Poetic Justice II

By chaymaraj

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Poetic Justice... the sequel More



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By chaymaraj

Los Angeles, California

"Babyyyy," Nicki whined, holding on to Meek's arm.

"Chill, Nic. I gotta go," He chuckled.

She pouted. "I need attention. A quickie. Pleaseee?"

"Baby, chill."

"Rihmeek," she whined.

He sighed and leaned over the bed, kissing on her neck. She moaned and grabbed his arm. He slid a hand into her underwear, rubbing her slowly. She moaned in his ear and kissed along her jawline.

"You wet as fuck."

Running a finger through her folds, he slid his finger into her, pumping slowly. He moved over to her lips, kissing her. Sliding another finger in, he pumped them quickly, making her moan. 

"Baby," she moaned quietly, closing her eyes.

"Shhh," he said in her ear, placing soft kisses on her neck.

She cried out as her stomach tightened. She closed her legs in on Meek's arm, but he kept pumping.

"Rihmeek," she cried, closing her eyes.

She arched her back and moaned out as she came. Meek kept pumping his fingers before pulling them out slowly, sucking on them. Nicki watched him and he chuckled. Kissing her, he pulled the covers over her and smiled.

"Go back to sleep, Nic. I love you."

"I love you too."

She closed her eyes and Meek grabbed his practice bag, leaving.

A few hours later, Nicki woke up and took a shower. Throwing on sweatpants and a spaghetti strapped t-shirt, she went into Lilian's room and saw her laying awake in her crib.

"Good morning, puddin," she smiled, kissing her chubby little cheeks.

She laid her on the changing table and changed her. Then, she picked her up again, throwing the diaper away. Walking to Caiah's room, Nicki peeked in, seeing him still asleep. She went downstairs and put Lilian in her high chair.

"Guess what, puddin? We're about to try pears."

Nicki got the baby food out and got one of Lilian's spoons. Pulling a chair up, she sat in front of Lilian and opened the food.

"Get your fingers out of your mouth," Nicki said, moving them.

Stirring the food around, she scooped a little up and held it up to Lilian's mouth. Lilian opened her mouth and Nicki allowed her to eat some of what was on the spoon.

"Do you like that, puddin?"

Lilian moved her mouth, eating it. Nicki held the spoon up again and Lilian ate more.

"Awww, you like it!" She smiled.

Lilian giggled. Nicki continued feeding her until she was done. Then, she took Lilian upstairs and gave her a bath. Taking her into their room, she put on the play mat that was on the floor and turned on Mickey Mouse.

Walking out, she went to Caiah's room and woke him up. "Get up, Caiah."

He groaned. "What time is it?"

"It's almost 12. Go eat and wash up."

"Okay," he sighed, getting up.

Nicki walked out and went back into her room, seeing Lilian trying to lick a toy that was on the play mat.

"Fat little baby. You can't eat the toy."

Nicki picked her up and she whined, pouting.

"Don't start, Lilian."

Lilian started crying and Nicki sighed. She laid back on the bed with Lilian on top of her. Kissing her cheeks, she looked at her.

"I sowwy, puddin."

Wiping Lilian's tears, she smiled.

"My baby. I love you so much," Nicki spoke in a baby voice, kissing on Lilian.

Lilian grabbed her hair, looking at her.

"You can't have Mommy's hair."


Caiah ran in. Her had on clothes and socks. Climbing into the bed, he laid next to Nicki and Lilian. Nicki smiled at him.

"Nika, aren't you 19?" He asked.

She nodded. "Yes sir."

"Well, why do you have a baby?"

"Hm.. let's see. I was doing some things that I should have been more careful doing and I got pregnant."

Caiah nodded, grabbing Lilian's hands.

"How do girls get pregnant?"

"You're 11, right?"

He laughed. "Yes."

"Okay, just making sure. Do you know what sex is?" She asked.

"When Mommy was alive, she said it was kissing."

Nicki snickered. "Oh child, bless your innocent little mind. Hand me my laptop. I'm going to show you how babies are made."

He got up, grabbing her MacBook. Bring it to her, he sat it down and laid down by her legs. She laid Lilian in between her legs and then opened her MacBook. Signing in, she went to a porn site and searched something up. She turned the volume down a little and looked at Caiah.

"Okay, listen. The only reason I'm showing you this is because you're getting older and I know that a lot of kids your age already know about sex. It's best that I teach you, rather than one of your classmates."

"Is it bad?"

Nicki shrugged. "It depends. If you do this, wait until you're about 16. ALWAYS wear a condom. I'll teach you about that stuff later. Come here."

He sat beside her and she put the laptop in front of him. "This is porn.. or sex. Whatever. I won't really get mad if I catch you watching this because you're 11 and your mind is probably curious."

She connected her beats wireless and handed them to him.

"I don't want to hear that so here."

He put them on and she pressed play. While he watched it, she got up and got on the floor with Lilian, trying to make her crawl.

"Crawl to me, puddin!" Nicki smiled.

Lilian tried to hold herself up on her hands and knees, but she couldn't. Nicki pouted.

"You can do it, puddin."

She tried again and couldn't. Getting frustrated, she started to cry.

"No, don't cry, baby. It's okay."

Nicki scooped her up, kissing her cheek. Lilian stared at her, not crying anymore. Nicki held her close, rocking her a little.

"You know I love you?"

Lilian hid her face in Nicki's chest. Nicki laughed a little. She looked up at Caiah who was looking at the laptop, intrigued.

"Woah," he said, his eyes widening.

Nicki snickered a little.

"Lily, talk to me. Say mama."

Lilian blew a little spit bubble, just making sounds.

"No? You're right. We want daddy to be here for your first words."

Lilian smiled, bouncing around in Nicki's arms. Nicki laughed.

"You just love your daddy," she smiled.

Lilian blew spit bubbles and Nicki wiped her mouth. She kissed Lilian's cheek and then sat on the bed. Caiah took the headphones off and paused the video.

"Nika... is this what you and Meek do?"

"Yes. How do you think Lilian got here?"

Caiah looked at her, shaking his head. Nicki laughed a little. He went back to watching the video and Nicki yawned.

"I'm starving."

She got up, walking out. Going downstairs to the kitchen. Putting Lilian in her high chair, Nicki started cooking bacon and eggs. She made enough for Caiah and herself. Then, she started eating. Sitting at the island, she scrolled through her phone while eating. She heard Lilian grunting and her mouth dropped.

"Lilian Caroline Williams... I know you're not pooping. In the kitchen?" Nicki said, getting up.

Lilian continued grunting. Nicki picked her up and smelled her. Frowning, she looked at her.

"Lily, all you ate were pears. Why you pooping?"

Lilian ignored her, moving her little legs around. Nicki ate another piece of bacon and then went up to change Lilian.


"Mm, I missed you," Meek said, kissing on Lilian's cheeks.

She chewed on her fingers and he chuckled.

"You been good while I was gone?"

"She was an angel like always. My puddin is such a good baby," Nicki cooed.

Meek smiled. He pecked Nicki's lips and then he looked down at Lilian. Holding her up, he kissed all over her face. She frowned a little.

"You don't like my kisses? Huh, mamas?" He asked, pecking her lips.

"Guess who ate pears for the first time today?" Nicki smiled, pinching Lilian's cheek.

Meek smiled. "She liked them?"

"Yes. Loved them."

He nodded and put Lilian on her play mat. Then, he pulled Nicki in, kissing her forehead.


"Thank you, Rihmeek."

He smiled. "What y'all do today?"

"Nothing much. Just chilling. Oh, I showed Caiah a porn video."

"You did what?" He asked, scrunching his face up.

Nicki laughed. "Stop making that face. It's not as bad as it seems, Meek."

"He's like 8."

"First of all, he's 11. Plus, it's better for him to find out from me and you rather than one of his little friends from school. I need you to talk to him."

Meek nodded. "About what?"

"About condoms and how sex should be consensual. You know... that boy stuff. Teach him to be a gentleman," Nicki said.

"Aight, I got you. Let me go hop in the shower."

She nodded and kissed him. He walked off and she looked down, seeing Lilian with a toy in her mouth. She sighed and picked her up.

"What am I gonna do with you?"

was this a good chapter?

chay 🍍

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