Taking the Throne

By MTMagni

66.5K 1.5K 652

Agreeing to join him, Rey and Ben are overcome with passion and lust, defiling the throne of the slain Suprem... More

Taking the Throne
The Gift
I will protect you
Let me take the pain away
While she sleeps
Getting dressed part 1
The Storm
Planning the seeds of elimination
Slipping Away
We are not alone
The Keepers
A mother's wish
Cosmically bound
Getting Dressed Part 2
The reckoning
Reaching across space and time
One and grey
The dark morning hours before the dawn
My ship, your ship, or ours?
Mother, I can feel you
Getting dressed part 3
The red string of fate
The way he looks at her
Part 2: A message from the Author
Brushing fingertips
The nightmare
When he sleeps
Wanting to forget

Promise you will remember me

988 36 27
By MTMagni

Raindrops danced across the water disrupting the serene flatness and Leia's thoughts.

Every morning she had Ben take her to her chair at the edge of the lake, where she could reach out to the world with her senses. It was really all she had left. Unable to walk without a cane, unable to feel with her fingertips and feet, unable to move quickly without losing her breath, there were days that she believed the force had forgotten about her. With every passing day her heart weakened further, but her resolve was stronger than ever, refusing to let go until she was certain that Anakin would remember her.

The doctors marveled at her, unsure how she was still alive, giving full credit to the love she had for her grandson.

"That child is the reason she is alive, you know that?" It was the same conversation after every examination or incident requiring medical attention.

Ben and Rey shared their lives with her, aware that the peace and prosperity of the galaxy, the strength of their rule, had only been possible because of her political cunning and military strategy. When the moment arrived to put it all on the line, she did, using every resource and connection from her entire lifetime to bring down the fracture within the Order and solidify the rule of her son. Finally, she was certain what was in his heart, trusting him to always do what needed to be done for the good of the galaxy.

Renaming it the "New Order" seemed fitting. It was a new order of things, a new energy that was balanced and grey, and a new hope for the existence she knew was always possible.

Watching the rain move with the clouds, she reached out her hands to feel the water on her skin. Her nerve endings were dying and she could feel her physical senses fading as her spiritual power within the force grew. Adept at pushing them away, she could feel Luke and others close to her body, and in those rare vulnerable moments if she closed her eyes she could feel Han.

"I have to keep you away from me....don't you understand. I am not ready." She would say out loud. Chalking it up to old age and confusion, her servants would try to calm her.

"I do not need calming. All of you...you think I am crazy....I promise you that they are here....you just can't see them." She would argue. "I am sure you are laughing at me Han....laugh it up. You have officially made me the resident crazy old lady!"

Sending for Ben, he would always come right away no matter what he was doing. Just seeing him walk through the doors would light up her eyes, like it was the first time she saw him walk or the first time he flew the falcon alone. She could see Han in his face, the strong nose and jaw, that wavy hair, and she would smile that knowing smile, so proud of her son.

"Leave us. I am going to spend some time with my mother." He would give them the signal to leave, giving them a look of appreciation for their understanding.

Sitting down next to her they would sit in silence, watching the water, sharing the energy only a mother and son could feel.

"When you are close to me, I know he is close. I see him in you, Ben. I see him in your face and in your eyes.... I miss him so." She felt the hot tears stream down her face."And soon, I am going to have to let him, let all of them in, and it will be time. You know this?....I am running out of time. Ha, I have been living on borrowed time...maybe it is a consolation from the force." She laughed.

"Mother, I cannot lie to you. I was never good at it." He looked down and laughed, taking her small wrinkled hand into his. "I know. I can feel it."

Sharing a moment of truth,there were no more words to be said, and they locked eyes knowing it was time to let it all go. Calling for Rey to bring the baby, he continued to stroke her hand.

"Mother, you have nothing to fear...nothing to worry about....and after all of the pain and suffering...after all of our mistakes and sins....it is all going to OK. You did it....you finished what was started so long ago...and who knew it wouldn't be Luke....or I...that it would be you...and I wouldn't have it any other way. I am proud to be your son. "

"Ben...it is I who am proud."

Hearing the giggles and laughter approaching, Leia turned her head trying to look over her shoulder.

"Gra ma, Gra ma!" Anakin squealed as he ran into her arms. It took all of her strength, but she managed to lift the pudgy toddler into her lap. Gathering him against her chest, she pressed her cheek against his blonde curly hair, breathing in the heavenly scent of innocence.

"My boy....oh my boy." She said as she rocked him back and forth. "My love."

Rey looked at Ben with worry. Returning the expression, he couldn't find the courage to try to reassure her.

"Mother, look at the beautiful sunset." Rey pointed as she placed her hands on Leia's shoulders.

"Oh yes, my Rey, hahaha, my Rey of light...yes, it is golden just like you." She said smiling at her. "Now Anakin, show me your muscles....oh yes, look at how strong you are. Strong like your daddy and his daddy before him. Have I ever told you about grandpa? He was the best pilot in the galaxy, just like you will be someday.....and my father....my father was a pilot too...and he was a great jedi...the strongest the galaxy had ever seen....until your mother and father were born. You are special Anakin...the most special boy that has ever been."

Continuing to tell him stories, the little boy looked up at her with his wide blue eyes, full of wonder.

"Anakin, promise me something...."

"Yes, Gra Ma...." He said playing with her giant eternity knot ring. "I want you to close your eyes...and I want you to imagine my face."

"Yes Gra Ma."

"And now, I want you to feel my hug, and I want you to remember how it feels...make it like a picture in your head...like the ones we draw....but this is of Gra Ma hugging you."

"Yes Gra Ma, I can see it... I can feel it." His little face was full of magic.

"And repeat after me....Gra Ma is always with you...always."

"Gra Ma is always with me.....I love you Gra Ma....don't go." His eyes were filling with tears.

"Why would you think I was going somewhere?" Leia said dumbfounded.

"The man told me..."

"What man?"

"That man." He said pointing at the luminous figure taking shape in the distance, on the other side of the lake.

"Huh....well my love...do you know who that is?"

"Yes. I do." He said nodding with a big toothy smile.

"Well...he is here to take me with him....he has been waiting too long-"

"He told me we could share-"

"He did? Hahaha, that is so funny! Your grandfather hated to share. Yes baby, we can share.... I will always be with you...say it again...please."

They stayed there, rocking, watching the sunset one last time before Leia asked for them to leave her.

"Han....I know you are there."

"Your worship, I thought you would never-"

"Stop it with the smooth stuff, my hotshot."


"I guess the force made you an honorary guest." She laughed.

"Funny how that happens when you are the chosen father of the chosen one....it comes with it's perks."

"I am ready, my love. I have missed you terribly. I think my work is done....I am so weary....so tired....I want to rest."

She could feel the energy swell around her, and could make out his arms wrapping around her.

"Han, do you think he will remember me?" Her eyes filled with tears.

"Princess, how could he forget you?....it is time...come with me...finally, come with me."

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