Broken (Alec light wood)

By Stanley_uris1

12K 297 92

"Alec! Don't do this! If you love me like you've told me all my life you'll turn around and prove it" More

Mood boards
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 11

Chapter 5

790 28 6
By Stanley_uris1

3rd persons pov
Alec sat nervously by Octavia's felt like forever since his seen her big beautiful green eyes, he was Breaking from the inside all way to the outside, his eyes stayed glued to her body waiting for her to move, twitch or something.

Like a miracle her finger moved and her eyes opened, he sprung to his feet grabbing her hand she gasped sitting up "Alec?" She spoke her voice echoing through the room he smiled widely and pulled her into a hug "I'm here" she pulled away tears in her eyes.

"How long have I been out?" He sighed "About 12 hours...why?" She got out of the bed and stood running her hands through her long dark locks "any leads? Did you find clary's memories?" She rushed the words out pacing.

"Hey calm down, you just woke up and you need to rest" he pulled her closer to him and into his arms "can I at least go get changed?" Alec chuckled and let her go and watched her walk out of the infirmary, he sighed and sat back down on the bed staring at his hands. "Alec, Jace needs you"  his head shot up.

"Where's Octavia?" Izzy asked worried "changing in her room" Isabelle Lightwood smiled as wide as can be and bolted out the door and to her bestfriends room, she barged in and saw her standing In front of the mirror inspecting a scar on her neck.

(Octavia doesn't have the necklace yet)

Isabelle placed a hand on her shoulder and turned her around immediately noticing the tears "I look horrible" she cried breaking down and holding her chest "Hey it's ok.....the scars just prove how strong you are....and how much of a warrior you were born to be"

Octavia smiled through the tears and pushed her hair behind her ears "what do you need?" Izzy smiled "2 things, my parabatai and you to join me on a mission with Jace, Clary and Alec" She smiled and grabbed her hand "let's go then"

She sat on the table staring at the giant screen infront of them "Magnus Bane, He's over 300 years old. And, as you can see, he's not exactly shied away from the pleasures of every century. His tastes are both exquisite... and quite excessive."

"He looks like the Downworld's David Guetta."

"Guetta's already a Downworlder. Vampire? Ever seen him in the daylight?"

Octavia rolls her eyes and punches the table "can you two focus? This is not a joke." Octavia points to Clary "after all we're here for you"

"Someone needs to get slayed."  Alec glares at his younger sister "Alec's right" Hodge scolds before pausing and continuing again "Now, Magnus is one of the most powerful Warlocks I've ever known. He has a deep mistrust of Shadowhunters."

"I don't blame him" Octavia says quietly eyeing her Brother from the side "Well, then why did he help my mom remove the memories? Isn't she a Shadowhunter"

"Yes, one of the best. But help might not be the most accurate word. Now, did Magnus provide a service for Jocelyn? Perhaps. But more than likely, your mother paid Magnus handsomely for his magic."

"Warlocks usually require payment before they help anyone with anything."

I look at Jace and turn my attention from him to Alec "Word from the clave is that most of the warlocks have gone into hiding since Valentine began hunting them."

"Can you blame them? Valentines psychotic"

"Valentine must be searching for the warlock, where did Jocelyn.." he pauses as his rune sear burning his neck "hodge, your rune. You okay? So how do we find Magnus?" Octavia jumps to her feet and helps hodge by checking his neck.

"We don't. Magnus finds us. We'll set up a meeting, somewhere protected. Lure him out of hiding" Isabelle smirks "and I know exactly where we do it."

I catch her eye and smirk getting off the table Hodge laughs as the image pops up "A Downworld rave, nice Izzy" Octavia laughs "more importantly my old stomping ground" she winks at Isabelle and sits down again.

"And where'd you get that?" Alec asks bored and obviously tired "During my surveillance of the Downworlders. From what I hear, Magnus likes to party." Alec leans forward his hand touching Octavia's lower back "He'll never go for it. Not with Valentine trying to kill him."

"Of course he will. He'll blend in. Hide in plain sight."

"I don't know, it seems.."

"Trust me. If Magnus is coming out of hiding, he's going to one of the biggest parties of the year." Hodge agrees with Isabelle "Never underestimate Magnus' hedonism. Or his greed. Come with me."

They follow him into the training room where he traces a rune on the floor, which opens a hidden compartment "is that real?"

"A four-Karat, unseated Burmese ruby. And this necklace has special meaning to Magnus bane as it was a gift from him to his then lover, Camille Belcourt"

"What, Camille and Magnus were lovers?" Octavia asks shocked "Warlock gets around." Jace smirks staring at Clary making Octavia gag.

"Magnus bought it in 1857 for the price of his London townhouse. Now, the jewel is enchanted by a spell that alerts the wearer to the presence of demons."

Isabelle puts it delicately in the palm of her hand "it's so beautiful"

"Magnus has longed to reunite with his Necklace. Offer it to him. He might just take the bait."

Jace walks away "I'll send Magnus a fire message to arrange the meeting. We have to get to Magnus before Valentine does"

Octavia smirks and turns to Alec offering him her hand "Come now, we need to choose you an outfit" he groans following her.

After a literal hour of searching she finally pulls out a reasonable shirt "here change into this" she passes him the shirt and sits on his bed waiting for him to change. Her mouth drops open when he takes off his shirt infront of her and puts it on "Alec...have you found an outfit?" Izzy calls walking in but stops in her track when she sees her parabatai sitting in his bed.

"Honey your drooling!" Octavias face flushes red as she scrambled to her feet "I'm going to change" she quickly ran out not looking back and into her room she opened a secret part of her closet and found a dress "hmm, looks good enough"

She quickly pulled her dress up and put a strap underneath to hold her weapons, she strutted out and into the weapons area to walk into a sibling dispute "whoa did I walk into something?" Nobody said anything as they eyed her up and down.

Octavia picked up some daggers and put them on her strap underneath her dress, she turned and saw there mouths agape she grabbed her sword and decided to put it back "Lets go...and we're not going for the music"

They stood outside the club watching Downworlders run in and out both drunk and high on blood.

Octavia gagged.

"All clear" Alec stated putting a hand on Octavia's hip "Do you think reds my colour?" Izzy asked entwining her and clary's arms, although she would never admit it Octavia felt jealousy bubble in her stomach.

"Iz, with a body like yours, everything's your colour" Clary reassures "good point, damn I make this necklace look so good."

"Will you take it off? I'm certain Magnus bane doesn't want drool on his ruby when we make the exchange."

"You know I wouldn't be so sure. Most men like it when I admire their jewels." All three girls giggled and laughed.

"Can you just give it to Jace." "Your such a buzz kill" Before jaces sticky fingers could touch it octavia took it and ran her finger over it and flipped it over amor

She smiled and turned to Alec who took it and clasped it on her "thank you" she grabbed his hand and they walked in.

Octavia bobbed her head to the music and gripped Alec's hand, he shook his head but quickly changed his mind when he saw her hips swaying to the beat, he pulled her closer and together they danced. People around them could have sworn that's the moment they realised how much they really loved each other and that they would do anything for eachother.

They were right.

Clary approached the couple saddened she would have to break the moment up "We need the necklace" Octavia ripped it off her neck suddenly feeling cold and put it in Clary's palm. "Good luck" and for the first time Octavia Wayland smiled genuinely at the girl.

"Look out!" Octavia screamed over the music and Alec's arrow pierced the circle members heart. Alec jogged to the body and scanned it "who are you?" Magnus flirted eyeing him up and down.

The shadowhunters exited the rave each of them angry at something. But Octavia wasn't mad she wasn't even close to it. She felt weak, vulnerable and that never Happened. She stopped just outside the door and collapsed onto the wall. "Jace."

"Clary we have to move." Octavia's heart couldn't take it anymore she fixed her posture and walked so she was in front of her brother, "how could you!" She yelled her limbs shaking threatening to give up and make her collapse weakly in piles on the hard, cold floor.

He winced at her tone and pushed there faces closer "What do you want me to say, Octavia" she bit her lip fighting back her buckets of tears "I want you to say you love me!" Her finger pointed in the direction of Clary "I want you to love me more than her"

He avoided her eyes "what if I can't?" Octavia chuckled despite the screaming she was doing inside her head "I know you big brother...and I know you'll help anyone you possibly can...but she had barely been around five minutes, and you have already forgotten about all of us!"

"I haven't..." he got cut off immediately "DON'T BULL SHIT ME JACE! IVE SEEN IT ALL" her voice got louder and everyone turned eerie silent "ONE OF US IS GONNA GET KILLED AND IT ALL BE BECAUSE OF YOU!!" She pushed him.

He growled and grabbed bother wrists and twisted them back ignoring her whimpers of pain "ITS NOT MY FAULT IF YOU DIE YOUR JUST A STUPID LITTLE GIRL WHO I NEVER WANTED AROUND!" She got out of his hold as tears glistened in her eyes, she raised her hand and slapped him...Hard.

"I hate you! I hate you so much!"

She looked at Everyone around them and sat down leaning against the wall.

"Hey, I am right here. I don't care about your damn jewellery. I'm sorry your gonna look bad in front of your bosses, ok? But my mother is still missing and my last chance at finding her just disappeared into thin air."

Octavia stood back up and wiped her tears away, she took threatening steps forward and clenched her hands tightly together, she raised her fists and they immediately connected with Clary's jaw. When Octavia saw she was on the ground she gave her a swift kick to the ribs.

Clary stood up and tried to fight back, but Octavia was too quick and pulled out her seraph blade and uses the non- lethal end to bash Clary In the head with. She grabbed clary's hair and dragged her across the floor and pinned her in the floor by her neck.

"Listen here Slut, imma tell you this one more fucking time and if you don't listen, we won't need to even bother about the mortal cup or you shameful excuse of a mother because you'll be gone and not just out of the institute gone. If you talk to him like that again....I'll kill you"

Octavia's eyes angrily landed on a button on the floor she picked it up and walked away a couple of metres "parabatai, do you need my help?" Isabelle asked softly, she was met in the eyes and Octavia scoffed "Hell no"

She closed her eyes and pictured Magnus wherever he was and tried to fully examine his whereabouts "Alec...please?" He nodded and entwined their fingers.

Octavia knew in order for them to track together the connection had to be strong "put you arm around my waist put keep our hands connected, ok?" He nodded and did exactly as she said.

Her eyes travelled up and she connected their lips together, everyone gasped as the ground shook "how are they doing that?" Clary asked and Isabelle smiled "Their soul's very rare In the shadowhunters world"

"We got him"

They walked into a dark building Their weapons out and ready "Magnus's lair is right behind that fence."

"Magnus lives in a warehouse?"

Octavia ran ahead despite the fact she was wearing heels. A slicing sound was heard a little bit further ahead of Octavia herself, she looked up and smirked "down here...I been looking for a fight all night" the circle member swung down and sliced at the girl.

She dodged and grabbed his arm, she used her own seraph blade to pierce it through his back and into his heart. She smiled and climbed up on high alert now realising he was here for The warlock.

When she got inside she saw a little girl perched by a mans side "Daddy" she whispered shaking the body, octavias eyes flooded instantly with tears when she saw the little girl but the grief was very quickly overcome with anger when she saw a circle member creep out of the shadows she ran out and pushed the girl out of the way taking the hit to the rib.

She winced and cried out in pain she looked down and saw the sword had just gotten through a layer of skin. She slit his throat and helped the girl up "Stay behind me" she whispered grabbing her hand.

Alec could hear large objects falling from inside a room and the sound of a circle member emitting threats and wishes....some even hobbies.

He quickly turned the corner and shot him with his arrow, his proud and happiness was short lived when he felt a rush of pain in his side, he was knocked to his knees and sounds of pain left his chapped lips.

"Are you ok?" The warlock asked checking him for injuries "there's nothing there....unless you have a soulmate"

Magnus helped him onto a couch but his attention was soon bought to Octavia carrying the young girl into the room and towards Magnus, octavia smiled and bought Magnus into a hug "How are you, old friend?" He smiled and laughed.

"Thank you for protecting Zoe"

Octavia gasped and dropped to Alec's side as he twitched in pain, she noticed him holding the same spot she was stabbed and checked under her dress to see a scar there and a scar forming on Alec's side as well. She ran over it lightly with her finger and giggled.

She didn't know why but a moan escaped her lips, and it did exactly the same to Alec.

Magnus grabbed Octavia's hand and stood her up "payment for protecting Zoe" Octavia smiled and took the gift thankfully "thank you, old friend"

Octavia stood Alec up and kissed him lightly on the lips.

"Shadow hunter, prepare your sister and Clary" he paused and looked at Alec "but if you do hurt her, Pretty boy here will hurt you so it's best if he does it"

Her skin seared in pain as Alex traces her shoulder blade, she let out a mighty scream and fell backwards into his arms, he picked her up and bought her closer afraid of letting go.

"Jocelyn was right, your artistry is beyond compare"

"Everyone take your rightful place on the pentagram" Octavia took her spot beside Isabelle and Alec boldly with a smirk ignoring the slight pain in her shoulder "we must initiate a bond. Once this bond is sealed, it cannot be broken until the demon retreats. No matter what happens, we must not let go of each other's hands."

Magnus took octavias hand and Octavia held Alec's.

The whole building shook when Alec and Octavia's hands connected it scared everyone although they would never admit it. Octavias body shook. "The necklace it's pulsing"

Octavia glanced at Alec's in confusion they had never done that before? Octavia was next and it was the exact same one they looked at eachother in confusion and Alec immediately started tugging on the hold when Octavias nose started bleeding "ALEC SHE'LL BE OK" he didn't want to risk it. He ripped away making Octavias body start to be dragged away.

Alec yelled out "NO" a large pain erupted in his body as he collapsed onto the floor he grabbed her hands and heard her loud pain filled cries.

Clary slayed the demon causing it to Drop Octavia on the floor with a mighty bang, Alec pulled her onto his lap and kisses her head "wake up, O" Isabelle sniffled and Jace stared off into space still in slight shock "Alec..." she groaned sitting up and wrapping her arms around him delicately. "I'm right here, O"

Magnus knelt beside them and grabbed her hand closing his eyes "Valak...Wanted you because of your strong tie to Alec"

Magnus left the room with saying anything else.

Octavia stood up following her old friend "why did he show us all that?? Me and Alec have nev-" Magnus burst into laughter and pulled her into a hug "it's a vision...and by the looks of was to complete the mating process."

"We're shadowhunters we cant mate" he shook his head "but you careful Amor don't fall too hard or fast"


Alec and Octavia walked into the institute in silence thinking of the info magnus had told Octavia. No wonder they had such a sexual feeling or neediness towards eachother it was their fate and nothing and no one was going to change that either.

Alec opened his bedroom door and let her in.

"We need to talk about this"

Octavia couldn't talk her body was on fire and she just wanted to latch onto Alec, she kicked off her heels and took off her cardigan. "What are you doing he stuttered?" She put her weapons on his desk and took His bow and arrow away too.

"I don't know" she admitted breathless wrapping her arms around him. Their lips connected in a desire they knew no one would ever feel before, she ripped Alec's shirt off and pushed him into a sitting position she sat on his lap and wrapped her legs around his perfectly toned chest "what are we doing?" She moaned as his lips travelled to her neck.

She winced slightly as he bit into her neck leaving hickeys all over her collarbone, his hands went to the hem of her chest and pulled it off throwing it across the room she laid down pulling him on top of her by the hem of his pants, she slid his belt off and unbuttoned his jeans pulling them off as well. She connected there lips again and kissed his neck doing the same thing he did to her.

"O, are you sure?" She nodded and flipped them over.

Alec hovered above her before kissing In between her breasts and her stomach. She moaned and sat up so he could unclip her bra. 

She took off her own lace panties and slipped off his boxers.

He positioned himself and slid in slowly making her moan out in pleasure and pain. For the people that weren't asleep they were definitely hearing it.

And all they could think was she's gonna be sore in the morning.

Omg there soulmates I'm trying to appeal to all of you! So don't hate me.

Don't be a silent reader comment and vote!

Xoxo Molly

Word count: 3354

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