Part 18

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Trinity Pov

It's been 2 month since Yn been in a coma , the doctors talking about pulling the plug but we're paying them not to pull it. She isn't making any process, me and ray visit her everyday , one time chres came up there while we was up there and got his ass beat by ray. Chres told us to watch our back. Whatever that means, but it doesn't matter because chres isn't nothing but an woman beater and a cheater. And he haven't seen the kids either.
Yn mother is keeping the kids.
I miss Yn and I bet the kids do to. ray recently told me he has feelings for Yn but I ain't mad though atleast he told me and didn't do anything stupid with her. But right now we're sitting in Yn's room and all of a sudden Yn's heart stopped beating I looked at the monitor and ... She wasn't breathing, ray ran outside


A lot of people came rushing in and they told us to get out
We stepped out
I looked thru the window

They came out

" I'm sorry but... She's dead"

" Can't y'all receive her ?" I said crying

" we can try"

They went back in and surrounded Yn , and tried to receive her
We looked thru the window

" CLEAR !" I heard the doctor say then she shocked Yn body

" didn't work.." I heard one of the nurses say

" Okay again , Clear!" They tried again

" She's breathing again " the doctor came out and said

Now I was lest worried

" Thanks"

She nodded his hand then walked away
We walked back in

" I wish Yn can wake up ... now" I said

" me to" ray rubbed my back

" I wanna go home"

" okay , come on "

We got up and was bouts to go

" Where y'all going ?" We heard a soft voice say

We turned around and say yn looking at us with her hand on her forehead
I gasped and ran up to her and hugged her

" Owe" she said

"I'm sorry"

" Are you okay?" Ray said

" Kinda , my head is just killing me though "

" I'll go tell the doctor your up and your head hurts" I said walking out

Yn Pov

I remember EVERYTHING that happen from when chres beat me.
I miss my twins , and I'm glad to see that trinity and ray is hear so I know who my real friends are

" I'm glad your okay" Ray said holding my hand

I smiled

" They started to pull the plug , so we paying for you to be in here "

" Thanks , y'all the best"

" well I know" he smiled

I smiled

" who all came to see me ? "

" Me , Trinity , Your mom , Your sister, Chresanto , and a girl named Aloni ?"

" Oh Aloni was my childhood Bestfriend , and why the hell Chresanto come see me ?"

Best thing i ever had ( sequel to All that matters) ( editing )Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt