By Your Hand

By lil_sadieee

15.1K 423 284

Angels of Death / Satsuriku no Tenshi - Zack x Reader CONTAINS MATURE THEMES I woke up in a strange room. 'Th... More



4.4K 100 83
By lil_sadieee

Before we begin~ I would like to discuss the outfit (Y/N) is wearing!

She's wearing a sleeveless gray shirt with a lower cut collar and two  thin pieces of fabric that make an X across her cleavage. (Or lack of, I  don't judge the the Itty-Bitty-Titty committee.) Over that is a button  up, plaid shirt in (F/C) that is unbuttoned. She has light or dark blue  jean shorts (depends on what matches the best) and light brown ankle  boots!

I can probably get some pictures of the outfit later on if you need a reference!

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I woke up in a strange room. 'This isn't...' Where is my counselor? I stood up, rubbing my head in pain. I fought through the pit in my stomach and cupped my hands to my face, "H-Hello?" I called out, begging for a response. I froze in my spot, hearing quick, light foot steps approach the room I was in.  The door quickly opened to reveal a small figure. She was blonde with beautiful, blue eyes. I scanned her, 'fragile'.

"M-" I hesitated, 'No,' "Who are you?"

She looked at me suspiciously. She took a moment to let it register that you looked just as nervous and confused as she was and answered quietly, "R-Rachel Gardner. Who are you? What you doing here?"

"Ah," I stepped back, suddenly overwhelmed by the questions, "I-I'm (Y/N) (L/N). I-I was in here for counseling."

"Counseling?" She raised an eyebrow, "For what?"

"I-I, uhm," I paused. 'God, I'm such a loser,' "I can't remember. I was there to g-get over my fear of something, I can't remember it. I know I was also in there for other reasons. I-I can't remember those at all..."

Rachel nodded, "I was in for counseling too. I saw people die..."

"Oh goodness!" I gasped, concerned, "That sounds awful, I'm so sorry!"

"It's fine, do you know how to leave though? I-I just want to get back to my parents."

"P-Parents? Rachel, how old are you?"


'Five years younger', "We need to find your parents quick then! They must be worried sick!"

I ran to the door as she stepped out of the way. As soon as the door opened to a hallway, I froze, a pit forming in my stomach, "This isn't."

"Isn't what?"

"I-I though I was just in a different room but, t-this isn't the hospital I was in."

Rachel looked at me nervously, "S-Same here."

"M-Maybe we just need to check the other rooms! Yeah, we might find an answer, right?"

She nodded and pointed to two rooms down the hall, "I've been in those two, so this one is the last room."

I followed her into a room with a small computer in it. I approached it cautiously. 'Ah, it's not on.' Rachel stood in the door way, watching me in silence. I looked around the room, one wall was made of mirrors and two cameras were in the front corner of the room. I shuddered at the thought of constantly being watched. I stepped in front of the mirror, realizing what I was wearing. I tugged at the edge of my clothes, trying to cover more skin. There's no way I can stand wearing something like this longer than I have to. We need to find a way out.

Just as I finished adjusting my clothes in the mirror, I heard the computer boot up. I quickly walked over to it and stared at the screen.

"E N T E R D A T A."

I jumped back in fear.

"P L E A S E A N S W E R T H E F O L L O W I N G."

"N A M E?"

I hesitated, "(F-F/N) (L/N)."

"A G E?"


"W H A T A R E Y O U D O I N G H E R E?"

"I-I don't know, I was in the hospital but-"

"W H Y?"


"W H Y?"

"W H Y?"

"W H Y T H E H O S P I T A L?"

"I was b-brought in for counseling. I have this.. fear. I can't remember what of but, I was brought in for something else I can't think of-"

"W H A T W I L L Y O U D O N O W?"

"L-Leave. I want to go home..."

"E N T R Y C O M P L E T E. D I S T R I B U T I N G P L A Y S T A R T K E Y C A R D."

After a series of beeps, a card was ejected from a small machine near the computer. The computer shut off and I turned to the machine and grabbed the key card. Rachel pulled a similar key card out of her purse and held it up, "There's a gate, it needs these key cards to open, I assume."

"You're pretty smart," I laughed, "Let's get out of here, okay? Let's find your parents," I extended my hand as a gesture for her to grab it, almost as a reflex.

Before I could pull my hand away and scold myself for acting like she was a child, she grabbed my hand and nodded, "Yeah, let's get out of here."

I gave her a small smile and lead her out of the room, letting her direct me to the gate. I took both of our key cards and inserted them into the gate. I handed her back her key card. We walked to the elevator and I quickly registered something, "It only goes up?"

"I don't remember going into a basement."

"Me neither, kid. Might as well take it though, right?"

She nodded. I stepped forwards and pressed the button but jumped back immediately at the loud voice, "The girls on the bottom floor are hereby sacrifices! All floors, please make preparations. Beyond here lies the play area. The gate will now open."

I froze, sacrifices?

"(Y-Y/N)," Rachel looked up at you with terrified, blue eyes, "What do they mean 'sacrifices?'"

"I-I don't know," I instinctively let go of her hand and wrap my arm around her shoulder, bringing her close. She gripped my over shirt anxiously. We stepped onto the elevator and watched the doors close behind in front of us.

The elevator ride felt like it took an eternity. When it stopped, I realized I had been holding my breath. Rachel took charge and freed herself from my grip and grabbed my hand, leading me out of the elevator that quickly closed behind us.

"A city?" I asked quietly.

"This is strange," Rachel mumbled, "If you look, there's ceilings and walls."

"Let's just find a way out."

She nodded as we navigated through the floor. We stopped to read papers about some serial killer but shook it off, "T-There's no way, right? This isn't even a real city!"

Rachel looked up at me, eyes clouded with concern, "Let's keep moving."

I walked pasted a blocked off road drenched in blood and... potato chips? Either way, I covered Rachel's eyes and guided her further until we hear chirping.

"(Y/N), do you hear that?"

"Y-Yeah, this way," I followed the noise until we found the bird, who was injured, "Ah! Hey lil' guy," I murmured, crouching down and extending my hand. The bird immediately flew away, leaving me and Rachel to chase it.

I stood with a distance behind Rachel, who got to bird to land in front of a boarded up entrance, as she softly spoke to the bird, "C'mon, we can get you out of here," the bird turned towards her and took a daring step forward, "That's it, just a little closer and-"

There was a sound of crackling wood as broken bits out wood and debris fly from the entrance. A tall figure sliced the bird in half as it let out an ear splitting laughter, "Wipe that dumb, smug look off your damn face!"


We were frozen is terror, staring at a tall man wielding a massive scythe. His face covered in bandages and his hoodie covered in splashes of blood, "Hmm? What's this?" He leaned down at Rachel, "You sounded so happy just now, where the hell did that go?!"

He looked over at me an evil grin spreading across his features, "They really did throw two in here. Ah, does it matter? Now, run! You have three seconds. Run, scream, cry, beg for your fucking life!"

I ran over to Rachel, grabbing her arm and pulling her to her feet.


I ran as fast as I could, dragging Rachel with me.


We ran into a nearby building.

"THREE," the laughter was terrifying, getting closer and closer.

The building had a chest large enough for Rachel as I shoved myself into a tall locker. We sat in our hiding places, trembling. I covered my mouth with my hand, trying to keep quiet as his scythe smashed the door, "Where are you hiding, little bitch?!"

I pressed my hand against my mouth, squeezing my eyes shut tight, "You aren't coming out? Can't blame you, I wouldn't come out either!"

He stopped in front of the chest Rachel was hiding in 'No,' "I guess..."

He raised his scythe, "I'll have to drive you out!"

In one swift motion his scythe pierced the chest. 'No. No, this can't-'

He pulled his scythe out, "Nothing, huh?"

He began knocking and kicking stuff over, "Where the FUCK are you?!"

After he finished knocking everything over he sighed, "Not in here, huh?"

I waited a little bit after he left and let out a sigh of relief. I scurried out of the locker and rushed to the chest, "Rachel, Rachel?!" I yelled in a whisper tone.

She wobbled to her feet, holding onto me for support, "I-I'm fine. We need to get out of here."

I nodded in agreement and grabbed her hand, dragging her out of the building, "(Y/N), the bird..."

"W-What about it?"

"Can we bury it? Please?"

"I-I, uhm sure, you get the bird and I'll go dig a hole."

I found an area with dirt and began digging. Rachel returned with the bird after a while. 'Is it, sewn together?' What ever. It doesn't matter we need to leave. I swiftly buried the bird and we left in search of an exit. We came across a locked door, "Shit!"

"Ah, (Y/N)," I looked over at her, on the verge of panicking, "This fell out of the bird's stomach earlier."

She held out a key in her hand. I took it eagerly and shoved it into the key hole of the door. As soon as the lock clicked and the door open, I turned to Rachel, "You're a genius!"

"(Y/N), it's a key. I didn't use my brain."

An earsplitting laughter rang though the small ally way you were in, "Peek-a-boo! I found you two at last! Some one sounds way too fuckin' happy!"

I instinctively grasped Rachel's wrist, waiting to know where to run, "This time, I'm not waiting a fucking second!"

I looked over my shoulder, seeing him quickly running towards us. I ran, holding onto Rachel as I did. As we got closer, I saw the elevator.

"Rachel, the elevator, go!" I tried my best to push her in front of me and succeeded, tripping myself in the process. I skidded on my knee against the pavement, yelping in pain.

"(Y/N)!" Rachel screamed.

"Press the button, hurry!" I struggled to my feet, the tall man's laughter only getting louder. She began pressing the button in a panic as I sprinted to the elevator, wincing with every step. The elevator's doors slowly began closing as I leapt through the shrinking gap. I landed with a thud against the floor of the elevator. Right before he could slice me open with his scythe, the elevator doors shut, only leaving him to dent the metal. I sat up quickly, feeling like my heart and lungs were going to jump out of my throat. I look down at my knee that was scraped and bloodied.

Rachel held out her hand, which I quickly took to pull myself up, "Are you okay?"

"I-I'm not dead am I?" she shook her head, "Then, I'm fine," I panted.

The elevator slowed to a stop, revealing the next floor. I poked my head out, looking for other crazy murderer to jump out of the shadows, "Rachel, there's no one here. We should run."

"But, (Y/N), your leg-"

"That doesn't matter," I grabbed her wrist again, "We have to go."

She nodded hesitantly. We ran through the halls, trying to find an exit. Rachel suddenly stopped causing me to nearly trip myself as I quickly turned around on my heel, "Rachel, why did you-"

Behind her was a tall man, not taller than the previous of course but tall nonetheless. Rachel was frozen with his hand on her shoulder. She slowly turned to him, "Rachel, it's me!"



"Do you not recognize me, Rachel? I was the one who examined you! Can you try to remember? It's me, Doctor Danny! Your counselor!"

I watched Rachel's face as something began to click, "Doctor... Danny, my counselor."

"See! You got it! I'm sure you're confused, I don't blame you one bit. This place maybe terrifying but, I am your therapist."

"Yeah, you're right, Doctor," Rachel looked over at me, confirming that she knew him.

"Ah, you must be (Y/N) (L/N), correct?" Danny stepped closer to me.

"Y-Yes," I put a trembling foot behind me for support. 'What the hell? Why am I so nervous?'

"Ah, I've heard of you," he got closer, "My co-worker had you. She said you were a peculiar case. Ah, I would have loved to counsel you."

He reached his hand out to place his hand on my shoulder but, I quickly jumped back, I sudden rush of fear flooding over me.

"Ah, I'm sorry, I must've forgotten. Your fear hasn't been properly fixed, huh?"

"What do you mean?" I gave him a confused glance.

"Hm, do you not remember? Ah, doesn't matter. You want to leave correct? Then, Rachel, (Y/N)," He stepped in front of us, "Let us find a way out!"

He began to lead us around the floor as Rachel looked at me, "What does he mean, 'your fear'?"

"I-I don't know," I looked down nervously, "I can't remember..."

We stopped in front of a thick glass wall, "Ah, I see..."

"Doctor?" Rachel questioned.

"Ah, yes. I see, as fate would have it," He used his hand to wipe a little bit of blood off of Rachel's cheek, "We are trapped in here, together."

"That can't be true! We can still find a way out!" I protested.

Danny raised an eyebrow, 'Wait, did he just glare?' "I guess we shouldn't give up hope. Rachel, in the back of that room is another one, do you mind looking for something? It appears I have lost it."

"What do I need to look for, doctor?" Rachel asked.

"Do you not remember? Look closely, think of the last time you saw me. Think... My eye is alexandrite..."

Rachel hesitated and nodded, entering the room, "As for you, (Y/N). We need to take care of that knee of yours!"

I looked down, sure enough, my knee was still bleeding, "A-Ah, I'm so sorry, I didn't notice!"

"No need to apologize but, please, follow me."

He lead me to a room with a long partition. Behind that was a bed with rails.

"Doctor, is there anything in here I can use to bandage my knee-"

He shut the door behind him, his face no longer radiating a friendly glow, "D-Doctor?"

"(Y/N)... You wouldn't want to get in the way, would you?"

"W-What do you mean?"

"You seem awfully protective of Rachel, " He hummed, "I can't have you keeping her peepers from me!"

I stepped back, "W-What?"

"Her peepers, they aren't the gorgeous ones I fell in love with! You've done something, you've ruined her peepers!" He stepped towards me placing a hand on my shoulders. He quickly moved me to the bed, pressing my wrist against the rails. He quickly pulled out a plastic zip-tie and tightened it around your wrist and the rail, "There! Now you can't bother us! Just stay here, I'll come back for you later."

"What the hell?!" I struggled against the zip-tie, feeling it dig into my wrist, "W-Why are you doing this?!"

"Does that matter? The good news is your fear! It's too wonderfully convenient!"

"What are you talking about?!"

He towered over you , causing you to nearly fall over. He wrapped an arm around your waist, forcing you closer, "(Y/N)... This is familiar isn't it?"

It clicked.

"N-No," I whimpered, I used my free arms and legs to shove him away, "No! NO, get off me! Stay away from me!"

"There it is!" He stumbled away, "Just be a good girl, and stay here. After all, this is my floor."

He quickly left the room leaving you to struggle against the zip-tie. 'I have to help Rachel.' After my failed attempts to tear the zip-tie, I gave up and decided to chew through it. It felt like it took forever just eventually the zip-tie gave up and snapped. I pulled my wrist away and rubbed it carefully. I reached over to the bed and sloppily wiped some of the blood off my leg. I quickly made my way to the door and tried to open it. Locked.

"Shit. Shit!" I began to bang my fists against the door, "Rachel!"

"TRAITOR ALERT! The floor master of B6 has attacked the floor master of B5. This is in violation of the rules. Along with Rachel and (Y/N), the traitor is hereby a sacrifice."

'What?' The hell does that mean?! I continued banging on the door, "Rachel!"

After a minute or two you heard the lock turn and the door opened, "Rachel!"

You crouched down cupping her cheek in one hand and holding her shoulder in the other, "Rachel, are you okay? What happened? I'm so sorry!"

"I'm... fine," she mumbled.

"Rachel, are you okay?" you questioned, her eyes looked...dead.

"I'm fine," she squirmed out of your grip, "Come with me, I opened the elevator."

I nodded hesitantly and followed her. The glass wall seemed to be shattered? 'How?' As we approached the elevator a familiar figure was standing there. I jumped back, nearly falling over again.

"Hey, kid! You opened this?" he motioned to the elevator, "You're pretty fuckin' smart."

I looked around trembling, 'I-Is that... vomit?!'

"You know, if you're this useful, I'll kill you," I froze, "Only after I get out of here though."

"R-Rachel, what is he talking about?"

"Yo, kid, who's jumpy here?"

"I-I'm (Y/N) (L/N)," I stated, trying to avoid eye contact.

"I'm Zack. So, what's the deal here? You both want to die or something?"

"I-" I paused. 'Maybe... Maybe it would be better if I died.' I shook my head, "I-I don't know."

"You don't know? God, you're a dumb ass! But, there's the problem that I'm even more stupid so," he let out a frustrated sigh, "What ever! The deal here is that if you help me escape, I'll kill your little friend here."

I turned to Rachel, "W-What?"

Rachel looked away from me, "I shouldn't be alive."


"Gross!" I was cut off by the mans sudden gagging, "You're going to make me barf again!"

"I-If it's what Rachel wants, then I'll help you."

"Shut the fuck up with all this mushy bullshit!"

I flinched visibly, "S-Sorry..."

"Let's just get on this damn elevator."

We all stepped into the elevator as I stepped as far away from Zack as possible. I watched him with cautious eyes when he eventually snapped at me, "The hell's your fuckin' problem?!"

"A-Ah, sorry, I'm just," I looked down, "I-It's uh, nothing."

"Whatever," he grumbled. The elevator ride felt as if it took forever as it slowly rode up to the next floor. The doors slowly opened as cold air rushed into the elevator. I rubs my arms and shivered as the smell of dirt filled the elevator.

Welcome to B4.

(3227 WORDS)

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Ah! I didn't expect this to take so long to write, I'm sorry! This is the longest thing I've written and I'm really proud! Sorry If I got a little carried away for a first chapter though, I promise the rest won't be this long! Thanks for reading, I love you!

- Sadie

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