My Soulmate (HoO/PJO AU)

By Zebra2606

298K 4.9K 5.5K

When you turn 14, you get a tattoo that describes your soulmate. As you spend more time with them, it gets mo... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Authors note
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Authors note
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Author's Note (IMPORTANT)
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34

Chapter 8

6.8K 124 243
By Zebra2606

Ok people, I know this took at least a month to write, but I just started school. I know, I know, you're most likely asking, "No way! Who goes to school in July?! That's ridiculous!!!" Well to answer your question, my school starts in July! Yay! *sarcasm*

So anyway, let's move on with the story that is probably really crappy and I really don't know why you amazing people like it. Oh yeah, we just hit 2k reads!!!!! Keep it up guys!!!

Percy's POV

After I completely embarrassed myself in front of Annabeth, I tried to stay awake long enough to get to my next class.

At the moment, I'm heading to gym. My favorite class of the day! Don't get me wrong, learning about dead people is amazing. But I love gym. Especially when Coach Hedge says it swimming day. Not to brag but I whip everyone's butts on swimming day!!! That's why I'm captain of the swim team.

  Originally I never saw the need to be on a swim team. Plus with all my bruises and cuts that Gabe so generously gave to me, people would start asking questions. I say the wrong thing and I'm dead. But then Coach Hedge saw me on swimming day in sophomore year and told me I have to tryout.

  Long story short, I tried out and made the team. When coach says that I always beat everyone in our practices he told Luke that he was no longer the captain. Then went straight up to me and told I was the captain. Luke has hated me ever since.

  So I walk into the gym and immediately spot the red rubber balls indicating that we are playing dodgeball. I hate dodgeball with a burning passion.

  "Jackson! Get over here! You're the captain for the blue team!" Coach pointed to the place where he wanted me to come and stand. Then I looked over and saw Luke. The other captain.

  "I thought that we could do captain v.s. captain! Doesn't that sound fun? No hard feeling right guys?" Coach Hedge looks between us. The looks on our faces indicate that we are not going to get through this without a fight. And by fight I mean I can take whatever weak punch he throws at me. I hope.

  So after picking teams it looks like Luke is going down! He picked Drew and a few of her minions, Clara, a girl that is just barely 5 feet tall and can't throw a ball for her life (I actually feel bad for her), and a couple others I don't know.

  I, on the other hand, have Beckendorf, the Stoll brothers, Thalia my cousin, Jason my other cousin (who is new and who I had no idea existed until this week. He's apparently Thalia's half brother), Nico my other other cousin, and a few others. But no matter how good my team is Luke will always go for me. And that sucks.

  Coach blows the whistle and then dodgeballs start flying. I see Clara pick up a ball and try and throw it. Emphasis on the word try. It went about 3 feet in front of her and she looked very sad. Like I'm talking burst out crying sad. Then I saw Luke. He was right next to Clara but I was a pretty good shot, so at least have a chance of hitting him instead of her.

  She started crying and Luke came and gave her a hug. While he was distracted I threw the ball at him but he saw it and pulled her in front of him. It hit her face with a loud crack. When everyone heard it they all stopped. Some in mid-throw and some trying to dodge. She grabbed her nose and looked around, most likely trying to find the idiot who did it.

  Of course I was the only one wincing so she decided that it was probably me. And she was right. Then she looked at Luke and from her expression it seemed like she knew I wanted to hit Luke not her.

  "I am so sorry! I meant to hit Luke not you. Are you alright? I'll take you to the nurse if you want," I rambled. I hung my head and she tapped my shoulder.

  "No worries, Percy. I already knew that. No I think my nose is broken. You have an amazing throw by the way. And yes please," she answered all while holding her nose to stop the bleeding. Her voice was way higher due to this fact.

  "And you mister!" She pointed her finger at Luke, "Are the most selfish jerk face on the planet! Good day!" She stormed off and I jogged to catch up.

  "Could you teach me how to throw a dodgeball like you?" Clara looked up at me and smiled.

  "You want lessons on how to throw from the guy that probably broke your nose? No offense but are you crazy?!" I suddenly became a lot more interested in my shoes.

  "Yeah! Even Luke can't throw as hard as you! No matter how much it hurt, it was amazing!" We walked into the nurses office and immediately Will Solace, the nurses assistant, came rushing toward Clara. I sat down I the chair next to the cot and tapped my foot.

  "You know you don't have to stay. I'm not making you," Clara laughed.

  "I know, I know, but I feel responsible for this and I want to make sure that you're alright," I sighed.

  "You know, whoever your soulmate is, is very lucky," she said.

  "What makes you say that? I'm not smart, my past isn't the best, heck! My life isn't the best! All I ever do is swim and try and roll with the punches. Quite literally I might add. Who would be lucky to have a guy like me?" At the moment I felt really sorry for myself. I already have to deal with abuse at home and keep a smile for my friends at school, then I have enemies like Luke that like to make my life hard.

  "Percy! I swear you have the lowest opinion of yourself. I'm sure a lot of guys envy you! Do you know why other boys give you mean looks in the hallway? It's because they want to be you. You literally have almost every girl in the grade crushing on you, you have better grades than most, and you have the most amazing friends! Heck, if I were a boy I would want to be you!" I stared at my feet and sighed.

  "Really? You'd want to have to come to school with bruises and cuts all the time and be forced to smile for the greater good of your friends? You'd want to have to deal with a drunk when you get home? You'd want to have ADHD and dyslexia that make it hard to get good grades? You'd want to think about if you just ended it, it would all be better but then scream at yourself for thinking it? You'd want to be me?" I felt a small tear trickle down my cheek.

  "Percy is that true? Because if you are lying right now I will kick your butt!" I looked out the door and saw Will getting things ready to check on Clara's injuries.

  "Percy....... I had no idea. I'm..... I'm so sorry. You are the nicest person I have ever met. Luke would have just celebrated hitting me in the face. You didn't you don't deserve what crappy life you have. You deserve 12,000 time more that that. I know plenty of people who love you. Nico, Thalia, Annabeth, Frank, Hazel, Jason, Piper, me. You are loved by so many people. Too many to name. If you ever need anyone you have me." Clara grabbed my hand and squeezed it.

  "Thanks. Wait Annabeth and I weren't even friends until last week. How do you know she cares?" I question her.

  "Isn't it obvious? They way she looks at you, to me, looks like she really cares, Percy. She cares almost too much for a friend."

Ok I know this chapter is a bit sad and truth be told I almost cried. See I have a friend who is going through depression and tries to hurt herself in subtle ways so no one notices.

  But I tried to make this chapter good and longer than the rest because that how I want it to be from now on. I just felt like the other chapters felt rushed, and quite FRANKly, very terrible. So I'll try and have longer chapters with better stuff in them!

  Oh, Btw the word count for this chapter including the author's note is 1449 words.

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