Love Bites & Bullet Holes

By NaughtyPlease

9.4K 664 789

It was supposed to be a simple hit. In and out, kill everything that moves, and leave no survivors. A quiet... More

The Beginning of The End
Drowning in Sorrow
21 Questions and Counting
One Step Forward...
...Two Steps Back
House Call
Midnight Snack
Feverish Memories
Plans In Motion
Out of the Frying Pan
Into the Fire
Authors Note
The Devil You Know...
Author's Note
The Devil You Don't
Dark Side of the Sun

Runaway Mouse

400 32 61
By NaughtyPlease

A moan left my lips as the hot spray of the shower trickled over my skin. Oh my God...I never knew a simple shower could feel this good. It felt I hadn't had one in years when truthfully it was a mere few days. An almost giddy smile touched my lips as I luxuriated in the feeling. The sudden thought of my plan sobered me up somewhat and I made quick work of getting clean and getting out. I didn't have time to linger, I needed to focus on the goal at hand. This was about survival. My survival and weakness had no place here. Stepping out of the shower, I grabbed the nearby towel and gently began patting myself dry. I raked a brush through my hair, being careful not to pull at my stitches, and then tossed it up into a loose bun. I shrugged into the fresh hospital gown being sure to wrap it around me enough that I was completely covered, and stepped back into the dimly lit room.

It was already pretty late at night, so all the other lights were shut off to encourage me to get some rest. I knew I was alone but I still scanned the entire room one last time before moving to my bed and prying my mattress up an inch. My fingers dove into the small dark space and wrapped around the cool metal. I pulled out the fork and dropped the mattress. It was a shitty weapon as far as actual weapons went, but since I wasn't looking to badly hurt anyone, it would do. Hopefully.

Pressing the call button for the nurse, I hastily ran to the door and pressed myself against the wall. My heart was racing and I willed it to slow down. I was well aware that my plan was flawed and that if it failed things for me would be much, much worse. But I would never forgive myself if I didn't at least try. I hadn't received a memory yet, and if I had, I certainly didn't recall. How much longer did I have before Gavriil becomes impatient and decides to get rid of me? I gripped the fork tightly, I couldn't just sit and wait for my execution. The sound of light footsteps getting closer pulled me out of my thoughts. I counted down silently and held my breath. As soon as the door pushed open, I lunged forward, my hand covering her mouth from behind and my other pressing the edge of the fork into her throat. My heart was racing and my hands shook like crazy but I couldn't stop now.

"Don't move. Don't scream. Please. I don't want to hurt you." I could feel her breathing hard behind my palm, her body releasing small tremors and I instantly felt horrible. She nodded and I slowly walked us forward before nudging the door closed with my foot. "I'm gonna move my hand..." I stated firmly. "But you so much as raise your voice, and I will hurt you. Do you understand?" I pressed my makeshift weapon harder against the delicate skin at her neck, making sure she got the picture. For all she knew, I could be holding a scalpel. She whimpered but nodded lightly once again. I slipped my hand from her mouth and shifted so I was fully behind her, my weapon pressed into the nape of her neck. "Strip." She tense before uttering out a shaky, "W-What?" confusion and fear heavy in her voice.

"Do it. NOW. No sudden movements, scrub bottoms first." She exhaled nervously but complied, slowly toeing off her shoes and sliding the pants off. I snatched them from her grip and tugged on her top. "These next. Hurry." She stepped back briefly and as soon as she yanked it off, I resumed my previous position. This next part was going to be the hardest. Walking her towards the wall, I counted to three and then grabbed a fistful of her hair. "I'm so sorry." I murmured sadly before pulling her head back and slamming it forward. It hit the wall with a hard thud and just like that she crumbled to the floor. I didn't have time to linger in my guilt. I quickly shed my gown and pulled on the scrubs. Her shoes were a size too big but they would have to do. Grabbing her unconscious body, I slipped her into my gown and struggled to pull her body towards the bed. My ribs and ankle ached with the effort but I ignore it. It was a small price to pay for my potential freedom. Hoisting her into the bed, I rolled her onto her side and threw the sheets over her.

It wasn't a foolproof plan, but hopefully, if anyone peeked in on me they wouldn't catch on straight away. Dr. Nick always kept a box of surgical masks and latex gloves by my bed and for once, I was actually happy they were there. Pulling out one of the masks, I slipped it on letting it cover half of my face. Moving to the room door, I prayed this would work and gingerly pulled the door open. When all I was met with was silence, I stepped out, letting the door click shut quietly behind me. My eyes scanned my surroundings, taking in the currently empty hall. Taking a deep breath, I started moving. I had no idea where the exit was so I'd just have to rely on the overhead signs and the lines on the wall to help me out.

It felt like hours had passed since I left the room but I know it had barely been a minute. I was tempted to break out into a run but it would only draw attention and make me look suspicious. As I approached the first turn at the end of the hall, voices sounded and I immediately pressed myself against the wall. My heart was thundering so loudly against my chest, that I could barely hear my own breathing much less the conversation. I inhaled softly and held it, forcing my body to calm down. Panic just wouldn't do me any good. I strained to tune into the conversation and realized in disappoint that it was pointless. The conversation was completely in Russian. But it also meant those were Gavriil's men. This was the only way to the elevators where I'd be able to enter the public floors. If I turned around, I'd have to take the stairwell and I knew my ankle couldn't handle it. I needed to pass them. Oh God, but what if they recognize me? Would they hurt me? Would they tell Gavriil and he'd hurt me? The fearful thoughts threatened to lock my limbs in place and I realized it was now or never. If I didn't walk out now, I'd chicken out and run back to my room.

An option that wasn't feasible considering there was a knocked out nurse in my bed. Taking a deep breath, I squared my shoulders and forced myself to put weight on my ankle to adopt a normal gait. I had to assume his men were smart and well trained. They'd notice if something like that was off. Turning the corner, I began walking forward, getting closer and closer to the group. They quieted down as I approached and I kept my gaze strained forward. I could almost feel their eyes searing into me but I didn't look to see if it was stares of suspicion, or simple caution and curiosity. It was a group of five and they shifted as I began passing them, creating a path I could walk through. I self-consciously lifted my hand to adjust my surgical mask, making sure it was in place. I passed them moments later a silent exhale leaving my lips as I released the tension in my shoulders and tried not to fasten my pace like I desperately wanted to.

"Hey." The voice pulled me to a pause and I felt my heart stutter uneasily. M-Maybe, maybe if I keep walking they'll think I didn't hear them. I reasoned, resuming my movements. "Hey!" I started walking a bit faster. My heart fully in my throat now. I heard grumblings of Russian before the sound of footsteps rushing forward drifted to my ear. It might as well have been a stampede of elephants for how deafening and foreboding it sounded to my freaked out senses. Fuck it! I attempted to run but the first two steps I took applied far too much pressure on my still healing ankle and caused me to release a yelp as I tilted forward. My arms swinging madly to find purchase and stop the fall. A strong grip caught my arm and hauled me back harshly into a firm chest. Air whooshed out of my lungs on impact and I went still. This was it! They knew and they were gonna drag me back! Gavriil's face flashed in my mind and I shuddered. There was no telling what he'd do to me now. A hand moved into my line of vision and I squeezed my eyes closed, tensing as I mentally prepared for the worse.

"Nurse. You dropped this." Huh? I tentatively opened my eyes and blinked blankly at the key-card being held out to me. Gingerly reaching out, I pinched it between my fingers and pulled it out of his grasp. "Uh, um T-Thank you..." I mumbled. "It's no problem." He answered, his words thick with his accent. I shoved the card into my pocket and as quick as physically possible, I made my way down the hall. I passed another group walking down the second hallway, and this time I forced myself to be calm as I walked by. I realized moments after the card was handed back to me that it had jostled free when I'd nervously adjusted my mask. I could have exposed myself right then and there considering the nurse's picture and her name was on it. A nurse with strawberry blond locks and brown eyes. I was lucky he hadn't looked at it closely, but I couldn't afford another mistake.

I passed by successfully and before long I stood in front of the elevator banks, trying not to collapse in both relief and exhaustion. I knew it was too early to call it a successful escape but was almost like I could taste my freedom. I had no idea what would happen once I left the hospital, my next move wasn't planned out, but at least I would be out from under Gavriil's thumb and one step closer to finding out who I was, to safety. Stepping forward, I pressed the call button, waiting anxiously for the elevator to arrive. What if the nurse was already up and had informed someone of my escape? That worry, that at any moment someone could show up and rob this chance from me, made me all the antsier as I waited for the elevator. An elevator that felt like it was never going to arrive. "Please, please, please!" I muttered under my breath. I glanced around me, spotting a few other nurses passing by on my left, engrossed in conversation. I lowered my gaze and angled my face away from them as the one closest to me paused mid-sentence to look my way.

With the limited staff on the isolated floor, I had no doubt that I would appear suspicious to her and I was right. The elevator arrived and slid open just as I heard her voice say, "Excuse me?" Calling for my attention. I didn't pause, didn't give any indication that I'd heard her. I simply launched myself into the elevator and slammed my thumb down on the close button with far more force than necessary. "Wait!" I heard her shout, just as it jerked closed. I breathed a sigh of relief and pressed my forehead against the cool metal of the door. I was completely oblivious to the fact that I wasn't alone until I heard a familiar voice say, "Well. That wasn't nice at all."

- - - - -


Hey lovelies! This update took a little longer to get out than I wanted, but it's here! And our little captive is finally getting a proper chance to possibly escape. XD Hehe~

*smirks* and just who is in the elevator? hmmmm?

Haha! <3 like always my beauties, if you're enjoying it so far please leave me a vote and comment. :)



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