
By danie_001

963 6 3


A Crazy Summer
Now What?
Sucking Internship! >_<
mY dream (*_*)

taking out the trash and thoughts

121 0 0
By danie_001

   As i lugged the humongus trash bags out the door, I realized i was'nt that upset. I have thought thAT yet another encounter with kitchen Nazi would bring me to tears. Tita Abieexplicitly told me not to antoganize her kitchen manager, Andy the nazi. But when i met him, i could tell that he loathed me on the spot. And i knew why. Tita Abie adored me and that made me so untouchable. So Andy did his best to make my life so miserable 


Yes i was in the kitchen but i'm not allowed to do something interesting. Andy did'nt even let me gather the ingrediens and line them up so the cook would do the slicing,chopping,dicing or juicening. That made it so hard for me to do a job. Plus, the fear that maybe he saw something i did'nt. Maybe he knew i was'nt really good as i thought i was. Of course Tita Abie would encourageme. She was supposed to do that. But what if Andy, who had worked with a lot of chefsactually being a dick and just objectively knew i couldn't measure up? I mean ,really, why would he sentence me to washing dishes day and day if i actually had talent? scratch that. It just dawned on me how much more my situation get worse. Why would he sentence me to taking out trash day in and day out?

"Tania is that you?"

     I looked up with a loud grunt and saw one of my college blockmates Mateo Locsin staring at me with a look of disbelief on his face. He has a cigarette on his one hand and an iphone in the other. I wondered how he got all the way to the back where the trash was just fof his nicotine fix. Did smoking dull your sense of smell? i was not so glad to see him.

   I admited that when i first met mateo, he was on my list of cutest boys in class , but when i found out that he was ne of  the people who willingly clustered around a little area in school where they are coralled with smokers, his cuteness rating immediately took nosedive and my little crush was quickly extinguished. Which is what i wished he would do with his cig.

    "Iwas strechting my legs when i spotted you, why are you taking out the trash?" Mateo took out a laugh that sounded my ---poor shattered soul.

"Thanks alot dude." I muttered and salvegely kicked a trash that was threatining to topple over.

"Whoa! I was just kidding." He sounded a bit sincere. i guess i did sound upset i was really bothered by the idea that Andy thought i couldn't possibly have any culinary talent. "But really Tania, what are you doing here?"

Geez.Mateo probably didn't know a job if it  bit him on his designer-clad-ass-- not that i checked what brand of jeans he was wearing.i just assumed "My tita owns Happy Belly and i'm interning,Don't you have to intern this summer to?" The effort to sound neutral was stretching my patience a little. The smoke was probably getting in to me.

"Nah i just had my dad's HR department sign the form saying that i completed the hours. But why are you taking out the trash?"I mean, last i heard we're not studying custodian science." Another laugh escaped his annoying large mouth. I almost kicked the trash bag again. but was afraid its contents were going to spillout and im ending to clean the mess up with my own bare hands.

  Sighing i did my best to control my temper and bared my teeth in what i hoped could pass for a grin, if not for a smile. "Are you here with friends?."If i wanted to stay calm i have to change the subject.

   "Gina and Teri are inside." He had a quick drop on his cigarette and turnd around to blow the smoke away from me. At least he was considerate.Ihave to give him that. "Tell our tita the food was really good tan, hey by the way, don't you cook to?"

"yeah" I felt myself mellowing. How did he know about me?. I didn't come to class bearing goodies for everyone.Weird."I wanted to be a part of the cooking staff.Instead i've got Andy the kitchen's Nazi for a boss and he's got me throwing out tha trash. Iwas kust demoted from dishwasher girl few minutes ago."

"That sucks." Mateo threw his cig on the ground and extinguished it with his shoe. Finally clean air-just slightly tinged with the dumpster. But at least i can breath again. I almost said it out loud when he looked at me directly and said "I mean it Tania, that really sucks. I hope it gets better."

   "Me too" I was a bit taken aback by his sincerity in his voice, i was just gripping Not like it was a big deal."I have like a hundred more hours to o in this hellhole. I better get back before kitchen nazi's wonder where i am."The smile i flashed him was real this time.

 "Later Tan! Maybe we can hangout sometime?"

     yeah right "Uh,sure. just text me" I quickly slipped back into the kitchen wondering what had changed. Mateo and i had never really talked too much in school except when we we're group mates or when we are stuck in line at the photocopy machine. Why did he want to hang out all of a sudden?. Or was he just feeling guilty beacause he laughed at how ridiculouc i lokked trying to carry a pil of enormous trash?Or probably he had nothing to say so he just blurted out. But i was almost sure he looked like he meant it. It wasn't even a statement a thoughtlessly guy would say at you as they say bye. It was a question and he had actually waited for my answer. Who knew.I wasn't going to hear the end of it from andy the nazy.



yes i have updated!!!!!

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mateo on right side>>>>>>>

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