the liars ยป baekhyun โœ“

By xxbyunhyun

38.5K 2.5K 1.1K

โ A sinner has no right of choice. โž Where two liars cross paths and become each other's salvation. More

the liars
chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11 (last chapter)

chapter 7

2.3K 173 85
By xxbyunhyun


Lately I was feeling like something dark was getting closer and closer. The sensation of being watched was becoming unbearable. It was following me every where I went, but when I glanced over my shoulder to see, there was never anybody there.

That day one of my professors thought of putting the whole class in groups and I ended up in one of the worst. There were me, Miyeong, Chanyeol, Dokyung and three other guys who were supposed to do the work and I was the only one that cared about getting a passing grade. I did really badly at the last exam in that subject and I really didn't need another fail. I still wasn't surprised that the others didn't care about that and Dokyung just threatened us to do the project well before she went shopping, while one of the three other students was at least decent enough to give us some money for the work. That was how I found myself stuck in the library with Miyeong and Chanyeol.

There were piles of books all around us, I was struggling to make notes and the two of them weren't being of any help. Miyeong was carelessly swinging on her chair, counting the money that the student gave us and grinning at the thought of the food and alcohol that we were going to spend it for. Chanyeol on the other hand was dying from boredom and pushing himself around the library on his rolling chair. It was barely fifteen minutes when he returned back to our table and whined: '' Is it going to be done soon? I'm bored and I hate libraries. This place is so quiet that I can hear all of my thoughts. ''

I elbowed him and signalled him to speak more quietly. '' You aren't being of any help, so you might as well just go. ''

'' Really? Can I really go? '' His eyes instantly brightened up in enthusiasm.

I groaned and glared at him in anger. '' Of course not, idiot. I said that only because I hoped that it would make you feel bad and start working. ''

He frowned and elbowed me back. '' Tch? Who are you calling an idiot? You are the idiot, arm rest. ''

'' That's not how you convince a guy to do what you want. I'll show you what I do when a guy tries to tell me no and it works every single time, '' Miyeong spoke up and raised her head. She wasn't bothering to keep quiet either and I noticed some of the university guards eyeing us and wondering if they should throw us out of the library. Instead she turned towards Chanyeol, grabbed the sleeve of his baggy shirt, put on the worst nasally and cute voice that she possibly could and started: '' Oppa! Stop sitting on your ass and help us with this group project! Come on, Oppa, use that brainless head of yours for once! Oppa! ''

She was half acting cute and half insulting Chanyeol and somehow it worked. He slightly blushed, grinned and picked up one of the books on our table. I on the other hand glared at Miyeong and seriously muttered: '' You are making it sound like you were doing any work in the first place. ''

'' Fine, I'll help too, '' she mumbled, sighed in defeat and opened a book too.

I happily smiled when I wasn't working by myself anymore and continued taking down notes. We were doing the work a lot faster now that they were both giving a hand. Chanyeol wasn't the most studious person, so he fell asleep after another half an hour, but I appreciated that he at least try. Differently from him, Miyeong was actually really smart if she bothered to try. The problem was that she usually preferred to keep the image of being an airhead. Once she really concentrated there was no stopping her and it didn't take long before she got annoyed by my own stupidity and slowness and told me to just keep myself entertained while she finished up the group project on my own.

I was a little offended, but I still let her do the work and started typing on my phone instead. Miyeong silently elbowed me all of the sudden and made me look away from the screen. She gestured at the door of the library and I instantly spotted Baekhyun. He was standing there with some books in his hands and looking around with an emotionless expression on his face. All of the tables had at least two people already sitting there and he seemed to be hesitating and wondering who to join. Once his dark eyes grazed our trio, he started walking in our direction right away.

'' Are we the least annoying ones in the whole library? '' I asked and smirked in amusement when he sat down on the opposite side of our table.

Baekhyun seriously nodded and murmured: '' Something along those lines. ''

Miyeong leaned against her hand and curiously wondered: '' What are you doing here? Did you get dropped by the rest of your group like us? Did you at least make some money off it? ''

'' I always do the group projects by myself, '' he quietly answered and opened one of his books. I was looking at him in thought and I didn't miss the sadness that appeared in his voice when he spoke of other people. '' It's easer that way than to rely on other people. I am at the top of the class, so they expect me to do the work anyway. ''

Miyeong shrugged and looked down at her book again. '' Can't relate. I am definitely putting my name first in the presentation and purposely misspelling everyone else's. ''

His black eyes moved towards me and he watch me search through his pencil case. I smirked when I found a black marker and looked at the still sleeping Chanyeol. My eyes evilly shined and I started drawing a nose and whiskers on his face. Baekhyun shook his head and seriously said: '' I see why you two get along now. You are secretly just as childish as he is. ''

'' I'm not childish, I read interior design magazines in my free time, '' I protested and pointed at him with my marker.

Baekhyun narrowed his eyes and prepared to say something in response, but he was interrupted by Miyeong, who lightly hit my arm and ordered: '' Go get me a book that we need for the presentation. ''

I made sure to sigh as loud as possible before I got up and strolled between the shelves of the large library. Baekhyun watched me walk away, then he slowly got up too. This was our first attempt at setting up a trap for whoever was after Miyeong and I. It started with me getting accused of cheating during an exam, but after she was blamed for a breakup between a popular couple at school and talking about a bunch of people behind their backs, we knew that the stalker had to be a student at this university. They were targeting me in a way that made me think their crimes were Baekhyun's fault, so he hid between the shelves, while I pretended to look for the book that Miyeong told me to find.

I was purposely trying to stall and wander around for as long as I could. I was looking at other books and pretending to seem interested, but on the inside I was dying of curiosity and wondering if there was something going on. In the end nothing happened and I was interrupted by Chanyeol, who strolled between the shelves and asked: '' What are you doing? Since when are you interested in history books? Since when do you even read? Where's Baekhyun? ''

I sighed in defeat and looked around. Baekhyun was nowhere to be seen and there wasn't anyone else suspicious in sight either. I ignored Chanyeol's questions, walked back to our table and tossed the book to Miyeong. She gave me a strange look and picked it up, while I dropped down on my seat and started thinking of a more elaborate plan to find the stalker. It seemed like it wasn't going to be as easy as I thought. I was sure that just hanging around Baekhyun would bring the individual out, but apparently they were smarter than that.

Miyeong started flipping through the pages of the business textbook and all of the sudden she let out a startled scream. I jumped up on my chair and looked at her with wide eyes and Chanyeol was immediately up on his feet and ready to fight, even if she wasn't really threatened by anyone. The frightened girl stood up, stumbled back from our table and I quickly stepped towards her, wrapped my arm around her shoulders and started asking her what was wrong. She was trembling, her eyes were wide in terror and I barely managed to understand her stuttering: '' I-It's h-him. The stalker is him. ''

It took me a few moments to realise what she was talking about, then I heard Chanyeol's serious voice: '' Miyeong? Najung? What is this? ''

My gaze wandered towards the writing on the side of the page and I unknowingly tightened my grip on Miyeong.

I came back for you two, Mi and Na.

The fifth and last target didn't really manage to hurt me personally. It was just around the time my father lost everything and I disappeared off the radar. That was how I managed to get away, but he moved on to his next target. Miyeong just got kicked out of her home too, she was living in a hotel and he followed her all the way to her room. Someone happened to hear her screams and they called the police, but that night he almost got her.

Miyeong covered her face with her hands and started sobbing. '' Najung, he's back. I can't believe that he is back. It's him, I just know it's him. I can't go through the past all over again. Let's leave Seoul right now, okay? ''

I put my sunglasses on her face to hide her teary eyes and smeared makeup and Chanyeol threateningly raised his fist and glared at the guard that was about to kick us from the library. '' Can't you see that they are going through a crisis? I am pretty sure that the dude that they are talking about is not some kind of ex boyfriend that they both dated and it's actually a lot more serious so have some sympathy, will you?! ''

I lead Miyeong out of the library and Chanyeol grabbed our bags. He was about to rush after us when Baekhyun appeared with a book in his hands and asked him what was going on. Chanyeol just shook his head and hurried away, while the other boy picked up the business textbook that we left behind. He read the words on the side of the page, then his black eyes slowly wandered around the library.

Who was it?

Chanyeol nearly lost us in the crowded hallways of the university. His eyes slightly widened when he spotted us speed walking towards the girl bathrooms. Miyeong was about to break in to tears and I was trying to get her away from everyone before that would happen. He ran after us and whined: '' Seriously, what is going on? What am I supposed to do? I am not good with crying girls! Should I smuggle a bottle of soju in the school or buy all the chocolate that I can find on the vending machines? Or am I supposed to go punch someone in your name? ''

He almost walked in to the girl bathrooms right after us before he spotted the sign and quickly stopped himself. I stepped outside once again to take our bags from his hands and order: '' Stop yelling and make sure no one gets in the bathrooms until we come out, okay? ''

He frowned and protested: '' I'm worried, arm rest! Also, how exactly am I supposed to stop people from using the bathrooms- ''

I closed the door in the middle of his sentence and rushed to Miyeong's help. She was already sitting on one of the toilets and crying. She was a strong girl, who didn't get surprised easily, but remembering the past instantly pushed her over the edge. I squatted down next to her, patted her head every now and then and sighed: '' At least you are wearing waterproof mascara, so I guess your day is not completely ruined, right? Come on, just cry it out and once you are done I'll give you my phone so you can stalk all your exes that have you blocked on social media. I know that it's your past time and seeing how bad they are doing without you, will surely make you feel better! ''

She was about to grab the sleeve of my shirt that day, but I quickly pushed her head away and handed her some toilet paper to wipe her eyes instead. '' I'm wearing designer today. ''

'' S-Sorry, I didn't notice that you were wearing one of the designer pieces that you have only because I gave them to you, '' she mumbled between her tears and loudly blew her nose in the toilet paper.

I sourly smiled and patted her head again. '' I'm letting that slide only because our tandem is having a bit of a rough day. ''

There was no sign of Park Chanyeol when we walked out of the bathrooms again. I frowned and looked around in annoyance, while Miyeong stopped next to me, with my large pink sunglasses hiding her red and teary eyes. I was surprised when I saw Baekhyun leaning against the wall on the other side of the hallway and typing on his phone. He stopped once we appeared, walked closer and pointed at the 'out of order' sign that was placed next to the bathrooms. '' Some girls reported Chanyeol to the security guards because he wouldn't let them go to the bathrooms and he got dragged out of the university. That was why I put that sign there instead. ''

'' You didn't try to help him, did you? '' I mumbled and raised an eyebrow.

He rolled his eyes and smirked. '' I watched and enjoyed every minute of it. ''

I shook my head with disapproval and sighed. '' What are you even doing here? ''

'' I... '' He ran through his dark hair with his hand and looked at the strangely quiet Miyeong. '' Do you know who the stalker is now? I saw the message that was left in the textbook. ''

She lowered her head and whispered: '' We know who he is. We just don't know his face. ''

He looked at me with an emotionless expression on his face and quietly asked: '' Do you really not want me to get rid of him for you? ''

I nervously smiled and mumbled: '' We'll just... Get rid of him together, okay? There's no need for you to go off and do anything on your own. I'll tell you if we'll need your help. ''

I shot him another uneasy smile and lightly nodded as a goodbye before I linked arms with Miyeong and we walked away from him. Chanyeol was hiding behind a trash can when we found him and there was a bruise forming on the side of his face. I felt a little bad when I first saw it, but then he told us that he got it after a guard called him a pervert and he got offended and started insulting them back. That made me feel a little less sympathetic and I only patted his shoulder before I asked him if he could take Miyeong home on his motorcycle.

The two of them sped down the road and I made my way towards the subway station by myself. The thought of the stalker was creeping me out too, but I was still a little more prepared to fight him than Miyeong. She liked to tell herself that she was fine, but she didn't get over what happened in the past, not even close. Now that she knew it was the same guy that tried to attack her years ago, I was afraid that she would actually freeze up if he would try to approach her. She wouldn't think twice about shouting or running if it would be anyone else, but knowing that it was him, it was a completely different story. I was trying to think of a way to make sure that she would stay safe, when I bumped in to someone that I knew.

It was right at the top of the stairs that lead in to the subway and my eyes widened with surprise at the sight of the guy that tripped and fell forward. He rolled down to the very bottom, I loudly gasped and rushed after him. I wanted to help him, but in the end I almost stepped on his glasses. His annoyed grunting made me step back, apologetically smile and hold my hand in his direction. '' What are you doing here, Minhyuk? Did you get lost? I had no idea that you actually left the house sometimes. ''

Shin Minhyuk was the guy that was helping me plan my revenge against Dokyung. He was a computer genius and one of the smartest people that I knew. The two of us met each other completely by chance, when I was frequenting some university preparation classes and I heard about this guy that was earning money by selling people old notes and exams. I quickly learned that it was a bit more complicated than that and he had a whole database of documents for all kinds of schools in Seoul. That was his official way of earning money besides software developing for some company, but he did a lot of other things that were a bit less illegal. I personally only sometimes asked him to find information about someone, but I saw the people that went to see him and I knew that they were asking for a lot more than just that.

'' I'm frequenting some afternoon computer classes at your university, '' he seriously grumbled and adjusted the cap that was covering his messy dark brown hair. He pushed his glasses higher up his nose and looked at me with tired eyes. The lines under them clearly showed that it was a while since he last slept. I always knew that he would stay on the computer for an unnatural amount of hours, but I didn't realise how bad it was until now that I saw him out of his room and in daylight. His skin was pale like it didn't see sunlight for at least three years and his arms were bony from not bothering to get up and go eat. '' Are you done with pursuing your useless degree for the day? ''

I rolled my eyes when he prepared to start the argument that we had almost every time I went to visit him. He learned most of his knowledge about computers on his own and he was strongly against studying at university. He thought that the expensive tuition wasn't worth it and he believed that people should get off their asses, open a book and teach the material to themselves. Hearing that always made me annoyed, because in my opinion there were some individuals who just weren't capable of that. '' Don't even start, because I am already having a bad day and I don't need you ruining it completely. Anyway, are you going home? We can go together. ''

Minhyuk was about to respond, when Baekhyun appeared out of nowhere, tapped my shoulder and smiled. '' What a coincidence. We run in to each other again! ''

The computer genius's expression slightly darkened and he stared at Baekhyun for a few moments before lowering his head and pulling the front of his cap deeper on his face. '' I have to go to the company for a work meeting. See you tomorrow. Make sure not to be late this time, because otherwise I am not letting you in my apartment. I don't care how much beer you'll bring as an apology. ''

He took fast steps to the other side of the subway station and I turned towards Baekhyun with a confused expression on my face. '' What are you doing here? Are you lost? Did someone dare you to take the subway? ''

Baekhyun took his eyes off Minhyuk's disappearing figure and smirked. '' I thought about your stalker situation and since I have nothing better to do, I am walking you home. ''

I frowned and tilted my head to the side. '' Since when are you so polite? I'm probably more in danger if I'm with you anyway. Thugs have a radar for people like you and they can immediately locate a worthy target. ''

He narrowed his gaze and asked in confusion: '' Should I stop being nice to you? Is that what you really want? I can go straight to insulting you, if you would prefer that. Your existence is enough to give me endless ideas for it. ''

I rolled my eyes, turned around and started walking without giving a response. He took that as me giving up and allowing him to come with me. He was looking around the subway station with curiosity and it was obvious that it really was his first time here. The mass of people that left the train shoved him when he didn't get out of their way, then he quickly rushed after me. I stopped on my usual spot and leaned against the closed doors. The train was particularly crowded that day and I held my breath with surprise when Baekhyun was pushed back. Some old man was about to place himself right in front of him, but he quickly blocked his way. His chest pressed against mine and I looked up towards his black eyes. He smiled and ignored the nasty glare that the other man gave him. '' Is it always this crowded? ''

Did he just try to protect me from that old man?

I smirked and shrugged. '' Pretty much, but you get used to it. In moments like this one you just awkwardly smile at the stranger in front of you, make some really cringe worthy small talk or just look at the ground and breathe through your mouth. ''

'' Is it also normal for someone's hand to be in my pocket? '' Baekhyun asked and continued smiling.

I chuckled in amusement, while he turned around and looked at the person that was trying to steal his wallet. The pickpocket quickly disappeared in the crowd of people and the train continued moving. Most of the crowd left on the first two stations and I started looking around to locate an empty seat. I had to hit some woman with my behind to beat her from occupying one of the two free spots and waved at Baekhyun to do the same. He smiled at her instead and she willingly stood up from the seat that was next to him. He politely bowed at her, making her giggle and blush, while I rolled my eyes and asked him: '' Do you have to do that wherever we go? ''

'' Don't act like you don't do the same, '' he replied and smirked. '' I've seen you sweet talking teachers to give you a better mark or other students when you forget to do your homework. I am just being polite, but you use some really low tricks to get what you want. ''

I sourly laughed and nodded. '' It's all about wearing your most revealing shirt and leaving your dignity at home. Speaking of me not having dignity, can I ask you for a favour? Can you somehow get a doctor to write me a note, so I can skip work this week? You rich people know your stuff when it comes to things like that. The girls are somehow always excused from any physical activity at school, the guys blame all kinds of diseases for losing at sports and everyone can get prescription drugs whenever they want. ''

Baekhyun crossed his arms on his chest and thought about it. His black eyes playfully shined and I knew that he was planning something, when he slowly began: '' A favour? What do I get in return, shrimp? You keep avoiding me and making me out to be a bad person, so we definitely aren't on good enough terms for me to be helping you for free. So... How about a date? ''

My eyebrows furrowed together with confusion and I looked at him with a dumbfounded expression on my face. '' What? Why? ''

His smile disappeared from his lips. '' Excuse me? ''

'' Why? '' I repeated, thinking that he didn't hear me correctly.

He cringed and shook his head. '' No, I heard you the first time, but that is like the worst way that you could possibly respond to me asking you out, so I was hoping that you would think of something else. You are seriously breaking my heart over here. ''

I glanced at him in doubt and sighed. '' Alright. I am going to take in consideration that a rich person like you took the subway for me despite all the germs that are here and say yes to a drink. We are definitely not going on a date, but I will go have a drink with you. That should be enough for you to have your fun, right? ''

I couldn't help it but to laugh when my words made him pull a hand sanitiser from his bag and put it on his hands. He held it towards me, but I only shook my head. He shrugged and said: '' A drink? Well, depends on how you get after some alcohol. I'm still trying to decipher who Najung actually is, so be ready on tuesday after classes. I'll get you that doctor note so you can skip work, but in return you have to go with me to my favourite bar and complain about my company as little as you can. ''

'' Do they have good soju? '' I wondered and raised an eyebrow.

He smirked and replied: '' They have eight different kinds. ''

I grinned and raised my hand to give him a high five. '' Deal. ''

He was confused about my actions at first, then his eyes slightly widened in realisation and he lightly hit my palm with his. I awkwardly lowered my hand and lowered my head. Sometimes I forgot about his strange friendship with Junmyeon and Jongdae and that they didn't really talk about each other or have interactions like this one. It still worked when they were together, but once Baekhyun was by himself and not trying to act like this fake friendly person, it was really obvious that he liked to avoid everyone and spend most of his time by himself.

I scratched the back of my head and thoughtfully murmured: '' By the way, about you finding out who I really am... Don't expect too much. Even if I would tell you my life story, that would still be an underwhelming revelation. Not everything that sparkles is gold you know. I try to cover that by wearing as much pink and glitter as I possibly can though. Kind of like how you smile through the pain when one of the students tries to ask you to get them a position in your father's company for the millionth time. ''

Baekhyun faintly laughed and ran through his black hair with his hand. '' You just reminded me how I'm going to have to start working there soon. ''

'' Do you have another dream? '' I curiously asked and observed his reaction.

He couldn't hide the hint of sadness in his empty gaze. '' You don't get to dream when you are in the same position as I am. Every kid who's parents own a large business goes through the same thing. You have no freedom, no dreams, you are just trying your best to be the perfect child and follow their footsteps. Your future was already decided for you when you were born, but you come to deal with it. ''

My eyes slowly widened with surprise and I stared at him in silence. I was at a loss of words and when the glanced towards me in confusion, I quickly lowered my head. In reality I didn't even imagine that he could be going through a hard time, just like me.

He walked me all the way to the apartment complex where I lived. We were in the middle of a conversation, but I stopped talking as soon as I spotted Chanyeol and Sooho. They were sitting on the steps in front of the apartment building, enjoying the sunshine and having beer together. My mouth fell open in shock and I pointed at my brother's drink in anger. His eyes grew wide when he saw me, he stood up and tried to run off, but he was stopped by Chanyeol, who grabbed his empty can and threw it at him. It managed to hit his head and Sooho collapsed on the ground, started rolling around and rubbing the hurt spot in pain. '' You have some nerve to drink alcohol like you are a real adult! What do you think your sister would say, little man?! ''

I ran towards Chanyeol and smacked the top of his head. He looked at me with surprise, but his shocked expression disappeared when I glared at him and said: '' Don't even try to act like you weren't the one who bought the beer for him. This is why I always say that you are a bad influence! ''

'' I'm going to get a permanent dent in my head if you'll keep hitting me like that, '' Chanyeol complained and glared back at me.

'' I can hold my alcohol better than you do! '' Sooho yelled from down the road and I quickly grabbed the second can of beer and threw it towards him, just like Chanyeol did earlier.

I wasn't even nearly as good at it as him and it ended up completely missing it's target. My eyes slightly widened in embarrassment and the tall guy by my side started laughing in amusement. He lightly hit my shoulder and mocked: '' That was so bad, arm rest! I wish I would've filmed it! ''

'' That really was pretty bad, '' Baekhyun quietly agreed and stepped closer. His hands were stuck in his pockets and he was looking at Chanyeol with an emotionless expression on his face. The taller guy instantly stopped laughing and a slight scowl formed on his face. They stared at each other and I could feel the tension that was rising in the air. '' Are you causing trouble to Najung and her family? ''

Chanyeol narrowed his eyes and hissed: '' What do you care? This has nothing to do with you, so don't even try to get involved and ruin my life all over again. ''

An eerie smile appeared on Baekhyun's face and he tilted his head to the side. '' You don't really need me to ruin anything. You always managed to do that just fine on your own. ''

He gave me another look, turned around and started walking away. Chanyeol was frowning, clenching his fists in anger and muttering something about how he should go after him and beat him up. I grabbed the sleeve of his shirt before he could really do something stupid, held him back and asked: '' Were you two waiting for me? Did Sooho tell you that I'm taking him to see father today? ''

Chanyeol shot another glare in the direction of Baekhyun's disappearing figure, even if the guy was showing his back to us. Then he looked at me and grinned. '' We had one beer saved for you too, but you were taking too long to get here, so we drank it while we were waiting for you. Did I mention that we took them from your fridge? ''

'' You are making it really hard for me to not make that permanent dent in your head, '' I muttered in annoyance and sighed. He childishly smiled and ruffled my hair before turning around and disappearing through the entrance of the apartment building. I rolled my eyes and waved at the still slightly worried Sooho to come closer. I almost forgot that the two of us agreed to go see father today. He wanted Chanyeol to come along too, but thankfully the guy already had other plans with some girl that he was dating, so the two of us were stuck going by ourselves.

Sooho was curious and he kept asking questions, but I purposely told him as little as possible. I could tell from the look on his face that he was starting to regret it once we reached the neighbourhood where father lived. He protectively stepped closer to me when we passed some shady looking places and I pointed at the old orange scooter that was parked on the side of the alleyway. '' Father decided to sell his car after the police caught him driving under the influence of alcohol and took his license away. He gambled the rest of the money away. ''

My brother only lowered his head and took a deep breath. I was watching him for a few moments and waiting to see if he would ask if we could visit father another time. He stayed quiet, so I turned around and walked down the stairs that lead to a tiny basement apartment. There were bags full of empty bottles of alcohol piles around the entrance and I kept banging on the door but no one opened it. A frustrated sigh came out of my mouth and I searched for the spare key that was hidden under the pot of a plant that died already long ago. '' Father! I'm here to identify your dead body! ''

'' Do you come to see him often? '' Sooho quietly asked and slowly followed me inside the dark apartment.

'' We crossed paths again only after I turned eighteen and left my foster family. I was lonely and deluding myself, so I got his address from the social services and came to see him. I've been coming every now and then after that to check if he's still alive, '' I seriously replied, pulled a pile of fliers, pamphlets and books from my bag and dropped them on a messy table. They were all about beating alcoholism and gambling addiction. I tried to tell myself to forget about everything that happened and give up, but I couldn't. It was hard to accept that a family member was completely hopeless and just erase them from your life, no matter how much they hurt you in the past. '' Namshik? Where are you? Did you dig yourself a grave somewhere between all the empty bottles? ''

The apartment was in a worse state every time I got here. The smell of cigarette smoke hung in the air and father rarely bothered to clean the empty bottles of soju that were scattered everywhere. There were some rotting vegetables in the fridge and old takeout boxes were stacked next to the sofa that doubled also as a bed. I would usually find him passed out on it, but this time he was nowhere to be seen. I already thought that he was out somewhere gambling his money, when Sooho stumbled back from the bathroom. My heart instantly skipped a beat, I ran closer and my eyes widened in alarm at the sight of father.

He was collapsed on the ground in the middle of the bathroom and there was a wound on his head that was covered with dried blood. My hands were trembling when I checked his pulse and I almost shrieked at the sound of his sudden groan. A sigh of relief came out of my mouth before I straightened myself again, crossed my arms on my chest and angrily hissed: '' Seriously? You need to stop scaring me like that! You already took ten years from my lifespan the last time I came here and found you collapsed under the refrigerator! Did you buy alcohol instead of food again? ''

'' Huh? Najung? You're here? '' he tiredly mumbled and slowly sat up. He rubbed his eyes and loudly yawned. '' You always say that you'll never come back again. ''

I scowled and muttered: '' I do and I always regret breaking my promise. ''

Namshik let out another yawn and picked himself up from the ground. He turned around and that was when he spotted Sooho. He looked confused at first, then he recognised the boy that was staring at him with a shocked expression on his face. '' S-Sooho, is that you? ''

The boy started shaking his head and backing away. He was too horrified to even respond and I wasn't surprised when he ran out of the apartment. '' He came to Seoul and he wanted to see you. I wouldn't bet on him coming back ever again, but I'll probably show up in another month or so. Anyway, how are you doing? Did life somehow manage to get even worse? ''

Sooho was standing outside and smoking a cigarette when I left father's apartment and for once I didn't comment on his bad habit. We exchanged a look and I thought about hugging him, but I changed my mind. He was my brother, but he was still out of my life for five years and I didn't know if it was the most appropriate thing to do. I was going to comfortingly pat his shoulder, when he suddenly wrapped his arms around me and pulled me closer. I sucked in a breath with surprise and at first I didn't even know what to do, then I reluctantly hugged him back.

He seemed a little embarrassed when he pulled back and I made sure to make fun of him about it before the two of us slowly made our way back home.

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[COMPLETED] "What if in the end lie is the only way you can get your love back?" It's when the first pain come and you start to feel everything and l...