By SilverSalamander

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Autumn is a young 13 year old girl from the Jhoto region, and she is also a big part of the "evil" organizati... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Sequel Information

Chapter Four

66 14 3
By SilverSalamander

I continued across the meadow, the raindrops on the grass rubbed against my ankles causing them to get wet.

Every few seconds I was reaching down to wipe away the water, but I got fed up with it after about the 30th time.

My ankles were still uncomfortable because of the water though.

I looked over towards the pond, there were little fish Pokemon swimming around and having a good time.

I smiled at the beauty of it all, I loved my walks across the meadow.

I looked into the cloudless blue sky, bird pokemon, and some other winged Pokemon were flying about in the air.

I glanced back towards the forest, nervous about Charizard and the rest of the forest Pokemon bursting out to get me.

I honestly have no idea why after all this time of walking through that forest... now I have become a threat.

I couldn't see anything along the dark path in the forest, so I felt like I was safe.

I pulled Banette's pokeball off my belt and returned him.

With a flash a red lights, my partner disappeared.

I brought the pokeball in front of me so I could look at it.

The smooth texture glistened in the sunlight and even reflected the sky above me. And it reflected a bit of my head.

"I'll let you out when we get home." I whispered, the pokeball vibrated in approval.

I gently clipped it back onto my belt.

I wish I could go on a journey like a normal trainer.... but this is my dream, I need to follow my passion. Even if I did decide to leave... I'd be recognized and taken to prison for who knows how long.

I sighed at the thought that being a normal trainer wasn't possible anymore.

The cage beside me rattled a little bit.

Why is this Pokemon in a cage and not the pokeball clipped to the side of it? I thought, knowing I could've avoided all those forest Pokemon if it had just been in a pokeball.

"Whatever.." I mumbled softly, without realizing I had said that out loud.

I prepared myself for the nosey cage Pokemon to pipe up.. but he didn't, surprisingly.

I was really excited to find out what Pokemon was inside this cage, but I promised myself to wait until I got home.

You see, my house isn't the prettiest.. I live in a cave.

This is the story of how I got my house the way it is today.

When I was younger, I decided I needed a place to stay in for safety because I used to sleep out in the open.

I brought a tone of wood inside the cave with the help of Haunter, and started brainstorming what to do.

I built little pillars out of the wood to hold up the wall, and put two wooden planks on either side, covering the pillars.

I nailed it all into place and admired my work.

I just stayed in a cave with a single wall for awhile before going out to get food... I disguised, obviously, and I found a retail store.

I got some supplies for the house, like paint to match the walls of the cave, and a nice door.

I got some more wood to build a bed frame, and some better looking wood for a desk, and some shelves.

Realizing I couldn't just nail the shelves into the wall, I got some sticky stuff... whatever those are called.. to just stick them to the wall.

I put all my items in a box, and pushed it all the way back to the cave.

Immediately I began painting the walls.

After that, I installed the door, and tested it.

I made sure it worked at walked inside to my empty home, with a small fire and a sleeping bag. I lay out all my materials, and put the shelves up.

I built my bed frame.... which took like... 7 hours. It was really dark at that point, so I slumped onto my sleeping bag and fell asleep instantly.

In the morning, I assembled my desk, which took 4 hours since I had instructions on how to build it.

I took in the beauty of my little home and decided I should get a mattress.

And in case you are wondering how I have enough money to buy all this.... it's because we get paid... a lot of money depending on your rank in Team Aeri. I had a lot of money since I mainly only bought food.

I picked out a mattress and paid the guy, he asked if I was old enough to be out shopping so I said.

"I'm 18, but I'm below average height."

The man nodded and let me go.

I lugged the heavy mattress home, squished it through the door, and put it on my newly built bed frame.

I had daylight so I went to buy a chair for my desk.

I picked out a nice office chair, brought it home, and assembled it.

I pushed it to the desk, and flopped onto my new mattress.

It was cold, so I put my sleeping bag on the mattress, and slept in that.

The next morning, I went out to get bedsheets.

And yes.. I did eat in between all this.

I brought my bedsheets home.

They had white at the top, and faded into a black color, I got matching pillow cases. I also bought some pillows.

I had a few more hours of daylight, so I went to buy some cabinets.

I picked some that matched the theme of my home, and brought them back.

I assembled them, and stuck the cabinets to the wall using the same thing I had used to put the shelves on.

I got into my bed and slept again since it was late, the next day I would get a stove, and if I had extra time, a fridge.

I got my stove, put it in a box and pushed it to my cave, it took a looong time.

I realized I didn't have any power, this was a problem.

I quickly found a solution and plugged it into an electric crystal I used as lights.

In this cave, I had crystals that looked like they had electricity in them.. and they did, I found that out when I plugged the stove into one.

I went and got a fridge, and pushed it home the same way I did with the stove... the boxes bad wheels, so that's how I could push them.

I was halfway home when it got dark, it was 10 pm when I finally got the fridge home.

I plugged it into a crystal and slept.

I was sore from all the working so I took a day off.

In the morning I got a couch, built it at home and put the cushions on after I built the frame.

I also got two smaller couches to put next to them, a rug, and a coffee table.

And with that my house was completed, I just needed decorations.

I got paintings of Pokemon, notebooks for my desk, pencils, action figures, a nameplate. And finally... lots of food!

That's how I assembled my house, I did changes here and there throughout the years, but I think it's safe to say nothing much has changed.

Today had been very long, and I was excited to just flop onto my bed, that is, of course, after I meet my mystery Pokemon.

My ankles were soaked with the raindrops, which was really annoying, I wiped them off but just as I expected, more wet grass rubbed against them.

That's a pet peeve of mine... walking through wet grass.

I was just passing the pond which brought a smile to my face.

I was one step closer to home!

Just had the cross the other half of the meadow and I would be home.

The Pokemon in the cage was suspiciously quiet, so I started up a conversation.

"Your oddly quiet..." I said, glancing at the cage.

"Well What is there to talk about?"

"Aren't you excited to almost be at your new home. And finally meet everyone?"

"Yeah.. but, that's not really a conversation topic is it?"

I paused.. this guy thinks he is such a smarty pants doesn't he.

A little splash could be heard from the pond as the golden and Magikarp jumped about.

"What's your favorite color?" The Pokemon in the cage randomly asked.

"Why?" I responded in confusion.

"You wanted me to talk to you!" It shot back, a 'duh' tone in his voice.

"Oh yeah... well it's neon orange." I responded to the awkward question, he didn't talk much more after that.

He used to be such a giddy Pokemon, was he getting shy now?

I shrugged it off and looked ahead.

I could see the little cave I had made my home in only a short distance away.

I got really excited, like I always did when I finally saw home after a long day.

I found a bit of energy I had gotten back after the extreme chase back in the forest, and began a full out sprint towards home.

That land was oh so familiar, the sweet home vibe in air as I got closer and closer.

I didn't mind the rain against my ankles, I just felt free, I just wanted to be home.

I wanted to walk into my house for the first time as a Team Aeri admin! I grinned more wildly the closer I got to it.

And finally I slapped my hand onto the outer cave wall.

Home! Yes!

I don't know why I was so excited, I've been here before, but this time, I was way to thrilled.

I rushed inside and burst through the door, taking in my amazing house.

I forgot to add in the part I was explaining how I built my house.

The electric crystals were my heating source, since caves are cold most of the time.

I grinned wider as my eyes locked onto my bed, I could really use a nap... but I couldn't yet.

I rushed over to a cabinet and pulled out 3 full restores and 5 Pecha berries.

I placed the cage next to my bed.

"Time to shine!" I announced throwing my pokeballs into the air.

I expertly caught all the pokeballs, and clipped them onto my belt again.

Haunter and Rotom appeared, but they looked a mess.

I quickly sprayed them both with the pull restores and in no time they were back to their usual selfs.

"Sorry we lost the battle.." Rotom and Haunter apologized in union, with sad looks on their faces.

"Guys.. come on... you did your best, and Ted told me that we were a really good team, and that he hadn't had someone faint Houndour for awhile." I told them both, trying to cheer them up.

They both grinned, but I could tell they were still sorry.

I moved over to Banette and sprayed him with a full restore too.

"Thanks for helping me in the forest back there." I thanked as Banette's wounds healed up.

"No problem Autumn!" He assured me, shooting a thumbs up and a grin.

"Now.. everyone ready to meet our new friend!?" I called telepathically.

They all cheered.

"Finally! I've been waiting since the elevator!" Haunter shouted, louder then the other two.

I grabbed the pokeball clipped to the side of the cage, and gently pulled down the hatch.

Just as I expected, the small Pokemon shot from the cage, and immediately stretched out his stiff bones.

"Finally ou-ho ho... this is a cool house ya got here!" It announced with glee as it began restlessly running around my house.

My three other Pokemon had their eyes locked on this small Pokemon.

It finally slowed down and jumped onto the couch, that's when I could get a good look at it.

Its body was a pastel-yellow color, it's tail curved at the end into a brown color.

The same brown was on the tips of his back legs, but his front ones didn't have any brown.

He had whisker-like hairs coming from the side of his head, and two coming from the top.

The front of this Pokémon's ears were black, but the rest was still just the pastel-yellow.

And finally, he had a golden charm at the top of his head.

"Feels so good to just relax on a nice soft cushion." The Pokemon exclaimed happily.

This Pokemon was non other then.... the cat Pokemon Meowth!

I smiled at my new partner as I walked over to the couch with him.

I stroked his back, and he let out a soft purr.

My other Pokemon had gone to do what ever they like, but I grabbed the pokeball and tried to return Meowth.

It didn't work.

Meowth is still a wild Pokemon... that's why he was in a cage and not a pokeball.

I gently tapped the pokeball to his head.

One shake

Two shakes

Three shakes


I had officially caught Meowth. He was now a member of my team.

I opened the pokeball, and Meowth popped out still asleep, and still purring happily.

I smiled at the peaceful cat pokemon as I stood up.

I needed to get some rest as well, I looked at my watch, it was about 5:30 pm. I would be getting a lot of sleep tonight.

That made me feel happy, sleep was one of my best friends.

I crawled into my bed, and before I knew it, I drifted off to sleep.


I wish I could drift off to sleep x-x

It's literally 2:15 am while I'm writing this...

I finished this entire section in a single day, and if you remember last time I said I had writers block... not this time XD

I've been staying with my goal of 2000 words per chapter... yay!

My style is write one chapter... but not to publish that chapter until the next chapter is done.

So if I was writing chapter 1 and I finished... I wouldn't post chapter 1 until I finished chapter 2 and I wouldn't pose chapter 2 until I finish chapter 3... you get it?

If you don't I don't care... sorry...

As always!

Comment here for tips on writing

Comment here to tell me you hate me

Comment here to tell me I'm just wonderful

Comment here if you wanna make a face like this :3

Goodnight... Im sleeping after this x-x

If it's day time... have a good day.

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