Bad Moon Rising

By Loloia

232K 7.2K 1.7K

Superwolf + Sterek x Destiel fanfiction. Artwork isn't mine. Where Stiles is the son of the retired hunters D... More

The Truth
Uncle Sam and the Archangel
Mini Chapter: Introductions
Gods Wrath
Finally Home
Authors Note

Angel Eyes

14.5K 471 105
By Loloia

"Peter's back?!"


"What do you mean again?"

"Peter. Peter, the crazy eyed uncle werewolf, Hale, Peter. Peter Hale. That Peter?"

"I killed him, for killing my sister. I ripped out his throat." Derek said, clearly talking louder than the pack to shut them up.

"Then Chris shot him in the heart and head." Allison chimed in, not knowing if she should mention the fact that Chris was her dad.

"I bashed in his skull." Stiles chirped in happily, but Lydia called him out on the lie.

"You did not!" Lydia scolded, hitting his arm loudly which made Derek growl at her. She rolled her eyes before she sunk back into her chair.

"No, but I want to!" Stiles said, poutin and crossing his arms over his protruded belly.

"Everyone wants to." Jackson said, rolling his eyes.

"Yeah, but I'm awesome enough to actual-AAHH!" Stiles said, stopping short to scream in pain. There was a sharp pain inbetween his shoulder blades, and he didn't know what was causing it.

"Stiles! What's wrong?! Baby, talk to me." Derek said worriedly, accidentally rubbing Stiles where it was causing him pain.

"Aah! Fuck, Der, my back." Stiles gasped out, leaning forward unconciously. Derek looked at him concerned, but kept rubbing.


"Get your fucking hand off of my back!" Stiles snarled at his mate, eyes glowing red. Derek quickly pulled his hands away from Stiles, backing away from him slightly.

"What's happening to him." Isaac whimpered at Dean and Cas, who obviously knew what was wrong, going by the look on their faces.

"Ah, fucking fuck!" Dean sighed, pinching the bridge if his nose and looking at Cas, who turned his head away guiltily.

"What's wrong with him!" Derek growled at Dean. Gabe and Sam instinctively reached for their weapons, but Cas and Dean didn't even flinch at the alphas tone.

"His wings are growing in." Cas said gently at him, stroking Derek's face and calming him with the warmth of his grace.

"Why now?" Lydia asked from where she was sitting.

"Stiles is a...Nephilim of sorts, you all know that. His grace is recognizing that right now he as at his healthiest state and his wings are starting to form. Since Stiles never knew of his heritage, he doesn't know how to keep his true form's wings in the angelic dimension like mine are in now." Cas explained and watched with wide eyes as his sons eyes started to glow a golden brown color.

"It hurt my first time too...taking out my wings in this dimensional plane, but I know how to control now." Cas said and looked Lydia in the eyes.

"I thought Nephilims don't get wings." Sam said in confusion and shock as huge golden wings, with shades of blue, white and black protruded from Stiles' back. They were scrunched up and slimy.

"Technically, he isn't a Nephilim." Dean said, looking at his brother. "Just think of me as Anakin. I was born of faith, not because dad decided to get busy with mom, Sam. I'm human grace. Grace + Angel + baby making skills = a born angel in a human body." Dean explained for everyone, smiling at the horrified faces that some of the teens sent his way.

"So Stiles is essentially and angel that doesn't need a host?" Sam asked, looking at his nephew in awe.

"Dean is still technically human, so yes. I had planned to teach him how to harness his grace, but when I found out he was expecting, I guess it slipped my mind." Cas said, looking more guilty with every second that passed.

"It's not your fault." Dean said reassuringly, hugging Castiel from behind. He pulled away and looked at the pack.

"Come on, we have to get all of that gunk out of his wings or else they'll become stiff...and it's healthy for him and he'll recognize you all as family."

"How? Why?" Scott asked, bewildered, staring th the gunk on Stiles' wings like it personally offended him.

"It's like how only me, Gabe and Sam are allowed to clean or touch Cas' wings. One time we saw this little girl who had dimensional temporentia or somethin like that and she asked to touch them and he got all protective and closed off." Dean said, smirking at the blush that managed to sneak its way onto Cas' face. Cas sent a glare his way, but Dean kissed his pout instead.

Lydia nodded in response, a thoughtful expression on her face before she stood up.

"Well, let's go get some cleaning supplies. What do we need?" She asked Daan, walking over to stand beside him.

"Some cold water and rags." He said and watched as Jackson and Isaac went with Lydia to retrieve that stuff.

"Cold water?" Derek asked out loud, still staring at his mates wings.

"That stuff burns, trust me." Gabe said, admiring the wings with a small smile on his face. He grinned devishly and looked at Cas.

"Look at your fledgling, baby bro! You're never going to let him leave this nest ever again, are you?" Gabe teased Cas.

"Now I see where he gets all of his bad jokes from." Derek said, rolling his eyes even though you could practically feel the fondness radiating from him. Lydia, Isaac and Jackson came back with everything they needed to clean Stiles' wings, which were starting to twitch and fan out. Derek hesitantly reached towards one of them, and watched how they spread apart and reached for his touch, but when Isaac slowly started to reach for them, cloth in hand, Stiles flinched away.

They cooed, and shushed and told him vomforting words as they cleaned off all of the gunk that was on his wings. Cas reached out and started straightening out his ruffled feathers.

"They're so beautiful." Allison whispered, helping Cas straighten them out. Stiles stretched them out, and the pack noticed that they were at least three times his body height, then Stiles started shaking violently and Derek started to worry again.

"Baby? Baby, what's wrong." Derek soothed, noticing that Stiles' shirt was now in ruins and he had cold water dripping on him. The temperature in the room plummeted making everyone's breath seeable.

"C-c-cold-d." Stiles whispered, wiping the tears on his face and rubbing his arms. Derek raced upstairs and grabbed his warmest sweater and Gave it to Stiles, making two holes where his shoulder blades were so his wings could fit through. Stiles put it on quickly and stood up, huddling close to his mate who grabbed him tightly.

"What do you think it is?" Dean asked the moose, reaching for the gun compartment that he had hidden under the couch cushions.

"A ghost, maybe." Sam responded, grabbing a blade from his belt.

"But where is it?" Dean whispered, looking around the house.

An apparition of a small boy appeared in front of Derek. Derek snarled at it, moving in from of Stiles protectively, until he saw who it was.

It was his cousin, James, Peter's seven year old son who died in the fire. Out of the corner of his eyes, he saw Cas and Gabe pull the weapons out of their partners hands. Derek felt the tears brimming his eyes, and he refused to wipe them. James reached out a small, chubby, charred palm towards Derek, but it passed right through him. Jimmy frowned, opened his mouth, waving Derek towards him.

"Come." the little boy whispered and started floating away towards the door. He turned once he reached the entrance, noticing that no one was following him.

"Follow me." He said as Laura's ghost appeared beside him, and reached down to hold his hand. She smiled sadly at Derek, obviously crying and grabbed her stomach. Derek looked down at her stomach, and saw the blood on her clothes where she got torn in half. Stiles noticed how Derek was shaking, so he squeezed his hand and started walking towards the door.

"Where are you going?" Dean hissed at his son, who shrugged at him.

"I don't know." Stiles said, looking at him, still walking towards the door. Derek seemed to be in a daze, allowing himself to be pulled sluggishly.

"Why?" Dean asked, following out of the house.

"I know the demon." Laura whispered, looking back at Dean, and turned around quickly to keep walking. Derek whimpered and cried when he heard his sisters voice again. Laura was still holding James' hand when they reached the tree that had Derek's and Laura's initials carved in it.

Thalia Hale, Derek's mother and Luca Hale, his father appeared by the tree, holding hands and smiling. Derek noticed how bad their clothes were burned and charred, but refused to look at their faces.

"We know the way." Thalia whispered, stroking Derek's face. Derek could feel her cold fingers touch him, feathery light, and tried to lean into the touch but her hand just went right through him. Goosebumps erupted on his skin where his mother passed through, and she smiled sadly at him. Luca and Thalia turned around and started walking to the cemetary.

When the pack got there, the rest of the Hale's were standing where their graves were, even though their bodies were too burned to be put in a coffin. He saw Peter standing, and crying at his wife's ghost, trying to caress her face even though he couldn't touch her. Peter turned around, and looked at Derek with broken eyes. Derek nodded at him and went over to embrace his uncle in a strong hug. Peter noticed James standing by Derek and dropped to his knees.

"Hi papa." James whispered, grabbing Peters face with his chubby hands. Peter placed his hands on top of his sons, and smiled sadly, crying at his son.

"Hey, baby, boy." Peter cried, stroking his sons face gently, so his hand wouldn't pass through. James started crying, and tried to hug him, but it wouldn't work.

"I can't hug you, Papa..." James cried, hiccuping and staring at his hands. Peter nodded and started bawling.

"I'm sorry...I'm so sorry." Peter whispered, trying to clutch his son. Derek looked away, feeling like he was invading on a personal moment. He looked around at the ghosts of his family. Derek looked over at Stiles, who had tears streaming down his face. He was about to ask why, when he noticed that his mate was talking to his mom.

"I never thought I would be able to meet my sons good to him Genim. He needs you, more than you know." Thalia said, kissing him on the head lightly, sending a shiver through Stiles as she faded away.

"No, mom please don't go. Please don't leave me." Derek pleaded, watching with wide eyes as she started to fade. She cupped his cheek and shook her head, tears running down her face.

Derek felt ghost fingers on his leg, and he looked down at his dead cousin's ghost.

"What is it James?" Derek asked softly, kneeling down.

"She's coming." Laura whispered at them. James hand ran down Derek's face, trying to wipe away his tears.

"Who is 'she'?" Sam asked Laura's ghost. Her face hardened and she turned away.

"Someone old, but something new." James said for her, looking at Sam with wide eyes.

"Where is she from?" Erica asked James, leaning down to look at him. He smiled sweetly at her and waved a hand in her hair.

"The past." He answered, giggling as her hair swayed in the breeze.

"How do you know?" Isaac asked him, crying slightly. The pain from his alpha effected him most.

"She's dead." James said and shrugged.

"She's dead?!" Jackson said imcreduously. James looked at him weirdly before floating up to him.

"She killed me." He said sadly, looking at Jackson. Allison gasped from behind Scott.

"Kate. The Demon's Kate Argent." Allison said in a horrified whisper. Derek growled at the name, and turned away, hidimg in his mates neck and putting his arms around Stiles' belly protectively.

"Where did your family go, James?" Cas asked the little boy. James looked at him with awestruck eyes.

"They were in purgatory, Mr. Angel. I don't know where they are now." he whispered at Cas, who smiled down at him and turned to Dean.

"Why aren't you with them?" Cas asked the little boy looking up at him. He looked at Laura and pulled on her hand.

"It's not our time...not yet." She told Cas, looking at his wings.

"Were you in purgatory with're a Hale." Isaac asked the little boy. The pack had heard numerous stories of Cas and Dean in purgatory, and he didn't want him to see the horrors of that world at such a young age.

"Not all of us were wolves." James answered, looking at Isaac.

"Then, what were you?" He asked and watched as pain made it's way across the boys face.

"Human." He answered, barely a whisper, looking down and picking at his charred clothes and skin.

"I'm sorry." Stiles whispered, eyes glowing a golden brown, with sadness and unshed tears.

"It's okay...its not your fault." He said am started to walk away. The sun was starting to rise, and James and Laura were walking into the brightness of it, on the path to heaven. James and Laura looked back at the pack before they faded away, and they watched in wonder as all of the scars and the blood were washed clean, leaving them looking the way they did before the got killed. They waved at them all, before fading away, forever.

This chapter was so emotional for me. I literally cried when I was writing it! I'm sorry for the unexpected angst.

I know you guys were expecting Peter to be the bad guy, and snarky with loads of sarcasm, but he always is in fanfics and I wanted to change that in my story.

What do you think should happen next chapter?

Will Kate make an appearance?

How should Derek propose?

Who will Kate possess?

You decide! Comment and answer the questions!

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