Heartbroken (A Jasabeth and P...

By DaughterOfWarfare

8.3K 70 20

After Athena has enough of Annbeth and Percy's romance, she finally does something about it. THE CHARACTERS A... More

part one: the good times.
part two: the cheaters
part three: the quest
part four: i end up with nobody
part five: we complete the quest
Part seven: Quest no more
Part eight: The Horrible Truth
Part nine: Escape

part six: long lost love

627 7 1
By DaughterOfWarfare

Annabeth's pov
I walked around Manhattan, still mourning over Jason's death. I don't want to go back to camp half blood, because i didnt want to see percy ever again, or piper. So i decided on going somewhere else, somewhere where the people will surely accept me.
I walked around, looking for a train station. After want seemed like hours, I found one. I ran towards it and looked at the upcoming trains. Florida, san Francisco, brooklyn... there is was: California. I went to the counter and stood in line. Who knew lines where so long in the summer? I finnaly got to the counter.
"One ticket to California, please"
"That will be a hundred dollars"
I rummaged through my backpack and gave her the money.
"The train's in one hour, ma'am."
"Ok" I responded.
Time flew by, by the time I was on the train, it was 6 o'clock. It would take 10 hours to get form here to California. I hope it wont take too long. Thank the gods I had brought a book and dedalus's laptop, because I would've been bored out of my mind. Again, It seemed to fly by. Before I knew it, we where in California.   
I rushed out the train and made sure no one was following me. I came to a pathway that lead downwards/ in a circle, when I got to a cave, I ran down, and breathed in the smell of New rome.
I had made it.
I sighed in relief. I could actually see some trustworthy friends.
I ran in. Guarding the middle was hazel and Frank.
"Hey guys!" I said.
They stared at me in shock.
"Ananbeth! What are you doing here?" Hazel asked.
My smile melted. "I...uh, we have a lot to talk about, let's walk to camp Jupiter in the process."
"Okay" hazel and Frank agreed.
We walked and talked while going to new rome. By the time we got to the city part, I was finished.
"I... can't believe he did that!"  Hazel said.
"Me neither-" Frank was cut off.
"Well well well, if it isn't the daughter of athena. Welcome" I heard a familiar voice say.
I looked at the daughter of bellona. "Hello, renya" I smiled.
"Hello" she smiled back, and looked at hazel and Frank. " I see we have a lot to talk about. Hazel, Frank, you are dismissed."
When they left, I pulled renya into a hug. "it's great to see You!"
She smiled. "Its good to see you too, but why did you come here?"
My smile melted, and hardened into something more solid and fierce. "Percy cheated on me" I tried not to cry. I blinked back tears.
"How...what.... with who?" Renya was so shocked, i've never seen her so shocked.
"With piper. Me and jason ran away but..." my voice trailed off. I couldn't hold it in anymore. I started crying.
"Oh" renya said, and she pulled me into a hug. "it's okay. You can swear off men and join me, we could be proatetors together! Imagine that" she said.
I thought it was an amazing idea. I could maybe even join the hunters, then I would see thalia....
Oh no. What if thalia will  find out about Jason's death? That news will break her. i was a bit scared, but i told her i wont swear off men. just in case.... well just in case jason is still alive. she said, yes, but i could tell she was dissapointed. i ignored the look she gave me. 

time skip

renya announced that i was the new proaeto, and everone cheered. i was happy for the first time in a long time. the next few days flew by. i practiced in the arena, occasionnaly beating the ares... i mean mars kids. we played, i practiceed, everything was okay, until it turned. 

me and renya where sitting at a tabe, discussing something, when hazel and frank came and brought news: someone was here, and that someone was... percy. and piper. i told them to leave them out here and not let them in, but renya changed my mind. she siad we would just see what they had to say. i relaxed, and said yes. 

we walked to the main entrance gate, followed by a bunch of other roman demigods. we walked and then i saw him. percy jackson, that lying, cheating son of a hera. he and piper where walking awkwardly side by side. percy looked miserable, he had a bunch of new scars, his hair messyer than usual, and he looked like he was crying. when he saw me, he looked relived and ran o me, but was held back by a bunch of demigods. 

"annabeth!" he yelled. "im sorry! it was not me it was.." he was cut off by a demigod cupping his mouth.    
I was kinda relived when I saw him, but then I remembered how he betrayed me. I turned and walked away. Renya ran after me.
"Um, annabeth, I just thought that maybe we could just let then stay here, just for a few days, and then send them on their way."
"No" I replied automatically. "Just let them to now, Idont care a bit about them"
"But annabeth just at leads for one day, maybe.... maybe we could get you back together."
"No, renya. I'm sorry, but percabeth is over because of that son of a hera" (It was hard for me to type that part)
"But... just at least for a few hours?"
I sighed. As much as I hated them, I couldn't just leave them there. "Ok fine, but just for a few hours, right?"
Renya sighed in relif. "Ok, yeah, just for a few hours"
I stomped back to my own room. See, the proaatetors have their own rooms, and mine was filled with books, scrolls, maps, my invisibility helmet, and dedalus's laptop, but I have No idea how that got there. I was just studying my books, when a familiar voice said: "hi annabeth"
I looked up, and percy was leaning on the wall.
"Go away" I said, and went back to my laptop. Then, I felt strong arms wrap around me, and percy kissed me on the cheek.
"Leave me alone" I mumbled.
Percy looked hurt, but obliged. He left, and just when I thought I could get some me time, a bell rang. It was the bell that sounded ont when important things are happening. I knew not to ignore it, so I closed my laptop and ran to the center of the whole camp. I took my place beside renya.
"Hello, fellow demigods!" She said. "Here, we just got a prophecy, and we need someone to volunteer!"
At first, things where just normal. Then, I saw my chance. This could be it, I could leave camp Jupiter, I mean, it's cool here, but I want to go out to the mortal world. Before I could stop myself, I said, " Me! I want to Go on the quest! I volunteer!"
Renya smirked. "Anabeth, you can't, proaatetors are not allowed to go quests"
"Yeah ananbeth,"  a teasing voice said behind me."proaatetors cant go on quests"
I turned and gasped. It was.... him!

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