Red Queen ▻ The Originals [1]

By arios2004

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In which Klaus Mikaelson travels back to his old home New Orleans after hearing about a witch conspiring agai... More

Spin off book for Legacies


6.1K 164 15
By arios2004

Ophelia was in the bayou with the wolves when she got a call from Marcel about Davina, causing her to quickly bid goodbye to Hayley and the wolves before running to Saint Anne's church. 

Meanwhile later, Ophelia and Marcel entered Davina's attic room with a bag. Davina was very pale, and looked extremely sad as she sat quietly on her bed, "Hey, D, how you feelin'?" Marcel greeted the girl that was like a daughter to him, "We got you some stuff; organic soap, and scented candles, some incense... Just trying to help you get back to feeling, you know, yourself," He paused, "Word on the street is the witches are celebrating. Three out of the four girls sacrificed in the Harvest have come back. First, it was your friend, Monique, and then another girl, now you. What I hear, the others are saying that the ancestors were with them while they were, uh, dead. You know, talking to them, teaching them. They say they're stronger than ever. Was it like that for you?"

Davina shook her head, tears welled in her eyes, "There was nothing. It was cold, empty, and dark. And it went on forever."

Marcel frowned and sat next to her on the bed while Ophelia stood nearby, "I'm sorry, D."

"I don't want to talk about it. Please, Marcel, don't make me," Davina pleaded, causing Ophelia to give her a sad look.


After checking up on the wolves, Ophelia had arrived at Davina's room to check up on her, "Davina?" She called out as she sat down on the bed and hugged Davina, "Marcel told me you wanted for me to come back. Do you want to tell me what happened?"

Davina began to cry, causing Ophelia to have a sad look on her face, "I died. And at first, I was alone, but then I heard them. Voices, whispering to me."

"Who?" Ophelia asked concerned before she came to a realization, "Was it the Ancestors?"

  Davina nodded her head in confirmation, "They're so angry with me," She revealed, "I used my power against my own, and they said they'd do horrible things to me if I misuse my magic again."

"No one can control you unless you let them," Ophelia told Davina, "The witches have tried to control me for over three hundred years, but have they succeeded? No."

"How do I even know who to trust?" Davina cried, "Should I trust Marcel? The first thing he did when I came back was try to use me again to help Rebekah. Be honest, Ophelia. Isn't there something you want, too?"

   "No, there isn't," Ophelia replied, shaking her head, "I care about you, Davina. I want to help you. Just like I've always wanted to."

"What can you do?" Davina asked, clearly frustrated, "When I came back, the voices I heard, they said the only ones who could help me are the witches. But, after what I did to them, they hate me. So, how can I go back and ask for their help now?"

Ophelia remained silent, trying to think up an idea on how to help Davina.


Hours later, after making a deal with Genevieve to get Klaus, Elijah, and Rebekah out of their captivity in return for Davina going back to the witches, Ophelia stood in the courtyard where Marcel stood waiting for Klaus with the rest of his vampires, "Is there a reason why you lot are loitering in my home?" Klaus questioned before glancing at Ophelia, "I understand here being here, but I can't say the same the rest of you lot."

  "I asked them to be here," Marcel informed him as he walked over to Klaus, "You and I need to settle this out in the open.

Klaus turned to face Marcel, "I thought you would've run off by now."

"Yeah. Well, this is my town. You may want me to beg forgiveness, but I'm not sorry," Marcel replied confidently, "I may not be able to beat you, but I came here to face you, to end this in front of my people. If you're gonna kill me for that, get on with it."

Klaus looked like he was about to say something, but instead, he remained silent and headed for his room. Marcel and the other vampires were confused, until Elijah walked into the courtyard. He vamp-sped over to Marcel and threw him against the wall, "Good evening," Elijah greeted the crowd, "I trust I need no introduction. After all, this was once my family home. Tonight I'm taking it back. Your privileges here have been revoked," he explained before turning to Marcel, "Marcellus, out of respect for my sister, I will grant you this one mercy. I will allow you to keep your life. However, you're hereby exiled. If I so much as find a trace of you in the French Quarter, it will not end well for you. Do you understand?" He paused a beat, turning to the rest of the crowd, "That is all. Run along."

After all was done, Ophelia headed to her room to pack up her belongings before going to the Bayou. As Klaus walked down the hallway, he stopped at her doorway when he saw her packing up, "And what do you think you're doing?" He questioned and after a moment, Ophelia turned to him.

"I'm moving to the bayou," Ophelia informed Klaus, whose face instantly fell, "I'm going to be with the people whom I share blood with. Marcel's gone, you're doing your own thing, I should do the same."

Klaus wanted to beg for her to stay, but he could never get himself to utter the words. He watched as Ophelia picked up her two duffel bags before walking out the door, Klaus sighing in defeat as she walked off.


Before leaving town, Rebekah made a pit-stop to the Bayou before leaving town, and joined Ophelia outside, where she was enjoying a bonfire, "Rebekah, what are you doing here?" Ophelia asked the blonde original confused.

"I came to say goodbye," Rebekah revealed, "I've already told Hayley my farewells, I thought you deserve one too." She paused, letting out a sigh, "While I'm gone, I need you to do a few things for me."

Ophelia nodded her head, "Anything." she replied.

Rebekah smiled softly, "I need you to keep an eye on Hayley and her baby for me. You and I know how being apart of the Mikaelson family ruins you. You know that better than anyone. Take care of her, make sure she doesn't get caught in the crossfire. I also need you to keep an eye on Nik. I know, it's weird for me to ask, but I need you to. You're his voice of reason. You can stop him from ruining everything. And you're the only one that can truly stop him. So please, promise me you'll keep an eye on both of them."

Ophelia smiled sadly, nodding her head, "Of course," She replied, quickly pulling Rebekah into a hug, "Hopefully, we'll see each other again soon, Bekah."

"I highly doubt it," Rebekah replied, pulling away from the hug, "Goodbye, Ophelia."

And with that, Rebekah vamp sped off, tears filling Ophelia's eyes.

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