way around until I've met everyone. Everyone is so so nice. And its insane how much they are all like nick. I was outside sitting with Allie and nicks other cousin abby as nick and his brother rob were BBQing. Once they were done cooking we all ate.

After that we started to play games. We played this game that was like pictionary and it was so funny. We had to pick a topic draw it and then pass it to the person next to us. Then they guessed what you drew and passed it as the next person had to draw what the person before them guessed. Its complicated but it can turn so wrong so quickly and thats the funniest part.

It started to get pretty dark out but nick wanted to take me on a walk to show me around the area. Allie and Chris wanted to come with us. Before we left I went upstairs and grabbed one of nicks hoodies since I was freezing.

Right down the street from the beach house was a trail to the board walk. We went on the trail and the view was insane. The sun was going down so the sky was so pretty. We were walking on the trail and then nick stopped me. I looked at him weird...

"Babe whats wrong?" I asked him

"Stand here" nick said

"okay?" I said

nick took a deep breath before speaking.

"Lauren. im so happy that you came with me, You really don't know what this means to me. Im so happy that you got to meet my whole family. And I'm so happy that you became part of this tradition. I want you to have this, so that you can always remember me and this tradition" Nick says as he opens up a box that has a necklace with a little sea shell on it

"nick. oh my god I'm gonna cry. This is so cute, I love you so much. Thank you for letting me be apart of this tradition" I said hugging nick

He put on the necklace for me and we hugged again before taking some cute pictures by the sunset. We started walking back to the house and we were all super tired. Most of nicks family was leaving so we said our goodbyes and then headed up to bed.

"I love you so much" I said before drifting off

Hey guys, sorry this is super long. I've been wanting to write this for a long time so I hope y'all enjoy it as much as I do!! ❤️❤️

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