Bare me a kit

By WolfKiller190

76.8K 1.5K 414

During a battle against the empire they captured the red Paladin. The Paladins must flee to live to get Keith... More

ch 3
Ch 5
Ch 7
Ch 8
Ch 9

Ch2 the three ranks

9.6K 185 106
By WolfKiller190

I feel around the cold tile for anything. Nothing I'm alone in here. The door then opened. I was pulled to my feet and taken somewhere. Next thing I know I'm being forced onto a cold stone chair and strapped down. I pull against the restrains.
"Paladin?" A female's voice spoke.
"Who are you?" I ask. My head is pulled forward moving my hair away from my neck. Soft cloth wraps around my eyes and my neck was cleaned off. A sharp prick on my neck causes me to hiss. They tape it in place. I lift my head up slowly.  I can feel a liquid flow through me. My body starts burning.
"Leave him." The door opens and closes again. I'm alone now.
(Time skip)
It's been so long. No interaction, no food or water. They should have been here by now. My body aches. Maybe I can kill myself.

"Sire?" Haggar walks to my throne. I sit in silence waiting for her to tell me about the Paladin.
"His body is taking the quintessence smoothly. It triggered his body into a transformation process. He's a hybrid, sire. An-"
The door fly open and another Druid comes running in.
"He's trying to kill him self!" He said.
"Let him die then." I command. The Paladin wants to die then so be it.
"Sire? The hybrid, is an omega." Haggar said. I stand.
"Take me to him."
I follow them. An male omega hybrid. This is most rare I haven't seen one in 7,000 years. They all had to adapt into military style the rank soon vanished. How did the Paladins get there hands on an omega? Who are his parents? Why is an omega showing up now? Haggar stops at a door and opens it. Muffled screaming and groaning eachos out of the room. I step in. The Paladin was struggling against two Druids, his eyes were bandage up and a muzzle was forced on him. So they can bleed from their tongues? His body was thin from lack of food. Surely he is weak. A pair of large fluffy ears sat on his head as a long tail lays limp on the floor.
He stops struggling and growls. "Are u aware of what you are?" I ask. His ears flicker a bit but he remains still. "You're a Galra hybrid, an omega Galra hybrid." He sits there without movement. I unstrap him from the chair, his wrist show marks for the leather straps. His hand reaches to the tubing. I grab his wrist tightly. "Leave it." I order. He pulls away moving to the muzzle. I unclip it letting him pull it off. He had gaz in his mouth.
"Wha Do Wou whant?" He asked pulling his legs up to his chest.
"For now you need to cooperate and heal." I say stepping closer. I scoop him up in my arms. This will continue in my quarters. The Druids bow taking the bag of quintessence and putting it on a floating device. I take the kit down the hall. Soldiers straighten up as I pass.
"Where are whyou taking meh?" He asked. Ignoring his question I continue to my private hall. The door slides open letting me pass and closes behind. I set him down on the couch and open his mouth taking the gaz out. His tongue must have stopped bleeding. I head to the small kitchen, getting a cup of water and some food for him.
"Put your hands out."
"W-why?" He asked. I touch the cup to his arm. He jumps curling up.
"What is that?!"
This is pathetic. "It's a cup of water kit."
Slowly he reaches his hands out. I place the cup in his hands. His fingers trace the rim of the cup before he brings it to his lips and drinks slowly. I gently pull the cup away and sit next to him. The Paladins know he is an omega?
He lets out a yelp as I pull him into my lap. I take a bit of food and press it to his lips. He opens letting the meat it slip past his lips. He chews slowly but manages. I continue to feed him until the plate was nearly gone.
"W-what's an omega?" he asked shivering. I take the blanket off the back of the ouch and drape it around him. he curls up snuggling under the soft blanket. "An omega is a weaker galra. They're suppose to be submissive and bare kits for the alphas. They don't fight. They don't worry about money or politics. They simply take care of the cubs, cook, clean and keep the alpha happy."

"That doesn't sound like me ,not so much the fighting but I like staying busy. I'm not a submissive person.... what do you mean "keep the alpha happy"? taking care of cubs"?" he asked. I let out a sigh. I'm going to have to explain everything to him.

"There's three different ranks in the galra culture. Alpha, they are the strongest and most dominant and aggressive. they have leadership skills and show off dominance. Then there's Betas. They are more normal, brains and the mechanics. Then the Omegas. submissive bottoms that can bare children no matter their primary sex" I explain to him. He listens to me talk as I explain each role. They can go by primary sex or secondary. Most omegas are females, males are uncommon but often fought over, because of their stronger body structure they can bare more cubs than females. Their body is also more sensitive. I tell him about the scent glands that are in his back, and that they swell when a heat comes. They scent attracts Alphas for mating. The marking. Placing a deep bite mark on the back of the neck right on top of a gland will keep other alphas away. Then knotting came, the base of our dicks swell into a knot to lock into the omega to ensure pregnancy, we can pull out after the swelling goes down. Only happens if we have sex or go into ruts.

I finish explaining everything to the small kit before looking at the time, going into the fourth quarter (Evening). I turn to the Omega whose wrapped his arms around his stomach area biting his pink lips. "So I can get pregnant?" he asked.

"Yes, they come out of your cunt." i say

"My what?!" 

I grab his legs pulling him close on his back, he lets out a yelp. I hold the back of his smooth plush cunt and spread his cheeks. "This is your cunt, paladin." I let go of his legs. He scoots back quickly covering himself back up. "S-so, w-what do you want from me then?" he asks.

"If I am to impregnate you, different things will happen. I will mark you and you won't be able to leave the main ship with out me. You will never be able to go back to the other paladins as yourself, you will stay horny and unsatisfied, you will beg to be sent back to me. Or I don't have to mark you and you can slowly loose your self to your inner self and instincts. For now, i want you to rest and sleep. You have the couch, you won't be disturbed." I stand and leave him on the couch. heading to my own room. He better behave himself.

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