On My Heart (On My Block fan...

By EntityInfinity8

1.3K 31 30

Oscar's life has always been hard with his entire family making up an entire gang. He has always felt that he... More

Author's Note
Afternoon delight: Spooky's P.O.V
First Field Mission: Vincent's P.O.V
Cafe Escape P1: Vincent P.O.V
Wet Dreams: Spooky P.O.V
Strange Encounter: Vincent's P.O.V

My New Life: Vincent P.O.V

114 5 9
By EntityInfinity8

Its been a week since the attack and I somehow I got chosen to be the one to get close to Oscar "Spooky" Diaz. Well I know how I got chosen I was there but that's not the point. I'm still surprise/shocked that it happened. Finally I can get to know him personally. I'm drawn to him for some reason and I want to know why.

Today is the day I start my new life. I'm pretending to be a 16/17 year old to get close to the kids and thus get an in with Oscar. But if the chance arises that I can get closer some other way then I will. Luckily I look young enough to pass as a teenager. That and with some basic makeup I can fool them all.

Even tho my handler is mad that I got chosen to get close to Oscar he is pretending to my dad. He got even angrier when he found out we would be living right next to The Diaz family.

But before that I got to get my affairs in order this is going to be a long mission.

~Hours later~

"You're late.", my handler grumps at me I just give him a look.

"Sorry it just took a while to get everything set up. Besides its a quite the drive to our new home... Father.", I kind of spite out that last part. He can be a total ass and then pretend its not him giving attitude.

"Lets go to our new vehicle its waiting on the garage. We will meet our moving trucks half way there. All our information on this mission is in the vehicle. You are to read over every single detail. Am I understood?", he ask me.

As annoying as he can be I do like reading up on stuff even more. Information is almost everything. Although currently it's enough for me.

I nod ," Yes sir.", I tell him. After a short awkward walk we reach our new vehicle. We get in and we are off on the road.

I immediately start reading on all the information on our mission. I'm so caught up in my reading that I don't notice that we have stopped at a gas station until my "dad" nudges me. I look up and see the moving trucks. I'm surprised that we are already half way so I put down the files.

"From now on we are father and son. We must fully commit to this gig. Also now that we are in full active mode we must burn those files.", he looks at me probably expecting me to protest.

"Ok. I agree besides I've already read these files so many times. How will we burn these files?", I ask him.

"Give then to me. I'm going around to the ally and burn them. You go into the store and buy some snacks and wait for me inside.", he says as I hand him the files. I only nod and get out the vehicle.

I'm already changed into teenager clothes so all I got to do is play the part. I've been researching all the things teens are into. As I reach the convenience store a man is walking out. He holds the door open so I can enter. I look at him and smile saying thanks. He brushes past me and I smell his cologne. Its familiar but I can't place it.

I look around the store getting chips, candy and drinks. There are also some things rotating being kept warm. I walk around it looking at the many things being kept warm. Wondering how long it's been there. Then my mind goes to Conner our last talk.

But before I relived my memory my "dad" interrupted me. At the same time I smelled burning paper on him. He must have let the files on fire and dumped it somewhere.

"Are you ready mijo?", he asked me casually.

I nod grabbing my snacks and taking it to the counter. The clerk starts ringing everything up.

Sniff-sniff. The clerk looks up,"Do you smell that? Smells like something is burning".

"Oh its just my dads smoking habit. He rolls his own cigs with this rolling paper that stinks when lit.", I casually reply to him.

We are back on the road heading to our new home and life. After eating some snacks I fell asleep tired from the past week.

~Hours later~

I'm awake and excited. We are turning down the start where Los Santos lives. We pull into the drive way of our new home and the moving trucks driven by other agents park the trucks on the side. I get out looking around the nieghborhood. Currently it is quite I check the time its a little before sunset.

I look over to our next door neighbor. Its also quite. Its lacking cholos. While I was scoping out everything. My "dad" and the movers have already started unloading boxes and furniture. I sigh.

"Hey son. Can you go unlock the door?", he says throwing me the keys. I see the other agents smirk. They think its hilarious that I'm playing father and son with my handler.

I catch the keys and walk up to the door. I unlock it and enter. I immediately smell something. I walk around the corner into the living room seeing trash everywhere along with clothes and blankets.

The sun is going down I should turn on the lights and see this mess better. I walk over to the light switch when I'm pushed down I catch myself flinging my arm back to hit my attacker. I make contact hitting his face. He goes down with a thump. I turn around to face him but he's already up and running away out the back door.

I go outside and see half our boxes on the lawn. That's as much help as I'm going to get from those other agents. Then I see them bringing our furniture in. Tables, chairs couches and beds. The entire set.

"Hey did you know a homeless person. Was living in the house?", I yell. They all look at me surprised," he took off running out the back door."

"Well he's gone now so it doesn't matter. Did you get a good look at him?", my dad ask me. I shake my head no," well then we can't do anything about it."

What is he talking about we are literal government agents. I step aside as the finish bringing in our stuff. At least they are taking in the heavy stuff.

Soon its just me and my "dad" taking in all our boxes. We are halfway done when the dad of Oscar and Cesar walks up to my "dad" at the sidewalk introducing himself along with Cesar. I take in a box and just wait for them to leave. I look out the window into the living room of the Diaz house and see Oscar jerking it off on the couch. I take out my phone and start recording.

I record everything up to his eruption before my "dad" yells my name. I go outside and walk up to them.

"This is my son Vincent", he says waving for me to shake the fathers hand.

"Thats a great handshake you have. Strong and sturdy. This is my youngest son Cesar.", he says. Instead of shaking hands we do the typical teenager handshake.

"Sup. Nice to meet you.", he says.

"Yeah. Same here so your the youngest?", I question.

"Yeah my older brother is in the house probably asleep.", he says. Yeah I know where he's at but he ain't asleep.

"Cool. I wish I was asleep right now.", I say laughing.

Then we are invited in the house. We enter the house it smells like weed and alcohol. We also hear the shower running.

"Looks like Oscar is in the shower", Cesar says. He goes into the kitchen as his dad and my "dad" sit at the kitchen table. He comes back with four beers and hands one to our fathers and then brings me one. We sit in the living room as our fathers talk.

Me and Oscar talk about many things. But we settle on video games. I tell him I have the latest game console and he tells me he stole the latest game to that console. We agree to go play it at my house. We ask our fathers they say yes so he tells me he has to go get it and I ask to use the bathroom.

Apperently they have two but only one has a shower. He runs into a room and I walk to the bathroom.

I'm suddenly knock down by someone wet. I rub my back.

'Ouch! That hurt like a son of a motherfucker!', I say. I looked look up to see Oscar. My eyes quickly widened as I see him.. ALL of him.

'My bad homie. Need help getting up?', he says lending me a hand. I take it he pulls me up hard and fast maybe a little to hard and fast next thing I know he's nearly falling backwards. I react and grab him one on his upper back the other on his lower back. Oops.

He regains his balance and pushes me away, 'Ay thanks vato', he says to me and quickly walk to his room the same room I saw Cesar walk into. He shuts the door and I hear a small bang on it. I walk to the bathroom he just came out of and shut the door.

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