A Slice of Love

Od Juls131415

234K 5.4K 368

Olive Halls needs a job. So why not work at the famous Pizza Star? Oh did I mention there's a hot guy that wo... Více

A Slice of Love
First Day
First Date
Just Another Day at Work
Opening up
Hanging Out
A Day With Matt
Maria Lily
Hitting The Clubs
The plan with a twist
A Little Secret
Girls Day, Guys at Night
Going Downhill
Her Wish
Best friends and Walmart
School Starts
First Day Drama
Hanging Out...Alone.
A Surprise
Rumor Has It...Maria's back.
The Collapse
How To Say What Needs To Be Said
I Quit
Leaving You
Running to You
The End.

The Bet

6.1K 159 12
Od Juls131415

Olive's POV

So news spread quickly. Donovan Star was locked up for life for murder and all that. Matt took the company off of his hands because Mr.Star's will was never found. I was walking through the doors of Pizza Star with Matt and we stopped for a moment. It was 10am and we were here an hour early because we needed to clean up. While we were gone for those months, Al had been taking care of the business.

"Al said he'd be here right?" I asked as I walked in, I felt Matt behind me putting his hands on my hips.

"He should be." He said, concern laced into his voice.

"You don't think your dad did anything to him before he you know..." I trailed off and Matt shook his head.

"He's in jail. What could he have done?" He asked and I sighed, shrugging.

"I don't know." I say sadly.

"I'll call him now. Don't worry about it Oli, everything's fine." He said, grabbing his phone and moving away from me to punch in his number. He held the phone to his ear and listened patiently. "Yeah, hey." Matt said suddenly and I figured he picked up. "Where are you? Olive was worried." He said shooting me a wink and I scowled. "Yeah okay. Alright see you later." He said and hung up.

"What was that about?" I asked and he turned to me with a small smile.

"Said he slept in and was coming soon." He said and I sighed, he walked over to me and pulled me into his arms. "Babe relax. Everything's fine. My dad can't do anything from prison." He said easily and I nodded.

"Okay can we get down to business now?" I asked and he nodded, walking over to the counter and throwing me my apron.

"Sure but what kind of business? Like work business, or like.." and he waggled his eyebrows as he continued "Or like business." he said and I rolled my eyes but felt my cheeks flush.

"Matt you are such a perv." I say and push his shoulder. He laughed at me and began going through the register.

"Alright what do you want to talk about?" He asked, looking more serious then before.

"Julie!" I say and he raises his eyebrows.

"What about Julie?" He asks and I scratch my head sheepishly.

"It's just...she sorta...you know...flirts with...uh um you?" I barely managed to say. I stammered over almost every word as an amused expression flitted across Matt's face. He walked over to me, looking me over and grinning.

"Baby are you jealous?" He asked, moving his lips to my neck, letting his breath fan across my skin and I gulped. I bit my lip, trying to not be affected by him, but it was getting harder to resist.

"N-no." I stammered. Damn it! It was only one word and I still tripped over it! He smirked at me, his hands landing on my lower back, as I stared into those damn sexy green eyes. Then a vision of his own father standing over me, made me fall back in surprise. Matt caught me at the last second, and looked at me for a moment, scanning my face.

"Olive you okay?" He asked, now sounding worried. I nodded but he sighed. "I know you're not, but we can talk about that later, okay?" He said and I nodded. He helped me stand back up and he cocked his head at me, taking in my face. "You're so beautiful." He said so softly, I almost missed it. My heart skipped a beat and he moved his face closer to me, I was about to close the space between us when the front door jingled. I groaned in annoyance as I looked up to see Julie walking in. From the smirk on her face, I could tell she was glad she came when she did.

"Well hello." She said, smirking and there was a disgusted frown on my face. Matt sighed, letting go of me. She strutted past Matt and to the locker room. "Nice to see you back Matt." She said with a wink before walking into the locker room. I growled in annoyance and Matt looked at me in surprise.

"Baby come here." He said pulling me toward him. I huffed, folding my arms over my chest.

"She thinks she can just flirt with you, when I'm in the room!" I exclaimed and Matt smirked.

"I knew you we're jealous." he said and I frowned.

"Matt if you don't take this more seriously, I won't kiss you for two weeks." I threatened and his eyebrows shot up in surprise.

"Please you couldn't last a few days without my lips on yours." Matt said, rolling his eyes and I glared at him.

"Wanna bet?" I asked and Matt smirked.

"Yeah. I say two and a half weeks, the first one to kiss the other owes them something." He said easily.

"If I win, you have to do what ever I say for a day and..you have to fire Julie." I say, happily and Matt smirks.

"And if I win-"

"Which you won't." I cut in and Matt chuckles at me.

"If I win, you need to cook for me for a day....wearing a special...outfit..." He trailed off and my eyes widened. Outfit? Knowing Matt and his dirty little mind...oh I don't want to even think about that! "And you have to stay at my place for a week." He said, grinning.

"Your place? As in...in your house?" I asked and Matt nodded.

"Probably in my bed too...I only have one bed cupcake." He said giving me a wink and my mouth hung open as he grinned happily at me.

"No way!" I protest. Hell no. I'm not going to be one of those girls who would easily jump in his bed. Hell to the no!

"What? Are you scared Oli?" He said, grinning at me, knowingly. Oh he is a clever one... I sigh.

"No, we've got a deal." I say and Matt holds out his hand. I shake it, and as I'm about to pull away he pulls me close so our noses are touching.

"You made a mistake baby." He said, his breath fanning over my face, his cocky smirk plastered on his face. I pulled away and began walking to the locker room when I heard Matt whistle from behind me. I turned around and watched as he checked me out. Oh there's no way I'm going to lose this bet. Hell no. Bring it on Matt Star. Bring it on.

Matt's POV

This should be easy. Especially when school's coming up. Friday Olive and I are starting 11th grade in high school. So basically high school means parties. What do parties mean you ask? Drunken truth or dares. I chuckled. This is going to be a hell of a lot of fun. I can't wait for that, I mean for one thing now I'll actually feel like a real teenager. I've gone to school but mostly flunked my classes because my dad wanted me to be working. A smirk came to my face as I watched Olive walk into the locker room. Oh by the end of these two and a half weeks, Olive will be sleeping over my house, and I know it.

It had been an hour into work and Olive kept giving me looks and every time I went to meet her gaze she looked away. Maybe I'll be winning this bet quicker then I expected. Julie strutted over to me and I rolled my eyes. The look in her eyes made me know she was going to flirt with me.

"Hey Matt." She purred and I resisted the urge to roll my eyes.

"Hey Julie, hows work going?" I asked, not glancing up at her. But it didn't take a glance to know she was leaning over the desk, flashing her cleavage.

"Just fine, thanks." She said and I continued what I was doing not commenting but nodding my head. Then I realized this was a way to make Olive jealous. I grinned and looked up at Julie.

"I'm glad you're enjoying work Julie." I said, flashing her a smile and she grinned back. I hate to play with girls like this, but I need to win this bet.

"It'd be better if I saw you more." she flirted shamelessly and I glanced at Olive to see her face reddening in anger. I winked at her and continued talking. This should be easy.

Olive's POV

I think I'm going to go to jail. I'm ready to run over and murder Julie. I'm ready to take the pen next to Matt's hand and stab her in the throat. She leaned over the desk, flitting her eyelashes at him and he smiled at her. Then looked at me for a reaction, giving me a wink. Oh that prick! I took the people's order and stomped over to Al, handing him the food the people wanted. Looking at them, as they continued flirting. Julie glanced up and smirked at me before returning her attention back to Matt. Oh that's it! I was about to go over there and give her a piece of my mind when Al stopped me.

"I know what she's doing Olive." Al said calmly and I glanced at him, as he looked at Matt and Julie. "I also know that Matt wants you to get mad so you will try to show her who he's dating...which could end up in you kissing him." Al said simply, as he began topping his pizza.

"So I should sit here and watch as she flirts with my boyfriend?" I ask and Al chuckles but shakes his head.

"No but you can bring up how it's inappropriate to be flirting and making googly eyes at work." He said and I grinned mischievously.

"Al you are truly a genius." I say and he grins at me. "You know you'd think you'd be helping Matt not me." I say and he laughs lightly.

"Well he's a sneaky one. I don't want him winning this bet either. He better lose this Olive. I'm serious." He said and I nodded, grinning at him.

"Will do! Anyway, now to go and stop this flirt-fest." I say and he chuckles as he hands me my order and I bring it to one of my tables. When they leave, I come up to them. Can this girl get any more desperate? She's flashing her boobs and ignoring her tables. I roll my eyes but plaster a fake smile on my face. "Hey guys." I say and Matt looks up, looking surprised but amusement is clear on his face.

"Hey." Julie says in a fake happiness voice that almost matched mine.

"Oh hey Julie. I just wanted to tell you that you might want to start working again before the people at your table get up and leave because you're ignoring them by flirting over here. Oh and Matthew." I say turning to him, leaving Julie with her mouth agape. "It's not very professional to be flirting with one of the waitresses. Especially when you're dating someone else." I say, giving him a small smile. "Okay well that's all." I say with a shrug and go back to work. I can't help but glance over my shoulder to see Matt's eyes wide and his face looking extremely confused. Olive-1 Matt-0. This should be easier then I thought! I let out an evil laugh, causing a few people to give me odd looks but I continue my job. By the end of the day, I'm changing in the locker room and Julie glares at me the whole time. I hear here murmur something and I glance up. "You know Julie, if you want to say something, you might as well just go ahead." I say and she snaps her neck to look at me.

"You're a bitch." She says easily. "You act like you're some oh-so special girl, walking in her all high and mighty. Well news flash- you're not." She says coldly and I can't help but chuckle.

"Julie, I don't fricken care what you think of me." I say, grabbing my stuff and walking to the door.

"I'm not done talking to you Olive!" She yells at me, and I turn to face her, grinning as I do so.

"Hey Julie? News flash- I don't give a fuck." I say, shrugging and walking out, to leave her fuming. I grin at myself, realizing how pissed off she must be. Ha. Well suits her right! Maybe next time she shouldn't flirt with my boyfriend! I walk out to see Matt standing there, waiting for me.

"Ready to go?" He asks and I nod. We begin walking to his car in silence. It was just getting cold out, so I pulled my jacket closer to me, shivering slightly. I felt an arm around my waist and I glanced at Matt, raising an eyebrow.

"Whatcha doing?" I say and he chuckles.

"What, I can't kiss you, so now I can't touch you too?" He asks me and I push him away.

"You do realize you were flirting with Julie today, right?" I say and he sighs.

"I do realize that. Olive, I want to win this bet. If that means making you jealous, I'm up for it." He says and I'm shocked by his blunt response.

"Well two can play at that game Matt." I say and he narrows his eyes.

"If a guy even looks at you, he's dead." Matt says so seriously, I can't help but crack a smile.

"If it means making you jealous, I'm up for it." I say, quoting him and he growls under his breath. I hop in his car and he gets into his side. When we finally reach Sarah's house, (which I was staying at because my Aunt was in California, filming her new show. She wanted me to join her I but convinced her I'd be fine) I got out of the car and began walking up the drive. I was almost to her front step when Matt stopped me.

"Oli, this bet won't mess up our relationship, right?" He asks me and I turn around to look at him.

"Of course not." I say, rolling my eyes. I feel Matt put one hand on my lower back, and whispers in my ear.

"Good. I can't lose you babe." He says in a low voice that makes my eyes widen. Oh shit. He's holding me flush against him and he nuzzles my neck. "I'm going to miss being able to kiss you." He says sexily making me gulp. No. No no no. Shit this isn't good. He's got me right where he wants me. Now to turn this around on him. I put my hand on his chest and slowly bring it down and then snake it around his waist. He's eyes widen and I feel him stiffen under my touch. I give him a small smile and flutter my eyelashes.

"It's only two and a half weeks Matty. You'll be fine. Don't worry about it." I say, stepping away. "I'm not." I say easily with a shrug. "Oh and Matt? You might want to...calm yourself." I say, and I notice Matt redden and I grin. "See you tomorrow Matt!" I yell over my shoulder.

Olive-2 Matt-0

Okay so basically now they have a bet in this thing. I hope it's okay. Let me know okay? I need to know if this is weird so comment below. Oh and vote if you can, (it's just a click of a button so it shouldn't be too hard)

Thanks for reading!

Oh hey guess what! I just caught popcorn in my mouth! hell yeah, now i feel fantastic....I'm so sorry...I drank coffee today so I'm extra random and very "out there" if you know what I mean lmfao. Okay well I'll update either later today or tomorrow. Oh and um....it's thunder storming in Virgina today and my dogs are being cowards and shaking and freaking out. I swear they are very odd. They're all ready to go kill somebody if they try to hurt someone but thunder is scary? Jesus Christ...some watch dogs eh? Okay I'm done rambling!

Song on the side...just a random one-you know.

okay..BYEEE! ;)

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