Finally Mine Book 1

Por AnnaScottAuthor

43.2K 1.3K 28

Chase is a fucking bastard - Ainsley is a biker bitch extrordinaire. I'm Giving Up! I'm Done! I'm sick of wa... Más

Author's Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8

Chapter 3

3.8K 148 1
Por AnnaScottAuthor


"Fucking hell," I muttered as I tried to race around my damn king-sized bed before the fitted sheet slipped off the other corner. I was busting a nut trying to get my house to at least a decent level of not disgusting. Tonight was the fucking night.

I could feel my heart pick up speed just at the thought of it, Ainsley was about to be mine. I'd been waiting for as long as I could remember to claim that girl. Remembering back to all the times she'd be pissed as hell at me when I came between her and some asshole, I grinned and gave myself a little mental pat on the back.

Tonight, all that would be fucking worth it, when I claimed my girl and sunk into her tight body for the first time. Truly, I had no clue if she was still a virgin, but in my every fucking fantasy, I dreamed of being the only man to have ever touched her.

"Jesus," I grunted, glancing down at the tent pole trying to pop out of my fucking jeans again. I'd already showered twice today; I had to jack off so damn much just knowing it was almost time. God, as fucked up as it was, I hoped she would let me fuck her bare, I didn't want anything between us.

After finishing the bed and dealing with the shit in my bedroom, I sprayed some of that room shit my mom had brought over. Mom said my house smelled like dirty boys, balls, and ass and no woman wanted to live like that. She'd brought me this shit, I thought it smelled like the cleaner shit mom used, but I wasn't going to bitch, I didn't want to be fucking my woman for the first time and have her thinking about the smell in my house.

I'd even cleaned my entire damn house this week and left the windows open to air shit out. That would have to do. I glanced around one more time, then toss my clothes in the actual hamper and not on the ground next to it and got into the shower with the steel rod that needed attention - again.

As I soaped up my body, I braced one hand on the tile wall, let my head drop and closed my eyes. My free hand trailed down from my chest, over my tiny tight nipples, over my stomach and followed the trail of muscles down.

I imagined Ainsley in this shower with me tomorrow morning, how would she touch me? Would she be timid? Would she reach out and take what she wanted, or would I have to teach her everything?

My fist gripped the base of my cock; then I spread my fingers out to flick my balls. My skin was smooth; I'd gotten out the damn clippers earlier and made sure my shit was all fixed up, not wanting to have her choking on some little curly hairs.

I usually kept my shit neat, but I hadn't fucked anyone in a mother fucking year, I knew I had to get ready to make Ainsley mine, I didn't want any bitches trying to hold on when I did.

I figured Ains would lose her shit over something like that. Besides, every bitch I'd ever fucked I'd pretended was her, even the fucking porn star we met up in Chicago the year before. We all hit that shit, fucking dirty bitch too. She took every fucking body; she was definitely a pro. I still thought about Ainsley.

Was I fucked up and kind of an asshole for fucking bitches and thinking of Ainsley? Uh, yeah. Was it fucked up that I'd basically been cock blocking her since the first boy noticed her at school when she was in fifth grade, and I was in seventh? Yeah to that too.

Did I give a shit? Nope, not even a tiny one.

There isn't an excuse, and I won't try to explain that I'm a guy and we have needs. That is bullshit.

Women have needs too; there is no doubt. I knew I would have Ainsley, I always knew it, always wanted her, so when I fucked, I fucked, and that was it.

Ainsley wouldn't even fucking talk to me, hadn't talked to me for years. I knew I hurt her when we were kids, knew I fucked that whole thing up and I'd fucked up our friendship. She stopped believing in a her and me back then. I sure as hell didn't want her to start thinking of some other asshole that way.

Still an ass? Yes - but let's be real here. I never kicked a guy's ass over dating her, never even threatened anyone - much. I only reminded them of who her dad was, who her family was and that she had the entire club at her back. Most of the time that was enough to get the guys to turn tail and run their asses off. The more persistent guys might have needed a little reminding about the shit that could happen to them if they hurt her in any way. That took care of almost all the rest.

The only exception had been that prick, Jeremy. Fucker didn't know when to quit. I was pretty sure he didn't quit until Mountain said she couldn't go to prom with him. He'd really stuck it out with her, on and off, but he was around the most. I'd stopped them more times than I wanted to imagine from going very far. It fucking fried me that he'd even had his lips on her, I'd have committed murder if he touched her with his dick. I honestly didn't know if he had, but I liked to pretend he hadn't.

I had hoped that when Mountain gave her the option of going to prom with a prospect her junior year, that she would have taken him up on it. I'd been a prospect at the time.

I didn't get my full patch until almost my twentieth birthday. I would have gladly taken her to her prom, fucking perfect. Instead, she'd opted to go up to Bloomington to visit one of her cousins with her mom, then they went to Turkey Run for a day of hiking.

Gripping the head of my dick, I tried to draw it out, make the sensations last a little longer, fuck, I couldn't stop thinking about her spread out on my bed, her hair fanned out on the pillow or hanging over the side of the bed while I straddled her face and fucked it. Jesus, that was close.

I looked forward to making love to her. I'd never done that. I'd never kissed and caressed, held and loved a woman while I entered her slowly, gently, with care and concern for more than just an orgasm. I'd never had missionary sex.

Seriously, not ever. I only fucked club whores and random bitches I didn't care about, and I did that on purpose. They knew the score, and no one was going to get hurt that way.

I started to remember Ainsley in the new purple bikini she wore at the lake a few weeks back. I imagined her tits and the way they bounced, how her body glistened as she climbed back up on the boat and out of the water. I thought about the flare of her hips, that little pouch on her lower abdomen, all of it.

Thankfully when my dick sprang up and tried to reach her, my towel was sitting in my lap. That was divine intervention, that thing probably saved my life that day. Ainsley had grown into one of the most beautiful women in history, in my opinion of course.

I gripped the head one last time, then captured the glob of precum and fisted myself. I rammed it down and started to pump my hips, fucking my fist until the tingles jolted up my spine, my balls tightened, and I let go.

My forehead was resting on the tile wall when I finally settled my breathing and stepped back into the water. As I glanced at the wall, I noticed that there was a decent amount of cum on there. I wondered for a minute if I should just leave it there for Ainsley but decided she wouldn't see it as the physical proof of my desire for her, so I rinsed it off, sad to see all my boys being wasted down the drain again.

As I moved around the house, looking over all the shit I'd accomplished over the past year, I thought about the endless days of hard ass work. Glancing at the kitchen table, I thought about the few months before Ains turned eighteen. I'd been ready to claim her the day she became legal.

I'd just bought my house, and even though it was a fucking mess, I was ready for my woman. Though I hadn't said anything to Mountain about it, I didn't think I needed to. He told me I had to wait until she was grown, well then it was just about time.

My parents saw my eagerness and must have said something, because late one night, I heard Mountain pull up. His pipes had a distinct sound, and when I'd still been a prospect, that was one of the first things I learned.

I had. I'd been a prospect longer than most, and I knew it was because I had to prove myself beyond my family, beyond my history with the club. I had to prove myself as a brother. I'd gotten my full patch months before, so with a house and a full patch, I was ready. I should have fucking known, probably should have locked the fucking doors and turned off the lights, but I didn't. I let the bastard in.

"Brother, we need to talk," Mountain had told me when I opened the screen door to the older man.

"What's up?" I asked, motioning toward the fridge, silently asking if he wanted a beer.

Nodding, he sat down at the kitchen table I'd just bought with his daughter in mind. I sat the beer in front of him and watched, my anxiety was seriously rising when I watched him put his elbows on the tabletop and hold his head in his hands, looking down and then he ran his fingers through his hair.

When his eyes finally met mine, he took the beer and held it without drinking. "What?" I asked, serious nerves flooding my system.

"She's not ready," he said, a tinge of sadness and possibly regret in his voice.

"Are you kidding me?" I asked, not even wanting to think about what he was saying.

"She's not ready yet; she's only turning eighteen, barely graduated from high school. She needs to grow up, to mature a little before she becomes-" He let his sentence hang, but I knew the words he wouldn't say.

"That's bullshit," I growled, taking my life into my own hands. But at that moment, I was talking to Ainsley's father, not my president. I was quickly losing respect for this man.

"Chase, man, I know you want her, but she's my daughter. I have her best interests in mind, and yours too. You need to wait."

"I've been waiting." I reminded him, trying to calm my shit and not punch my president in the fucking face. "I didn't agree with you when you made me step back when we were kids. I should have been by her fucking side all these years; you fucked me, Dave."

"Chase-" he warned, and I had a feeling he was going to lay my ass out pretty soon, but I didn't give a fucking shit.

"No, fuck that. You want to be the big man and save your little princess from the big bad biker? Yeah, not fucking happening. The day she turns eighteen, she's mine."

"Give her one year, give her a year to experience her life before you take it over." He was getting pissed, raising his voice and shouting at me now, he hadn't done that in a long fucking time. "You think after all this time, you can just move in and she'll go for it anyway? You need to go slower with her. You've been distant for so many years; she's fucking pissed at you."

"Yeah, and that bullshit is your fucking fault too. I never wanted distance."

"You needed it and so did she. But I'm not the one who stalked her and pissed her off, that was you all on your own."

"Oh yeah? Maybe because you basically cut off my dick and handed it to me and wouldn't let me do shit until she was grown. She's fucking grown now!"

"She's not. She will be eighteen, but she isn't grown. She hasn't even had time out of high school. Let her spread her wings a little bit, and that will give you time to get back on her good side, so she doesn't kick you in the balls when you try to get her on the back of your bike."

"She won't do that," I argued but wasn't sure he was wrong about that. I knew all the things I had done for her, even knew the reasons I'd basically become her shadow, but she didn't know how much I still needed her, how much I'd always planned for her to be the better part of my life.

"She will," he promised. "Give it one more year, become friends with her again. You lost that, and that shit wasn't on me, that was all you. You pulled back from her, you disappeared from her life and let her see you with other girls."

"If I hadn't distanced myself, I'd have fu-"

Mountain growled, and I changed what I was saying, so I didn't die before I ever got to taste his daughter's cunt.

"I would never have been able to wait so long." I didn't touch the shit about other women, I knew she'd seen a couple, but I hadn't done it intentionally. I fucked up and hurt her. I knew in a way that Mountain was right, but I fucking hated it.

"You agree?"


"Will you wait?"

"Yeah," I told him, my shoulders slumped, and I felt like my entire life had just been put on hold a-fucking-gain. I was sick of this shit. "I'll wait one year, but swear to Christ, on her nineteenth birthday, I'm claiming her as mine."

"I hear you, brother."

"No, feel this, I'm claiming her. She's my old lady now, and you will not interfere. No more of these little chats, no more waiting, I'm doing this because I respect you, and I accept that you could be right, but I can't wait more than that and I won't. Just be warned, I'm not going to have three people in my relationship, you feel me now?"

Mountain inhaled and exhaled, pounded a fist on my table and grumbled, "yeah." That was all I was going to get, but I wasn't going to allow it. Ainsley was going to be enough of a challenge all on her own. I didn't need to be fighting her dad at every turn of our life.

That night, after Mountain left my house, I drank half a bottle of scotch and passed out on the couch. I couldn't even face the bedroom; I couldn't stand any of it, I had intended it all for the girl I wasn't even sure I'd ever be able to claim. My plans were fucking smashed, sure, it was one year, not too long, right? Fucking wrong, three hundred and sixty-five days was a fucking lifetime. And what would happen if I was too late?

The next day, without telling anyone, I packed the saddlebags on my bike, left my phone sitting on the counter of my house and rode out, heading nowhere. When I got to the Makers' clubhouse in Sioux City, Iowa three days later, I called my mother and let her know I was going to be gone a while. I didn't explain, didn't say much, just that I had to get away.

I'd felt so lost over the following couple of months. I seriously wondered if Mountain would ever give her up. The hurt looks, the misery I'd seen in Ainsley's eyes over the years haunted me too.

Finally, one night, I was laying in another uncomfortable bed at another charter's clubhouse and stared up at the ceiling after failing to fuck the only girl I'd ever given a shit about out of my system. Suddenly, I started to remember it all. The look of longing I'd seen in Ainsley's eyes a few weeks before I'd escaped the confines of our tiny ass town haunted me.

I had no clue how I'd forgotten about that or why I hadn't thought about it sooner, but it was the memory of that look in her eyes so many times over the years, so many times that she thought I wasn't looking that had me jackknifing up out of the damn bed.

Pulling up my jeans, grabbing my shirt and cut, pulling on my boots and grabbing my saddlebags, I headed out at three in the fucking morning.

The drive home was long and wet as hell. Of course, I'd felt the draw back home, back to my girl two hours before a serious as shit rainstorm hit. I didn't stop. I could have, I rode on. It took me almost three days, stopping just to eat, refuel and sleep as little as possible, I rode on.

In those three days, I came up with a plan. Now, today it would all come to fruition.

Ainsley's body gyrated to the rhythm of Sweet Home Alabama, and as I stayed in the shadows, my cock hardened as I caught a little glimpse of the skin below her tank.

"You ready for this?" Justin asked, coming to lean against the side of the barn with me.

"What?" I asked, not really paying attention to my closest friend.

Justin was a kid from one of the richest families in five counties, but he'd felt so out of place in that world, he'd left it all and found his place within the club. He was still a prospect, but I had a pretty good idea that he'd be earning his full patch in the next few weeks.

"Strapping on the old ball and chain." Justin clarified.

"Yeah," I laughed as Ainsley's friend Julie bumped hips with her. The pair wrapped arms loosely around each other and began to bump and grind to the music.

"Fuck," Justin grunted as his gaze caught the girls' sexy as hell moves.

"No shit," damn, my dick was hard. How long did I really have to let her enjoy her birthday? Could I just grab her now, even before her mom brings out her lemon cream cake?

"She's fucking hot," I could hear one of my oldest friends start to drool.

"I'm gonna fuck you up, asshole, keep your fucking eyes to yourself," I growled, turning to punch the dick's face.

"Shut the hell up; I'm not looking at your girl. Jesus, do you think I'm suicidal?"

"Uh," I grunted, letting my shoulders fall back against the barn wall.

"Da-amn" Justin practically moaned.

"What the hell?"

"You dumb ass, I'm looking at Julie. Jesus, that tight ass, fucking hell."

Laughing at my friend, we fell quiet and just watched, both of us fighting our dicks. Luckily for me, I didn't have to wait long.

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