A Slice of Love

By Juls131415

234K 5.4K 368

Olive Halls needs a job. So why not work at the famous Pizza Star? Oh did I mention there's a hot guy that wo... More

A Slice of Love
First Day
First Date
Just Another Day at Work
Opening up
Hanging Out
A Day With Matt
Maria Lily
Hitting The Clubs
The plan with a twist
A Little Secret
Girls Day, Guys at Night
Going Downhill
Her Wish
The Bet
School Starts
First Day Drama
Hanging Out...Alone.
A Surprise
Rumor Has It...Maria's back.
The Collapse
How To Say What Needs To Be Said
I Quit
Leaving You
Running to You
The End.

Best friends and Walmart

5.8K 148 9
By Juls131415

Matt's POV

And I thought this bet would be easy. I was ready to jump her then and there! What's happening to me? I watched as Olive walked up to Sarah's door. Her hips swayed as I checked her out. Jesus Christ she has so many things she can use against me! Oh shit. I get in my car, and turn on the radio, trying to get her out of my head. I drive home and park, getting out and walking inside. Al was making something in the kitchen and I walked over to the living room, flopping down on the couch letting out a groan. Al poked his head into the living room and gave me a look.

"I'll be there in two minutes with dinner." Al said, and going back into the kitchen. He always knows when I want to talk...which is now. Al emerged from the kitchen, handing me a plate of pasta in a creamy wine sauce. I grabbed the fork and began eating. We sat watching the TV for a bit until Al put his plate down and turned to me. "Alright go on. Tell me what happened." He said and I sighed.

"This bet is harder then it looks. Olive is good at making me want her. Just when I think I have her...she turns it on me!" I exclaim and he chuckles lightly. "This isn't funny!" I say and he grins at me.

"I'm just glad you finally got a girl who doesn't fall all over you. Julie is such a who-"

"AL!" I exclaim and he laughed at me.

"What? You know it's true." He says and I shake my head.

"Al you're crazy. " I say and he grins.

"Alright well I'm going to head to be. Night kiddo." He said and I grinned as he messed up his hair.

"Night Al." I say and smile. If I didn't have Al, I don't know what I'd do, that's for sure.

Olive's POV

"What was that all about?" Was the first thing Sarah said to me when she opened the door, eyeing Matt's retreating figure. I grinned and came inside.

"I'll tell you in a second, I'll put my stuff upstairs and you can get the snacks?" I offer and she nods happily. 2 minutes later, I'm sitting on the bed Sarah and I are sharing, with a bucket of popcorn, loads of candy and light music playing in the back around.

"So tell me what's going on!" She says excitedly.

"We have this little bet going on. It lasts for two and a half weeks, who ever kisses the other first loses." I explain and Sarah nods.

"So if you win?"

"He does what I want for a day and has to fire Julie." I say and Sarah grins at me.

"That's my girl!" Sarah grins, clapping me on the back. "What about if he wins?" She asks and I gulp, averting my gaze.

"Err..." I trail off and Sarah gives me an expectant look.

"What is it?" She asks and I sigh.

"I have to...uh...cook for him all day in some...special outfit?" I say and Sarah's eyes widen.

"Oh you're in deep shit." She says and I sigh, looking at the ground.

"And one more thing." I continue and Sarah gestures for me to continue. "I have to stay at his place for a week." As I finish the sentence, Sarah's mouth is left agape. Her eyes are fixed on me and I'm scratching the back of my head awkwardly.

"That's some bet." She says and I nod weakly. It's silent for a moment before Sarah continues. "Well this'll be interesting." She says excitedly and I slap her arm, and she scowls at me, rubbing her arm. "No need to get physical. You are under my roof you know." She says and I roll my eyes.

"Sarah, I might as well be another one of his whores! He wants me to stay at his house for a flippin week! A WEEK. Seven days that's by his side every night....with only one fricken bed! I'll have to stay with him at night!" I say and Sarah nods silently.

"Damn the sexual tension just keeps on coming, eh?" As soon as the words leave Sarah's mouth I'm whacking her arm again. "Take a joke Olive!" She exclaims, rubbing her arm and grumbling under her breath.

"I'm just worried." I say, falling back onto her bed and she lies next to me.

"What's to be worried about? Maybe you can finally cash in your v card if you do stay with him." She says, and before I can hit her she grabs the first thing close to her-which happens to be her unplugged lava lamp and waves it in my face. "No! No more!" She yells and I chuckle lightly.

"Alright I won't hit you." I say in defeat. "You know I'm not that kind of person anyway Sarah." I say and she nods, knowing I'm talking about her previous comment.

"Yeah....but I am." She says suddenly and I jump up, looking at her in surprise.

"You did it with Dan?!" I exclaimed and she grins.

"No but I scared you didn't I?" Sarah asks and I lie back down on her bed, resisting the urge to slap her arm.

"So how're you and Dan doing?" I ask and her whole face brightens.

"We've been on so many dates, he took my mini golfing and then to the movies and been such a gentleman!" She exclaims and I smile happily at her. She gushes about how he texts her a goodnight message each night and kisses her at the end of each date after walking her to the door.

"Sounds like I did a good job setting you two up, eh?" I ask and she laughs but nods in agreement. Her phone then vibrates and she jumps up and down happily. "Dan?" I ask and she nods.

"Yep, he asked if...oh um nothing." She says quickly and I raise an eyebrow.

"Just say it Sarah." I say and she bites her lips nervously.

"He wanted me to sneak out and see him. But I'm with you, so I'll tell him I can't." She says and I frown. I do love Sarah. She's like the sister I've never had that shares so much with me. She's both fun and hilarious, and then she's smart and caring. I swear, I don't know where I'd be without her. So that's why I wasn't about to let her stay in with me this evening when she could be with her hot ass British boyfriend.

"Go." I say, pushing her to her window.

"But-" She tries to protest.

"No. Just go Sarah. You're hot boyfriend is calling, so go. I'll be fine. Don't worry about it. We can talk tomorrow, okay?" I say and she nods, giving me a quick hug.

"You're the best Olive!" She exclaims and I chuckle and shoo her out the window. I lie down, pushing the food to her desk and shoot Matt a text before I go to sleep.

Pick me up tomorrow? -Oli xxx

Tomorrow's a day off, did u forget? -Matty

I chuckle and send him back a text.

No but we need to go back-to-school shopping, remember?- Oli xxx

Damn it. -Matty

I chuckle lightly and send him another text before going to the bathroom to brush my teeth.

Well night Mr.bet loser ;) -Oli xxx

I was eager to see his text, so I skipped back to my bed and noticed he had already texted me back.

I'll see you then Mrs.falling for Matt Star ;) -Matty

His text made my heart skip a beat, I set it down and got in bed. Some time around 1 am I heard the window open, and noticed Sarah coming in with her head slightly messy and her lip gloss smudged. Someone looks like they had a wild make out session. I chuckled lightly, but turned and went back to sleep. I'll ask her about that tomorrow.

Or at least I planned to. You know I woke up with a weight on top of me.

"Can't...breath!" I say, popping my eyes open in surprise. It's so bright, I shut my eyes instantly and hear a sexy chuckle before the weight is mostly off of me. Keyword-mostly. I open one eye and see Matt smirking down at me. "Holy shit." I say, opening my other eye and he grins at me.

"Morning beautiful." He says happily. "Or actually happy afternoon." He said glancing over at the clock. I suddenly realized how close he really was. He was basically straddling me and suddenly I grinned. I reached up and brushed my finger along his collarbone. He stiffened suddenly, glancing down at me. I smirked as I began tracing his jaw line and he shut his eyes. I then pushed him off of me, and he fell on the bed in surprise.

"What the?" Sarah asked glancing up from the pillow and seeing Matt half on top of her. "Matt? Um you have a girlfriend." She said and his face burned red.

"I came to see her, but she pushed me." He said and Sarah frowned at me, before hitting my arm.

"Ow! I'd like to not be hit, thanks." I said rubbing my arm. She rolled her eyes at me.

"Don't push you're boyfriend." She scolded and I got out of bed, glaring at her.

"Yes mom." I mocked as I went into the bathroom to freshen up. When I returned, Sarah was nowhere in sight and Matt was sitting on the edge of her bed, looking around the room. "Alright let me change and then we can go back-to-school shopping." I say and he nods.

"Um, I'll meet you outside. I have to go out the window." He says and I raise an eyebrow.

"Matthew Star, did you sneak into a girl's bedroom?" I ask and he gives me a boyish grin that makes me shake my head at him.

"That I did." He said, giving me a mock salute as he crawled out the window. I chuckled, throwing on something to wear and walking downstairs.

"See you later Sarah!" I yell and she yells a 'goodbye' back. I head outside to where Matt's car is waiting. I hop in and we drive to Walmart. Once we grab the stuff we're almost to the check out counter when Matt stops me and pulls me to a more secluded section.

"Let's have some fun Oli." Matt said suddenly and I raised my eyebrows.

"You do realize we're in Walmart right? I mean I get the whole 'staying at your house thing' for the bet but you know, I'm not gonna do dirty things in public." I state and Matt stares at me for a moment, before bursting into laughter.

"So you'd do it somewhere non-public?" Matt asked, giving me a sly grin and I groaned.

"What were you talking about when you meant have fun Matt?" I asked, changing the subject.

"I meant let's get kicked out of Walmart." He said, with a shrug.

"But we have to pay for this stuff." I protest and Matt rolls his eyes.

"Come on." He said and I pouted.

"No way." I shake my head and he sighs.

"But Oliii..." He whines like a little boy. "Olliii!" He says louder, even when I try shushing him. "OLI!" He yells and I clap a hand over his mouth.

"Jesus Christ. Fine we can do one thing, but if we get kicked out, we're going somewhere else and you need to pay for all of it." I say and he nods, looking extremely excited. Oh dear god, what did I just get myself into? He grabs my hand and we walk over to the sports section. He picks up a fishing pole and hands me one then grabs one for himself. We then walk to a random area, and he turns to me, looking serious.

"Okay we're going to cast our lines out over the isle and see what we get, okay?" He asks and my mouth drops.

"Matt this isn't a good idea!" I whisper to him, fearing someone will hear his crazy plans.

"Live a little faith Oli." He says, giving me a small boyish grin and I sigh but nod. "Alright on the count of three." He whispers to me. "1...2..3!" He says and we cast our lines. We both tug on ours, I come back with a doll and Matt comes back empty handed. Suddenly we hear a lady from the isle next to ours.

"Where did your doll go?" She asks and my eyes widen as I look at Matt. He takes the doll, chucks it as far as we can, then mouths 'Run' to me. We sprint down the isles of Walmart, still holding our fishing rods. We get a lot of weird looks as we pass but I can't help it. When we arrive at the back of the store, near cosmetics, we're both gasping for breath. Or well, I am anyway, Matt seems a bit more fit then I.

"That was close!" I say between breaths and Matt grins.

"Is your adrenaline pumping?" He asks and I nod. "Then you enjoyed yourself?" He asks again and I glance up at his happy green eyes. I chuckle but nod. He helps me stand up straight, after I've stopped breathing so heavily and we try again. This time I come back empty handed, but Matt doesn't. I watch as he tries to pull something from the isle. Suddenly it jerks back, and he falls to the ground with a thud. We both look at the blond wig at the end of the line and glance up when we hear a gasp.

"You took my wig!" The now bald lady exclaims. Matt jumps up and grabs my hand.

"RUN!" He screams and we run down the isles, and out of Walmart, not stopping until we are safely in his car. After a moment of catching our breath we look at each other and burst into laughter.

"That was fun." I say and Matt grins at me and nods his head.

"Hell yeah it was." He says and I chuckle lightly. "You know it was even better because I was there." He said winking at me as he turned on the car. I rolled me eyes, but didn't disagree.

"Alright now let's actually go get back-to-school stuff, okay?" I ask and Matt nods in agreement. I may have left Walmart empty handed, but it sure was a hell of a lot of fun.

Okay that was damn hilarious to write. It's really late though, and I'm ready to go to sleep so have a good night/day depending on where you are! Bye now kids!

Oh and don't forget to Comment and Vote! ;)

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