Red And Yellow ( Solkat )

By erisolshipper

78.3K 2.8K 3.9K

Solkat Karkat Vantas just moved into a new town along with his brother Kankri and Porrim. He has this interne... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 2

4.3K 127 157
By erisolshipper

Karkats POV:

I slammed my hand on my alarm and fluttered my eyes open.

Damn.....Fuck school......

I swung my legs out of the bed and stood up stretching my arms. I yawned and began to rub my eyes.

I made my way over to Kankri's room to wake him up. I opened his door and he was hanging halfway off the bed.

I smirked to myself and walked over t him. I leaned in closer to his ear.

"KANKRI WAKE UP!!!" I yelled into his ear.

He jolted out of bed and fell to the ground.

I burst out laughing and he looked at me breathing heavily.

"Karkat!!! D9nt d9 that! That was very triggering!!!! Please d9nt! 6e careful when y9u wake up s9me 9ne!!!" He yelled at me.

"YEAH YEAH WHATEVER....JUST GET UP SO WE CAN GET THIS FUCKING DAY OVER WITH." I said turning my back going back to my room.

I went back to my closet and took out one of the outfits I had left out for my last days here.

I put on a pair of black jeans and my usual grey sweater. I grabbed a small brush and brushed out my thick hair. It's short but, still needs a brushing. I was cautious of my horns.

I went to my computer. Packing it last.

I went to chat with TA like we usually do before we have to go to school, but......he's not online?

That's weird.... Maybe he's sleeping in or something. I shrug and make my way over to the kitchen.

I make a quick bowl of cereal and sit at the kitchen table. Kankri comes in a few minutes later wearing a sweater like mine but red.

"TRYING TO STEAL MY FASHION SENSE HUH?" I say grinning. He looks at me slightly confused.

"What? I d9 6elieve that I am 9lder than y9u and we 69th have always w9rn sweaters." He said crossing his arms. I rolled my eyes.

"I KNOW DUMB ASS. JUST TRYING TO MAKE A FUCKING JOKE." I stand up and grab my back pack throwing it over my shoulder.


He nods and follows me to the door.

When I open it it's slightly windy and cool. I feel the breeze smack my face.

"G99d thing we are wearing sweater." I hear kankri say behind me. I lock the door and we walk all the way to the buss stop.

I see a figure standing there with a real backpack.

It's Terezi.

"1 c4n sm3ll you k4rkl3s!" She laughs as we come up.


"Nop3! Th3 n4m3 su1ts you h3h3h3! "

I roll my eyes and sit in the bench.


"But you c4n 4lw4ys r34d 1t wh3n3v3r 1 m3ss4g3 you." She laughs again.

"She has a very g99d p9int." I turn my head to Kankri who's smirking.


"That's very triggering...." He warns.


"1 sm3ll sw34t 4nd m3t4l 4ppro4ch1ng."



I look down the street and see the bus coming.

"BUT YOUR NOSE IS RIGHT..." I sigh and stand up looking at the bus as it comes to a stop.

The bus driver opens the door.

"Morning'! " he says cheerfully. I'm surprised this human is so kind to us.

"G99d m9rning t9 y9u!" Kankri smiles as he steps up first. Me and Terezi just give a small smile before heading to the back of the bus.

I sat next to Terezi all the way in the back in the left of the bus. Kankri sat in front of us and he began to write something down.

"Wh4t 4r3 you wr1t1ng?"

"9h just a letter t9 my teachers saying that t9day is 9ur last day. I f9rg9t t9 tell them. It w9uld pr96a6ly 6e triggering if I didn't let them kn9w."

Oh Gog...not this again.

"Tr1gg3rs?" Terezi asked smiling. She gave me an evil look. She knows that this annoys me whenever he explains what a trigger is.

"I 6elieve I have already explained what a trigger is t9 y9u Terezi?"

"1 must h4v3 forgot. H3h3!" She smiled. I rolled my eyes and covered my ears. I saw Kankri's lips starting to move as he gave another lecture about triggers.

I looked over at Terezi who suddenly covered his mouth. I uncovered my eats.

"Mnhgh-mmhp!" He muffled behind her hand.

"Shhh! Th3 4ss hol3s just c4m3 on."

I tilted my head confused then looked up to see the group of humans that always pick on us.

Terezi removed her hand and Kankri nodded. He understood not to talk when they were around us.

They took a seat a couple rows in front of us on the right side of the bus.

I rolled my eyes and stared out the window hoping they didn't realize we were there....but of of them noticed.

One of the humans turned to his friends and they all started whispering.

I heard them mention my name.

"1gnor3 th3m...." Terezi whispered. I nodded but then the group came to the back.

"How's it going!?" One of the guys said.

"Oh come on it's not very polite to ignore us!" Another one said.

"FUCK OFF." I said not turning my head to face them.

"Whoa! Looks like the troll woke up on the wrong side of the bed." A girl said.

"L34v3 us 4lon3." Terezi said trying to hold me back.

"Aww! So cute. The girl is trying to protect her little boyfriend!"


"W3 4r3 not d4t1ng!" We both said at the same time.

They laughed and sat in the rows next to us. I began to take out my notebook to play tic Tac toe with Terezi to take our minds off of them but one of the fucking humans took it from my hands.

"HEY!" I tried reaching for it but I was punch in the jaw.

"What's this?" They asked flipping through the pages.


"No I think I'll keep it for a while."

"Yeah I don't think a trolls gonna need it. What's in here?" The girl said taking the book and reading through the pages.

I flushed red and I took Back the book punching one of the guys in the stomach.

He fell over landing on the seat.

"Karkat st9p!" Kankri said trying to calm me down.

"Oh look who's finally decided to speak up. Do we gotta bust your lip again?" The girl said taking a step closer to kankri.

I blocked her.


"So trolls do have feelings? That's what it seems like reading through your notebook."


I grabbed her shoulder tightly.

"But what would the bus driver do?" She smirked. I looked over at the bus driver to see if he saw any of this but then I felt something hard hit my face. I fell back and my vision went blurry.


"Your probably not afraid to hit a girl but you are afraid of them." She grinned.

I felt them start to spit on me. Then Terezi lost it. She jumped on the girl and began to scratch at her. I was a bit shocked.

All the humans tried to pull Terezi off of her as Kankri pulled Terezi off.

"Terezi get a h9ld 9f y9urself!" He warned. She took a deep breath and nodded. The group of humans walked back to their original seats.

Then they kept talking.


"Karkat, are y9u alright?"


"1m so gl4d your l34v1ng th1s pl4c3..." Terezi tried to keep back her tears.

I sat up and wiped myself off of the disgusting human saliva that they spit at me.

"9h Karkat. Are y9u sure y9ur 9kay? They hit y9u pretty 6ad?"

"I SAID I WAS FUCKING FINE!- SORRY...." I sighed and looked away.

"It's alright Karkat. Please try n9t t9 get inv9lved with anything else t9day."

"ILL TRY...."

"1 w1ll b3 w1th h1m 4ll d4y k4nkr1. Don't worry."


"1 w4s just prot3ct1ng you k4rkl3s."


The bus came to a stop and we got off. The school wasn't small, but it wasn't big. Thank Gog.

Me and Terezi walked over to our lockers that were next to each other's. I had to start clearing mine out.

I looked at Terezi's and hers was almost empty.


She smiled.

"Oh-um. 1m just b31ng sw1tch3d 1s 4ll."

"OH OKAY..."

"W4nt m3 to h3lp cl34r yours?"


She smiled and took out something from her locker.


She started to fold it and it was turned into a box.

"So you c4n just c4rry your stuff 4ft3r school hom3."


"Ok4y!" She held out the box and I started to put all f my things in.

About five minutes later I finished.


"Ok4y! Wh4t do you w4nn4 do?"

"I DONT KN-" I looked at a picture I had put in the box and took it out. Terezi started sniffing.

"Wh4tch4 look1ng 4t k4rkl3s?"

"A PICTURE OF WHEN WE WERE YOUNGER." I smiled at the memory.

It was my 5th wriggling day....


"Hey Karkat, I invited o+ur new neighbo+r to+day. She has a daughter yo+ur age."

"FINE!" I said.

About twenty minutes later I saw a little girl my age walking in with her mom.

Porrim smiled and greeted them at the door as I sat on the couch with Kankri.

"Hello+ I'm so+ glad yo+u co+uld. co+me."

"Well thank you for inviting us. Terezi was really excited." I heard her mom day. I looked at the girl and she was holding a stuffed dragon and smiling holding onto her moms hand.

"Come one Terezi, this way." Her mom guided her to the couch where we were. I tilted my head confused.

"H1. 4r3 you k4rk4t?" Terezi pointed to Kankri. She was slightly off of pointing at him.

"N9, I'm kankri."

"Oh so your k4rk4t!" She pointed at me smiling. Still pointed a little off.

"YEAH...." I smiled. Something was wrong with her? What was it!?

"Kankri, Karkat, this is Terezi Pyro+pe." Porrim said smiling.

"I h9pe this d9esnt trigger y9u 6ut may I ask if y9u are alright?" I guess kankri was wondering the same thing.

"Wh4ts 4 tr1gg3r?" Oh Gog no!

"Triggers include 6ut likely will n9t 6e limited t9 class 9ppressi9n, culling culture and vi9lence against gru6s, lusus a6use, c9mplementary and anal9g9us hate speech, pail filling, slurries and 9ther c9ncupiscent fluids, lifespan shaming, a6leist slurs, pr9lix dissert-"

"KANKRI NO! JUST STOP! STOP!" I covered his mouth.

Terezi started giggling.

"1m f1n3. 1 don't th1nk 4ny of th4t...triggers me....."

"9h well y9u l99ked like y9u were having tr9u6le-"

"S331ng?" She asked.


"Oh 1m bl1nd!" She smiled. Both mine and Kankri's eyes widened.


"1 4m."

"Then h9w did y9u kn9w we were 9n the c9uch?"

"1 c9uld sm3ll."


"Y34h! H3h3h3!"

"WHATS THAT?" I pointed to her stuffed dragon.

"1ts my sc4l3m4t3 S3n4tor L3monsnout!" She held him up.

"Why is there r9pe ar9und his neck?"

"H3 w4s h4ng3d for b31ng 4 scumb4g 4nd h3 murd3r3d or should 1 s4y 4ss4ss1n4t3d th3 pros3cut1ons w1tn3ss. H3s 4 v3ry b4d sc4l3m4t3! 4r3nt you L3monsnout?!" She pointed at the dragon. She started to laugh.


"4nd your r34lly short!" She laughed again.


"But 1 c4n t3ll th4t 1m t4ll3r th4n you."

"She is taller than y9u Karkat..."



"H3h3h3h3! 1 l1k3 you two!" She giggled. I smiled.

"D9 y9u wish t9 j9in us in the jumper while we wait f9r 9ur 9ther guests t9 arrive?"


"Who's g4mz33?"

"An9ther tr9ll."

"Oh ok4y!" I took her hand and we went to the backyard getting into the bouncy jumper human thing. Ten minutes later Gamzee came.

"GAMZEE!" I cheered and got out of the jumped to greet him.

"HeY KaR BrO! WhOs tHaT SiS?" He asked pointing in the jumper.


"OkAy! HoNk!"

"Wait! Let me take a pho+to+ o+f all o+f yo+u to+gether!" Porrim said taking out a camra.

"OKAY." I smiled.

I stood in between Terezi and Gamzee while Kankri stood beside Terezi.

"O+Kay say.....say wriggling day!"

"Wriggling Day!" We all yelled as Porrim took the picture.

-end of flashback-


"Oh y34h. Th4ts 4lso wh3n 1 m3t G4mz33..."


She started laughing.

"Oh y34h th4t got you r34lly 4nnoy3d!"

I put the picture back in the box and the bell rang.

"Oh l3ts go!"

"YEAH." I closed my locker and we walked to our first class.

Sollux POV:

"Can II 2ee Miituna?" I asked trying to stop the tears from rolling down my face any more.

"Yes you can see him." The doctor told me as I nodded.

I tried getting out of bed but the nurse stopped me.

"Oh not yet Sollux. You can see him in a few minutes."

"Oh okay..." I nodded sitting back down. My dad just stared at me then turned to the doctor.

"When will they be able to leave?"

"They can leave in about one to two days. We still need to check if everything is fine with your other son. They should be able to get back to school next Monday. It's best to give them some time." The doctor explained.

What day is it?

"What day ii2 iit?" I asked.

"It's Tuesday. You came in here yesterday." Dad said to me.

I was asleep for a whole day? Wow...

"2o we have two mii22 2chool all week? You know about my grade2 dad!"

"Don't worry. I already called the school. You can make up all the work you miss. It's fine." He calmed me down.

I felt a bit light headed and I fell back to my pillow closing my eyes, drifting to sleep...

"Sollux? Sollux?" I felt my shoulder being lightly shaken. I wake up and I see my dad looking at me.


"You can see Tuna now..."

My eyes widened as I quickly sat up. I noticed the IV's weren't in my arms anymore. I smiled and stood up slowly. I felt a little shaky but pushed the feeling back.

My dad helped me stand.

"Where ii2 he? II2 he awake?"

"Yes he actually told me to get you." My dad smiled.

I looked up from the ground and started to walk out of the room. My dad took my arm cautiously.

"He's this way sollux.

"Oh 2orry." I followed my dad down the hall. We turned into a room not far from mine and I saw Mituna laying on his bed. He had IV's in his arm and his hair was a mess.

I noticed he was watching cartoons in the tv hanging from the roof.

He noticed me and smiled.

"50llux!" He held his arms out and I ran to him. I hugged him tightly and began to cry.

Fuck sollux stop crying. Your a wreck.

"175 0k4y 50llux..." He smiled. I noticed his speech. It was worst than my lisp but I still understood him.

I looked up in his eyes and noticed his colors was gone. It was just white.

"1 l00k fuck1ng 4w350m3 huh!?" He laughed.

I laughed with him and nodded.

"Yeah you look awe2ome."

"Wh475 up w17h y0ur vo1c3?"

" II have a lii2p..."

"7h475 4w350m3!" He laughed.

"Tun4?" I heard a voice say. I turned around and saw Latula standing by the door with tears in her eyes.

"7ul1p?!" He smiled. She gave a weak smile back and ran up to him. I moved out of the way so they could hug. I smiled.

"1m 50rry 7ul1p...."

"1ts ok4y b4b3....1ts ok4y....." She cooed to him.

I followed my dad out of the room so they could have some time alone.

"I'm so glad Mituna has her." My dad said to me as we waited outside.


"I meant...I'm happy she's still with him even after all this that happened...even though he's different..."

"IIm glad two.... Miituna de2erve2 2omebody 2peciial."

"You do too sollux. Don't forget that."

I blushed when he said that to me.

"Dad IIm not lookiing for a relatiion2hiip....and nobody liike2 me anyway2."

"There's some one for everyone sollux. I was about to give up in love until I met your mom...." He smiled.

" Diid you meet mom?"

I asked. He looked at me with a smile appearing. I always wanted to know how they met. That's the whole reason in standing here right now...

"Oh it was a great day...and I still remember everything...." He smiled.

"I worked I a small coffee shop and your mom came in one day ordering a Mocha Frappuccino. When I gave it to her she said I made a mistake. She said she wanted Caramel." He laughed.

"You and mom diid make mii2take2 a lot..." I laughed with him.

"She started to get a little mad and I told her it was cute how mad she got. Her face was blushing so much. I apologized and fixed it. Before she left she gave me a piece of paper with her number. "

"2mooth move dad..."

"Oh but that's not the best part..." He smiled. I looked at him confused.

"What do you mean?"

"On our wedding, during the vows, she confessed that she lied about the order confusion just so she could get a chance to talk to me..." He smiled slightly laughing.

"That2 mom riight there...." I laughed.

That would be my mom... Always so sneaky yet so clever.

"My co-workers got jealous so extra bonus. " he slightly did a fist pump to himself. I laughed even more.

"You diid good dad."

"Even better when we had you three. Don't give up okay Sollux? I know you have a lot on your shoulders but try not to just focus those things. Enjoy the other ones too..."

"IIll try...II don't thiink IIm goiing two fall iin love over coffee though..and what2 up wiith everyone talkiing two me about relatiion2hiip2?!"

"We just want you to be happy sollux....And You never know...Life had a lot of surprises..."He patted my back.

Well that came out of no where.

I really don't care about my relation ships in that way right now....

I really need to focus on my school work. College has been everything I've been thinking about.... I know my dad wants me to be happy, but how can. Be if I don't have something to support me first?

Latula came out of the room looking at my dad.

"Wh3n c4n h3 go b4ck to school?"

"Monday. Thanks for coming Latula."

"4nyth1ng for my M1tun4....." My dad gave Latula a hug before she left. I went back inside the room.

Mituna had his attentions on the cartoons again. I slightly laughed seeing my brother watch it. The bright colors flashing across the screen slightly hurt my eyes.

"Miituna how can you watch that?"

"1 d0n7 kn0w. H0w c4n y0u n07?" He laughed. I shrugged and sat down beside him watching with him.

My dad smiled and sat on a chair in the room watching us.

I didn't like the bright lights but I just smiled being with Mituna.

Hopefully things can get better for us...

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