
By caler_jo_hyden

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"Faith is taking that first step even when you don't see the whole road." In which Prince Charming's big bro... More

Epigraph + Cast


2.1K 74 3
By caler_jo_hyden

I don't own anything but Dean/Bellamy and my ideas.


Chapter 19- The Return

"We're so glad you didn't kill Mrs. Nolan," Bellamy read the big card in his hand and chuckled, "Sounds like you hang out with me too much, Henry."

The two of them were at Mary Margaret's apartment for the welcome home party, and Henry's classmates and himself had made a card for their teacher.

Henry simply looked up at the man and grinned, "That's good. I wanna be just like you... and too, we couldn't think of anything else."

Bellamy laughed along with August who sat beside the two, saying, "There she is. Why don't you give her your present?"

Bellamy turned around to see Emma and Mary Margaret approaching them, and the former handed Bellamy and August a drink while Henry reached for his gift.

The ten year old handed Mary Margaret the card first, saying, "Hey, I have something for you."

Mary Margaret accepted it and replied, "Well, thank you." She opened it and read the message aloud, "We're so glad you didn't kill Mrs. Nolan..."

Some of the other people at the party lightly laughed as Henry smiled sheepishly and added, "It's from the whole class." He held out his personal gift and shook it, "And I got you a bell."

"Thank you," Mary Margaret smiled, "Tell everyone I'll be back soon."

"Okay," Henry grinned.

Bellamy pauses and glanced over at the clock before turning to the said kid and spoke up, "Hey, Kid, we should go home before your mom finds out."

Emma agreed with the man and escorted the two to the door, opening it to find David waiting outside.

"Hey, Emma, Bell, Henry, leaving already?" David began.

Emma shared a glance behind her at Mary Margaret while Bellamy told his brother, "You know it. Got to get him home. He's got homework."

Emma added, "She's kind of tired. I think if you just gave it some time..."

"I just wanted to-" David started.

Bellamy cut his brother off, saying, "Hey, Davey, why don't you take a walk with us?"

Henry grinned and nodded at that idea, adding, "Come on, David! It'll be fun."

David glanced at Emma for a second who looked at him apologetically before he nodded and replied, "Okay, sure."


Bellamy, David, and Henry arrived at the Mills large house as Bellamy said goodbye to his adopted son, saying with a small smirk, "If your mom asks, just tell her you were with me. She'll love that idea."

Henry grinned and hugged the said man, "Okay. See you tomorrow, Dad."

"See you, Kid," Bellamy chuckled before the ten year old ran inside.

Once the door to the house was shut, both Nolan brothers turned around and started walking back. Though, it didn't take long for David to break the silence between them.

"You and Henry really do seem close. I mean, enough for him to see you as his dad," David started, a small smile on his face.

Bellamy held a fond smile on his own face now as he glanced over at his brother and replied, "Yeah, he's a good kid."

David sighed, and Bellamy knew what he really wanted to talk about but just waited for him to blurt it out.

"You're on good terms with Mary Margaret. How is she? Why won't she talk to me, Bell?" David finally asked the question aloud.

Bellamy moved his hands in the pockets of his leather jacket, reluctantly saying, "She just went through hell with the town accusing her of murdering someone. She just needs time."

"How much time?" David sadly sighed, his shoulders slumped.

Bellamy glanced over at him as the two continued to walk down the street at night. "As long as it takes. You should have stood by her, Davey, especially as much as she's stood by you."

"But all of the evidence was pointed at her-"

Bellamy gave him a look to quit talking as he continued, "It was a really good setup, I admit, but if you really did know her, you would've already known that."

David shook his head guiltily at his brother, saying, "I'm sorry. I really am. I know I should've seen that..."

"Why didn't you?" Bellamy began, "You're my little brother who always looked at the more optimistic, hopeful viewpoint. And now, this one time, you don't. Why?"

David sighed, giving his brother a concerned look. "Are you okay?"

"I always am." Bellamy shrugged, adding, "I'm just trying to understand you, Davey. She trusted you so much- so much that I'm even confused on why- that she risked her reputation to be with you."

Bellamy inhaled deeply, attempting to calm his anger down before he does something he regrets.

"And what did you do with that trust? You threw it out because she did something she didn't even have a clue about."

David was completely at a loss of words for a few seconds, and Bellamy sighed now, adding, "You're rather lucky I haven't hit you yet. So for your sake, don't say anything else."

But David shook his head and apologized again, "I'm sorry, I really am. If there's a way for me to fix this, I-I will-"

"Okay." Bellamy cut his apology short by punching him hard on his jaw, causing David to back step a foot.

David rubbed his jaw and punched his brother back on the mouth. The two then turned backs on each other and walked different paths, hurt at one another.


The next day, Bellamy waited outside the school to pick up Henry, leaning against his black Impala.

He noticed the ten year old sprint out of the school as Bellamy grinned, "Heya, Kid."

Henry hugged his father figure tightly and looked up at him, saying, "So, what should we do today?"

Bellamy chuckled some and replied, "Dinner at Granny's, kiddo?"

Henry kept his smile on his face and nodded happily before he asked, "Will my mom be joining us?"

As the two sat down inside of the vehicle, Bellamy remarked in slight amusement, "Which one?"

Henry lightly laughed, "Not Emma but my mom."

Bellamy nodded, saying, "She said she'd join after she finished a few more work calls, so yes."

Henry's smile didn't fade from his face and glanced out of the window while Bellamy drove down the street heading towards Granny's diner.


Henry rode piggyback on Bellamy's back as the two walked up the driveway to the Mills' large house. It was nighttime.

Once the two reached the porch, Henry was let down off of his back, saying, "Thanks for spending the day with me, Dad. I had fun."

Bellamy ruffled the ten year old's hair and replied, "I always enjoy my time with you, Kid."

Henry kept his smile on his face and entered inside of his home. Once the door to the house was shut, Bellamy then turned around and started walking back to his car.

He started driving back into town but pulled up behind a familiar truck parked on the side of the road.

Bellamy exited out of his car and spoke up, "Hey. Get in, Davey."

David looked up from under his hood and over at his big brother. "Bell."

"How's your jaw?" Bellamy simply began, referring to bruise on David's right side of his face.

"Hurts like hell, but I deserved it... unlike you. You didn't. How's your lip?" David commented, noticing the small cut on the corner of Bellamy's bottom lip along with a light bruise.

"I'm fine," Bellamy shrugged, the two now standing on either side of the Impala.

"Bell... um... I just wanna say..." David started as his brother glanced back over at him, "That I-"

"Hey," Bellamy cut him off as David apologetically looked at him now, "Me too."

David smiled a little and nodded in understanding, the two simultaneously sitting down in the car now.

Bellamy glanced over at his little brother who looked over at him also before turning the radio on and then drove down the road.


I didn't know what to write in this chapter, to be honest. And so, for it being a little bit short, so here's Jensen Ackles!

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