Setting Them Straight [boyxbo...

By rotXinXpieces

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This story is set to be REWRITTEN. My apologies. More

Chapter One: You Only Live Once
Chapter Two: You Are Made Of Sin
Chapter Three: Call It A Hobby
Chapter Four: Love Sick
Chapter Six: The Pact
Chapter Seven: Hunting Games
Chapter Eight: Declaration of War
Chapter Nine: How Cookies Crumble
Chapter Ten: The Special Boy
Chapter Eleven: I Stand Tall
Chapter Twelve: Forgiveness
Chapter Thirteen: Mariposa (Part 2)
Chapter Fourteen: El Baloncesto
Chapter Fifteen: Mi Querido
Chapter Sixteen: Aye Chihuahua

Chapter Five: Truth or Dare

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By rotXinXpieces

Chapter Five (Dominic)

Dinner was loud and rowdy compared to lunch. People seemed to get more lively at night than during the day. It made me smile a little as boys whooped and hollared, laughing and telling stories. Yolo was telling us about his ex-boyfriend from back home and I noticed the way Kyle grew tense, but he said nothing and ate his pizza in silence.

"He was a hot tamale, boys," Yolo declared confidently, smacking his hand on the table for emphasis before licking some chocolate pudding off his lip, "He made freakin' Orlando Bloom look bad!"

"That's pretty attractive," Ryan pointed out, making Derrek roll his eyes, "I think you're lying, though. No one's that good looking." Yolo scowled as Derrek and Kyle shared looks that told me they begged to differ. Instead of joining in their conversation, though, they started their own as Ryan and Yolo once again began an argument about what made a real man.

"A real man, aside from me, of course," Yolo drawled, making me smirk, "Isn't just some buff man with a hot cock. A real man has attitude. He's gotta be able to tell the cops off and then sweep me off my feet, in more ways than one." He winked as he sucked the pudding off his spoon, making Kyle frown.

"You want a prison inmate?" He asked dryly. Yolo shrugged.

"If he's got a record, I don't mind. Ain't no sweat off my balls if he's got a temper. I can handle tempers." He added with a flirtatious eye blink that made Kyle look away, stuffing his comments down with pizza. Ryan rolled his eyes, shaking his head as he slurped up his coke.

"No way. I wouldn't wanna date a jailbird. First of all, say what you will, but he could hurt you right back and not that I'm a coward or anything, but I physically couldn't take on anyone. I'm more brains over brawn." He added with a shrug, making Yolo scrunch up his nose in distaste.

"I won't argue with the fact that you're as strong as a ten-year-old girl, but you want a boyfriend that sits in front of a computer all day looking up anime porn? Oh wait. I just described you." Yolo added with a giggle, making Derrek and Kyle laugh out loud. Ryan blushed.

"It wasn't all anime porn!"

"About seventy-five percent of it was."

"You're lying!"

"How dare you excuse me, Yolo of Awesome, of lying! I will crush you tonight in Truth or Dare." Yolo announced, folding his arms over his chest and looking away. Ryan scowled and threw a few insults before Kyle and Derrek had to get between them. I looked at River as he stared intently into his chicken noodle soup, as if waiting for a cobra to come dancing out.

"Truth or Dare?" I asked, partially afraid and partially excited at the idea of playing something like that. I'd never done it before and when I asked Jackson, he just told me we'll play Dare and he'll be making the Dares. It basically turned into another make out fest.

"We play it every Saturday night." River responded quietly as he slowly came out of his trance to look at me with tired hazel eyes, his blonde hair hanging over his face. I fought the blush that was rising in my cheeks and nodded, looking away to nibble on my vegetarian pizza.

"Cool, I've never played it before." I admitted. Yolo overheard this and stared at me in disbelief.

"You've had sex in a church utility closet, but you've never played truth or dare?" He asked, stunned. Even Ryan was looking at me in surprise. This time, I did blush as I set my pizza down.

"It wasn't sex. And... I've never had any friends to play it with before." I responded defensively. Yolo sighed, waving a hand in his face before pointing at my face.

"Fine! We'll teach you how to play it the right way. It's fun, especially with me because I'm more creative than the rest of these dopes. I'll explain all our rules when we get back to the cabin, but we're waiting for lights out again so we get more privacy." He added, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively. I stared at him as Ryan scolded him for being a pervert, but Yolo ignored him and licked his lips eagerly.

We quickly ate dinner, but it still wasn't enough to avoid Eric's intervention at the end. He once again came out of hiding in his office to present himself like some kind of saintly figure before the entire camp, holding his arms out.

"Evening, campers! I'm glad you're all enjoying yourselves this evening. Many of you have made excellent progress and some of you still have a ways to go, but don't lose hope. The harder you work, the easier it will be to fight the sins that have taken root within you. Remember to read the next chapters for Sunday school tomorrow! God bless, and good night, boys!"

I scrunched up my nose, glancing at Yolo, who scoffed at Eric's presentation before he leaned over and muttered something to Kyle, who choked on his lemonade to glare at Yolo. He earned himself a wicked grin from his crush before we got up and filed out of the mess hall.

"This is so exciting," Yolo whispered as soon as our cabin broke away from the other groups and counselers, "You're gonna have a blast tonight, Dom. Truth or Dare is the best night to get all those pent up yummies out of your system."

"Pent up yummies?" I echoed, confused as he slung his arm over my shoulder, holding me close. He actually nuzzled me and I couldn't resist looking at Kyle to see his reaction. He just walked between River and Derrek, his face placid, but his eyes told a completely different story. Even though he said he was okay with Yolo hanging on me, I knew he was jealous and wanted to have Yolo to himself.

Which gave me an idea.

Yolo led us into the cabin, shooing us in quickly just as Xavier stopped by. We'd finished dressing into our pajamas, our teeth brushed, hands clean, beds ready to be slept in. Xavier scanned the room, then went to the back door, jingling the locked door handle before he turned around to look at each one of us.

I frowned. Did he suspect that we broke out yesterday night to skinny dip? I wanted to look at the other guys questioningly, but I wasn't going to risk it, so I just sat on my bed, my hands tucked between my knees as I swung my legs back and forth. Xavier was silent for a while, watching us before he nodded in approval.

"Nice clean up, boys. Be sure to have it this spic and span tomorrow when we leave for church. Good night to you, lights out and the doors are locked." He added, glancing at me. I blinked, surprised at the look he gave me before I flopped on my side in the bed, pulling the covers over myself as the others followed my example. Xavier shut the lights off before shutting the door behind him rather rudely.

We waited at least half an hour before we slid out of our beds. Yolo grabbed a couple candles from his suitcase, placing them around the room to give it an eerie glow. He used the lighter for his cigarettes to light them before he plopped down beside me excitedly.

"This is gonna be so sweet! All right," He took a deep breath to calm down, then smirked at us eagerly, "Here's the rules. You have the choice of truth or dare, nothing else. You get three truths before you have to do a dare, then your truth count starts all over again. With truths, you HAVE to tell the truth. I'll know if you're lying too, so don't even try to sugar coat things. With dares, you HAVE to do them, or else you end up getting two new dares to replace that dare. Everyone understand the rules?" Everyone nodded and Yolo clapped his hands.

"Perfect. So, since this is always my awesome idea, I go first! And I choose Dominic. Truth or dare?" He asked, looking at me. I blinked, then nibbled my lower lip for a second. Deciding to play it safe the first time, I chose truth. Yolo complained for a moment, then reluctantly agreed.

"What do you think is your weirdest fetish?" He asked, smiling innocently when I stared at him in disbelief.

"I have to answer that?" I asked, uncomfortably shifting so my knees were drawn up to my chest, my hands pulling on my toes. Yolo nodded, sitting cross legged and watching me intently. I felt my cheeks flush and thanked the Lord that the dimness of the room hid it rather well. I avoided everyone's face as I looked down at the candle at the center of the room thoughtfully.

I'd never actually done anything super wild before, so what sort of fetish could I have that wasn't completely normal? I tried to go over everything Jackson and I had done, but because our relationship was secret, we did things pretty quickly.

The only thing I could think of....

"Uh," I hesitated when Yolo leaned in eagerly, grinning, "I guess... Ribbons."

"Ribbons?" Yolo questioned. I glared at him now, not wanting to go into the experience. Jackson had been angry at me, actually, and it was never meant to turn me on in the first place, but the only thing he had at hand was ribbons since we were in the art room, so what else was he going to use to keep me from releasing?

"Ribbons." I answered flatly. Yolo pouted, puffing out one cheek dramatically before giving up on pushing me further.

"Well, fine, but I'll get you the next time it's my turn. Since we're going to the right, it's Ryan's turn." He drawled, folding his arms over his chest. I sighed in relief, sitting cross legged now as Ryan scanned the circle before his eyes landed on River.

"River, truth or dare?" He asked, his poker face on. River returned the expression.

"Dare." He answered boldly. Ryan grinned now, tapping his chin thoughtfully. Yolo and I shared looks before Ryan snapped his fingers.

"Strip. All the way down, even underwear." He commanded. Derrek frowned at him while Kyle smirked and Yolo whooped. I felt my cheeks get hot as I glanced at River, who paused thoughtfully for a moment, then proudly got to his feet.

"Do it slowly." Ryan added quickly. Part of me latched onto that and wondered if Ryan was also hitting on River. A little shock of jealousy surprised me as I watched Ryan's eyes flicker as River pulled his shirt off over his head, taking his sweet time in doing so before he tossed it onto his bed. He slid his boxers right down his long, muscular legs, then kicked them off at his bed before taking his seat calmly. He sat with no shame, one knee drawn up and his other leg splayed out in front of me.

I dared to glance at his face and saw him staring at me. I blinked and quickly looked away as Kyle cleared his throat.

"Right, my turn," He drawled, then glanced at Yolo, "Truth or dare?" Yolo grinned.

"Dare! And make it a good one. One you know I'll have fun with." He added. Kyle raised an eyebrow, then looked at me. My eyes widened and I mentally repeated no, no, no in my head, but Kyle didn't care at all as he looked at Yolo.

"I dare you to show up your favorite sex position with Dominic." He stated. Yolo whistled, pausing to stare up at the ceiling as I gave Kyle this look that told him I'd never forgive him for this. He shrugged innocently before Yolo grinned.

"Gosh, I have two favorites. Can I do them both?" He asked sweetly. Kyle opened his mouth to answer, but I quickly replied for him.

"Just one." I rushed in. Yolo pouted, then studied me for a moment before shrugging.

"Fine, we'll do the one that makes you look better." He smirked. I nibbled my lower lip as Yolo grabbed my wrist and jerked me onto my knees. I hesitantly glanced at the other guys to see if they'd say anything, but no one said a word and just watched. I looked to see if I got a reaction out of River, but he just watched past hooded eyes, the candles making shadows dance across his face. I looked back at Yolo who pulled me into his lap, spreading my legs out on either side of him as he settled me in his lap.

He put his arms around my waist and jerked me up against him, making me gasp with hardly time to stifle it as he bumped his hips up into my ass. I glared at him, but he just grinned like a fox.

"You should've said and add movements." Ryan complained, making Kyle shrug, studying us for a while.

"I should've said and stay like that for the rest of the game." He responded with a smirk, making Yolo laugh as I wiggled out of his arms and off his lap so I was sitting next to him again, my legs closed tightly to hide the problem that was starting to pitch a tent in my boxers. I willed it away as the other guys laughed for a while, making jokes about it before Derrek took his turn.

"All right, Ryan, truth or dare." Derrek said. Ryan hesitated, glancing at Yolo and I before looking at Derrek.

"Truth." He replied. Derrek rolled his eyes in defeat, staring at the ceiling for a moment before glancing at Ryan.

"If you could have anyone in this room jack you off, who would you want to do it?" He asked, ignoring the horrified look on Ryan's face. He looked at Yolo and I for help, but I held up my hands in defense while Yolo just grinned, wiggling his eyebrows. Ryan looked around the room for a while, then seemed to find the carpet extremely interesting as he picked at it.

"Uhm... Well... You... I guess." He was definitely blushing. Derrek seemed perfectly content with that response, leaning back on his hands.

"Thank you. River, your turn." He said, ignoring Ryan groan as he covered his face in embarrassment. I almost felt sorry for him. Yolo didn't and just snickered wildly. I glanced at River, who stared at the candle light for a while, then glanced up at Yolo.

"Truth or dare?" He asked quietly. Yolo grinned.

"Dare, of course." He boosted. River nodded, tilted his head, but his eyes never left Yolo.

"I dare you to suck the fingers of any player in the room for ten seconds." He responded immediately. Yolo looked surprised for a moment, then smiled and caught me off guard by openly crawling past the candle in the center of the circle, sitting in front of Kyle, whose eyes flashed sharply. He looked at me quickly and I could sense his worry.

I looked at River, who didn't say a word as Yolo reached out and picked up Kyle's hand, bringing it towards his mouth. His pierced tongue coiled out and slid up and down Kyle's fingers. He sucked on Kyle's middle finger, then nipped at the tip of it. Kyle grimaced, but he couldn't take his eyes off Yolo now.

Part of me wondered if River knew how Kyle felt about Yolo and was making fun of him. It was a little mean, but I could tell Kyle was enjoying it. It wasn't just his expression that said it either.

After ten seconds, Yolo settled back into his place beside me, licking his lips and clicking his piercing against his teeth.

"Yummy." He smirked, casting Kyle a coy stare. Kyle wiped his hand on his shirt, averting his eyes now before I glanced over at River to see him staring at me.

"Your turn." He stated. I blinked, then stared around the group for a while as I bit my lip thoughtfully.

Who to choose?

Yolo seemed to have the most fun doing dares and made it interesting.  Ryan was sort of uncomfortable, but did it anyway, like myself. Kyle looked like he couldn't care less, so long as it wasn't with Yolo because otherwise, he'd lose control and I knew that was the last thing he wanted. Derrek looked careless about it, but at the same time, I didn't think he'd be dumb enough to take a dare that would expose any of his feelings for anyone else-- if any. Then there was River. He didn't seem to care about the game or anything at all. He seemed to only play the game because everyone else was playing it.

And I wasn't good with dares. Obviously this was a night to get out some pent up sexual frustration and part of me was still needy from Yolo's dare, but I couldn't expose that so openly. I had to be a little subtle about it.

"River, truth or dare?" I asked. River looked mildly surprised, raising an eyebrow.

"Dare." He responded. I bit my lip again, studying him before forcing myself to look relaxed.

"I dare you to lick anyone in the room anywhere you want for thirty seconds." I answered. Yolo whistled and elbowed me. I didn't stop myself from blushing in time. River studied me for a moment, then shrugged. I expected him to maybe go for Yolo or Ryan, but he surprised me by leaning over and grabbing the front of my shirt. My face flamed as he pushed my shirt up to my collarbone, leaning in so his tongue pressed against my chest.

I expected him to just hold it there before he dragged his tongue up to my nipple. I bit into my lip and glanced quickly at Yolo, who winked at me. Kyle shifted uncomfortably until hiding his hard on was damn near impossible. Derrek just watched intently like it was the first near pornographic thing he'd seen in a while. Ryan just smirked behind his hand.

River twirled his tongue around my nipple teasingly before moving his attention to the other one. It hurt to hold my breath, my chest aching and my groin throbbing as he licked me harder, his teeth scraping against them, making them hard.

"Heyy, Riverr," Yolo sang teasingly, "It's been over thirty seconds." River paused, then pulled away and let my shirt drop.

"I lost count." He answered, leaning back on his hands. I stared at him and started to open my mouth to ask the question that was on my tongue all day when we heard someone at the door.

"Shit!" Yolo hissed and blew out the candle at the center of the room, kicking it under my bed so the wax spilled on his foot. He gasped and hopped, almost falling over if Kyle hadn't of caught him and shoved him into bed. The other guys scrambled, putting out the candles quickly and waving at the smoke before we fell into bed, going still instantly.

We waited and waited, listening to the sound of someone shuffling outside the cabin before there was silence. No one spoke. I couldn't even hear anyone breathed. We decided to just leave it at that and stayed silent until I heard Yolo and Ryan drift off to sleep with gentle snoring. I nibbled my lip, then blinked when I saw a small light go on. I tilted my head to see River turning his book light on, his face hiding behind his book.

I watched him for a while, then stared at the bottom of Yolo's bed.

By choosing me, did that mean River liked me? The thought ran around in circles in my head as I squeezed my eyes shut, trying not to smile. The fear of almost being caught instantly turned me off, but my brain was still rushing at the fact that River had picked me out of the others. That had to mean he liked me, right?

It fits! He tried to kiss me. He licked me. He walked me to meal times.

It made sense to think he liked me, right?

I was surprised at myself for getting so excited about this. It was almost hard to fall asleep, but I eventually drifted off to sleep, hiding my smile in my pillow as I hugged it close to me.

River liked me!

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