The Dragoness Fairy Tail x re...

By musicpoodlelover

167K 3.6K 578

(Y/n) is a dragon slayer with a set of incredible skills. Follow her journey as she works to being one of the... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3 {Part 1}
Chapter 3 {Part 2}
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7 (rewrite)
Chapter 8 {Rewrite}
Chapter 9 {rewrite}
Chapter 10 Rewrite
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44

Chapter 25

1.9K 53 3
By musicpoodlelover

"WHAT!!!" The four boys screamed in disbelief. 

"Like I said, the S class advancement program is on hold!" Master tells them. 

"I can't accept that gramps!" Gray protests against masters choice. 

"Why is it on hold?" Natsu questions, not wanting to risk him not getting promoted. 

"Make me S class, damn it!" Gajeel argues, despite only being Levi's partner. 

"Your not even a candidate. You mean Levi, right?" Elfman argues against Gajeel's remark. 

"What else can I do? A lot's happened." Master says to them, trying to get the boys to understand. 

"A member of the magic council infiltrated the Candidates, and Grimoire Heart disrupted everything." Mira explains to them, trying to help out master. 

"I guess we have no choice." Levi says out loud. 

"Hey, you're really okay with this? Damn it." Gajeel says to his partner. 

"You shouldn't get so worked up about it." Lily says to his partner.

"Agh! I so wanted to be S class!" Gray complains. 

"Don't worry, you'll make it for sure, next time." Juvia says, trying to motivate her crush. 

"A man has to know when to call it quits." Elfman sighs. 

"Plus, it's only on pause right. We'll get our chance." I say to the others, trying to lift their spirits. Though, I was also bummed out. I had finally gotten past Guildarts and this happens. 

"Well, I ain't giving up. I'm gonna be S class, no matter what. Gray, Elfman, Levy and (Y/n) all gave up right. Then I'll become S class" Natsu announces to us. 

"Calm down Natsu." Happy tells his partner. 

"Guess I got no choice." Master mumbles to himself, but loud enough for us to hear. 

"Let's start the final test right now. Beat me and I'll make you S class Natsu." Master tells him, knowing what he's doing. 

"Seriously, Gramps?" Natsu says happily, not realizing the trap. "Okay! I'm all fired up!" He says while stretching. "Here I come!" Natsu says as he rushes towards Master. Before he could take his second step, master enlarged his arm and punched Natsu into a tree. 

"I give" Natsu says as the wind is knocked out of him.

I laugh as I walk away from the scene, not wanting to interrupt anything else. Maybe I should take a walk of something. One of my dragons said they found first master's grave, so I might as well pay my respects. 

"(Y/n)" I hear Cynthia call me as I begin walking. 

"Hey Cynthia, I hope your well." I say to the exceed. 

"I should be saying that to you." She says to me. 

"Walk with me?" I ask her with a smile. 

"Sure." She says to me. Once we got far enough from the group, she spoke. 

"Did you know your heart stopped?" She asks me, looking down. 

"It did? No one told me." I say to her, a worried look on my face. 

"I didn't tell anyone. I just did what you taught me. Then it started back up again." She said to me, her eyes glued to the ground. 

"I'm glad I taught you CPR, or I would of been done for." I tell her. I hear quiet sobbing from beside me. I turn to look at Cynthia. 

"I was so scared. I thought you where gone." She says, tears falling down her face. 

"Oh Cynthia." I say, my expression becoming saddened. I go on my knees and hug the cat like creature. 

"I'm sorry you had to go through that. It must of scared you a lot." I say to her, holding her close. 

"Promise me. Promise that you'll never leave me. Please" She says as she holds me tighter. 

"I promise, Cynthia." I say her. "Dry your tears, little one. Let's keep walking." I say to her, wiping away her tears with my thumb. She rubs her eyes and smiles at me. 

"Okay." She says with an anxious smile. We continue on the path, making small talk about the events that transpired. Eventually, we got to the grave site, where the first master lays. I walk towards it, amazed at the energy radiating from it. This is it. I walk towards the gravestone and I sit in front of it. It was so peaceful, and the energy was so calming. But, then I sensed a disturbance. I opened my eyes from my meditative state. Standing in front of me, was a young girl with long blond hair. Standing up in alarm, me and Cynthia look at her in shock. 

"First master?" I ask out loud, not believing my eyes. 

"Hello (Y/n). It's nice to meet you. I am Mavis Vermilion, the founding master of fairy tail." She says, introducing herself happily. 

"How do you know me?" I ask the girl, curious at her presence. 

"Don't worry about that. I have to warn you. Acnologia is coming here, with evil intentions." Mavis says to me, her face going dark. 

"My father? Wait, evil? My father isn't a bad guy." I say to the first master, trying to protect him. 

"Evil or not, controlled or not, he's on his way here. When he get's here, he'll stop at nothing to destroy this island." She tells me sternly. 

"C-controlled? What do you mean?" I mumble to myself, holding my hands close to my chest. 

"You have to warn your friends. If they don't leave on time, they will be destroyed, along with this island." Mavis tells me. Despite my shocked state, I nod. 

"I-I will. Cynthia, let's go" I say to her. 

"Yeah" She says to me. She grabs my back and summons her wings, since I was still to weak to summon my own. She fly's us towards the group as fast as possible.

Suddenly the air around us begins to change. A rumble sounds through the air. It sounds so familiar. My heart aches at the sound. Father... Oh no, it's him, I have to warn the others. 

"(Y/n), will you be okay." Cynthia asks me, noticing my quiet demeanor. My bangs cast a shadow over my eyes as a tear rolls down my face. 

"Y-yeah." I tell her quietly, unsure of the answer myself. After a few moment's the air becomes still. But then a loud dragon cry bursts though the air. I cover my sensitive ears on instinct. I look behind me to see a dragon silhouette above the clouds. 

"Father." I say to myself, my emotions conflicted. I know what I have to do. I summon my wings, making Cynthia let go in alarm. 

"(Y/n), you shouldn't be using magic yet." Cynthia tells me. 

"Go warn everyone of Acnologia. I'll keep him at bay." I tell her. 

"No, I'm not leaving you!" She protests, tears filling her eyes. 

"GO CYNTHIA! I can handle it." I say to her, more tears falling down. She realizes it and she fly's away. It's not that I don't want her help. I can't stand the thought of her seeing me cry. Once the dragon comes into view, I fly in front of him. 

"FATHER, IT'S ME (Y/N)" I yell out to him, hoping he could hear me. The look in his eye, it tells me the truth. My eyes widen, not wanting to believe it. He was one of Zeref's creations, made of black magic. As Zeref lost his control, he must of been absorbed by the darkness. This isn't my father. Not the father that I knew.

"SNAP OUT OF IT! PLEASE!" I cry to him, my voice strained from the yelling. Acnologia doesn't even blink and he roars at me. My breath get's caught in my throat at it. My body begins to tremble. I can't fight him. I grit my teeth and ball my fist. "I'm sorry." I mumble for a moment, more tears falling from my eyes. "BUT I MUST PROTECT MY FRIENDS! EVEN IF IT MEANS KILLING MY OWN FATHER!" I yell out, casting a magic circle. It was a new technique I had learned before I got here. Being born of dragon parents meant I could turn into one. A human vs a dragon is murder, but a dragon vs a dragon, there's a chance. 

"TRANSFORM!" I yell as power surges from my body. I began to glow as my body morphs into a dragon form. Once the light cleared, my figure was revealed. The dragon never flinched once at my new form.

Roaring loudly at him, I fly towards him, striking him with my claw. He roars back and hit's me with his tail. Growling in response, I fly towards him, crashing into his body with my down. He ends up overpowering me and prepares a breath attack. I try to copy him, but I don't have enough magic to do so. The attack hit's me and sends my crashing towards the island. Maneuvering myself, I make sure I do as minimal damage as possible. The others surround me as a light engulfs my body and turns me to normal. 

"DAMN IT! HE'S STILL TO STRONG" I say, punching the ground beneath me as tears roll down my cheeks. 

"(Y/n)! What was that!" Lucy exclaims at my transformation. 

"I'll tell you when we're safe. We have to go." I tell them, trying to stop my tears. Acnologia lands on the earth in front of us. 

"Everyone, get out of here!" Guildarts yells at the others. Acnologia roars at us, uplifting some of the ground. Everyone, including me was launched back as the forest was destroyed. Everyone was in fear of what he did with one roar. 

"Everyone, back to the ships!" Guildarts orders everyone. Listening to his orders, everyone begins to run to the ships. I'm not strong enough. I can't protect them. As we're running through the forest, Acnologia fly's over our heads and lands in front of us. 

"Bixslow, Freed!" Evergreen says in alarm. 

"He got ahead of us." Gray says in disbelief. 

"Why... Why are you doing something like this!" Wendy calls out to Acnologia. 

"He won't speak to us Wendy, in this state, we're nothing more then worms to him." I tell the petite girl beside me. The dragon slams his claw into the ground in an attempt to hurt us. We dodge the first attack, but I'm afraid we wont hold out for long. He brings up his tail into the air and strikes the earth with it, sending out a shock wave that will knock everything close to it away. 

"N-no, I don't want this." Levy says through tears.

Natsu charges towards the dragon, but he brings his claw down in front of him, sending Natsu flying back. 

"Why, you!" Natsu begins, but stops himself. 

"Gramps?" He questions master. 

"Run to the ship!" He tells us as he makes his body grow to match the dragons size. He puts Acnologia in a headlock to keep him from moving. 

"It's useless. There is no way he can fight that thing!" Gray says, watching masters attempt. 

"Master, please stop. If anything happens to you then the guild will..." Erza begins, but gets cut off by master. 

"RUN!" He yells out at us. "You even plan on disobeying your masters final orders you brats!" He yells out at us. 

"Did he say final?" Mira says, putting her hand over her mouth. Why are you fighting my battle, master. 

"Guys, we have to go!" I tell them in alarm. 

"But (Y/n)..." Natsu tries to protest but I cut him off. 

"DO YOU THINK I DON'T KNOW MY FATHERS OWN STRENGTH! WE CAN'T WIN THIS BATTLE! WE HAVE TO GO!" I cry out to them, making sure they know what I'm talking about. 

"Father?" Lucy mumbles. 

"NO TIME! LET'S GO!" I tell them, making sure they all go ahead of me. Once they begin running to the ships, I look back once more at master and my father. 

"Please, come back safely." I say, not even knowing who I was referring to. I hear footsteps running towards me from behind. I look back to see Natsu, who somehow got out of Laxus' grip. 

"(Y/n), let's go." He calls out to me. I look at him confused. 

"Natsu, what are you doing?" I question him, running behind him. 

"We're going to help out Gramps. We're dragon slayers after all." He says looking back at me, a grin on his face. My eyes widen at his remark. He's right. 

"Yeah" I say to him. We begin sprinting faster as Master crashes into the ground. Once we get close, we begin climbing onto him, since at this point I wanted to charge up my magic power. 

"Give our gramps back!" Natsu says as he grabs onto the dragon. Acnologia sees this and tries to shake us off of him, letting go of master in the process as he returns to his normal size. With everyone behind us, we begin attacking the dragon. Well they do. I try to keep climbing up the dragon to distract him. Being his daughter means I know all his weaknesses. If I could get to it, we could win the battle.

"Natsu, (Y/n)! Make sure you both dodge this!" Laxus tells us as he charges up his attack. Wait, I haven't reached the weak point yet. They begin firing their attacks at the same time. Just in time, Cynthia grabs my shoulders and lifts us off the dragon. The joint attack hit and surrounded the dragon. 

"Damn, this monster is still smiling, even after taking all of our attacks. It's all up to you guys now! GO, Natsu!" Laxus tells us all. All four of us get together. 

"That damn Laxus, I'll kick his ass later!" Natsu says to us. 

"Yeah, save it for later." Happy tells his partner. We approach the dragon and I tell everyone where to aim. 

"His weakness is the back of his neck, his scales aren't as powerful there." I tell them as we fly around. 

"Iron dragon ROAR!" Gajeel yells out, attacking the dragon.
"Sky dragon ROAR!" Wendy says, summoning the attack.
"Ice dragon ROAR!" I yell out at him.
"Fire dragon ROAR!" Natsu says, firing his attack. The attack merges and sends Acnologia flying back into the mountain, destroying it on impact. A fountain of water shoots up into the air, spraying a cool mist of everyone.

"Did we succeed?" Erza wonders. 

"No." Guildarts says to her. 

"It isn't using the strength it used when it fought me." He says to us all. 

"He was just playing around." I whisper, fear beginning to consume me. The ground begins to shake as Acnologia bursts up from the ground and into the air. 

"He flew!" Erza points out. 

"Damn it. He still has so much energy." Elfman says to us. 

"That damn monster." Laxus says to us. 

"We gave it everything we had." Wendy mumbles. Everyone begins worrying and talking as they look at the dragon. I have no choice now, do I. I need to cast that spell. But, I don't have enough magic. What... What can I do. 

"It's charging a breath attack!" Gajeel points out. I look up in surprise. He really intends on killing us. I have to save everyone. If I convert my body into magic, I should be able to summon the shield. 

"(Y/n)" Master says from beside me. "You have a plan. I need to hear it, fast." Master tells me. 

"He taught me a spell when we last met. It will block all attacks, even his own. But, I can't muster up enough magic." I say to him, everyone else hearing me. Master thinks for a moment, before turning to the others. 

"You hear that brats! Focus all of your magic on (Y/n) and any other defensive mages!" he calls out to everyone. I turn to look at the guild. They began talking and rooting out the best defensive mages, Levy and Freed. 

"Everyone, let's join hands" Mira says to them, hoping to form a type of unison raid. We all walk to the circle together, coming together and joining hands. I feel the magic begin to pour into me from everyone else. I hear Acnologia fire his attack at us. 

"From the book of Zeref, volume 2, verse 23, I call upon the shield that can stop all attacks. Take this magic offering as I summon you." I whisper as the attack get's closer. "UNBREAKABLE SHIELD: ATHENA!" I yell out, using the magic with the help of Levy and Freed. The attack hits the shield that had formed around us. Using all the magic energy I can muster up, I struggle to keep the barrier up. Suddenly, a bright light fills the area, swallowing everyone including myself up.

Ohhhhh. You all know what time it is. SEVEN YEAR TIME SKIP! You know what that means. THE GRAND MAGIC GAMES. Oh, just as a warning, I'm not going to include the clockwork ark thing, just because I wasn't a big fan of it, and I felt like it was forced into the series just to make it longer. I'm sorry if this disappoints any of you, but this is my personal opinion. Anyways, that's all for this chapter, and like always, I'll see you in the next one. PEACE.

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