Saved By Zerrie

By littlebell1992

21.5K 316 13

2 kids, one couple, 2 lifes can they become one, can these kids be saved More

Chapter 1
chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Part 20
Part 21
Chapter 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40

Part 35

310 5 2
By littlebell1992

Its two weeks since Kali ran away and went to the studio. I was so worried about her she seems to be ok now, I guess she just needed to have a chat and spend time with Perrie. Perrie also showed me the song she wrote it is actually heartbreaking, I hate that she thinks she isn't good enough. Speaking of Perrie she has just left. I lay there thinking about my love for my gorgeous fiancé and my little girls. I decide to go check on them it is a little early but I Amelia has been waking up rather early lately on a few occasions I find her in her room or Kalis room playing while Kali is still sleeping. I'm glad Kali is sleeping more now and doesn't wake up to small noises by the seems of it. I guess it means she is feeling safe enough now. I go down the hall and see Kalis door open I peak my head around and see both my girls are awake. Amelia smiles at me and Kali just yawns

"Good morning sweet girls" I say looking at Kali who gives a small nod and I climb next to them giving them a hug. I always check with Kali first just to make sure she isn't too anxious, I don't want to risk setting of a panic attack.

"did you sleep ok?" I ask them both and as always AJ nods, she always sleeps well. Kali just shrugs her shoulders which normally means it wasn't great. We lay there for a bit as Amelia tells us what she dreamt of which involved horses and lumping. She talks about horses a lot maybe I should look at horse riding lessons for her.

"you ok Kali?" I ask she looks up and I notice she is rather pale she gives a small shrug.

"can I go lie down?" she asks all the sudden and I stand up going to feel her forehead she is rather warm maybe she is coming down with something and I really have no idea what to do. She looks up at me a little her eyes scream in pain but the rest of her face is stoic and tired

"of course, baby girl, I'll come up shortly to take your temperature ok?" I say and she nods heading up stairs but not before giving her sister a reassuring smile and a hug. Me and AJ finish eating and I set her up with some toys telling her to behave and leave teddy and Hatchii with her so I can go and check Kali. I grab the thermometer on my way and I knock on her door, she says a quiet come in and I walk in seeing she is lying back in bed under the covers. I sit next to her and rub her back a little.

"does anything hurt?" I ask and she shakes her head know so I take her temp it is rather high it is 41 so yea I think she is getting sick. I'm not exactly sure what to do.

"I'll be right back baby girl, I'll get you some water" I say kissing her head and leaving the room I get my phone and instantly call Perrie. I feel bad because I know she will panic as I never call when she is in the studio it's kind of our rule but I feel I need to, I'm not sure what to do Kali doesn't responded the same with me as she does Perrie, plus Perrie calms her better than I can

"Hey babe what's wrong" she asks and as suspected she is majorly panicked I should have just text.

"Kali has a temp of 41 her eyes scream pain but she says she isn't in any, I'm worried I'm not really sure what to do" I say and I can hear shuffling

"ok babe I'll be home in about half hour" she says and I let out a sigh of relief I feel out of my depth when one of the girls is sick. "hey girls Kali has a temp of 41, I'm heading home" I hear her say "Zayn get a cold wet cloth and place it on her forehead" I hear Jade yell and I thank her before saying good bye. I check on Amelia who is playing nicely, get some water before heading to the bathroom to grab a cloth and wet it.

"hey baby girl here is some water, Panadol and a cool cloth for your head" I say quietly and she doesn't question it and just takes it which again is odd for her. I wish she would tell me where the pain is so I can do something to fix it.

"I'll leave you to rest baby, I'll call Bianca and tell her not to come today, call for me if you need me and I'll come check on you soon ok" I say and she nods snuggling back under her duvet. I kiss her forehead and smooth her hair back. I get down stairs and see that Bianca is already here, I guess it is later then I thought.

"Sorry Sam let me in is everything ok?" she asks and I sit down and Amelia comes and sits on my lap.

"sorry I should have called sooner, Kali is sick, well she has a high temp and is lethargic but in true Kali fashion she won't tell me what the matter is" I say and she nods in understanding, no worries, did you want me to stay and work with Amelia on some things so you can take care of Kali?" she ask and I smile a little glad that she is so kind and nice.

"thanks Bianca but Perrie is on her way home" I say and she nods Sam walks in a few seconds later and is greeted by Amelia jumping on him for a hug.

"hey munchkin" he says giving her a hug and handing her back to me. I explain to him that Kali is unwell he looks incredibly concerned.

"do you need anything?" he asks and I shake my head.

"well Zayn if you don't need me today I was wondering if I could have some time off, I would like to take someone on a date" he says and I hear Bianca let out a sad sigh, I'm confused, kali was adamant that Sam and Bianca like each other and by Bianca's reaction I think she does.

"of course, mate, I don't think we will be going far" I say and he nods turning to Bianca.

"so Beautiful would you like to go on a date" he says blushing making me laugh a little and shake my head

"you 2 kids have fun" I say and they walk out making me laugh. The house is quiet now it is me and Amelia down stairs.

"what do you feel like doing Princess, has to be something around the house." I say and she starts to think.

Amelia decides she wants to draw something she wants me trace around her, it took a while but I found a roll of butcher paper and I lay her down she is so excited it is cute. I start tracing her and as I finish the door opens and Perrie walks in with a big smile gracing her beautiful face when she hears and see Amelia giggling as I finish tracing her.

"hey you 2 what are you doing" she asks "coming over pecking my lips and kissing Amelia's cheek causing her to jump up for a hug.

'Hewwo Mummy" she says oh so cutely and perrie holds her tightly.

"hello princess, are you having fun" she asks I know she misses the girls and having these fun moments

"yes, mum I drawing you something, and and and Banka and Sam are on a date." She says bouncing in Perries arms making me smile at the view it is so beautiful.

"aww I can't wait to see it, why don't you work on that and I will go and see Kali quickly" she says and Amelia nods giving her one more hug and placing a sloppy toddler kiss on her lips before wiggling out her Mums grasp. And skipping back over to me

"Daddy you go to I want to surprise you" she says and I nod standing up and ruffling her hair. Ill quickly pop up with Perrie to check on Kali then I will head to the kitchen where I can keep an eye on Amelia. I take Perrie hand and we walk upstairs and I explain to Perrie what happened this morning. We get to Kalis room and she is curled up in a ball with sweat on her face. Perrie goes over and grabs the cloth placing it on her forehead again causing Kali to open her eyes in panic yet it seems she isn't fully aware.

"hey relax baby girl mummy is here, you are burning up baby" perrie sooths Kali in a way that I never seem to be able to. Perrie comes back over' she says to me.

"I think we need to take her to the hospital she Is radiating heat" she whispers but Kali seems to hear it and shoots up tears instantly rolling down her face and she bites her lip hard and letting out a whimper. We both run over to her as she slowly lays down again curling back up.

"what hurts baby" I ask again she shakes her head still biting her lip but then seems to think differently

"my side, my tummy it hurts really bad" she says her voice screams pain, her eyes scream pain.

"ok baby we are going to the hospital" Perrie says and I agree, for her to even indicate she is in pain is a big deal. It is obvious that she is in pain and a lot of it. I walk over to her and she shakes her head no, clearly this isn't something she wants but today I can't be her friend I need to be her dad.

"I'm going to pick you up baby" I say as I scoop her up and she lets out a blood curdling scream making me lay her back down in fear and she keeps whimpering but not in fear in pain. Amelia comes up and cautiously looks around the corner of the room.

"hey princess its ok, can you please be a big girl and get your shoes and coat on" i say calmly looking at the frightened girl as Perrie is on the phone to the ambulance clearly, we won't be able to move her without help Amelia doesn't move she is looking a Kali with tears streaming down her face.

"take her" kali gets out through her whimpers in pain. This is traumatic she looks to be in so much pain.

"go Zayn I have her the ambulance will be here in a few minutes. Perrie says going back Kalis side.

"help will be here in a minute baby, be brave baby, we will make this better" I hear Perrie say as I go and grab the scared tot.

"come on princess we need to get ready, Kali is going to go to the hospital to make her better ok" I tell her and she gives an unsure nod, I hug her tightly trying to comfort her, it is scary for me to see Kali like that I can't even imagine how scary it is for a three year old who has only ever seen her sister been strong and that scream Kali let out must have made her go back to those horrible times before we adopted them.

Perries POV

I hate seeing Kali like this, it is terrifying and I have no idea what to do to help. That scream she let out when Zayn lift her up was terrifying I knew instantly we would need an ambulance. I'm trying my hardest to sooth her I'm running my hand over the top of her head, her forehead is boiling and she is withering in pain, I pray over and over the ambulance will hurry up I hate seeing my little girl like this. I hear some noise down stairs and I see to ambulance officers come through one been a female the other male which I had asked as I don't know how Kali would react. The lady come over to the bed while the guy sets up the gurney and the medical bag.

"Hi Sweetheart my name is Julie your mum says you are having some server tummy pain. I'm going to feel around your abdomen ok?" Julie says and Kali just nods and reaching for my hand I take it.

"ok Kalani I am going to lift your shirt ok" she asks again and Kali just nods looking towards me, her eyes screaming at me to make it better and keep her safe.

"it's ok Baby girl I'm right here, you are safe." I say and she keeps looking at me as Julie pulls up her shirt.

"ok I'm going to push on your abdomen now and my friend Jameson will put a monitor on your finger and take your temperature, Mum you will need to move can you go and lay next to her" Julie says and Kali looks panicked as I move.

"I'm just going over here baby girl relax" I say climbing back onto the bed moving as carefully as I can not to jolt the bed and cause her any pain. I watch as Julie starts on Kalis right side pressing her tummy you can see the discomfort on her face it gets worst and worst the further left she moves then she lets out that scream again.

"ok we need to get to the hospital it's her appendix, it has either burst or about to it will need to come out" Julie says I look at Kali who pales at the thought. All I can do is nod

"we need to get her on the stretcher and I will give her the green whistle to help with the pain" Julie says and Jameson come over to the bed and Kali moves further back.

"Zayn, we need to move Kali" I say and I hear him walking down the hallway I go to stand up and meet him at the door taking Amelia from his arms. Amelia is clearly petrified right now as she clings to me crying.

"Kali will be fine princess, the doctor will make it better, Mummy has you baby, calm down bubby mummy has you" I whisper to her rubbing her back trying to calm her. I may not be able to help Kali right now but I can help Amelia. All the sudden the room is filled with high pitched whimpers again and I watch as Zayn moves her and the whimpering stops as she is placed on the gurney and it looks like she has passed out.

"oxygen Jameson, she is in septic shock" Julie says and I feel myself starting to freak out internally as I rush over as Julie puts an oxygen mask on her and James injects her with something.

"we need to go now only one can ride in the ambulance" Julie says and they start taking her down stairs Zayn holds his arms for Amelia indicating that he will meet us there and I will go in the ambulance with her.

"we will be right behind you honey, go with Kali she will be ok she is a fighter" Zayn says and I rush to the ambulance and we speed of Jameson is driving and Julie is putting monitors on Kalis chest.

We get to the hospital and they rush her through I struggle to keep up, all these people rush up and all start talking I can't keep up. We get to a cubical with all these machines and pull up her shirt and instantly do an ultra sound, by the look on their faces it isn't good.

"mam we need to take her through for emergency surgery her appendix has exploded and the fact she is in septic shock she I think her appendix was gangrenous which is honestly not a good situation. The poisons are running through her body." The doctor says and I nod they whisk her away again and I try to follow but I am stopped

"sorry you can't go back there, she is in good hands, can you please fill out this form as quickly as possible we are prepping her for surgery, any allergies we need to know about?" she asks and I shake my head no

"no allergies, but please can I be there when she comes out of surgery, I don't want her to wake without me she will be scared" I say and she nods leading me to the waiting area.

"I promise your daughter is in good hands I know it is hard but I need you to fill out the forms, Doctor Lawrence has dealt with this a lot and it the best pediatric surgeons in England." The nurse reassures me I feel like I can hardly breath I am so worried about what the doctor said about it been gangrenous, how long had she been in pain for. I focus on filling the forms out when I hear a little girl crying and I know it is Amelia I look up to see a frazzled looking Zayn carrying a red faced crying Amelia. Zayn comes over and sits next to me and I hide my face into his shoulder wrapping my arm around him and Amelia and Zayn wrap his arm around me kissing the top of my head.

"she is strong beautiful she will be fine" Zayn tries to reassure me but he didn't hear what the doctor had to say I nod against his shoulder for now and go back to the forms quickly while trying to help calm Amelia which we manage to do after a while and I hand the forms back.

"princess did you want to go and play or find a book" I ask and she nods sliding of Zayns lap, I know we only have a few moments to talk so I quickly tell him what the doctor said and he tries what he can to hide his worry for me which I really appreciate.

"also, should we see if Carmen can take Amelia for tonight. We can see if your mum can come down and help look after her so we can be here for Kali." Zayn suggest and I nod Amelia comes over and holds a book for me.

"mummy can you read me" she asks looking at me with her big wet eyes i rub her cheek wiping the last of her tears and help her onto my lap.

"I love you my little princess" I whisper to her kissing her cheek making her smile at me and I open the book to start reading for her. it actually calms me having my little girl in my arms calmly and I feel her breathing calmly.

"hey princess do you want to go hang with mason for the night" Zayn comes over and her face lights up she loves the idea which is a bonus.

"when I go?" she asks cutely bouncing on my lap making me laugh. And I look to Zayn for the answer.

"the will be here about 4 once they get Blake and harper from school so you can stay with us for a few hours" Zayn says and Amelia loves the idea

"will morgy be otay?" she asks turning on my lap and resting her head on my chest

"she will be fine princess the doctors will look after her" I say gently running my nail up and down her back and she begins to completely calm against me she doesn't sleep she just chills against me.

Zayn and Amelia have gone to get some food it reminds me of the first night I met these girls Amelia goes with her dad and I'm pulled back into my memories, the first night I saw my daughters, the time sitting in the hospital worried like I am now, all I'm wanting to know is if she is ok, the moment it became a reality that these little girls where been abused, the first night and day with them, when the agreed to let us adopt them, the horrible moment when I listened to kali recount her horrible life, the moments where Amelia says she loves us, the moment Kali said it, every moment with my girls. It's incredible that it has only been a few months and I have so many memories with my little family the good, the bad, the happy and the sad. I start pacing the waiting room I just want to know she is ok. Now that it's just me a few tears fall don my face, I need to pull it together before Zayn and Amelia come back I know that but it seems I keep getting more worked up. All the sudden I feel strong arms gather me up and I know it is Zayn and I sob into his chest.

"it's ok Pez, let it out, she will be fine, she is the strongest human ever and she has so much to live for now, she will be fine I promise" Zayn says holding me tight, it takes a bit but I pull myself together. But when I do he leads me over to the chairs where Amelia is eating a pasta salad and drinking a choc milk. I pick her up and sit her on my lap and eat the sandwich that Zayn has brought me, I struggle to eat but I know I have to, I already broke down in front of Amelia and she looks scared again, I did this to her.

The surgery seems to be taking forever Carmen has just text to say she is here and will be up shortly, I don't really have much to give her as we didn't really pack much for Amelia just her bag with a spare set of clothes, some snacks and a teddy. I hear the door open and I see them all walk in Blake looks like she has been crying Amelia jumps from my lap skipping over and giving them all a hug they reach us and Carmen gives us a hug while Blake stays back a little looking worried.

"Harp can you take Mase and Amelia over to the toy?" Carmen ask and Harper nods taking the kids hands and leading them to the toy corner.

"what happened, are you guys ok?" Carmen ask and I move over to pull Blake to my side and hug her a little she seems very upset and it is clear Kali means a lot to her Zayn explains how she was feeling un well, I then explain what the doctor says choking on my own words a little.

"I don't know what is taking so long with the surgery surely it can't take that long" I add at the end struggling to keep my emotions in check.

"if it was gangrenous it is a lot more involved they would have to open her right up, but they should be done soon it can take up to 5 hours and recovery will take a while" Carmen explains and I just nod a little.

"ok we will head home, let us know if you need anything ok? if you want I can bring Amelia in tomorrow for a bit for a visit" Carmen says she is really an amsing human then I remember that Mum is here tomorrow

"thanks Carmen we owe you one my mum will be arriving tomorrow so she can watch Amelia for a bit as well" I say and Carmen smiles and nods saying how excited Amelia will be to see her grand mum

"mum can I stay here, I want to be here when she wakes" Blake ask making me smile a little at just how sweet this kid is and again se cares so so much about Kali t is obvious.

"they won't let anyone but immediate family in tonight Hun, if its ok with Perrie and Zayn I will drop you of tomorrow with Amelia after your math's test tomorrow morning" Carmen says causing Balke to turn to me and Zayn pleading with her eyes

"of course, you can Blake I bet she will love to see you" Zayn answers once it is all agreed we walk over to the younger three I bend down to my youngest girl who gives me a massive cute smile

"She'll be ok you know mummy cos she won't leave me" Amelia says with so much confidence it is heart warming

"I love you princess and you are right she will be fins we will call you when she is out of surgery ok, you be a good girl tonight and have fun, we will see you tomorrow ok" I say kissing her face

"I be a good brave girl mummy you don't have to worry" she says gosh this little girl is remarkable I squeeze her tight as I stand up and Zayn take her from me.

They have all just left and I am about to sit down All the sudden the doctor walks out looking glum and I feel my heart instantly stops and I feel like my whole world has stopped, it can't be bad news please tell me it isn't bad news.

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