The Crowned (h.s)

Da desertpearl

1.8K 95 23

*This is a story that uses Harry Styles as the outward appearance of his character, however, it can be read w... Altro



212 14 4
Da desertpearl

Hi everyone!

First off, I want to thank everybody who has been reading this story. It really means a lot to me to know people are enjoying what I'm putting out. Although my updates can be sporadic, I am writing whenever I can despite being busy with college and other things. I hope that at this point in the story things will start to pick up just a bit and I'm excited to start writing some of the scenes I've been thinking of since I first started writing this fic.

Please feel free to leave any comments, thoughts, or other things you'd like to see happen in this story and I'll try my best to include them if I can!  Also, I'd like to mention that I have added a board of images that inspire me to write this story in the description. Please check the link out if you're interested! I hope it can help further to show an image of the fashions and time period that this story takes place in.

Thanks again for reading, and I hope you enjoy.

- Evie

The next day, Augusta and I found ourselves seated together in my family's box at the Lucilla Opera House, glasses of a deep red wine in our hands as we watched the performers through our opera glasses. A light chatter persisted through the room, but my attention was deeply ingrained on the stage, at the actors in a café. My mother was absolutely itching to show our guests everything the city had to offer, and I had listened to her the evening before listing off every sight and attraction, every museum, every park she could name for nearly an hour.

Although we ourselves hadn't been out to an opera in at least three months, the fact that Queen Dorothea had shown an interest in seeing one during her visit had inspired my mother to instantly have the event arranged. It was set into motion immediately that we would view La Bohème the next day and the two women had even conspired together to having both of their husbands attend as well. They had been ever so busy the last few days, tucked away in my father's offices. Sometimes I could hear the raise of a voice if I was nearby, or the guffaw of loud, masculine laughter. What went on behind those closed doors, however, was strictly kept hushed and not even my brothers had admitted to knowing exactly what was being spoken about.

Augusta, never one to grant her attention to others as much as she demanded it on herself, was nearly about to fall asleep next to me. I caught her eyes fluttering as she struggled to appear awake. The point that she didn't speak as fluent of Italian as I did wasn't helping her keep interest in the show before us.

I touched her gently on her arm as her lashes closed again and whispered, "You must keep alert. People may be watching."

She looked at me with dull eyes, "I don't think we need to worry about that, Addy. It seems that even your dear father has left us. I can't blame him, because either the compositions are putting us all to sleep or the wine has made its way to our heads. I do believe in a few short moments we will all find ourselves in one of those deep sleeps the great writers are so fond about."

Turning to my left, my eyes widened at the sight of my father, his head back in his chair as he very clearly had fallen asleep sometime during the last act. I looked towards my mother, who appeared to be shaking in her seat, she'd never looked so perturbed in her life. She must have felt my gaze on her, because she turned and mouthed the words, "Simply dreadful" to me. Though referencing my father or the opera, I didn't know.

I turned back to Augusta, "Oh, it's not so bad. You speak too harshly. Imagine you yourself were on that grand stage and had to deal with such an audience. You wouldn't like very much for the King himself to be sleeping during your asides, so let them at least enjoy the attention of a lady-in-waiting. Let them not feel so uninspiring."

Augusta frowned, though I could tell she knew I was right, "Perhaps I should begin to brush up on my Italian tonight."

I laughed into my glove and turned my attention back to the stage. I watched in pleasant enjoyment for a while until my attention was diverted once more, but this time not by a weary friend, but instead by that of a familiar body taking a seat in an empty chair next to me. Harry was holding his own opera glasses and looked through them carefully at the scene taking place before us.

"Love is such an overused trope, isn't it?" he looked down at me expectantly.

I thought about it for a second before answering hesitantly, "There isn't much else to write about in this world. War, death, deceit, betrayal, love. What other things can inspire as much passion as there is required in an opera?"

He raised his eyebrows, but smiled at me, "By the sounds of that list, I think perhaps I would prefer to stick with love."

Blushing, I looked down and back at the stage for a moment, "In any case, it's of my opinion that many operas don't pick up until after a second act. By then, you may find yourself sobbing on the floor right beside them."

"Or if you're like me, the sobbing may come well before then," Augusta had turned in her seat and was facing the two of us now, clearly interested in the conversation. I realized that she had only been introduced to Harry yesterday evening, but had never had the chance to actually speak to him. I would have turned red at her sudden intrusion in the conversation, especially in front of my mother, if I weren't so used to her emboldened speech and didn't know for certain that my mother's attention were on focused on other issues.

In any case, Harry smirked at my friend, "Miss Valoa, was it?"

Sitting taller in her seat, she answered, "Yes, it was."

I took Augusta's hand in mine, suddenly having an urge to protect her from any mischievous thing Harry may have in mind to say, "She is the dearest friend I've ever had, not to mention one with the strongest will as well."

Harry seemed to be appraising her, but even under his scrutiny Augusta didn't seem to flinch or cower, the way I did when I was put under his gaze, "I have a friend of the same caliber. You remind me of him greatly."

If it were meant to be a jest at comparing her to a man, she didn't think anything of it, only saying briefly, "I would certainly love to meet him."

Frowning for only a second at my friend, the man turned his attention back to me. In this lighting and proximity, I had as good of a view as I might of my own countenance in a mirror. He had a very strong jaw and brow, eyes that were a blurry, stormy green and almost feathered eyebrows. He had very obviously a face of money and wealth, but also one of power. It was buried within his eyes that I could see the image of a man who was very secure in himself. At the surface, it appeared that he had no doubts at all and a shell as tough as anything. A frame that was held and controlled by just a slight facial movement, someone that not even Augusta, try as she may, could humble in the slightest.

I could see now that his dismissal of her wasn't from the bitterness of having her banter back at him, but instead at his utter carelessness of her rebukes at all. He viewed her the way one might view a snappy puppy at their heel. I wasn't sure whether to shiver or dig deeper to find more.

"As much as I love debating the intricacies of opera, I must admit that wasn't the reasoning for my coming over here to visit you and your," he paused, "lovely friend. The truth is, I was hoping you would accompany me tomorrow for a drive through the countryside. My family and I will be leaving tomorrow night and I was hoping for a chance to see some of the more quaint realms outside the activity of Sarasau, as much as I have enjoyed it. My own spirit has a special place put aside for quiet charms and I find a great pleasure in nature and open space. Your brother William has already shown an interest of coming along as well."

Even if I would be allowed to decline the invitation of the Prince, I found myself not wanting to. I hadn't been outside the city for the simplest reason as a drive in such a long time that the mere idea of pastures and hills nearly had my heart bursting. Open, vast skies were a pleasure I certainly didn't enjoy very often. So I found in my mind not a single reason to decline, even including the dubious presence of the man. The peace I would find outdoors would greatly supersede him.

"That sounds like a very good idea, thank you. There's nothing that can raise the spirits more than some good, clean air."

Adorned in one of my more modest dresses, made of muslin that was gold and ivy colored with sheer drapings falling at the bottom and roses around the sleeves and waist, I set off with my family in a parade of a few carriages headed south of our home and into the open fields right outside the city lines. In my carriage, Harry and I sat beside each other while his mother rested opposite us, her attention most of the way being aimed outside her window and admiring the landscape. She very rarely spoke to us during the drive, if only to comment in a sudden burst of emotion at how beautiful the horizon was and how pretty of a day it was for a drive.

I found myself for the greater part of the journey fumbling about with my hat, fixing my skirts, and observing with a fascinating look at my hands and nails. Otherwise, I was sat engaging in the polite conversation Harry was making that was acceptable for the ears of his mother so close-by. Nothing vulgar or even close to any of the crass things he had said to me over the last few days were uttered by his lips. It didn't surprise me that he'd like to appear such a good boy in her eyes.

It was only when the drivers were ordered to pull aside at a dip in the road when we finally were able to step outside into the country. It was nearly an hours drive, but it was worth feeling so separated from the city. Out here, the plains seemed to continue on for miles of fertile farmland and orchards, beautifully landscaped and green. Nothing could have delighted me more. With Harry's mother, my own, and two of my brothers following at a respectful pace behind us, we journeyed into a field that I soon discovered to be laced with wildflowers.

"It's easy to forget this exists, sometimes." I said breathily while I took in the entirety of the view before me. The sky above us was completely blue, the kind of clearness that reminded one of a perfect day from their childhood.

Feeling so loose and tranquil, no gates just beyond my vision, I turned around when I remembered my mother was there with me. There were still some restraints I couldn't completely avoid. But to my surprise, I found the group farther back than they had been when we had all first set out on foot, and it seemed to me that her attention wasn't on me at all, for her back was turned as she was pointing something out to William.

I had no chance to think anything of it, because before I could fully process the strangeness of the scene in my mind, I was disrupted by Harry who was suddenly stood in front of me. I looked down at his hands and the bouquet of flowers he was holding out to me. He must have picked them while I was busy mindlessly gazing around me. I blushed at my being so air-headed to not notice. Or perhaps it was the action itself that had my skin reddened.

"Perhaps you'll like these better than the last." He smiled at me and the flowers were passed from his hands to mine. The fragrance was great and even if satisfying him wasn't on my list of things I was particularly interested in doing, I couldn't help but admire such beautiful flowers.

"Thank you, they're very lovely," I said as I felt the petals with my fingertips, reveling in the softness.

He said nothing else, only looking at me curiously. I shuffled my feet, not knowing what else to say to him, but still, stuck in place. I glanced behind me, at my mother and the group still seeming to be completely forgetting about my presence out here with this man. Nothing separating us but the bouquet held in my hands. I suddenly felt very uncomfortable knowing how alone we were, realizing he could do anything this very moment with the group of them seeing none of it. All my life I had been guarded and followed by the watchful eyes of chaperones, and now it seemed there were none to be found at all.

"You're very beautiful, Adelaide," His voice caught me off guard and no complete words managed to come out of my lips as I stumbled over them, only making meaningless sounds. This only seemed to encourage him to go on by the way he looked at me, lips pulled in an amused smile, one of somebody who knows they're holding all the cards out in front of them.

"My mother and my father both told me that you were before we traveled here, but I didn't fully believe them until I saw you for the first time," he spoke steadily, "When you're a man who is spoken to so often about the looks of women, you learn quickly that not everyone is graced in the same way as others. People have a tendency to lie in order to spare the feelings of others. But you proved yourself a very pleasant surprise to me. I've always loved delicate features."

Eyes widened at his speech, I still took on the look of a fish, finally managing to say only a few words, "I'm sure you're not being so honest in order to flatter me, but thank you."

He seemed to ignore me, "Of course I was very concerned coming here. Our families have been tense with one another for so long. But I was very confident after meeting you that I would be able to do what was asked of me, and as an honest man as well. It's so often that people of our caliber aren't able to find true attraction, that they are forced into unions that suit alliances instead of themselves."

My mouth slowly dropping, no words existed in my mouth. My mind blank, only his voice ringing around in my head. A four day old voice. A voice I hardly knew at all let alone understood.

"I hoped you felt the same way about me, that I felt when meeting you. Although I understand that some time to become accustomed to me on your part may be necessary. I've spoken to your father, your mother, and your brother William about this, but they all seem confident you may come around to respect me as I am. I am honest when I say I can have a strong authority, but it's nothing I view to be negative."

"And I do recognize that some of my behavior these past few days may have seemed out of line to such a gentle lady as yourself, but in my own defense, I insist you know it was all made by me with the knowledge of what I'm about to say to you now, and knowing that essentially, you were already mine to begin with. Therefore, I don't view it as inappropriate as you might have."

That's when the world around me melted to the ground. The fields caught fire. The sky turned black.

"Adelaide Catherine Odette, not only to secure the futures of our people as so many have done before us, but also to make a very pleased man out of me, will you be my wife?"

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