PrettyMuch imagines

By laurenmara8

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Imagines about the boys of prettymuch πŸ’« More

Prank with the BEANZ
Award show with PrettyMuch
Pretty Brunch
Movie Day with Brandon
Lip Sync Battle
Overprotective Dad
"Im always here for you"
Beach Day with Austin
"How do I look?"
Ice Skating
Loosing A Bet
Not My Arms Challenge
Wisdom Teeth
Boyfriend Does My Makeup
Family Gathering
Target Run
Summer Days

Amusement Park

781 11 1
By laurenmara8

*Zion's POV*


Me and Emily look up from our bed to see Nick and Lauren jumping up and down yelling for us to get up. This is really odd because normally there the last two up.

"Why are you guys up so early" Emily asks still half asleep

"WE'RE GOING TO THE AMUSEMENT PARK TODAY, DID YOU FORGET?" Lauren says still jumping up and down

"Ohhhhhh" Me and Emily say in unison

Today all of us were going to Six Flags. I wasn't a big amusement park fan, I loved the games but not crazy rides cause I get sick easily. Lauren and Nick on the other hand freakin love any ride, so they were obviously super hyped.

"Get up, Get dressed and get your butts out the door in half an hour!" Nick says while shutting our door

Emily gets up slowly and I follow. We both brush our teeth and I quickly shower. While I'm getting dressed Emily hops out of the shower and quickly starts doing her makeup.

"Bebe I'm gonna go make us some food" I say leaning on the bathroom door

"Aw okay thanks bebe" Emily says quickly kissing me

I head downstairs and see all the boys and Lauren dancing to music.

"Well looks like you guys are ready for six flags" I laugh while grabbing some waffles


"Pshhhh yo fatass can't fit on those but have fun trying" I laugh looking down at him

"And yo tallass can't fit on anything but have fun trying" Nick snaps back at me

"Alright, alright you two shutup" Edwin interrupts

I made Emily and I some waffles and then I headed back upstairs to bring her her breakfast. She was done getting ready and man did she look bomb.

"Oouuuuu okay bebe I see you lookin as fly as ever" I said bringing her the waffles

"Thank you my love" She says kissing me

We sit there eating our waffles and then once we were done we both put on our shoes and head downstairs. Brandon had rented a big van for all of us to travel in.

"Alrighty guys you ready to go?" Austin says as we all nod our heads

"I call shotgun!" Lauren runs as nick follows her

*Nick's POV*

I pulled out of our drive way and the road trip to six flags began. Lauren was in the passenger seat and then the rest of the boys and Emily piled in the back. The whole ride there consisted of listening to music and fighting over the AUX.

"Alright were here!!!" I say

I hopped out of the van and ran to the other side to help Lauren out. Everyone else came out and we were on our way.

"Babe where are we" I say snapping Lauren

"SIX FLAGSSSSSSS" She says jumping up and down as I laugh at her excitement

"You guys are wayyyyy to excited" Emily says as the rest of the guys laugh

We made our way to the front gate and we got our fast passes. This meant we got to skip any long lines and go straight to the front.


"OO LETS DO THIS ONE" Austin says pointing at the pirates boat

"OMG MY FAVORITE LETS DO IT" Lauren says as she grabs my hand

There was barely a line for this ride since it wasn't a popular one so we got right in.

"Nick hurry! We have to get the end!" Lauren says as I'm putting my wallet and hat in her bag that we left by the front

"Okay I'm ready, go go go!" I say pushing her to get the end of the boat since that goes the highest

You could fit 3 in a seat so Edwin rode with us. Zion and Emily sat infront of us and then Brandon and Austin went infront of them

"Keep your arms and legs in the ride please" The guy says as he pushes down the bar that holds us in

"Um where is the seat belt" Emily says looking back at us

Lauren points to the bar and Emily's eyes widen.

"Its okay babe I won't let you fall out" Zion says hugging her

"Jee thanks" Emily says chuckling

We had to wait a little while for more people to come on the ride cause the guy couldn't start it with just the 7 of us but finally more people came on and the ride started.

"OMG HERE WE GOOOO" I say grabbing Lauren's hand

The boat rocks back and forth each time getting higher and higher. Now if you're in the back you basically feel like you're gonna fall out because you're literally straight up in the air looking down. Lauren and I were screaming so loud and we kept cracking up because of Emily and Zion's reaction everytime the boat got higher.


The ride ends and we make our way out.

"THAT WAS AWESOME" Edwin yells high fiving Lauren

"Next ride uhhh that one!" Lauren says pointing to a huge rollercoaster

*Lauren's POV*

We made our way over to the next ride called "Batman" It was one of the fastest roller coasters and I've been dying to ride it. Emily and Zion were hesitant to go on it but we lured them into riding it with us.

"Babe are you ready?" I say snapping a video of Nick

"I'm so ready but I'm low-key kinda scared" He says

I zoom in on Zion and Emily's faces since they looked super scared. They noticed and flipped me off. Edwin was Milly rocking with Austin and Brandon was shooting. Ahh the things we do while waiting in line. 😂 They finally let us on and The ride was big enough that all 7 of us were able to fit on one row, so we rode the front.

"Lauren I swear if I die this is all ur fault" Emily says squeezing my hand

"Its okay bae, you'll be fine" I laugh back

"Okay I'm actually scared Lauren." Nick says grabbing my hand too

"Awwww boo, don't be." I say kissing him

The ride starts and nick, me, Emily and Zion are all holding each others hands.

"OH MY GOD, WE'RE GONNA DIE, THATS IT MY LIFE IS OVER" Zion yells as we approach the huge drop

The ride went super fast that it literally felt like it was a second long. We made our way off the ride and Zion kissed the floor as soon as we got off.

"That.was.awesome." I say turning to Nick

"That was a little intense" Nick says fixing his hair thats all messed up

"I've worked up an appetite, shall we eat?" Nick asks as we all agree

We made our way to the indoor arcade that had a huge concession stand. Nick and Zion went to go get us all food while the rest of us found a table.

"Next we should play some games" Brandon says

"Yeah definitely" We all agree

Nick and Zion come back with a pizza and we all eat and just take a little break. Once we were done we cleaned up the table and headed to the arcade.

"Babeeee lets go in the Photo Booth!" I say pulling Nick in

"First pose uhhh cute face, cute face" Nick says as we make a cute face

"Next uhhhhh..." Nick says thinking

"ANGRY FACE!" I say as we make an angry face

"Lets do a goofy one" Nick says

"Okay last one babe lets make it good" I say

"Lets do a lovey dovey pose" Nick says

"Lovey dovey?" I laugh

Nick grabbed my face and kissed me on the cheek while I hugged him. We got out and took our photos.

"AWWWW OMG I LOVE THESE" I Say as nick hugs me

Nick and I walk over to find everyone else and we find Zion and Emily battling each other in dance dance revolution.

"AYEEE GO BAE." I cheer Emily on

I recorded them because it was getting pretty intense. They were both soooo into it. Once they were done we found the rest of the boys and played more games. Edwin and Nick wanted to go on more rides so of course I went with them. Emily and the rest of the boys followed us but they played some games that were near the rides we went on.

The rides we went on were so intense that Edwin needed to take a break. Me and Nick decided we would go on one last ride before going on the Ferris wheel. Everyone walked with us to the last ride, the slingshot. This was the one ride I was afraid of but Nick really wanted to ride it.

"Oh my god you guys are insane!!!!" Emily shouts as we head on the ride

"I know!" We both says back

The guy straps me and Nick in the ride. I ask him if he did it tight enough and he laughed and walked away

'Wtf is that supposed to mean?" I whisper to Nick

"Babe he's just tryna mess with you" Nick says laughing

"He better, cause I'm not tryna die right now" I say as I start to shake

"Awwww Lauren you're actually really scared. It's gonna be okay!" Nick says as he places his hand on my thigh

"Alright you guys ready?" The worker says

"Yeah!" Nick answers

"OH MY GOD GUYS I LOVE YOU" Zion screams as we look over to see them all recording

"oh shit is that a missing bolt?" The worker says

"A MISSING WHAT" I yell as the worker pushes the button that sends us flying in the air

"OH MY GODDDDDD" I yell as I look over to see nick passed out

"BABE? OMG ARE YOU OKAY" I say hitting nicks chest but getting no response

"HAHAHAAA I GOT YOUUU" Nick says cracking up while I start laughing too

"YOU ASSHOLE" I scream while we're still in mid air

We make our way down and the ride was actually a lot more fun than I thought, other than nick pretending to pass out.

"YOU GUYS ARE ALIVE THANK GOD" Emily says as everyone runs up to hug us

"Alright lets do one more ride. FERRIS WHEEL!!!!" Brandon says

*Emily's POV*

We all head to the Ferris wheel. It was a huge Ferris wheel that could fit up to 10 people in one cart. We all piled in and the ride started. It was pretty dark out but it was so beautiful to see everything lit up.

"Babe say cheese" Zion says pointing his phone at me

We took a few cute pictures together and then we cuddled up as the ride stopped at the top. We were all so mesmerized by the view since we now saw the whole city. The ride made its way to a stop and we all got off.

"Wow that was so much fun!" Zion says as we make our way out of the park

"Until next time Six Flags!" I say snapping the park and Zion in the background

We all walk back to the van and all pile in. Nick drove and we all slowly started to drift off. All I remember is being woken up by Zion when we finally arrived home.

"Look how cute you guys areeee" Lauren says showing me a picture she took of me and Zion passed out on the ride home

"Awwwww I love us!" Zion says

Hey guys! This is a really long imagine but I hope you enjoy! ❤️

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