Maybe One Day (Geno Sans x Re...

By LunarEclipse0823

34.3K 1.1K 3.6K

(Absolutely beautiful cover made by @EverlovingCheeseCake aka @Ironic_Cheesecake!) What the heck? #1 in genos... More

Ch. 1: Number Nine
Ch. 2: A New Human...
Ch. 3: Missed Miss Wandering
Ch. 4: You Have One, Too?
Ch. 5: Leading Up To...
Ch. 6: Soul of Forgiveness
Ch. 7: So, Who Are You, Again?
Ch. 8: What Lies Between
So...Tagging's a Thing, Huh?
Ch. 9: Day 1, Part 1
Ch. 10: Day 1, Part 2
Happy Holidays
Ch. 11: Day 8
Ch. 12: Day 8, Part 2
Ch. 13: Day 13
1K...You Know What This Means.
Ch. 14: Day 32
Ch. 15: Day 58
Hey, Look At That! Another One!
Ch. 16: Day 72
Ch. 17: Day 81
This is Late, But...What is This?
Ch. 18: Day 99
Ch. 19: Day 113
Ch. 20: Day 126
€|-|. <>: |}4Β₯ ?????
Ch. 22: Day 148
Ch. 23: Day 157
Ch. 24: Day 164
How is This Happening?
Ch. 25: Day 165
Ch. 26: Day 170
Doing a Q/A! Or Something.
This is Probably Going to Go Terribly Wrong
Ch. 27: Day 175
I REALLY Need to Make a Book for This...
Ch. 28: The Last Day, At Last
Ch. 29: The Last Day, At Last (Part 2)
Ch. 30: The Last Day, At Last (Part 3)
The End...?
Wasn't It Just Yesterday?

Prologue: It's Not Over

2.6K 54 311
By LunarEclipse0823

I stood in front of her, glaring down at her. However, a smile remained stuck on my face, and this time, it was because of my revenge. My brother's revenge. All of their revenge. They would all be avenged, after so long of HER remaining unchallenged.

Her red ruby-like eyes glittered with her HATE and their combined DETERMINATION. Determination to destroy me, once and for all. This was my last chance to eliminate her reign of terror and genocide. I had one shot to do this.

I had to change it up this time. No more patterns. She won't be expecting change, after so long of it all staying the same. She thinks she has a chance? Ha. She's a fool. I'll win. I can feel it in my soul.

He stood in front of me, glaring harshly with a smile on his face that almost reminded me of me. Aw. How touching.

But he'll never have the revenge for his little family. I'm far more powerful, with my HATE and my—as well as pesky little Frisk's—DETERMINATION. I'll get him. He always does the same thing. It's his weakness. Which is why I always win. Which is why he'll always lose. Which is also why I'm ending the resets after the Last Genocide.

It'll never change, which gets boring after 8,284 resets. Yes, I counted. One last go won't be so bad. Just for old time's sake. Then, I'll quit this game for good, and stop the cycle. This stupid little universe will be destroyed without the cycle from our DETERMINATION to keep it alive, and I'll just move along, completely unscathed, to a new one. No one will stop me.

He thinks he has a chance? Ha! He's a fool. I'll win. I can feel it in my soul.

"You know," I said, hands in my pockets, looking out the stained glass window in Judgement Hall, "there was a time—long ago, back when it was just the first few resets—that I thought everything was going to turn out okay. That I'd beat you once and for all and it all would end up all right. Yeah, I was an idiot back then. I kept losing, in the same old w—"

"Ya done now?" she asked in a bored tone, twirling the knife around in her fingers. "Cause I really wanna kill you now. So could ya do me a favor and SHUT UP ALREADY!" I grimaced at her voice. I had not missed it while I was trying to leave the death screen.

"Okay then," I growled. "If you're so eager for a fight, let's fight." The fight screen showed up, showing her red and black soul and my blue monster soul. I got the initiative for starting the fight, so I went first. I came at her with a strong new move, and I could see the surprise in her face as she got hit.


But of course, I can't kill in one hit. No one can, except for, oh wait, her. Ugh.

She started laughing, but I could sense the fear in her voice. I was changing the rules of this repetitive game.

"Your attempts are weak. You'll never kill me. I'll live, kill you, and then I'll destroy this place. For good. No one will miss it, except maybe that annoying copy of you I've heard about from another me. But then again, I don't care."

It was me that chuckled this time. "You're scared. You know that the more I change it up, the more you'll see your downfall." "Lies," she quickly hissed, but I could see in her face that I spoke the truth. It was only a matter of time until her death, I knew it.

She quickly attacked me, and I dodged easily. My go. I pulled out another new move, and she was barely able to slide out of the way. I smirked. She didn't stand a chance.

The battle continued for a while. But always, I was the one getting a hit on her, and I always dodged her blows. Even though she used every healing item she had, I still managed to whittle her down to 1 HP. But it was here we reached the difficult part.

She stood, trembling violently; the sick and cruel smile on her face was unable to leave, but it was corrupted by fear. Her eyes betrayed her emotions, as well. But they changed to insane glee and cockiness.

She threw back her head and laughed. "Well, looks like I win. Again. Because no matter what happens now, I will always come back to haunt you. When you kill me, I'll come back from the dead again. It doesn't matter how many times I die. As long as you die in the end, everything will live the same pattern as before. It will never change."

I went quiet for a second, pretending to contemplate her words. But in a way, she was right. She will always come back. And then, she will know my new moves. It'll become the new normal. That's why I had to do it now, while I still had the chance.

"You know something?" I said. "You're right, kiddo." She cocked her head at me, probably confused. I continued, "This whole thing will never change. Not as long as you still have your DETERMINATION and that nice little death screen you have because of it. But...that won't be for long."

She laughed in my face again. "You're very funny, Sans. Because I'll always have my determination and the death screen. You can't magic it away. You can't change it."

"But what if I could?" I asked. Then I threw one last bone into her chest, eliminating the 1 HP she had left. She appeared surprised at first, then melted back into her signature maniacal expression. As her soul shattered and she faded to the death screen, I teleported to her and grabbed her shoulder. It brought us both there. I shuddered at the sight of the giant buttons again. And to think that I had just gotten used to not seeing them.

She turned to me, growling in anger, but also curiosity. "What are you planning, skeleton?" I grinned at her—maybe even more crazily than her—and answered, eye glowing like red fire, "Something I should have done a long time ago."

It was then I used a special attack I invented in this very place to attack the reset button. With the first hit, it began to crack.

"NO!" she shrieked, diving at me. I sidestepped, continuing to assault the terrible button. She tried attack after attack, but I kept getting out of the way and cracking the button.

Finally, with one last giant attack, the reset button shattered into millions of pieces of code. She wailed, fell to the floor, and wept. All over a stupid reset button. How pathetic.

I walked over to her. She put up no resistance, only in mourning over a button. I glared down, and she met my gaze with grief and hatred. "YOU!" she screamed. "You killed my reset button! You ruined everything! YOU DID THIS TO ME!"

"No," I replied simply. "You did." And with that, I stabbed her in the chest with a sharpened bone, at last ending the tragic life of Chara Dreemurr.

I exited the death screen easily, as opposed to when I tried last time. I nearly got stuck in the code, but thankfully, an old "friend" helped me through.

I appeared in my hometown, Snowdin. Just by listening, I could tell that no one was there. I was confused, and scared. Why was no one here? I would've expected at least a random monster passing by. I teleported to all of my friends' houses, to be greeted by the same deafening sound at all of them.


Everyone—Toriel, Alphys, Undyne, Mettaton, Asgore, Grillby, torturous Flowey, even Paps...all gone. All still dead.

Why did I think that destroying the reset button would save them? All it did was stop Chara forever, but now they could never come back.

I sat in the snow in the middle of the forest, sobbing to myself and cradling the red, worn scarf around my neck.

Papyrus...I'm so, so sorry I couldn't save you...

At that thought, I looked up, a new determination in my non-glitched eye and soul. He had wanted to see the surface so badly when he was alive. Now, I would fulfill it. I decided that I would do anything—even kill another human—to get to the surface. For Paps. For them all.

With my new resolve, I stood up, wiped the tears from my eye with a sleeve, and walked off. Whoever will fall down next, I'll be watching. And waiting.

And I'll be ready for them.

(So? What do you think of the new book so far? I worked for a while to think of a solid new idea, and this was the best one I could come up with. I hope you all like it! Love you all, precious people! —Lunar)

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