Best thing i ever had ( seque...

By hey_Danae

227K 7.9K 2K


Best thing i ever had ( sequel to All that matters)
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Not an update
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29 (FINAL)

Part 26

4.7K 206 42
By hey_Danae

Yn Pov

Chresanto is till in the hospital in a coma I'm out . It's been 3 weeks and today is his birthday. I never left the hospital , I never slept and I hardly eat. I shower when my mom brings me clothes when she bring the twins to come see me everyday . I'm staying here by chres side no matter what.. No matter what he puts me thru I'll still be here . Believe it or not. Right now I'm holding Chresantos hand and watching tv. The door opened and I looked at the door and it was princeton

" Hey Yn"

" Hey" I sat up a little

" Why do you sit in the hospital everyday?"

" Because I'm waiting on chres to wake up , I'm not leaving him"

" I think you should think that he might .... He might not wake up he uh don't even look like he's going to get better"

I stood up

" Are you fucking kidding me !? What the hell is wrong with you? You came here just to tell me that and ruin my day so I can leave? I'm not leaving him! He's going to wake up soon believe it or not! How could you say that ? He's your " Bro" and you suppose to think on the bright side like I am! You're an asshoe!" I started to cry

" Yn I'm sorry" he tried to come up to me


He looked at me for a minute then left. I sat back in the chair and cried. I grabbed chres hand and started to talk to him

" Chresanto please... Wake up I love you I miss you the twins miss you and I don't know what they'll do without a dad baby.." I sniffed " the twins can walk now , my mom taught them I know your going to make it..right?"

I kissed his lips then pulled the cover over him , I looked at him for a second then fell to sleep


" Yn .. Yn Wake up!" Somebody said shaking me

I didn't recognize their voice , I rubbed my eyes and I saw it was a doctor

" Yes?"

" Chresanto.. he's ... dead"

Tears started coming down my face . I looked at Chresanto and he had an cover covering his body

" No he's not dead . HE CANT BE DEAD!"

I got up and started to walk to him. My knees got weak. I pulled the cover off his face and their was laying his pale lifeless body. I fell to my knees and cried

" No..No...No...No!!" I screamed

My mom walked in and tried to help me up

" Yn come on baby get up"

" He's not dead" I shook my head

I didn't want to believe .. He left me..

I don't want to live anymore. I'm only going to stay strong for my kids, I loved chres with all in me!

They walked me out the hospital. My mom helped me in the car and I cried and cried with tears non stopped. We pulled up to her house and she started to get there I stayed there and shook

" Come on Yn"

I shook my head " Why does bad shit always happen to me mama?"

She got back in the car and rubbed my back " if I could answer that I really would"

My phone started vibrating and I answered it , it was trinity

" Hello?" I said sniffing

" Yn.. Are you okay?"

" no" I started crying

" where are you?"

" my moms house"

" I'll be over there"

" okay"

I hung up and put my head in my hands and screamed and cried

My mom eventually took me in the house. I laid in my old room bed and cried and cried. With the door locked Why would god take him away from me ?

I continued to cry and their was a knock on my door I went to go open it and it was trinity she hugged me

" Oo Yn it's okay"

I shook my head " why me ?" I whispered

She rubbed my back " Yn I here for you. Anytime you need me just call me"

I broke the hug and saw her crying . She rubbed my arms

" I'm sorry" she said

I dried my tears

" We can start planing the funeral tomorrow okay?"

I nodded my head

We talked for a while longer then I went in the bathroom and put my hair into a ponytail and splashed some water on my face then went downstairs and saw My mom , Mariah and the twins sitting on the couch in silence

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