Finally Mine Book 1

By AnnaScottAuthor

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Chase is a fucking bastard - Ainsley is a biker bitch extrordinaire. I'm Giving Up! I'm Done! I'm sick of wa... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8

Chapter 4

3.9K 135 3
By AnnaScottAuthor


Beer in hand, music loud, I danced near the bonfire with my friends, my mom, and a shit ton of other old ladies from the MC. Tonight was another barbeque, like the millions of others before; it was my birthday again. I had turned nineteen.

Being in the MC world, stupid rules about drinking age weren't really enforced, especially since we lived in a dry county and had to drive over twenty miles into Morehead, Kentucky to buy beer or any other form of alcohol.

My dad's rules for me drinking were, I had to be at home with him or Mom, at an MC event with him or basically just anywhere as long as he or Mom were there, so they could watch out for me. And I was only allowed to have two beers. I pushed that one, a few of us had found a way to refill our beer bottles with a keg or with something like Jack and Coke and no one knew the difference.

Julie - my best friend since birth - and I had drunk an entire bottle of Johnny Walker, once, that stuff was strong! It was a small bottle, and we were about sixteen, but we were seriously shit faced.

Regardless of how hard we worked to hide it, my dad figured it out. He figured a lot of things out. It was hard to grow up as the princess of the MC, which was what my cousins called me.

The funny thing about that was that my cousin Trish who was two years younger than me was the real princess. She was frilly to the max. At only seventeen, she had been working for four years so she could buy the kind of fancy clothes she wanted. Aside from Julie's sister Brea, Trish was one of the only people I knew that wore heels to school most every day. She was the baby of her family, having four older brothers and a set of parents who'd always been firmly set in the MC life, no one knew where she got her style.

That whole thing about my dad finding everything out, of course, made dating a nightmare. I'd wanted to attend the Senior Prom in high school; dad said I could either take one of the club's prospects or go with one of my cousins. Either way, I wasn't going with the cute football player who'd asked me. I think dad's exact words were "you've got to be out of your fucking mind if you think I'm going to let some horny-ass kid around my daughter," or it was something like that.

I'd stayed away from the club when I was younger, but I was starting to come back to events like this. I loved my family and loved the freedom we had to be ourselves within the club, no one judged, only protected me. I had plans for getting dad to loosen his hold on me though. I was going to go away to school soon. I just hadn't told anyone except Julie yet.

My long curly brown hair was loose, and the jean shorts I was wearing were short and tight as fuck. I'd pulled on a black Harley Davidson tank, and was barefoot. It was a fucking perfect night. Somewhere I had a pair of boots since I'd taken a ride on the back of my dad's bike earlier.

One song turned to three, and my tank was sticking to my chest, thanks to the humidity and sweat from dancing. I was sure I was a serious mess and thought about going inside to straighten my slightly drunk ass out when I heard the rumble of Harley pipes rolling up the road. A lot of Harley pipes.

More of the guys were coming in tonight to celebrate with me, and just to hang out. I didn't pay any mind to the boys who pulled up, I was having way too much fun, but when one particularly tall man with strawberry blonde hair in a seriously short military cut pulled a helmet off his head, I squealed and took off running through the grass.

As fast as I could, I ran straight for him, so damn excited. "Greedy!" I shouted and jumped as he opened his arms. I climbed him like a monkey and held on. "You're home," I whispered, almost crying with relief.

My oldest cousin was home. He was a Marine, and probably one of the only guys to wear his MC cut with BDU style pants. I knew they wouldn't be official uniform pants, but he was so used to that type of clothes, he almost never wore jeans anymore.

I heard grunts and chuckles behind me, but I didn't care. Michael, or Greedy as he was known in the MC, had been gone over a year. I knew part of that time he was training in the states, but he'd been in Iraq or Afghanistan for way too long, and I was so glad to see him home safe.

"Hey girl, glad I got home for your birthday?"

"Yes, how'd you do it?"

He shrugged, walking still carrying me, "it was close, didn't think I was going to make it, but I got home last night and wanted to surprise you."

He's set me down once we got back to the family. Punching him in the arm, I whined, "that's fucked up, I can't believe you made me wait."

"Wanted to surprise you for your big day." He was grinning, and I couldn't help but squeeze his middle again.

More brothers and their families had arrived, and I had a feeling most of the club had come out tonight.

Julie came up behind me, and Trish moved in front of me. The girls were sandwiching me in, and we undulated, gyrated and weaved our bodies together in time with the rhythm while Hank Williams Jr. played on the stereo. There weren't a lot of options for MC party music, and I'd long ago given up trying to pull these men into the new millennium and all the new choices for songs. Us girls could get down to about anything though, and we were working it.

My eyes were closed when I felt both girls move away. I continued to shake my ass until I felt someone else move against me. I was halfway through a pull of my beer when I felt someone wrap a hard arm around my waist and pull me in tight. My eyes flew open in surprise, to the sight of Chase.

I saw him from time to time, but he was never up in my space like that. I eyed him warily, looking up at his six-three frame, wide shoulders, narrow hips, and thick muscular arms. I'd seen him shirtless, so many times I could probably draw him blindfolded. I wasn't lying when I said that our friendship had ended that day back at the pond, it had.

We'd barely spoken in years, certainly no more than was absolutely necessary on my part, so I didn't look like a complete bitch. To be honest, I was okay with looking a little bitchy, just not too much. The weird thing was, these days, it wasn't for lack of him trying.

Why he decided last year to start trying to chat me up, I'd never understand. He made me fucking crazy. Chase was like fucking hot and cold with me; it was bullshit. The friendship we'd had as kids had been gone now for years, and I really wasn't trying to get it back.

I was sick of it all, sick of being the babied MC princess, sick of everyone else having a life except for me. The guys could screw around and nail as many club bunnies as they wanted, but I couldn't even go to my prom? It was fucked, and I was over it. I loved the life, but I had plans, and it was just about time to put them into motion. I was going to move away and find my own way in life. If I stayed here much longer, I'd be the MC spinster.

"You ready for your second kiss?" Chase's words were just loud enough for me to hear over the music, I shook my head in the negative, but stared at him in shock as he moved right into me, snaked his hand around my waist to put pressure on my lower back, and pull me closer into him.

My eyes went wide with surprise, was this guy kidding me? I laughed at the memory of that first kiss exactly six years ago; it was a nervous laugh, full of remorse and regret for something that could never be, something I'd secretly hoped for most of my life.

"My second kiss from you?" I asked, still laughing.

"Better be your second kiss, period." He raised his eyebrow to make him look irritated, but I could tell he was teasing when his lip twitched.

"Sorry, you're too damned late. I've had a second and maybe even a -umph," I grunted. "Shit, Chase, what the hell?" The ass flipped me over his shoulder, his arm holding the back of my knees still and my entire torso was folded over, down his back. If I lifted my head, I could stare down at his firm ass encased in tight jeans. Well, there were worse views.

I tried to fight, I really did. I wasn't kidding when I said I'd tried to avoid him. The sad truth was though that my heart hadn't ever been in it. I avoided him because I was trying to save face. I didn't want him or anyone else to see how he affected me.

I slapped at him a few times, which only got me a nice hard smack to my ass. I was out of luck unless daddy-dearest decided to save me. Where was he, I wondered, trying to look around, but not being able to see much, though every face I did see was watching and cracking up at my predicament.

Being stuck and all, I decided to just have fun instead of fighting it anymore. I slipped my hand under the black leather hand-tooled belt he wore and touched the bare skin below the tucked in black T-shirt he wore under his cut.

My hands started to explore lower onto his ass when I felt another hard slap on my ass! Instead of yelling at him or kicking his ass, I pinched him. I got another slap for that. I took that as the invitation it was not intended to be and kept creeping my fingers lower. I could feel the round globes of his hard ass. He walked with purpose, and his muscles flexed under my touch.

"Damn Chase," I heard someone shout from the crowd of rowdy bikers.

"Get 'er man," someone else shouted. My face felt hot, but I had no idea if it was because of embarrassment, the heat or the blood pooling in my head.

I couldn't tell where we were going, but I was enjoying this ride. No matter how annoyed I still was at him, I'd seen him looking at me plenty of times, I had a good idea that he felt something for me, but I worked to make sure he never had a clue about the stupid as hell feelings I'd never been able to get rid of fully.

Chase Hill had grown into one sexy man; my mouth watered every time I saw him. His shaggy light brown hair always hung over his amazing green eyes. His jaw looked like it had been chiseled from granite. His physique, my God. Angels would weep over the beauty of this man's chest alone. I'd never seen his bare ass, but I wished I could at that moment because it felt damn good.

Chase's steps stopped abruptly, he turned so fast I swung out a little from his body, but he held me firmly, one arm tight over my thighs and one hand on my ass. Fair enough, let's not forget, I was holding onto his bare ass underneath his jeans...

But when he spun me, I swiveled my head to look up and saw my dad bending down to look into my face.

"You drunk, baby girl?" Shit, it was my dad. I knew this little bit of fun and games was going to be over now. Damn, and I was having fun too.

"No, Dad didn't even finish my second beer."

"You know where your hands are at?" Why did my dad sound resigned, - what was that? Acceptance? Couldn't be, right?

Where was his growling fury, his anger, his yelling and tearing me away from a human with a penis?

Oh, I knew right where they were, but it wasn't something I planned to talk to dad about. "Yep," I replied without further explanation. He shook his head in apparent exasperation, examined my face for a few seconds more and stood.

Chase turned back around to face him, and I felt the hand move from my ass and thought the men were shaking hands. I heard Chase say, "This is it, Mountain. Told you, brother."

"Respect, brother. Do right, you feel me? Don't make me come kill your scrawny ass."

Chase's laughter was not what I'd expected to hear, but there it was, I could feel it shaking me. Ignoring them both, I started to inch my hands around to the sides of his jeans, feeling the heat of his smooth skin.

I heard Chase mutter: "Fuck, man, gotta go."

"Jesus Christ, Ainsley, knock that shit off! I'm standing right fucking here!"

I pushed myself around, so I could look at my dad, kind of upside down or sideways... or something, anyway. It was strange.

"It's my birthday, dad!"

He just shook his head at me. He knew I had a thing for Chase; he'd always known it, but there had been a look but don't touch policy. It was my first time getting to touch without being stopped.

I heard my dad's voice get low and serious and even in my excitement, I -- and honestly, I was being silly here-- strained to listen.

"This is a fucking claim, man; can't do this shit if you're not--" my dad started.

"Stop! Don't finish that nonsense."

Oh shit! Chase just interrupted him. Not only was my dad so big his road name was Mountain, but he was also Chase's prez. I braced myself, thinking my dad might just knock him out right there. I hoped he'd at least let Chase put me down first. Also, had they forgotten that I was upside down here? I was getting a little light headed.

"You and I have hashed this shit out already, for years man - fucking years. I should have claimed her last year, but you wanted me to wait until she was nineteen. Don't act like this is some shit; I know who the fuck she is, Dave." Oh, fuck, he just called my dad, his actual name. No one ever did that except my mom.

"She's been mine since the day she was fucking born," Chase continued almost snarling at my dad, "when you, your-fucking-self laid her in my arms. I was two goddamned years old when you sat me in the chair, gave her to me and told me it was my job to protect her forever. I have the fucking picture.

Do not disrespect her or me and act like you don't fucking know that from that day, she's been fucking mine." Chase's words shocked me, I'd seen the picture, it was secretly one of my favorites, but what he was saying, what he was implying, all of it, I couldn't wrap my head around any of it.

"All right, brother. All right. I get you, but she's still my baby girl. We only got one kid. She's been our fucking world."

"I feel that man; I feel that. You fucking know me, and you see everything, so you've seen us all our lives. You know."

My head was starting to swim, being upside down so long, so I took my hands out of Chase's pants, which actually caught his attention more than when I had been playing with his ass cheeks. I used one hand to push myself up and the other to tap his back. He turned his head to look at me, taking his focus from my dad and giving it all to me.

"What's up, baby?"

Baby? Did he, the oh-my-god-I've-been-in-love/lust-with-him-my-ENTIRE-fucking-life Chase Hill, just let me touch his bare ass and call me "baby?"

I had a decent idea what he and my dad had been talking about. I was fucking excited, but I hadn't wanted to break the moment. I needed to let it play out to see what both had to say. Okay, really, I just wanted to hear what Chase had to say.

"I'm getting dizzy."

Chase nodded once, put one large hand over each thigh and pulled me down, wrapping my legs around his waist. He brought us face to face; Chase stared into my eyes as my dad stood to the side, watching us.

"Here you go, baby, your second kiss."

I started to say something -- to remind him it wasn't my second -- but he moved in, covering my mouth with his.

He plundered my mouth. His lips, soft and warm, hot and firm, dry - then wet. He swept his tongue inside my mouth and wrapped it with mine. He explored my mouth for at least twenty hours right there; holding my body flush against his, legs and arms wrapped around him, he kissed me. I kissed him back, in front of my dad, my mom, his parents, our friends and all the brothers.

Okay, so maybe it wasn't quite twenty hours, but it sure felt that way. He pulled away and looked deep into my eyes, lips parted, his breaths were ragged. There was no smirk, no silly comment to break the tension. The tension was coiled tight right where the seam of my jeans was pressed against his stomach.

I heard my dad's throat clear behind me, but I didn't even acknowledge it. Chase leaned in again and kissed me, closed-mouthed this time, before finally turning his head to give my dad his attention again. I looked at my dad, too, so dazed by that kiss I couldn't seem to get my breathing under control, that kiss had just changed my plans, it had changed my entire life, and I knew it.

Nothing more was said. Dad reached his hand out, angled up, and both men clasped hands. The brothers didn't use the traditional handshake, but with both arms angled up from their bodies, did some side-hand-clasp thing. I didn't know exactly how because I'd never been allowed to try it with any of them, it was only for full patch members.

Dad turned his gaze on me and asked, "You sure you want to go with this moron? You know I never liked him much." Dad was full of shit, but he was trying to lighten the mood. I could see the heaviness in his heart written all over his face. I knew, somehow, I got it. Why Chase had backed off all those years ago, why he'd snarled and scared off any boys that even looked my way and why the minute I turned eighteen, everything seemed to change.

"Yeah, Dad, I guess he'll have to do." And he would, I knew it, this would be it for me, for him, for us. A brother didn't mess with another brother's family just to play around, not ever. If they went there, it was serious. My smile was wide, but I laughed when Chase squeezed me tighter and grunted at my words.

I knew what this meant. As soon as Chase put me on the back of his bike, I would be his old lady.

Sure, there was plenty of available tail, sweet butts, club whores and random hang-around girls who were all free pussy for whoever wanted to get some, but there was a difference between them and the old ladies. My parents were married, legally; some couples were, and some weren't. There was no judgment from the club about that and what people wanted to do.

A woman on the back of the bike was serious, as much as a ring on her finger.

I'd known all along that this was what I'd secretly wanted, to be with Chase, to always belong to this big MC family. It was when I believed I'd never have him, that I decided to look to the outside world for my happiness. My new plan sure wasn't the - sick of this crap, going to school, moving away plan that I'd hatched with Julie; this was better.

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