Wake Up Call (A One Direction...

By Wintery

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... This thing is kind of really terrible so um, I suggest you get away from it, for your sake, man. Proceed... More

Wake Up Call (A One Direction Fanfic)
Chapter 1 - βœ”
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Author's Note - Please Read And Please Don't Kill Me

Chapter 2

593 14 8
By Wintery

~~~~~~~~~2 hours later~~~~~~~~~

It had been a quiet and boring ride but I was too caught up in the music to realize that the truck was slowing down.

“Crap,” I mumbled.

I lowered my head onto the steering wheel and it released a loud honk. I jumped back in shock and laughed at my own clumsiness.

I headed out of the car to check on the engine. It was a hot day and I was stuck in the middle of the desert. YAY! I slipped off my hoodie leaving my crop top then tied up my hair.

I checked my engine in hopes of it being an easy fix. I worked at a auto repair shop so I figured that I may have a chance of getting back on the road. Luck wasn’t on my side and I needed a new part. I cursed myself for leaving my toolbox at home.

“Fuck,” I mumbled.

I quickly shut the hood and sat on the car. I thought of all my options.

#1: Beg Jake to pick me up (never going to happen)

#2: Hitchhike (no cars around)

#3: Walk 20 miles to the last pit stop see if they had the part (I’d die for sure)

#4: Call for tow (They’d probably not serve me and I didn’t have enough cash)

#5: Sit on car and wait for something to happen

I thought about all my options and figured #5 while waiting to hitchhike is probably the best idea. I quickly took stock of all the items I had. I hadn’t brought anything but music and my cell phone.I put on my headphones and hummed to Knaan’s “Is Anybody Out There”.I started to fish through all the stuff I was going to make the boys sign but there was nothing usable. I decided to just sit in the car until another car came but before I could climb in someone pushed my butt into the car making me hit my head on the opposite car door.

“WHAT THE HELL,” I screeched.

I turned around to find a tour bus and a boy with curly hair grinning madly while seeming to holding back laughter. In my haste to check for anything usable while dancing to the music, I didn’t notice the tourbus pulling up.

“YOLO,” the boy yelled while running back to the bus.

I glared at him and ran to the bus. I knocked on the bus door furiously. A stereo system popped out of the side.

“What do you want?” It rudely asked.

“Let me in so I can kill that asshole,” I calmly responded.

“Hmm and why should I do that?”

“Because if you don’t, I’ll get in and kill you too,” I said.

The door opened up and I waltzed in there and began yelling.


There were 4 boys sitting on couches with amused faces. They pointed to a door on the side and were snickering.

“Thank you!”

 I winked at all of them.

“At least some of you are nice,” I said, “I’ll let him off the hook, thank you though. I’d better be going. Bye!” I pretended to stomp off the bus and shut the door.

“Bye,” they responded.

“Thank god, she left, I’ve never seen anyone so mad,” the curly haired boy said walking out of the closet.

I quickly tackled him and punched him the stomach twice while yelling profanities at him. I raised my hand to finish with a slap but he caught my wrist and connected our lips together. I was ultimately shocked. I pulled away from me and used my free hand to slap his face. I was stopped by 4 pairs of hands grabbing my arms and waist. After about 30 seconds, I broke out of all of their arms and began my way back to the curly haired guy. I saw red from my anger; I’ve always had a bit of an anger issue. I couldn’t ignore the tingle of my lip from the kiss though. The boys finally got me in a head lock. I was still angry and fighting them off. The boys were trying to persuade me and calm me down. One of the boys couldn’t stop screeching profanities and other crap but only one thing persuaded me to stop: “STOP HURTING HARRY! I’LL GIVE YOU CARROTS!”

 I dropped my hands to my side and stopped fighting.

“Carrots?” I questioned happily while turning around to face a boy with spikey brown hair wearing suspenders and a striped shirt.

He looked at me as if I was crazy and nodded furiously. I smiled happily and put my hands out to get carrots. They were my life! He slowly approached me and seemed scared. He handed me a carrot and I hopped to a seat and began munching it, occasionally moaning for pleasure.

I turned to the boy who gave me the carrot.

“Where’d you get your carrots? These are amazing!” I happily commented.

“I dunno, they were a gift,” he replied.

“Best gift ever!” I complimented.

The other boys seemed terrified while the ‘carrot boy’ approached me happily.

“My name’s Hughey but you can call me Hugh,” He held his hand out and I happily took it with my free hand. I laughed at his name and he frowned. I muttered a sorry then introduced myself.

“My name’s uhh,” I tried to think of a fake name but settled for giving them my middle name,” Mia,” I said.

“That’s Ian,” He said while pointing to a boy with slightly curly hair.

“That’s Wayne,” He said while pointing to a boy with black coiffed up hair.

“That’s Kyle,” He said while pointing to a boy with blond hair with brown roots.

“That’s Barry,” He said while pointing to the boy I beat up and was still lying down on the ground moaning. I thought it was Harry...?

I have to admit... they didn’t seem like they were sure of their names. Oh well, I’d better not question it. After all they were letting a random stranger who beat up one of them stay around instead of kcking them out of the bus.

“Nice to meet you all,” I smiled, “except Barry,” I commented.

They started chuckling and Ian and Wayne helped Barry up.

“Man, seeing Barry getting a beating from a girl was priceless,” Ian laughed.

“It isn’t funny,” Barry mumbled.

“Well, I’ve got to get going boys but see you around,” I said while walking into their kitchen and taking 5 carrots.

I turned to the bus driver and asked, “Do you have a intake manifold gasket and a gudgeon pin (I know nothing about cars... so if it doesn’t make anysense.... oh well) handy?” 

“Yeah,” He handed me a plastic bag with the pin and gasket.

“Do you also have a screw? My car’s fastener for my gudgeon pin moved around too much and my pin is now deep somewhere in my engine. Do you also have a couple wrenches? My gasket needs replacing and I’m not sure about the size,” I said still munching on my carrot.

“Here,” He said while handing me the equipment, “do you need any help, pretty lady?”

I leaned in close and whispered “I’m not a lady. I’m a bitch that can do anything she wants. You want a problem with me?”


“If you want to keep having no problems with me,” I lowered my voice, “Then never call me a lady,”

“Okay,” He seemed scared and I’m sorta proud about that. I was just kidding. Sheesh, I guess he saw what I did to Barry.

I waltzed out the door and popped the hood and began my repairs.

“So where are you going?” a voice suddenly asked, scaring the hell out of me.

I dropped my wrench down and burned my hand. “CRAP,” I screeched.

“Sorry,” the boy said.

I turned around to face Barry. “Get the hell away from me,” I said. My hand that got burned was hurting like hell while my other hand was still swollen from hitting Jake.

“Crap,” he said when he saw my hands. I tried to hide the scars on my wrists unsuccessfully but Barry didn't notice and seemed more worried about my burned hand.

“Yeah, CRAP,” I mocked.

“Shit, I can’t do any repairs,” I said.

“You can hitchhike with us, I owe you that much,” he offered.

“Fine, just let me get my stuff.”

I headed into the car, making sure my butt wasn’t out and grabbed the duffel, my iPod (with its charger and my headphones) and my cell phone. I took a look at my cell phone and tears threatened to pour out. I had been too harsh with Jake, and he was right, I was too stubborn and always thought I never needed help. It must have been frustrating seeing someone you care about acting like they were fine when they were falling apart. My stubborn head didn’t seriously consider getting help from him when I got stranded. I had to call him after the signing.

I got out of the car and plugged in my coordinates so I could call a tow truck later.

“You okay?” He asked.

“Ha, sure,” I said.

I ran onto the bus and went into their kitchen and held my hand under the cold water (I doubt there’s plumbing and running water on the bus, so just pretend it makes sense). I sighed in relief and got a couple more carrots. I already managed to eat the prior five while doing repairs.

“She’s eating all of my carrots!” I could hear Hugh moaning behind me.

“Well, deal with it,” I said while turning to face them.

Hugh’s face was a mix of disgust and sadness while the other boys were calmly lounging around him. I laughed at how distorted his face was.

“So where’s your destination?” Ian asked snapping me out of my laugh attack.

“Annapolis,” I told him.

“HEY, THATS WHERE WE’RE GOING!” Kyle pointed out.

“So what brings you to Annapolis?” Wayne politely asked.

“A stupid One Direction signing,” I responded.

They calmly looked at each other and seemed to have a mutual agreement.

“What makes it so stupid?” Barry asked.

I started laughing really hard then said, “What makes them not stupid?”

“Lots of things,” Wayne defended

“What are you in love with them? Cause I heard they’re gay so you’ll have a good chance......” I said.

The rest of the boys seemed unsure whether to laugh or cry. Kyle seemed to make the decision when he burst out laughing. Wayne blushed while the other boys started laughing.

“Well, you have to admit, their pretty fit,” Kyle said.

“Got a crush huh? Well, I’ve seen better,” I calmly responded,

“Have you not seen Alex Pettyfer!?! Gosh, he’s smokin’,” I joked.

I dramatically fell onto one of the lounge couches and started fanning myself. The boys seemed amused but slightly disappointed.

“Well, have you heard their music?” Ian asked.

“Yeah, the girls at my school have it blaring all day long. They're not half bad but love songs aren't me. I have to admit though, I just think they're a fad. I'm disappointed in our genreation and how they consider them to be the next Beatles. The Beatles are legendary and honestly, One Direction aren't even on the same level as them or close. Maybe in the future. It really makes me wonder though, what happened to songs with good lyrics? People have started to sacrifice good lyrics for a catchy tune. It all started with Justin Bieber and now we have 5 more wannabes who wanna play rockstar. They probably can’t sing and autotune saved their careers,” I rolled my eyes.

The boys’ cheery personalities seemed deflated and Kyle left to go to the washroom with tears in his eyes. Ian and Wayne were whispering. Barry and Hugh seemed to be comforting eachother.

“Don’t you guys hate them too? I mean they’re probably stealing some of your action,” I said

Barry spoke for the group when he responded, “We like them, our sisters introduced them to us but we aren’t obsessed or anything or fangirl about them. We met them a couple of times and we’re pretty good friends,”

Kyle back into the room with red, puffy eyes and it was clear that he was crying.

“I’m sorry,” I said, “I didn’t think it would be that personal to you guys,”

Wayne said, “Well, it was now drop it,”

I was taken aback. Wayne didn’t really talk much and seemed pretty laid back. I didn’t realize I pushed him far enough to snap at me. I also noticed how withdrawn he was this whole trip. I concluded that he probably didn’t like me all too much.

“So why are you going to the signing if you don’t like them?” Barry cheekily retorted.

“Some girls at my school are paying me to go. We live in New York so the drive would probably have killed them since they’d need to check their make up every ten minutes. There was also the stupid senior prom that NOBODY could miss for the sake of their lives. They asked me to do it along with getting tons of stuff souvenirs signed and are paying me a ton of money that I really need to pay for rent,” I explained.

“Oh,” they replied.

“So what are you guys doing in Annapolis?” I asked.

The boys seemed to hesitate for a couple of seconds.

“Nothing really, maybe some shopping and checking out some landmarks,” Ian replied smoothly but I could tell he was lying. I didn’t feel the need to go any deeper though.

“Oh, by the way, why do you have British accents?” I said.

“We’re from England,” Hugh said in a ‘duh’ tone.

My genius response was “Oh.”

“What were you expecting?” Wayne retorted.

“I dunno,” I admitted.

“Well, then maybe you should stop asking stupid questions,” Wayne countered.

I noticed a glass of water near Wayne and during the last 30 minutes, I’ve noticed how sensitive he is when it comes to his hair. I just couldn’t pass it up... I picked it up and in one swift movement, I managed to drench his hair.

“I’ll stop asking stupid questions, when you stop caring about your hair,” I retorted.

At this point, all the boys were in hysterics at Wayne’s reaction other than Wayne himself who seemed to have steam coming out from his ears.

I backed up a bit and began running, laughing hysterically. I immediately heard footsteps coming behind me. I quickly realized that I was on a bus and there was no way to escape except for the emergency escape to the roof. I ran down the hallway and took a right turn. I noticed a hatch to the roof and quickly climbed up the ladder.

I opened the hatch and laid down on my stomach on the roof. There was short metal railing on the sides of the roof so there was no way for me to fall. I could hear the boys asking questions like “Where’d she go?” and “Did she go off the bus?”.  I started laughing to myself and thought of ways to make my grand entrance.

I slowly made my way to the left side of the bus and swung from the railings. Mentally, thanking my mom for forcing me to go the gymnastics, the one thing she actually cared about before and after she became an alcoholic. I checked if the windows were breakable, no, and could open fully, yes. I swung out farther and used my legs to push it open. I slid in swiftly and landed in a karate stance for dramatic effect. The boys were all searching and when they heard the creak of the window turned their heads toward me. Every one of the faces were a mix of concern but quickly turned into awe.

They were all stunned and were silent for a couple of seconds until Hugh exclaimed, “You gotta show me how to do that!”

The boys all laughed and agreed with him. I replied, “If I see you guys again, I will definitely show you guys how to do that,”

“And Wayne, I asked that question trying to figure out what you brits doing in the states,” I explained.

“We just finished high school and we thought we’d take a year off and travel,” Wayne answered with red cheeks.

“I wanted to do that, but I don’t have the cash for it,” I admitted.

“It’s not all it’s cracked up to be. We get quite homesick every now and then,” Ian said.

“That wouldn’t be a problem for me; I can’t wait to get out of my hellhole of a home,” I mumbled.

“What makes it so bad?” Barry asked.

“It’s a bit of a touchy subject,” I defended

The boy’s faces were full of pity. They're pitying me now? I can't wait to see what they'd do if they found out. I hated getting any pity so I was relieved when Niall spoke up.

“I’m sorry,”

 “Can we change the subject? I don’t want a pity party,” I chuckled.

“Okay, well, I’ve been dying to ask this: why do you hate One Direction so much?” Hugh asked.

“I used to live in Wolverhampton from when I was 6 to 10 and one of the boys, I think his name was Liam, was my best friend there. When I told him that I was moving he broke down and stopped all communication with me for the month before I left. His mom and my mom were close so his whole family came to see us off but Liam never went to the airport. His mom said that he wasn’t feeling well,” I explained.

A flash of realization came upon Ian’s face but as soon as it came it was gone.

“The funny thing was that before I told him I moved, he proposed and I accepted,” I laughed at the memory, “We really were crazy. But I’ll be honest, I took it to heart and,” I pulled out my necklace which has the simple ring with the infinity sign etched into it, “I still wear it. I planned to give back it to him when I saw him again but I don’t think I can part with it yet. I guess since he never made an effort to contact me, it was off. I bet he won’t even remember me..”

They all pitied me and I guess my other explanation wouldn’t really help their mood. Ian’s face was different though, he seemed almost, guilty.

“Also my dad and my old best friend, Poppy, were driving me to my boxing gym 2 years ago and my best friend was fangirling for 1D in the passenger seat. She ended up distracting my dad who was laughing too much and we ended up in a car accident. They both died upon impact but I managed to survive. I from then on swore hatred of them,” I laughed dryly remembering Poppy’s obsession over 1D. They weren’t very popular then. Poppy only discovered them when she was accidently pressing buttons on her tv and the X-Factor showed up. She fell in love instantly, or so she thought. She’d kill me if I didn’t mention her at all during my conversation with them.

 “That must’ve hurt,” Hugh dumbly said. He received glares and a couple of slaps from the other boys.

“It doesn’t matter anymore. I moved on from that and accepted the fact that they weren’t really the cause of the accident, I miss them like crazy though. I don’t have really anything against the other boys but I guess Liam was the basis of my anger towards them. I think having a favourite band is okay until it becomes an obsession that can eventually hurt you or put you in danger. I’d be a liar to say that I don’t have a favourite band,”

The boys smiled.

“You know, Ian, you look alot like my Liam,” I pointed out suspiciously.

The bus came to a stop and the bus driver turned to us.

“We’re here, boys and girl,” he said.

“Well, I guess this is goodbye. Times goes fast when you’re having fun,” I smiled as I got all my things.

“I have the coordinates of your car. We’ll have it towed and parked right here,” Ian said.

“How much would that cost?” I asked while getting my wallet out but before I opened it Barry put his hand over my hand.

“It’s okay. Don’t worry about it,” Barry argued.

I would’ve paid for it but I was basically broke so there really wasn’t any point.

“Thanks for the ride, boys!” I called as I stepped off the bus.

I turned back to the bus only to find in huge letters the words: One Direction: U.S. Tour.

Well... I don't thnk there's anything to say... tbh.. so this is probably gonna end up as a ramble... So yeah.. Please vote and comment! :D Oh.. and I'll probably be updating like everyday or other day :D

This is dedicated to mem4life... She's one of my first friends on wattpad.. and supposedly.. I'm her bitch.. and part of her gang... XD GO READ HER BOOK (aka MY GODCHILD), GOING, GOING GONE!

Aww.. poor Harry getting beat up by a girl... XD. And bad Liam! XD

P.S. Yeah.. the photos on the side are probably gonna be pretty random..  I mean.. I don't even pick what they are until I've gotta update or something.. So okay... yeah.. um... bye!

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