Deeper into the wood

By FakeHoney

67.9K 4.3K 774

Alpha/Beta/Omega. Those are the rank in a wolf pack. To survive , a pack must follow the leader a.k.a the dom... More

One of Us
Down we fall
Beyond hazel eyes
Everyone has a past
Rebel for real
Blow your mind
Gently do
Bring it over
Little death


7.3K 392 39
By FakeHoney

The once pure white fur was now stained with a maroon red color. The wolf whimpered in pain when the wound under his lower rib kept bleeding.
His body gave up, weight fell on the ground with a loud thud.

Soon enough the loud howling returned but it was different. He caught the scent of two alpha males heading toward him that's why he started kicking his legs and wiggling his body but it was in vain...all his energy was consumed.. For the first time in his life he felt betrayed by his own body.
"My time came." his inner thoughts echoed in his mind while he closed his eyes ready to die.

Two black alpha wolves showed up,  once they exchanged glances they shifted back to their human form still eyeing the injured beneath them.
"Trespassing my territory is severally punished." the first one spoke in a low raspy voice before tapping the opened wound with his foot.
The wolf gritted his teeth.
The oxygen in his lungs was drying out.
Apparently,  it won't be an easy death like he hoped.
"Alpha Jungkook calm down. He is no threat..Just look at him."
"I am Namjoon hyung. And it's disgusting me. Let's just return.  I waisted enough time."
"Alpha,  please allow me to take him back to the cave.  He needs to be treated."
"Jungkook" rose an eyebrow at his hyung unable to understand him then turned his back without saying anything.

Namjoon sighed before carrying the injured and already unconscious wolf as if he weighted nothing while following his leader to take the wolf back to their pack's place.
The thing that confused the older alpha was this stranger's real rank or role.

He wasn't an alpha that's for sure else Jungkook would've tore him down without blinking.
He's not a beta that's for one...but he doesn't even have an omega's scent...
Maybe he wasn't presented yet.
But that's almost impossible cause he was in his final wolf from so he's definitely presented.
what the hell? Was his final conclusion.


The annoying scent his nostrils,  he opened his eyes slowly only to find himself back in his human form,  with his wounds wrapped properly and he was also covered.
Apparently this scent came from a herbal mix that was smeared on top of his injured rib.

"You woke up." he turned his head toward the person who spoke,  to be met with a pair of hauntingly beautiful blue eyes of an Omega whom approached and sat next to him.

"I am Park Jimin and You?"
"Kim Seokjin...s-sorry for the disturb,  I must take my leave now before the alpha return."
"Easy there,  I just wrapped your wounds,  if you move you'll tear your flesh the mix hadn't dry yet."
Seokjin smiled at how kind amd caring Jimin was. After all it's normal for omegas to be this warm hearted.
"Thank you."
"Seokjinah then...from which pack are You?"

Packs are named after the dominant alpha's name.
In a pack there are three usual rank for presented wolves :
Alphas,  the most aggressive and strongest wolves. Always dominant.
Betas,  they can be dominant as well as recessive to their mates and they're  weaker than Alphas.
Omegas, the docile wolves. They're the lowest rank and known to be submissive. However Omegas are known to have a lulling scent and an undeniable charm that attracts all ranks.
A pack has it own territory and trespassing it is absolutely forbidden for strangers and can be severally punished by the alpha for such a "disrespect".
Hunting season, it's mostly for Alphas since they're the strongest but betas and Omegas are free to join yet they're preferred not to since it's quiet dangerous and life risking.
Seokjin being an example since he was out in this season...
But what was Seokjin.

"I actually...don't belong to any." he muttered quietly while looking down in shame. He was a lone wolf that was kicked out of the pack which means a non-desired being that are known to be better off dead.
However Jimin nodded and patted his shoulders.
"Who knows...maybe Alpha will allow you to join us!" he said in a hopeful tone but Seokjin highly doubted it.
He could clearly remember what the alpha said about him before he passed out and how he wanted to kill him before the second one stopped him.

After thinking about it,  Jin really needs to thank the alpha whom carried him and was generous enough to spare his life.

"During this season we stay in the wood and sleep in those caves, we return to the city after it's done."
Jimin explained after seeing how Seokjin was scanning the area around him with his soft doe eyes.

For Jimin,  Seokjin looked like an omega... Even showed omega's behavior.  From his unmatched beauty to the softness of his look and his figure which wasn't really that big or bulky,  his delicate voice plus his innocent aura. But his if he didn't have one...where is the sweet omega's scent?

"Jimin stop talking to this stranger without your Alpha's constant."
A Beta who just came said in a low tone causing Jimin's smile to drop and he apologized immediately.

"Yoongi Hyung,  where are they?" the blue eyed omega asked while heading towards the person who just came.
"Chasing after another prey...they'll be here in short then we will decides what are we going to do about this" thing" ."
"Hyung that was harsh."
"Until we know his rank,  he's a thing."


Two hours or so and none has showed yet.
Seokjin rested in his place,  still unable to move because of his wounds but he was nervous.
Should he run away?
He really didn't want to meet the Alpha because whenever he remembers his cold dead eyes he feels a shiver down his spine or the massive dominant aura he never felt before.
This alpha is for sure one of the strongest despite his very young look but why did his name sounds familiar to Jin?
He could remember clearly the second alpha calling him "Jungkook".

Once again the howling rose. Which means they're close and now Jin has to face an Alpha.

Poor pretty Delta....

To be continued....

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