Fear and Blood

By TheWorldTurns

145K 2.8K 295

Ly's hate and fear towards humans has cased him to do horrible things in the past, but is there a way he can... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36

Chapter 6

3.7K 76 3
By TheWorldTurns

Chapter 6

“I really don't want to...” Rome protested as Melissa pushed the struggling girl towards the door of a large pub. It was nice looking, as pubs go, but Rome still felt nervous about entering. The last time she had gone out drinking with friends, in a small country town her parents visited once every year or so, she ended up being harassed by a drunk at the bar. It wasn't an experience she wanted to relive. She didn't even want to think about the pub Ly had taken her to.

“Come on Rome,” Melissa said impatiently, rolling her eyes at Robert, Lisa and Josh. “Live a little, I thought country people spent as much time as they could in the local pub. It's not like we're doing anything illegal and it's perfectly safe as long as you don't do anything stupid. No-one's going to bother you if you don't want them to.”

Rome wasn't convinced, she remembered Ly saying something along those lines when he had taken her to that shifty looking bar and that place definitely hadn't been safe. She may be a country girl, but she didn't enjoy pubs at all.

“Just one drink,” Lisa said, watching Melissa push the reluctant girl through the doors and into the bar. “And if you really don't like it here we can go somewhere else. I hear the sports club has a beginners pool tournament on tonight, that could be fun.”

Rome sighed, but relented, thinking that, at the very least, the torture would be over soon.

As Melissa, Rome and Lisa found a table, Robert and Josh disappeared into the crowed to get some drinks. The atmosphere here was a lot different to other pubs Rome had visited, she admitted to herself. This place seemed to be a lot more modern, cleaner and better taken care of, not to mention that the patrons themselves were all young adults. Most of them looked like they could be university students, which wouldn't be that strange considering how close they were to the university.

“I think Josh likes you,” Melissa said, nudging Rome with her elbow. “It was his idea to invite you out tonight, even though I told him you wouldn't be up for it.”

“Really?” Rome was shocked, she had only just met the guy and had hardly even spoken to him.

“He seems really into you,” Lisa put in, though she didn't seem at all happy. “He kept asking me questions about you in our education lecture yesterday.”

“Lisa likes him,” Melissa explained. “But Josh is completely oblivious.”

“Oh, well I don't really know him so...” Rome tried to defuse the situation as Lisa became increasingly annoyed. “I mean it's not like I asked him to...Have you told him how you feel?”

“I've tried,” Lisa sighed. “He's just so clueless.” She shrugged and got up from the table. “I'm going to the bathroom.” With that she marched off.

“I'll go with her,” Melissa said, also standing. She took off after her friend.

It was then that Josh appeared, placing the four drinks down and taking a seat. “Where did the others go?” He asked as he handed Rome a glass.

“Bathroom,” Rome answered shortly. Now that she knew why she had been invited out she was feeling a little uncomfortable. “Where's Robert?”

The young man smiled and shook his head. “He saw something he liked at the bar and decided to stay behind,” he said, taking a sip of his drink. “So Melissa tells me you only just moved to the city, where did you live before here?”

“All over really,” Rome answered, trying to be polite, but not seem too interested. “My mum is a rural doctor, so we travel wherever she's needed.” That was the official story, the one she was allowed to tell.

“That must have been interesting.”

“Not really, it was more annoying than anything,” Rome replied, looking around for her friends. “Excuse me for a moment, I'll be right back.” She left the table before Josh had a chance to respond.

She made her was the the women's bathroom, but couldn't find Melissa or Lisa. With a sigh of annoyance she sat down in one of the toilet stalls and locked the door.

Why am I acting like such a child? She thought angrily. He's seems like a nice guy and he's pretty cute. He's interested in me and he has nice brown eyes, but...but...

They're not the deep blue eyes you wish were looking at you.

The thought startled her. Was she really hoping that he would look at her in that way? That he would be interested?

* * *

Three hours later Melissa and Lisa were both extremely drunk, Robert was still trying to pick up the girl at the bar and Josh, who seemed to have given up on Rome for the night, was nowhere to be seen. Rome sat in the corner alone, wishing she had never agreed to come out at all.

The room was getting crowded, she could feel people watching her and it made her extremely nervous. We're not far from home, she thought as a man bumped into her on purpose, spilling a little of his drink on her jeans. She moved away from him as he smiled at her. Maybe I can just leave.

She looked frantically around the room for Josh, who was meant to be the designated driver. Unable to find him she sighed. I'll just tell Melissa I'm leaving, then I can walk home, she thought. Even walking in the dark would be better than staying here.

Rome quickly made her way over to her intoxicated friends. “I'm going home,” she yelled, trying to be heard over the noise. Melissa just smiled and nodded, causing her to lose her balance and fall onto Lisa, who started laughing hysterically.

The red-head just rolled her eyes and pushed her way to the door and out into the street. Outside it was really dark, the street lights not doing much to illuminate the surrounding area. The pub door closed behind her, blocking out the noise within and leaving her in silence. Rome's anxiety doubled as she wondered if this had been such a good idea.

* * *

“We're done here, Lord Ly,” Damon said as he walked back to his car. Tristan has sent both Ly and Damon out to pick up information about some of the more prominent political candidates running in the next human federal election and Ly couldn't help but feel this was his brothers way of keeping an eye on him. Lately Ly had been spending more time than usual away from the family estate and Tristan was getting suspicions.

“Great,” Ly replied dully. “You go back to the house and let Tristan know everything went well. I'm going to hang out for a bit.” There were a few vampire clubs in the area that Ly hadn't visited in a while and he felt like he could do with a large amount of alcohol.

Damon looked uneasy. “Well, I don't know if you should do that Lord Ly,” he said. “Lord Tristan wanted me to...”

“Did he order you to bring me back with you?” Ly cut the other vampire off sharply, not even trying to keep the anger out of his voice.

“Well no, but he did say...”

“Then we have no issue,” Ly spat. “Go home Damon, that's an order.”

“Yes sir,” Damon said with a sigh. He climbed into his car and, with one final concerned look at Ly, drove off down the street.

Ly walked back to his own car but didn't get in. Instead he locked it and began walking. He doubted any of the pubs or clubs in this area would be much fun, but one was pretty much as good at the other when all you wanted to do was get drunk. Too bad vampires couldn't actually get drunk.

* * *

Rome walking quickly down the empty street, hand in her pocket and clutching her mobile phone. She was really hoping that she could remember the way home from here, if she couldn't she was in serious trouble. 

She had just turned the corner when she felt a hand drop heavily onto her shoulder. Her heart felt as if it was going to jump out of her chest as she was spun around, bringing her face to face with a young man she had never seen before. He was smiling at her, though he looked anything but friendly.

“You shouldn't be wandering the streets alone little girl,” he purred, stepping forward and causing Rome to take a step back. Her heart was beating hard and fear was making it hard to think about anything other than the man in front of her. “It could be dangerous this late at night.”

The man smiled again, the light from a street lamp reflecting off his eyes, making them shine. Her body stiffened as fear began to take over. The street was deserted and she had no doubt that he would hurt her if she tried to scream. The look on his face was terrifying, a mix of hunger and excitement.

“Please,” Rome said softly, her voice shaking so much she could hardly speak. She screamed at herself to run, but her body wouldn't obey her. Tears began to form in her eyes, making her vision blur. “Please leave me alone. I haven't done anything to you. Please just let me go home.”

“I'm sorry little girl, but I can't do that,” the man said, taking another step towards the terrified young woman. “You see, I can almost taste your fear, and it's making me crazy. Why don't you come with me and we can go somewhere more private.”

Finally gaining control over her body, Rome turned to run, but the man was too quick. He reached out and grabbed her arm, squeezing it so hard she cried out in pain. He pulled her close to him and smirked. Rome felt her body go cold.

“Long time no see Nicator,” a deep voice said from close by. The smirk left the man's face, replaced by puzzlement as he looked around, confused as to who had addressed him. “Still up to the same old tricks I see.”

“Who's there?” Rome's attacker said quickly, turning sharply to face the direction the voice was coming from. There was still no-one visible besides the two of them in the dark street. “How the hell do you know my name?”

If Rome had been thinking clearly she would have been shocked to see Ly emerge from the shadows, that trademark smirk once again playing across his handsome face. “I didn't think you would ever change Nic,” he said. Despite the situation he sounded bored, as if this was something he witnessed on a daily basis and, therefore, was no cause for concern.

Nicator's eyes widened as the vampire came into view. “No way,” he whispered, a smile touched his thin lips, replacing the shock and anger from before. “Ly! I can't believe it! I haven't seen you in over three years. I thought you were dead.”

“I'm not that easy to kill,” Ly replied coolly, as he pulled a cigarette out of his pocket and put it in his mouth. “It does surprise me that you're still alive. You never were that smart.” He lit a match, watching it flare and burn down a little way before lighting the cigarette. The display implied that he was in no hurry. “Let that girl go.”

“You came here for her?” Nicator said in surprise, shaking Rome's arm. She let out a whimper that made him smile. Ly said nothing, only sighed as her threw the match away. “What the hell for? She hardly seems worth your time, or have your tastes changed in the past three years?”

“I'm not here for her, I just happened to be around,” Ly said calmly, ignoring the other question the Nicator had just asked. His dark blue eyes fixed on the older vampire, studying the other man's face. “I can't let you run around doing whatever you like. Not any more.”

Nicator frowned as if he was about to protest, but Ly just held up a hand and continued. “You know what I can do to you, I won't even hesitate. So let her go, now.”

“Fine,” the would be attacker threw Rome to the ground, where she lay, sobbing. “Who am I to argue with you, Ly, it's not like she's worth the trouble anyway. But I would like to know if there's any particular reason why you want her for yourself, did she just catch your eye? Or have you actually changed that much since I last saw you that you would care about random people.”

“None of your business,” Ly replied, still not moving or taking his eyes off Nicator. “I would get out of here quick if I were you. Tristan won't be happy to find that you're back in the city and he will find out, sooner or later.” 

Nicator nodded, bowed slightly and began to walk away, but Ly wasn't quite finished. “You'll stay away from here if you know what's good for you. I would hate to hear that you had been involved in an...accident. Am I understood?”

The other vampire scowled, but nodded again, before disappearing into the night. No doubt on a search for his next victim. Ly just shook his head, genuinely surprised that Nicator hadn't been captured or killed yet. They had travelled around together for a few years before Ly had been taken back by Tristan. Back then Nic had been one of the ones that was closest to the edge, second only to Ly himself.

The dark young man sighed and finally looked down at the sobbing girl at his feet. “Get up Rome,” he said harshly. Not really in the mood to be nice, even to the person he had just saved. She ignored him and continued to cry.

Ly rolled his eyes and leaned down to help the young woman up. It had been a complete coincidence he'd been in the area that night, but he was very glad he was, not that he would admit it. He hated the thought of her exquisite blood being consumed by that animal Nicator. Her blood was all he could think about lately.

Earlier that night, before he had been called on that errand for Tristan, he had found himself outside her apartment building, wondering how he had gotten there when he was meant to be on his way back home. He had only left because Tristan had called and ordered him to meet Damon.

Now he was glad he hadn't left with Tristan's bodyguard. Just the thought of Nicator drinking Rome's blood made him furious. If anyone was going to have her it would be him.

He helped Rome up off the ground. She was still sobbing when he let her go and he really didn't know what to do about it. He wasn't concerned about her safety, or her mental state, only saving her because he didn't want someone else to have the blood he craved and couldn't have. At least, that's what he told himself.

“Hey,” he said, getting fed up with Rome's crying. He shook her shoulder roughly, but she didn't even seem to notice. With his hands on her he could feel how much she was shaking. “He's gone. You can stop crying now. You're safe.”

Rome didn't say anything, she just shook her head, turned and fell into him, sobbing hard against his chest.

The young vampire was shocked, not to mention extremely uncomfortable. He kept his hands by his sides as she gripped the front of his shirt and fought to keep himself still. Having her close enough for him to just lean down to be able to drink her blood was driving him mad.

Impatience and unease won over and Ly scowled. “All right that's enough,” he growled, pushing Rome off him and looking her in the eyes. He could see the fear in her, but once again, he wasn't the cause. For some reason that annoyed him. This girl was scared of everything but him. It made no sense. “Get a grip girl. Shit, anyone would think you had just witnessed a murder.”

Rome found she couldn't talk, but Ly's sharpness had woken her up a little. She wiped her eyes on the back of her hand before looking up at the man who had saved her. Gratitude clearly shone through her fear, making Ly even more uncomfortable.

“Don't expect this to ever happen again,” he spat, turning and starting to walk away. “You were just lucky I was here. If you're ever stupid enough to go walking the streets at night again you deserve whatever happens to you.” He looked back at her, she still hadn't moved. Groaning inwardly, he wondered when he had gotten so weak. “Well are you coming? I don't want to have gone to all that trouble just so you can get mugged again right after I leave. I'll give you a lift home, you probably won't make it there on your own.”

Rome calmed down quite a lot after she was sitting in Ly's car. Despite his reputation and harshness, she found she felt safe with him, which was a little strange, as she had only met him a few weeks ago, and he had never once said a kind word to her. Though he had just saved her, which, she supposed, counted for something.

He had just saved her. He saved her from someone he knew. She had been too shaken up to realise while it was happening but Ly clearly knew the man. He had even known his name. Was that a coincidence?

“Did...Did you know that man?” Rome asked softly, trying to remember the entire conversation Ly had had with her attacker. “I heard you say his name.”

For a while Ly didn't answer. He had known Nicator, they had been close, almost like brothers, before Ly had been saved. They thought the same, felt the same and had the same past which had instilled into both of them a hatred for humans and a resentment towards other vampires. Ly had thought he could be himself around Nicator, but the other vampire had proved to be too far gone to be any help at all.

“I knew him,” Ly replied, his voice held a tone of menace that Rome hadn't heard there before. The words were bitter and resentful and it was easy to see that there had been more then just a casual friendship between the two men. “I don't know him now. He's a petty, mindless thug and I won't tolerate his presence any more. I haven't see him in over three years and I hope I never have to again.”

“If he's a criminal why don't you turn him in to the police?” Rome whispered, feeling that Ly wasn't really in the mood to talk, but she couldn't stop the question. She had a feeling that is she stopped talking she would burst into tears again.

“I...I can't do that,” the young man sounded pained now, as if he was recalling some battle lost a long time ago. “I owe him...” He seemed to have thought he said too much, because his face became stern. “You can't tell anyone about this. I mean it. Don't report it to the police either.”

“Why not?” Rome said, a little shocked that Ly could let such a dangerous man wonder the streets when he had the opportunity to stop him. She wished her hands would stop shaking. “He could hurt someone else. We should report him.”

“No!” Ly said, losing his patience and slamming his hand against the steering wheel. Rome cringed in her seat. He hadn't meant to let the girl know anything about his relationship with Nicator, but her blood was making it hard for him to think. Slowly, he took a deep breath in an attempt to regain his composure. “It will case trouble,” his said when his voice was calm again. “Trouble for me and some other...unsavoury people, but mostly for you. He's not on his own. Do you understand?”

“I...” the young woman was about to protest, but thought better of it. “I understand. If you really think it would be better for me if I just kept my mouth shut, than I won't say anything, but I think you should. I mean, if he's that dangerous.”

Ly said nothing and silence fell between them, something the vampire didn't think was a good thing. Now that they were no longer talking he could hear the beating of her heart as it pumped her delicious blood through her body.

He scowled and turned the radio on, hoping to drown out the sound. “... evening Prime Ministerial candidate, Marcus Taylor, had this to say on the topic,” the news reader announced, the pitch of her voice making it sound as if there was nothing in the world more exciting than politics.

The peppy news reader was followed by the deep voice of a middled aged man. “My stance on this subject is well known. I feel it necessary, for the safety of our country, that these, so called, vampires are kept under strict government control. There is no telling when the next attack will happen, and I for one don't want to wait around for those monsters to strike. I have been misquoted in the past as promoting the eradication of the entire species. I do not hold this view, the vampire problem cannot be solved by simply killing them all off. If I am elected I will introduce a system whereby all vampires will need to be registered with the state. It will also be required that they wear indicators showing what they are. Furthermore...”

The voice was cut off mid sentence and Ly was rather shocked to find Rome had leant forward to changed the radio station without asking him first. It didn't seem like something the girl would normally do. He raised an eyebrow at her and she blushed, looking down.

“I don't like that guy,” she explained, gesturing to the radio. “The way he talks...well it just annoys me.”

“Well you're going to have to get use to it,” Ly replied with a scowl, tossing his used cigarette out the window. “He's probably going to be our next Prime Minister.”

“So you agree with what he's saying, do you?” Rome said, sounding a little angry. In her head a voice yelled at her to shut up, but, once again, she just couldn't stop talking. It was as if she was unconsciously trying to take her mind off what had just happened by clutching on to any available subject. “You think all vampires should be treated like second class citizens just for being what they are. I think that's just sick. What if it were us? Would you want to be treated that way?”

Ly felt his own anger rise. What the hell did she know about it? When had she ever have to hide what she was for fear of persecution? Did she have to hide her face when she walked down the street? Did she have to skulk around in the shadows because society didn't want her?

“Melissa and her father think the same way Marcus Taylor does,” Rome continued, unaware of Ly growing rage. “Melissa's father's a politician working for Taylor and he's strictly anti-vampire. To hear the stuff that comes out of their mouths...it's sickening. So why do you hate them so much?”

“I don't hate them,” Ly replied, his voice barely even a whisper as his fingers gripped the steering wheel hard enough to leave marks. How he wished he could just drain her right now. Just let go of his anger, his hate. Just lose control and take what he wanted. She was so close and it would be so easy.

“Don't you?” she said, crossing her arms. Her emerald eyes studying him closely. Shut up, she yelled at herself internally. Shut up! Just shut up! “Most people seem to. I find it hard to believe...”

Ly slammed his foot on the break. The car screeched to a halt in the middle of the street. “Fine!” he yelled, turning on her as he finally lost control. “I hate them! I hate all of them! Just like I hate humans! I hate you, my teachers, I hate everyone! Shit, I even hate myself! Is that what you wanted to hear? Well, is it?! No, I don't think vampires should be treated the way they are, but this is the world we live in girl. So wake up from the dream and smell the reality. It stinks! You think you can spend a few weeks in the city and suddenly know everything! Life is harsh, life is unfair and as soon as you wake up to that fact the better off we'll all be!”

Rome cowered in her seat, heart beating fast and eyes wide. She hadn't meant to push him so much, make him so angry. She hadn't known he felt so strongly about the subject. “I'm sorry...I didn't mean to...”

“Shut up,” Ly said as he rested his head on the steering wheel. He knew he shouldn't have snapped at her, but she had just made him so angry, and now that he had found an outlet for that anger, he just felt drained, like he hadn't slept in days. “Just don't talk to me.”

Rome looked down at her hands and nodded, really feeling guilty that she had caused the man who had just saved her life so much distress. She felt so stupid and naïve. He was right, what did she know about life. She had been brought up in a small country town, sheltered by her parents and isolated from the outside world.

The car pulled up outside her apartment block and, silently, she got out. She turned back to him, wanting to say something, thank you for saving me, or sorry I made you so angry, but she took too long and he drove off without a word. She watched his car until it disappeared around the corner and couldn't help but think that she had been right the very first time she saw him. He really was in trouble.

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