Chapter 6

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3rd persons pov
Do you know that feeling when you realise you would literally give up your life for someone? That's how Alex felt staring at Octavias resting face. He could hear voices and wanted to check it out he placed a lightly feathery kiss on her head and put on some and clothes.

"He said my name"

Alec instantly became interested "who said that?" The two turned to him "Valentine" Alec clenched his fists "He's with my mother" Alec took a few daring steps forward annoyed they ruined his peace "And he can speak to you through that necklace? Here, in the institute?"

"It's like when I saw Dot" Jace studied the necklace closely "it's a portal shard. That's why your mother made sure you had it."

"All I know is what I mothers alive. She's unconscious but alive." Clary turned to Alec a desperate look on her face "where are they?" Clary stuttered "I don't know"

"But you said you saw them. We're there any identifying characteristics? Equipment, weapons, photographs?"

"I don't remember, it was awful." Clary complained "Alec, lighten up." He looked at Jace "I'm trying to get something we can use out of this. Clary, what did you see, exactly?"

"Valentine has my mother. That's what i saw."

"Emotions are nothing but a distraction. Your ruled by them. We're taught to control them." Alec couldn't help but feel guilty considering he was so in love with Octavia.

"Is that what you and Octavia have been doing? Controlling them? Cause that's not we just heard" Alec felt a blush rise as he thought about the events that happened maybe two hours before. "It is my job to protect the Institute. If Valentine can see in, that's a door I have to shut." He put his hand out angrily.

"Now...let me take a look at that thing."

Jace put it reluctantly into Alec's hand only immediately regretted it when his hand closed and he walked away "now, it's in proper hands."

"HEY! Alec....where are you going?"

"To put this somewhere safe. Where no one could be tempted to use it." Clary scoffed rather loudly waking the sleeping girl in Alec's bed. Octavia picked up a shirt off of Alec's dresser and put it on.

She leaned against the door frame for support and rubbed her eyes "Alec" she mumbled opening her arms he pulled her into a bear hug inhaling her sweet scent feeling as if he had been too far away from her for too long she giggled and wrapped her l...

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She leaned against the door frame for support and rubbed her eyes "Alec" she mumbled opening her arms he pulled her into a bear hug inhaling her sweet scent feeling as if he had been too far away from her for too long she giggled and wrapped her legs around him.

"Alec, I'm gonna change clothes and change, ok?" He nodded and put her down she walked out wearing sweats and a bra.

She punched the bag angrily throwing a few kicks at it as well, she remembered being told "know how to handle your weapon....the sword" Octavia did a back bend and picked up her sword slicing the air, she could feel eyes on her, she gathered up as many emotions as possible and stabbed a dummy letting out a scream.

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